Friday, 25 September 2015

The Corbyn earthquake?

 The Corbyn earthquake – how Labour was shaken to its foundations

Whilst there is a human capacity to make mistakes, (and learn from them), the humanity exemplified simply by the demeanour of Jeremy Corbyn contrasts sharply with the spin doctored bids for power that are not in touch with nor advocacy for People - in most politicians and indeed many operating in positions of leadership and trust in our society.
The media do not report on the shadow power operating 'behind the throne' of the appearance of power. Partly because it is a negative self interest at work that is believed to offer protection and security - but always of a personal or personal group or cartel of interest and not as a whole.
And so there is pervasive corruption of many kinds of dis-integrity that holds us in rigidities and resistances to needed change, as well as the more obvious corruptions of a personal opportunism - including the largely corporate willingness to profit from the supply of sickness, destruction and misery. Few can begin to articulate what they feel or sense to be unreal or deceptive - but lack of engagement in politics is an indication of a sense of distrust and futility. I do not pretend or expect Jeremy Corbyn to 'solve' our problems - but I do see him as a public example of willingness to serve Humanity - and not an idealogical blindness of self-righteous hunger for power - not the bankrupt and visionless puppets of financial, international and corporate lobbies that merely seek their own survival and prevalence over what they see as obstruction to their growth - without any genuine connection with true human value.
Humanity is at stake in the old paradigm of corrupt financial systems, unchecked and runaway power in international corporations and cartels of interest, along with capture of regulatory institutions and indeed the mainstream media.
A movement FOR humanity is a cross party and indeed a trans-party movement founded in a willingness to truly communicate. THAT is a foundation which is lost to the willingness to deceive in order to coerce apparently desirable outcomes.
The nature of what can be addressed and to what degree is not the power of any man or woman - but of a collective willingness - which is also the willingness to identify our individuality with a Humanity that is greater than the sum of its parts.
A FALSE imposition upon the nature of who we truly are, cracks - and light gets in. Not the false Obama decoy of a presentation of hope as yet another persistence of the same governance under a different disguise - but someone who is not seduced and corrupted by the lure or baiting traps of power. I have little doubt but that he will be subjected to every kind of baiting and inducement by those who fear change that aligns Humanity but threatens their sense of power and privilege - but whoever we may believe ourself to be, our humanity is not something that can be bought or protected by what money can buy. True worth is pre-money and our society needs to align with reality - and not the asserted realities of fearfully exploitative coercive agenda - dressed up to seem acceptable to a medicated and managed population. Thankyou for your attention.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Behind the scenes on Vaccine damage

I have a minimal footprint on Facebook  for environmental reasons of course - initially for when my daughter went travelling to keep in touch - and now just so I can access FB. Also in commenting on a few sites FB was the only way to do so. Thus my FB has almost nothing there except such comments and a brief note with a link to this blog.

On receiving a mail from one of the sites I sub to I moved today to post it to my FB and also to blog it here:

The Mailed story that I publicized is HERE

A Trojan horse is a form of something attractive, protective or powerful, that carries a hidden agenda. It is hard to step out of line with what the Establishment is built on and seeks  to enforce without allowing a genuine debate  - because the belief in it is so strongly held that anomalies have to be airbrushed away.

I hesitated before sharing this on as I don't like emotive appeals to persuade anyone of anything - but I feelings do not have to be emotional reaction - and can be rooted in a true and grounded sense of honouring truth as a core foundation for Life to be Life - and not merely something to exploit. farm or asset strip. Corporate insanity has captured and is increasingly usurping most of the governing bodies that once regulated the checks and balances for the good of all. We are increasingly left without a voice or advocate.

health is NOT an absence of drugs. Immunity is NOT an absence of vaccines. The power and influence around such profitable revenue streams as vaccinations and pharmaceutical management of sickness is vast - and networked in common interest that doesn't require a conspiracy theory - but simply recognizing the negatively defined self interest at work, corrupting our lives from the inside out.

There may or may not be a value in some vaccines and not others - but there is almost no room to debate, question, or discuss it with much of the orthodox medical establishment and little confidence to engage such a process unless we educate our self as best we can with whatever degree of honesty and integrity we can bring forth amidst an issue that is very emotionally charged. For those who zealously believe vaccines are life-saving turn to accuse those who don't agree with charges of risking the lives of others. And of course those who zealously believe vaccines are harmful tend to become polarised against those they see as culpable knowing or not in carrying out such harm.

