Showing posts with label separation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label separation. Show all posts

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Hidden coercion; blackmail and the trap of self-specialness

This comment on this page
Something never mentioned in all the Snowden-fallout discussions - one has to wonder exactly who is getting blackmailed... your Senator, your Supreme Court justice, your Elliot Spitzer 'Sheriff of Wall Street', your President.... if they can 'sniff everything, see everything, hear everything' then they can also blackmail anyone.
It is completely obvious to all the people who have seen through the lies of 9-11 that the real terrorist on this globe is the U. S. government and especially the military and the NSA. While they keep wondering who hates us and try to bomb every last one of them off the planet, they never stop to consider why. Maybe having your child blown up while he's at school (collateral damage, sorry about that) causes a bit of revengeful thoughts, y'think?

Yes, thankyou for raising the theme of such hidden coercion. There are many ways to induce a will to act against its will. That's the whole agenda; to bolster, defend and prevail in asserting a will that overrides our true nature - our true Will. Such is the nature of the lie and the father of the lie.
If in your own life - in any aspect of your relationships and endeavours, you find yourself coerced by threat of fear to choose against what would otherwise be your heart's choice, then welcome to the human conditioning. But now we can look at it rather than enact it.
There is a payoff in the status of societal acceptability and respectability in that one's person or persona is NOT being attacked, rejected, vilified, scorned, killed - at least not in the raw - not in the open - not in public. Rather it gains some sense of validation from without.
In some sense the development of a persona-mask, is that of a self-protecting AGAINST the fear and guilt of our separation trauma - in order to hide it and to hide from it by a mind that offsets or redistributes pain of conflict it is unable to tolerate. A split mindedness in which a fragment can be identified with as a whole - and associated within the idea and sense of wilful control - of manual and ongoing survival as the persona.
Such an identity is thus programmed by its fear to make a self for itself and validate it in the world, and this self differentiation operates as self-specialness of judgement - for it takes itfenced off self as the centre and the source of its world and yet feels itself disconnected from its true source Nature. And so it seeks to manually replicate life in its own image - which has at its root a conflicted imagination, fixed by fear and guilt.
In so many moments and ways we may seem to almost 'get there', or feel the promise of victory or success - only to be sabotaged or betrayed or left hollow despite the form of success. Chasing carrots, running from the stick.
Who hasn't 'skeletons in the closet'? Or fear and guilt issues in their consciousness? Let them throw the first stone. A sense of dissonance of self is no sin, but a messenger to alert to the condition of conficted currency. Persisting wilfully to bolster the lie that protects against disclosure of dissonance - because one thinks to save their persona investment thereby - is sin. It effects the killing of the Messengers of reintegration and wholeness, in the name of a segregative and coercive agenda of hate - for a hatred of what one's self is feared to be, operates its very foundation. And the more one tries to reject and deny any facet of oneself, the more forcefully it seeks to re-integrate. And this will be perceived demonic while fear is engaged as one's interpreter and guide. And the PRIMARY device of maintaining such deception is the active willing and justified hatred of evil seen OUTSIDE oneself. And so the mutual alliance in stone throwing of attack, rejection, vilification, scorn, and murder -  in the raw -  in the open -  in public.
"Give as you would in love of truth receive", for it IS an unconditional love that supports you in your freedom to receive and give as you desire - including the capacity to imagine and identify in a conditional 'love' that sees itself attacked and betrayed and abandoned - and thereby 'justified' in acting out the illusion of power in giving as it asserts itself to have received. This is the 'god' of vengeance invited into our minds and let loose upon the world. Vengeance induces addictive dependence and propagation of its seed to future cycles of sacrificial insanity. Indeed, feel what you feel, and bring it into safe expression and true acceptance AS your OWN feeling. Beneath and within it are your own pain - and the understandings that release you. Excommunicating pain is painting your world in red and woe.
The father of the lie is a wish of self-specialness. All thought attracts its own kind, and the greedy know how to manipulate the greed in others. But then the love of truth knows the love that truly moves in others - regardless any costumed presentation. Tune into the channel you prefer.
"Resist ye not evil" means - "don't feed the troll!". For the fear-mind is a baiting and tempting deception that operates to deny you your true will. Put it behind you and feel and know the movement of your true being. It is practical and appropriate to the situation at hand.
There is NO way to control the unfolding of events so as to keep your persona untransformed. But there is a way to align with your true signature vibration so as to truly live the life you are. No one else has your part. Integrally part of a greater whole. Life is a Gift that shares. What you choose to gift yourself and thus share into the All is not fixed down by tyrants... unless you insist.

