Saturday, 15 October 2022

Voodoo - the power of suggestion running unawares

in response to the themes in:



Underestimating the power of the mind can be a distancing strategy by which to limit (awareness of) the mind, so as to SEEM to stand outside, apart in judgements given acceptance as fact.

Superstition is magical thinking by which to 'make safe' or mitigate fear of threat given acceptance as fact. So the 'novel virus' is already part of an externalisation or projection of unowned, unfaced inner conflict, so as to dump out responsibility as blame, hence the righteous war on viruses, the magical solutions and the willingness to feed such a market mechanism because it 'makes your safe' from aspects of your life and self that are unrecognised or excommunicated and denied.

The nocebo component of disease by any means is some reiteration of such denied unconscious fear and guilt. In this sense the curse may be cast be 'experts say' or 'tests show' or media suggests, but we are the active agent in our own undoing regardless the suggestions or assertions of others.

Human society can be seen to collude in masking over guilt so as to evade penalty, and boost the mask by accusing guilt in the Other. Narrative control is then power struggle by which to set 'who pays' The accumulation of toxic debts, guilts and conflicts is a fragmentation to complexity of obfuscation. At some point a mass resistance to necessary change becomes a tectonic shift or breakdown of the apparent order.

The mind in the service of self evasion is ingeniously devious. Its remit is to deny direct awareness or recognition of feared truth, or demonised self or life. This temporary 'security' is at cost of healing, but buys more time in which to resolve conflicts that may be too fearful to accept, such as to induce psychosis or breakdown of a capacity to hold a consciousness.

The stories running as to what is happening or about to happen are expressions of narrative identities. If we believe in pathogens, broken genes, demons, or malignant mind control by aliens, then regardless what we think we believe, our reactions will testify to what is in fact active at the moment of being triggered. Watching our mind and emotional react is thus valuable feedback to level of our own mind that are in effect blindsided or running unseen as a result of our 'story' or narrative identity.

The covid operation is a naming magic, by which to assert and insinuate fear of contagious and deadly plague against which we had no defences. There is no specific disease or specific 'pathogenic virus' outside the invested belief set by emotionally driven reactions - all of which 'make it real' by defending against it, be that masking, distancing, or the injections.

The other aspect of any magical solution is that it repackages conflicts or debts in such a way as to seem to generate a credit, asset or virtue to offset guilt & penalty. A temporary 'escape' gives way to a plethora of 'new' conflicts, or rather the same conflict expressing through more complex and fragmented appearances.

The 'reset' running as a top down operation can be seen as setting the conditions by which people lose their spirit and either give up and die or mindlessly comply. while those set to fight are pitted against their own hates or shadow self. Existential threat generates subordination of all else to 'survival'. But the truth of existence is masked over by invested self-illusion, hence those most deeply invested will automatically align in what appears to be mutual self-interest, while being led to ever more destructive measures as if a means to 'save' themselves or their world.

Magical thinking proceeds from wishful or fearful predicates.

Living Thought is a whole in all its parts, such as to operate outside time or space, as synchronicity of recognisable appreciation for being. releasing the 'mind-control' is first owning it, which means some willingness to abide its experience, as the condition in which need for truth becomes obvious as the basis for any healing perspective or integrative resolution.

If you do not accept the curse of another as yours, it remains with them as their own conflict to resolve rather than dump out or use others to support a dis-integrity of being.

But if you allow 'thinking' to run as your own, without conscious discernment, you are already split or fragmented and susceptible to negative suggestions - often framed as positive defences or actions set against evils and threats.

No one else makes our choices, but while we effectively outsource our freedom to external symbols, we give them power over us. Freedom to discern the specific nature of any situation that arises for us is what meanings we are moved to give that situation.

The mind is not locked down, genes are not fixed determinants, the body is not a limit on our true mind, butonly a living presence can reveal this. Assertive attempts to leverage belief belie the self-lack that feels need to do so. Yielding to presence or the true movement of our being is not so much an act that we can 'do' as a recognition of active blocks that we no longer choose to persist in, now they have risen to awareness.

And of course is only gifted or extended to us now; not then or when.

Why 'gifted'?

Because we do not manufacture, win or leverage it by any action or intention.

This is how we recognise truth as distinct from pattern matching to current thinking.

Masking conflicts hide but can not change or defile truth.

Nor can we bring it into lies or self-illusion but we sacrifice truth to illusion and generate a 'reversal' in which

    “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner

Friday, 14 October 2022

Contesting lies within the bigger lie

in response to the themes in:


Contesting lies within the bigger lie may win a few battles, but at cost of reinforcing the big lie.
There was no pandemic in fact.
There is no novel virus verified to exist outside computer software or 'printed' to genetic samples in parts. None of which can be shown to cause either disease or contagious infection.
There is no proven mechanism of transmission as asserted via aerosol or surface, only magical or superstitious belief.
The bias AGAINST recognising psychic 'contagion' is a form of social distancing and masking of minds against communication deemed threat to an ALREADY hacked mind. For it is the lie or protected self-illusion that must hide or deny truth in order to persist. This the original meaning of 'no peace for the wicked', for peace is our natural inherence (true inheritance).
Trapped in the Big Lie of Mind as Controller, is condemned to seek within our own thinking for solutions to deep set psychic-emotional conflicts arising from...thinking that we mask in and call our own.
Love's awareness is not mind control, but can of course employ the mind in service.
Mind control runs as guide and protector to a fear of disconnection given power or priority in our...mind.

BTW "For your security" always reads Orwellian - re the text for verifying email.