A mind is a mind because it can open to receive and be transformed by what it chooses to accept. being locked into anything without the capacity to re-evaluate or challenge its foundations and claims is tyranny - even if it offers the illusion of protection from fearful outcomes. Such demand for protection from fearful outcomes is what feeds the industries and political organisations that then feed from what may be well intentioned attempt at providing it. And may drift over time to process people without any real sense of relationship or service from desks and boardrooms and networks of influence that want to believe they are the best ones to be providing what we obviously cannot manage ourselves - and that can become an opportunism of leveraging influence without true accountability when it can be hidden in terms of Notional Security or in the Public Good. Deceit ALWAYS hides in the forms of what is considered unquestionable - and then operates to make it practically unquestionable - and operate as a default without being challenged or recognized to be undermining rather than serving Humanity. The only way forward is to let the dirty washing out and be honest about failures. The scientific medical establishment - like any institutional power - are most reluctant to do this - even from their peers - much less the uninitiated.

And this is just one facet of a society that is increasing conditioned to being managed and processed and farmed and discarded by the machinations of the very few who don't and perhaps cant extend a genuine sense of Humanity to us. However, if we reclaim our own and demonstrate it - there will be some who wake up in every walk of life - because the loss of our Humanity is the loss of all that is truly joyful to an isolated struggle of an existence in which fulfilment is always a carrot out of reach and stick about to strike.

Fear is bad medicine - to get it out of your diet - don't just push it down and cover it with magical solutions. Get in touch with it and - in a safe and kind way to yourself and others - feel it and move it so as to uncover what is actually there. Our doubt of Life and of our own belonging and worth is a very deep conditioning. But even a little shift from being compelled by fears to waking up to a greater and more insightful perspective opens a sense of greater worth in yourself - in Life and in others. Even as the core truth of those who don't yet know what they do in their attempts to hide or escape their own fears.

I write 'deep' it isn't a casual skim-read. But tragic pain cuts deep - and can come in unexpected ways whatever one tries to do to protect against it - for life is change and our lives are a journey of transformation - not a rigidly held defence against an inevitably negative outcome - but you can let yourself be fooled into choosing to see it that way. A truly lived sense of well being is the best protection against negativity of any kind. Look see what your diet of thought and emotion - oh and food and rugs and environmental exposures line up for you - and  - if you want a better life - change your diet. Love isn't a magical wishful answer - but the capacity to embrace and heal the negativities that are coming up to be healed - though they may be used as proof you are a sick and inadequate and powerless example of someone who is 'only human'. It is all a matter of perspective and fears - consciously or otherwise will shut down our perspective. Whatever we choose - look not to make it from reactive fear but as a conscious act - and then expect the best because you are aligning with what you have chosen for the best. Guilt is not just a lack of love - it is an attack on love. Just don't use it and watch out for those who try to guilt you into their agenda. On any side of any fence.

I want to share Holly's story with you today. Holly suffered a severe reaction to the vaccine, leaving her convulsing, brain damaged and on life support. Her family was told by the doctors that Holly would remain in a vegetative state and would not...
IAI article:
The Enlightenment's great legacy is to think for ourselves, but is this founded on a myth?

Faith in Reason is sanity - for Reason is another term for sanity. But a faithless identifiction within a superficial rationality is unsane. Enlightenment is not a state of attainment or understanding from which to build, but an ongoing openness to light of awareness that discerns and thinks and learns from its reflections of experience. Self concept operates a distorting filter of denial. Beware of identifying in self concept - it makes us ego-centric and therefore out of true and un-Reasoned.