The core of motivation is to move toward pleasure and away from pain - as one defines oneself to be in any given situation.
This is our natural motivation.  A cell on a Petri dish will move toward a nutrient and away from a toxin. However a human mind operates a layer of learned or acquired definitions that effectively operate as subconscious rules from which habit then operates with hardly any conscious attention or intention - and so we all 'live' and act out within ideas of which we are for the most part unaware - for we take our experience as self-evident 'reality. Mind-splitting disturbance or trauma is part of our sense of self-differentiation in the human world we then entrance and acquire as a movement of personal survival under threat. But the mental breakdown of such modes of control gives rise to the re-integrative movement of Consciousness within the structure of our developed abilities. These may seem to conflict - but all conflict is actually within the split-mindedness - but we have learned to mask it - whereas the opening or de-closeting of such conflictedness to the light of awareness seems to BE conflict - but actually is the opening of perspective upon it - instead of reacting within it's script. This is the threshold of our times. It holds the same meaning as 'take up thy bed and walk', but one can only recognize in readiness of free willingness. The opportunity of a greater perspective comes because we want it. Or war comes because we want to persist in it. No one else makes our choices or abnegates us of our true responsibilities.

Insane decisions reflect insane thinking, and so correction is in addressing the thought beneath the perceptions, belief and identity.  The use of guilt and blame to coerce another's behaviour is not correction but the appearance of a temporary effect that masks the persistence of the insanity and propagates its ideas as currency. Fear, guilt and blame are NOT our true or original currency of communication - within our consciousness or among ourselves. They sacrifice our true appreciation of worth for an evapouration, over and over... and over again. The self-blinded know not what they do for they believe their own fear-thinking reveals truth - and so anythin true is therefore a heresy of deceit to be stamped out, subverted or substituted for.
This negatively defined ego-self is a 'maniac' in that it operates from the wish and belief to override others, the world, Life Itself. Extreme examples serve as a teaching-learning example. What you choose to learn is up to you - but that is what you will then teach or demonstrate by your own acts - and learn from.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

The magic roundabout

Production v Plunder

I read some of the above and put another view:

Magic in this sense is the illusion of power by which one can seem to get something specially for oneself and redistribute the cost onto others. It takes two to tango and it takes a victim to pay one's own costs. The victimizer hides in fig leaves of clever thinking that interjects itself between the need and its fulfilment. But seduced by his/her own spin and identifying in what seems a power in its own right, is such a one assailed by every sling and arrow of misfortune - for all such gifts went forth and multiplied in like kind to their source and return to praise him exactly in the currency his own word established. And so ye be judged - but do not own the judgement that goes forth in hidden thought or masked agenda. And so play the innocent and call on the god of anger and hate in righteousness... The magic roundabout.

The realm of the gods or God or the Divine cannot be appreciated except in its own terms - that is - such communication can only occur in resonance of a like kind. Our forebears used symbol and story to mark and invoke the living qualities that operate beneath and within the dance of passion and death we call the world. But unless one opens and yields to the territory, one inevitably uses the symbols without being embraced by their significance within wholeness - like someone who presumes knowledge of a place he has never been to because of reading travel guides.

The truly Creative is not accessible to the deceptive/coercive. It ONLY sees threat or food/power-source. Which means it does not SEE.
The nature of the dance of reaction and defence in power struggle crystallises the human world within a complex multi-layered defence of deceit in which the Son of God (the Direct Expression of an all pervading and all embracing Life), knows not what he does.

For everything is 'done' in the name of a self protection that is out of true with who and what we truly are. To 'steal' one's life from Life and defend against Life as if it were death, is to align all that is true to serve a usurper - and that is what the theme of the article is about is it not?

The true production of supply and sustenance, guidance and support, is not a power OVER life - but is the power OF Life. To usurp Life is to merely exploit or feed upon a 'life' that is now merely 'stuff' or resources or assets - to be disposed of when stripped of 'value'.

The thing we hate most hides most securely within our own thought - is projected to the world and then again hidden in deceits and diversions of distraction. The evil we fear within, reacted to as real, reinforces itself as our experience.

The truly innocent are not compelled to 'see' as hate demands. And so they see that hate is not their true desire and withdraw allegiance - to leave the way open for the extension of the undistorted gift of life.

This awakens a new foundation where the old fell away. But unlike the fearful struggle to survive threatening Existence, the integrative movement rests within existence - being the fruit of willingness rather than wilfulness. When the truth stirs, one is unsettled and disturbed - because all one thought to be true is called out and undone at a stroke. But in the need to know is an awakening  brought through us - through a willingness to know and align true.

Everything is a matter of perspective. To be framed by false thinking is to see only as it dictates.
But one can choose to recognize the false as false - rather than be hostage to its version of freedom within slavery.

The Fall of Humanity occurred over millennia. But it is a perceptual distortion and not an actual separation. A breakdown of communication.
If one puts insanely conflicted and self-contradictory self definition upon the projector of the Mind one receives a like experience in which the laws of Mind operate perfectly as ever - yet seem to have been broken. But thoughts cannot leave the mind that thinks them, and never have or will project themselves 'free' to then war with their maker. Illusions war only with themselves. Their is no war in Heaven - and such an idea is merely the project of our own thought onto a symbol of Life. Worship is worth-ship and when we invest in a false sense of worth we bear false with-ness in attempt to protect our investment. The attempt to deepen shallow roots that hide truth can only delay a correction in which truth restores perspective.
Production Versus Plunder
Production Versus Plunder
Production Versus Plunder

Friday, 12 June 2015

Is there anyone... in here?

Using Disqus forum software, I get emails with invitation to join discussions.
This was one such:
Is there anyone Out There?

I added the following proesy :

Is there anyone... in here?
Be assured that your beliefs about yourself - the core definitions from which and by which you live, are operating as a filtering and distorting lens to your experience of a Living Universe of multiversity that you are not in any way shape or form separable from - except in concept.
The alien is otherness and 'the other' is the unrecognized self or it would not be a UNI verse, but a chaos without even the possibility of knowing itself chaotic.
"Out there", is a special or very specific way of experiencing facets of Consciousness as separate and external to you who are thus defined as a walled off consciousness seperated by space and time from Totality, so as to have the experience of a lifetime within an ignorance of Totality, but which carries the spark of awareness that can recognize Itself in 'others'. or persist as if it is all alone (and hint: a power unto itself).
ET's - include other variations of humanity. But the capacity to let anyone else into our awareness is not merely a physical confluence for no one will let another into their heart unwilling - but will SEE the justifiction for withdrawing and withholding - including NOT seeing what is otherwise in open sight.
In arrogance and ignorance we generally presume 'advanced' to mean technologically developed, not recognizing the embodiment of ignorance of subtler cooperative communications of resonant synchronicity that operates as a jamming signal to such communication. Nor the arrogance of asserting a coercive will upon our Planetary Consciousness (Ourselves) as if our agenda is meaningful or serves the flowering of Life as the infinitely rich creative expression of Planetary Consciousness.
So in a sense it is the human of Terra that is the alien - even within Home Planet. Who has no clue that his particular version of consciousness is an inside out and upside down reversal, and so is gently shepherded and supported in reintegrating to wholeness through every true willingness shared.
The fear-agenda of the belief in a disconnected and unsupported consciousness will be and is being shifted by ANY disclosure of Life beyond the boundaries that symbolize and maintain 'isolation'. Do ET's and Universal communication break through the eggshell? - or is it the Rebirth of Awakening Planetary Consciousness breaking it from within? That depends on perspective. For both are the movement of One impulse.
I enjoyed writing this. You may use it or lose it in line with what is resonant and relevant to your own themes, needs and desires. Truth is not determined or decided by what we believe - but belief can and does limit, distort and deny us a clear and true perspective of All That Is - as it is. Until we can regain a capacity to actually - and I mean intimately, communicate an integrity of being, it is unwise to operate an Open House Policy - for we will simply frighten ourself by attracting what resonates to a fearful vibration (regardless we mask it in delusional dissociations). But individually, we are Individuated expressions of Consciousness - which has local and a Non local facets both operating as one - but as I say, we have focused exclusively within the local, for our own reasons of exploration and discovery.
Well, how are you finding the experience of a physical Planetary embodiment thus far?
I trust you have not invested in 'taken-for-granted-ness', because to sleep through such a marvel is - a sort of marvel in itself - to anyone watching, if not to the sleeper.
Stories and pictures connect us with Higher Mind, if we let them.
Consciousness is the Frontier that finally brings us to our beginning and space is full of energy and information that is of a greater Consciousness of which we are a part and not apart from - although of course one is free to experience that as well. The thinking mind is an incredible tool, but remember to put it down and check in with whether it is in fact called for.
A book I love states: "There is no life outside Heaven". But where you choose to look for meaning is up to you. If one thinks outside the box, the boxers will think you a lunatic - and that is essential for the box in which to think alone.