In its pure sense faith is all we have to operate with and from - whatever idea polarity we then choose to accept and focus within. Enlightenment is aligned purpose as to what is being given faith. Endarkenment knows not what it does and meets its own denied feelings of fear, hate and guilt without recognizing its part in them - and so the feelings are triggered and the original patterns re-enacted as those 'who know not what they do' - while of course believing it is operating as free agents and justified in all it does. For the same reason it does not listen - because it believes it already knows, and is defended and protected by a deep aversion to encounter the feelings that originally set up the withdrawal from and usurping of light.
But feelings are not get-rid-able but can either be constantly and repeatedly denied, or opened to in willingness for reintegration and evolved. For feelings carry the original judgments that set them and these judgments are correctable, such that feelings don't have to be denied or got rid of but can rebalanced in the heart - in the wholeness and free flowing experience of the movement of being - in which the intuitive and the analytical can rise to serve the need or desire in a fluid and seamlessly unified expression.
The belief that we know is the self concept that works against knowing. Life is not RULES to merely uncover and assert and apply, nor is it unprincipled and random event. The will is the capacity to think and feel and is responsive and receptive to the communication of Spirit - that might be called the Movement of the inner directing focus of our being - which operates preverbally and is first discerned and then defined and experienced as a feeling with meanings arising from the definitions accepted and reacted from. It is not that we should invalidate anything we have experienced - but that we use it to clarify our focus and our receptivity so as to experience what is here to be experienced in a way that we truly enjoy and prefer or are best served by. The dictate of the model upon living reality is the sacrifice of joy to loveless rule. Regardless what kind of model or self image is thus accepted and asserted. The idea of the One True Model is a mistaken attempt at self validation which embodies an invalidity in its foundation. The nature of creation is a rich and interpenetrating and reflective diversity of exppression, exploration and experience. We are literally killing ourselves in our current mode of identification. By our own choices - unconsciously running within the seemingly self-protective beliefs against uncovering fears we are unwilling to own or bring to light. And so denied fear and guilt or shadow power, operates our world beneath the facade of respectability and acceptability. The exposure of corruptions and false foundations within the institutions and ideas to which we accorded faith and allegiance is meeting those very feelings which the self-image and its presentation served to hide. If we do not recognize our part in this - then we merely re-enact another form of denial - which moves us further into darkness of an oppositional will. But if we own what is ours, we can then change it, for only a recognized mis-choice can be changed for a better one. The desire to integrate and align with a true sanity in life is uncoverable beneath our fears because it is innate to our inheritance or true being. Our willingness for this is what makes us truly Human rather than mechanism or slave unit. It is both a grace and an acceptance - felt as a shift to an expanded perspective in which 'oppositional will' makes no sense and has no attraction to the 'as if' part of the minds freedom to explore.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Corbyn - a movement of humanity?

Corbyn's policies are much more popular than the press hyenas would ever dare to admit

This article in Herald Scotland amidst a rabid press attracted my attention and led to the following comment:

There is a deeper choice I see in supporting Mr Corbyn - as a politician expected to work in due political process with others to serve the greater good.
This is his humanity - and his advocacy of humanity.

He stands out from the plastic mouthpieces of perceived or pursued power - because he stand in his own presence rather than sacrifice that to a presentation.

That he stands amidst the scapegoating and smearing being directed is testimony of a different kind of experience than the 'cut and thrust of politics'.
Is it possible or conceivable for honesty in political relationship?

Or do we persist in the deceits of feeding into the news speak narrative anything to medicate, manipulate or manage the schism between what we are really up to and what we allow to be known.

That Mr Corbyn has a very challenging task as labour leader - that would be much more challenging as Prime Minister - is not the issue - but while he is the elected representative leader of the Labour Party, the issues and conversations he raises cannot be entirely denied.

The behaviour and function of the mainstream media is being exposed as a more sophisticated version of propaganda for a cartel interest that predates upon humanity rather than serving its good - whilst drawing allegiance from many who are induced to believe they are serving the good of the nation and of humanity - when in fact they are seduced by clever manipulation of their own unowned guilt and fears.

The movement for humanity could be a cross platform alliance - for whatever our points of emphasis, they all need to find balance - or war is the result. Managed war has been the undercurrent to political action for a long time - with the overlay of a propaganda of justifictions and diversionary denials.

The movement for humanity emerges from the refusal to participate in in-humanity or dis-integrity - no matter how cunningly spun or laden with inducements of protection or fear.

Whether My Corbyn, 'survives' politically or otherwise, is not the issue. The issue is a movement of and for humanity.

Of course many mouth the mouth of persuasive appeal with warnings that stir old fears and invoke old allegiances. And many cannot tell the difference between a coercive intent and an extended communication. But life - while it is ours - is an education - and a privilege to share.