'staberdearth' responded to my writing with:
Not much comment for this. Learn how to express what you mean. This above is all stilted. Somewhere in there I am sure that you have a point.
That's a comment.
I mean every word. Or rather I have consciously accepted every word to convey the meaning. We all have a point of view. Mine is not asserted but invitational. Opinion is not so much a point of You as an identifiction of thoughts. One can say that such an identity is an experience of oneself as a point of view - but always framed in oppositional terms.
Is there life out there and if so - would communication be possible?
This is posited on the presumption there is life - shall I say 'down here' on Earth - or indeed 'in here' in terms of general beliefs as to where it Is. You may think that a self-evident fact - but is there life in your movie, tv or screen 'realities'? Is there life in automatic or conditioned programming of mechanism that mimic life?
So part of my point is that the assumption from which we ask are already a conclusion. including what is exactly meant by 'we'.
Just as life is not defined or contained in form, so questions can in fact be statements or reinforcements of belief, expressed in the form of a question.
'What is the purpose of life' is already operating a mentality that defines life and purpose as separate and different.
My main point here is to invite a deeper curiosity for where we are 'coming from'. be that thinking or the communications and actions that automatically proceed from thinking. There - that's a synchronicity! The thought is where a creative living event arises, and the structural expression and development and fulfilment of that thought expresses as an experience of the fulfilment of that thought. There is a saying in the Bible not to attempt to put New Wine (metaphor for Life) into old bottles (existing or old paradigm structures of identity and control).
I have learned to express what I consciously accept as meaning that shares rather than made up meanings that jam the signal to operate a private world - an all alone world. But of course this makes no sense to a wilfully private and controlling mentality - and that is as it should be.
My feeling is that if something stirred enough to comment at all... then there is at least something that you  feel within yourself as a result of meeting me here, and that is yours and not my 'doing' so much as a serendipity or synchronicity of life. No one can receive or perceive what they are not the vibration of.
My sense of the 'advanced' or multideminsional nature of  more inclusive consciousness than our current level of balance, is that it would be overwhelming to us (Terrans), not by intent, but by a lack of resonance and grounded stability. And so there would be the polarising duality of seeing as gods and giving all our power away - or as demons and believing all our power has been taken away.  Doesn't this pattern already reveal itself as the pattern of life on Earth as being lived within our already existing system.
However... the discovery - and disclosure (important point) of even microbial life beyond our Planet will Shift our identity - for indeed we are NOT alone - and that foundation of a thought system that has reinforced itself in almost endless questions over millennia - will give way to a capacity for a quality and capacity of Communication that our physically conditioned program could not incorporate - yet it will not be denied or negated but integrated.
I am happy for this to be a made up story that doesn't have to be proved or disproved in the empiric or socially reinforced sense of true to convey information that resonates a Humanity awakening.
As above  - so below - if our template is corrupted so as to give a stilted 'above' then our 'below' will faithfully reflect that. The "moneylender in the Template" is the idea of 'middleman' between life and its purpose. To be 'on purpose' is a wholeness of congruency and alignment. Technological overreach amplifies conflicted purpose - which is magnifying purposelessness.
If you were able to serve the restoring of sanity to those who don't even recognize their own insanity, would you?
Is it enough to imagine and not deny the possibility that there are those of greater awareness than our current sense who do serve - but not so as to undermine our own awakening self responsibility.
Somewhere in all this is the point of Everything. For when we miss the point we mistakenly generate 'points of view' that reflect a sort of pointlessness, that then we struggle to make meaningful. Rather than relax 'back' as it were into the point we forgot when we engaged in such struggle - which as you know, is very easy to start and seemingly hard to put down - such that it becomes our identity and we cannot 'see' any other possibility.
Humanity needs renewed vision, not re-branding of the same old storyline. This means stretching our minds and abiding in what we don't yet understand without forcing it into the 'old paradigm'. Not because we should - but because it is a true desire - albeit stirred awake by some sense of 'running out of rope' for the old identification. Everything has all the meaning You (in totality and not just in act)  give to it. Not more. But never less. But this speaks to the heart of a true connectedness and not the mind that seems to manually spin alone.

- - -

To another commenter on this main discussion topic who said:
Hmm, I'm relatively new poster for Disqus forums so far I'm afraid many of the topics I've been commenting on tend to be a bit more controversial and perhaps not ripe for this kind of comic format.

With that said, there is one discussion where one might could draw enough good quotes to make a similar comic, but I'm not sure.

"Ask Your Neighbor: Do you care what others think about you?

I reply:

Do we ask our neighbour? Or do we ask someone who we have already 'made up' with what we think they think of us as well as believing they are what we think they are?

Do people think about me?
A: Not a lot! Though most everyone thinks about their own 'me' constantly.

Controversy is a baited hook until one is ripe for a kindness of cosmic format.
If I let what others think about me matter, I would censor and disallow my true presence in order to please what is not true of me. On a nip-picky note - 'about me' is not me - so I would rather join in shared purpose or willingness that find contractual agreements of reinforcement for the story of 'me'.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

100% Faith

New Gods: Should we banish faith forever?

Presumed knowledge is blindness to what is actually present.
The terms faith and belief are misused and misidentified.
It is quite so that personal identity professes beliefs or to have faith in what seems reasonably evidenced to their particular perspective. But these are often aspects of a masking identity - for what we actually do, comes from what we actually define and accept ourselves to be in any given moment or situation.
Everyone has 100% faith - but what is it invested in (in any given moment)? One may have faith in 'rational thinking' and presume no faith is involved. But this is the realm of the mask or personae in which assertions of self are justified and defended against the ever changing un-knowability of manifest existence.
The higher mind is out of range to the personality construct - but is natural to one's awareness.
The persona self is a construct and not a thing existing in and of itself.
Identifying exclusively in mask is to be defined and to suffer a coercive and threatening sense of existence. Everyone comes up with their own ways of coping with this - including the supremacist arrogance of a presumed rationality. "Should we banish faith forever?" Is this the New World Order? A joke? or both?
A true science recognizes its foundation in definition - for without self-definition there is NO perspective-experience available. A false science operates as if its predicate is exclusively true.
The "One true God" mistake, is one of exclusive personal definition, and replicates as the one 'empirical truth'. This is a liability of the fight/flight mentality in which the personality has become pervasively identified.
No one has to 'justify' their beliefs in terms of another - but may communicate if approached in a willingness that values communication.
Rationalism divorced from Reason would invalidate anyone who does not conform and use the form of communication as a coercive device. This sort of thing feeds anti rationalism - because meeting a lovelessness in others, is the temptation to project one's own fears and guilts' - one's own feared and hated evil intent - ONTO those who blindly assert power or propagate lovelessness in ways that effectively undermine any other perspective than their own.
This reaction is then equally blind and easily manipulated. Power struggles USE such tactic as a matter of course - hiding within a masked agenda.
Freedom is the inherent capacity to accept into your mind only what is true of you. A conflicted mind is a split persona, and a conflicted world-experience. The evidence belies the foundation. Unless of course one WANTS to keep one's foundation hidden, so as to  interpret all things in its defence.
Belief in separateness - whether apparently religious or apparently atheistic is the same faith. Science can be distorted so as to reinforce this 'faith' as can any spiritual or religious path or culture.
Materialism posits reality without consciousness - or WOULD if it could achieve it. Does not this reveal the hidden agenda of 'rationality' as DENIAL of Consciousness? Is that not THE 'faith' by which the human ego - in any disguise, maintains a semblance of believability and thus its operability in its filtered and distorted version of 'the world'?

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Oneness and differentiations within Consciousness

I wrote this a while ago into an article titled 'This Picture Has Creationists Terrified'. A puerile headline that gives away the Tweedledum and Tweedledee tiff between disconnecting polarities of one idea... that it is up to human thought to define 'Creation' or All That Is - and that such definition can be exclusively 'right', rather than a facet or perspective upon All That Is from a particular point of view.

Anyway... I wrote:

There are two 'creations'. one is depicting First Cause as if it were a time sequence, when of course it is always ever Now,  extending as all levels of expression, and the second depicts the differentiation of consciousness within Consciousness such that "Lord God"  and a separated human consciousness arose from 'the mist'.
Everyone is free to read as they choose, but if it (Bible) is allowed to be a structure of reflection for consciousness as to the true nature of Consciousness, presented in a language that can be accessible to the physically identified personality structure, then it is not read as a scientific account of the physical. Which 'modern' man worships as if IT (physicality) were the One Lord God from whence all reality derives, and whose 'secrets' he (or she) alone comes to possess and so have favour and validity and dominion as the 'right hand man'; "God's doer".
The mind that dreams itself alone in search of itself special is turned away from all that shares Conscious Existence so as to 'see' only as its own judgements and definitions dictate.
The urge to power is a coercive control mentality that would 'Lord it' over others and creation. But the True Mastery of Life yields unto its true Nature and 'Lords it' over none.

Popular religious Creation tends to separation and magic. Scientific creation tends to separation and anti-magic.
Consciousness is not in Fact separated from any of its objects, nor defined by them.

This response from  haloMarch:

I can't think of an accepted school of psychology that would agree with you. Freud, Skinner, Jung, they would all probably see this as complete nonsense, let alone today's cognitive science which would not even believe in your idea of "consciousness".

OK and ... so what?
I am not writing to the schismed mind that seeks to map and control itself as if it were outside itself - which is a derivative of the idea; 'lording it' over Life.
Consensus is a herd mentality, that the people you name did not altogether follow or they would be unremembered.
But the edifice of learning that grows upon a false foundation can never become true, no matter how diligent and dedicated the work.
You can want it to be true and believe it true and experience it true - but you cannot truly step outside Consciousness - as if to judge it - not in any degree whatsoever. Such is an imagination, used as a foundation and a lens and as basis for a currency of idea and experience. Such exploration is all well and good - but our joy in living and being is our true basis of expression - so if you/we teach y/ourself to be isolated and depleted and compelled to herd conformity, it is still y/our choice - y/our free willingness to accept or refuse.

Consciousness is implicit in every idea! Rather than assemble a 'private mind' - why not feel the resonance and relevance of the idea to your interest, excitement, joy and wholeness of being - and flow with it? (Or pass it by unused if it has no relevance).

This kind of consciousness is NOT coercive upon you. The Lord - if we are to use the term for Primary Unified Power - is One. Not a unified THEORY - though theorizing is ok too.

As you allow your oneness to express in place of a conflicted self-definition, you will resonate with All That Is and will feel pure joy. Nor will you need grasp at it as if it can be lost. Yes this is 'out of control or accountability' in the sense we usually use these terms, simply because it is not fearful and so not calling upon a fearful rationalisation and control.

I'm not suggesting anyone believe anything I write - I am inviting recognition within the reader. Make your own direct connection as your own intuitive discernment - but of course test everything with the utmost self-honesty. Mentality is ever a deceiver if it is not directly aligned with presence - no matter how earnest and rational it may seem.

Thoughts that leave the living context of their relational being are like money; they can become agreed currency, yet have no intrinsic value and can lose it overnight when the herd runs (or is directed) over a cliff.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Conscious Universe pt 3 What Matters?

In reply to comment:
1)Brevity is the soul of wit.
2)how can you have a brain made of matter, without first having matter?

from What Quantum Mechanics Says About Conciousness

1) An upside down consciousness says 'I think' and a millennia of process in Consciousness is summarized as if a simple fact. I regret I cannot offer you brevity, but you can feel if any part resonates your desire to know your self. Or you can scan defensively to protect the self you think you know!

2) That which matters is that which is weighted in consciousness, has more gravity as a result and compels or attracts relative density.
The power of Consciousness is creation - but the limitation, fragmentation, dislocation, within Consciousness is a kind of hide and seek in which relative polarized forces appear to conflict as if separate.
The material sense is a structure through which consciousness experience itself within limitation. At the level of acting in the world it serves as a real framework. At the level of Consciousness is is a spontaneous Expression of Consciousness. All of it... (Universe/perceiver) arises as a Singularity of Cause/Event wherein no time has occurred - for time is a continuity of conscious identification.
Consider the quantum view as a uncovering of the Bible's "Behold, I make all things new". Eternal Appreciation is not a possessive identification.
Because we are already using the power of Mind to limit mind, we look out as if limitation is in some sense done unto us - and our bodies protect that sense of limitation against the Infinite. They are separation devices... in which thinking - in its range of attention, identification, intention, belief, reaction, and control, and so forth, is the self-conditioning architect of a personal/collective experience, 'out of Eden'.
Until, re-awakening to that the true Nature of Life is Communication, and then all that we are or seem to be becomes restored or harmonized to communication. To a true Communioned Expression of unified will.
The miracle that a world can appear to a wish or that events can harmonize to fulfil desire is no miracle, but the way the mind works - or indeed Mind.
The Fact of Awareness is pushed aside in the forcing of attention out onto 'the world'. And becomes 'taken-for-granted' amidst the reassuringly 'known' and 'solid' world in which apparently external forces and things determine and define existence - one's own existence... and one's apparently imminent lack of existence. But our interpretation/meaning of all things is not fixed and in truth the power we give all the meanings we make or accept remains with us to express creatively.

The fundamental nature of matter is not other than the energy of Spirit - for want of a better term. God is neither outside nor defined by, Living Universe or Son - but inhabits the part and the whole at once.To truly know the part is to know the whole for they cannot be separate except in supposition of 'as if'. The use of imagination in 'as if' is a modelling of a thought construct. You can create devices to flesh out the modelling and play with variables. But when the mind comes back into its full actual presence, there is no 'as if', but only the fully relational conscious awareness/appreciation of Being. It feels/knows Itself peace through love's extension/recognition. Such is the innate quality/nature of Home, that seems lost, hidden or fractured by an apparently split mind, the world-interpretation was made to hide.

Friday, 19 October 2012

So difficult for women to achieve equality?

The Global Conversation asked in

Why do you think it has been so difficult for women to achieve equal status with men, even after thousands of years of humanity looking at this issue?

- - -

The neglect of and disregard for the honoring of Life as the root of our personal and relational culture allows every kind of false or faithless thinking to enter and grow in our mind. With every loveless wish, a false promise of personal power becomes the forgetting of the power that is truly shared.

Our status or worth then becomes a matter of contest rather than revealed in true relationship and shared purpose. And relationships become a means to get from rather than awaken through.

The perspective that one views with, delivers the results that are experienced.
Such perspectives are largely invisible, in that we do not realize our mind and culture is creating the 'world as we experience it'.

The desire to achieve can indicate tares and wheat, for the desire to know and be known truly, is the Purpose of Being Itself - for such is the nature of love. In this desire we stand in and join with the Movement of Being - even if apparently outnumbered. But in reactive and vengeful search for justice, our personal status becomes justified and identified in victimhood, which gives its power to the aspects of its mind which it disowns and projects upon the world - and sees in others.

Status can be like wealth. If we agree to define wealth in material terms alone, then we can identify with poverty and feel victim amidst a great abundance of Life.

As a man or woman thinketh in their heart - so are they. To wake up to the power of this is to awaken to a joined or communioned being - whose nature is of a unified perspective and whose willingness is to see the presence of love in others (and the world) and to be the presence of love for others (and for the world).

The attempt to substitute for love with personal power has both feminine and masculine liability! And the wreckage of the attempt to use power or love as coercive intent has reflected a breakdown of heart and mind.

The willingness to extend a presently felt movement of relational honesty that arises only from being undefended to our own awareness -which is beyond our control - is the extension of trust and the foundation of true sanity. Such a quality guides and supports more than an equality of status, it reveals a oneness of Source, nature and condition.

The attempt to think 'answers' is only helpful if it brings us to a greater honesty of listening beyond thinking. For the thinking of a self-strategic protection has become disconnected from Truth and is merely expressing fear - whether with force or with guile.

Thousands of years might ripen the insanely complex deceptions of the mind to bring its foundations up to the surface to be reevaluated instead of hidden.

Why is it so difficult to question or inquire as to the true nature of the experience of a human life and world? Because the distractions of the human experience are compelling, complex and designed to keep unwanted awareness at bay!

Now I might have asked the question the other way round; " why has it been so difficult for men to achieve equal status with women? - etc".
Because there is in the feminine, that capacity to yield and embrace, that the masculine is lost without. For the power of extension is not independent except in fantasy. Unless we yield to Life, then the Movement of the Qualities of Life will not be embodied in our thought or relationships.

To see the Life in each other takes a real willingness to disinvest of the games of power that we are all unconsciously inheritors and co-creators of.

Any attempt to fix the problem in terms of the problem will tend to reinforce the reality of the problem. Ultimately the problem is always a failure of communication; first within ourselves and then reflecting in our relationships and world.

To be restored to full communication is to be restored to a shared innocence and creativity of being that harmonizes without using power. This is a practical guidance within the entangled and complex web of conditioning and triggers that so easily shuts down any real communication from even beginning.

We are called to be still of our own thinking and listen in trust and desire for the movement of awareness that rises beneath the machinations of a mind of defense.

In Peace

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mystery of Human Consciousness

 Reading the article and some of the comments of:
The Top Ten Mysteries of the First Humans
prompted this sketch of an article.

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The surface mind attempts to conceive or imagine a construct that 'justifies' and makes sense of the thinker, to itself. Such a thinker believes (and experiences) that they are as the preposition of that construct defines. This is an overlay of consciousness-experience upon what might be called Mind or pure awareness.
Creation in its pure sense didn't 'happen' in the past because it is an Eternal Is. That is, it is the Always and Only Condition. Our Father, Who Art (in) Heaven. Not 'Other' and 'than which nothing truly can be 'other'.

Thought in its original movement, IS the Movement of Being within itself in which Awareness Knows it is aware, through the shared or unified nature of being - which is love. The 'I think therefore I am' is not the proof of a separate self from the process of thought or being but a realization of Life as Movement of Being Itself.

BUT, to use the sense and image of I, as a focal point from which to stand as it were 'outside' or separate from the Movement of Being, is to introduce a lens of separative thought as a filtering and distorting experience - whose sense of 'self' substitutes for the unified awareness of being - IN ITS OWN focal experience. This is so because what IS cannot actually Be as it is not, and so remains true even through the experiences of a thought that seems to have splintered Wholeness and become a mind alone and all by itself - with other similar 'minds'. Whose separateness seems survival itself and is protected by a body - that is an aspect of Mind associated with tangibility of identification over which some degree of control can be temporarily effected.

The surface mind cannot and will not look within at its own underpinnings but looks fixedly without - at a world of form in space and time - that is to its perspective … life.
It does not see that it is looking at Self because it is not looking with Self or as Self.
Everything about it is programmed or mechanical, yet it believes it has 'free will' - which is to say free to think or do according to its own 'choice'.
Choice was introduced in the separation thought as a sense of being able to choose to be in the experience of separateness or to rest in Unified Being and let the experience dissolve. It is not a real choice because a choice between Everything and nothing cannot really have but one outcome if you ARE One with Everything. But choice became a substitute for true Freedom - which is simply the Movement of Being that Is love.

That Thought can say "Let there be light" - and there Is light, ought hardly to be surprising. But in the orphaned surface consciousness that we take to be reality, thought is made weak and material force and form seems overwhelming - but not quite... This is by design of a mind that became afraid of its own power and nature, that hides its confusion in unconsciousness - from which only those thoughts which protect its survival are allowed consciousness.

But the construct of a separateness that is not true is like an eddy in a flowing river. The forces that gave rise to its pattern are not themselves Eternal - and change and disintegration are inherent to what seemed a centre around which all else moved.

Thoughts can reflect the Eternal as well as the temporal. The difference is the focus.
As long as the focus is fixed on the surface reality, this is given your life because your attention is the movement of your awareness. But to put aside or suspend this exclusive focus - that is to relax the mind of identity, differentiation and judgement or desire - allows the Natural Focus of Unified Being to register to your awareness - as You.

If this is given welcome and not rejected, it grows and restores your mind to a naturally aligned perception - that is as the expression and extension of the Movement of Being that it never has not been. In such awakened intelligence is the nowness of form seen truly in its living context - and recognized as of One Mind and not seen as a conflicted and polarized reflection of a mind at war with itself.

Talking to the crowd or the footballers, while a game is on, as to the true nature of the game, is a futile gesture! But a willingness to write this here may meet with those whose attention or allegiance has waned for the game and who are therefore available to notice.

It is only sketches that point within - where our own words and concepts cannot go - but only cast shadows.

Thank you for your attention