Friday, 21 August 2020

Oppressed Powerlessness?

I am not sorry. You are free to choose your own experience. 

I am not sorry. You are free to choose your own experience. 

You have never needed anything but what you determined you have and are. Now you have an 'oppressed powerlessness' - and blame. This is part of our human experience - but is it your final conclusion?

No matter what we use as a framework of definition and interpretation, it remains mutable, temporary and in that sense a partial and shifting flux.

Will you consider shifting from the collectivised projection to the mind being projected?


Our thought is controlled by hope and fear, lockdown (of attempted self-certainty) manipulates these derivatives of pleasure and pain (at all levels of the human experience), to support and reinforce a ruling narrative given priority over whatever cost, sacrifice, or denial is required for the 'survival' of the thought-system, mind-set or identity-complex.

But the above is something that can be readily OBSERVED in ourselves, in any moment in which conflict and coercion is active as struggle or masking in a false presentation of 'being ok' or indeed morally justified, or compelled by 'moral' necessity.

If we can simply observe this 'mind-in-act' then in that moment we are not the character in drama - that our own mind is cast into the making, but have allowed or let into a free awareness in which new perspective rises or comes into our appreciation. Of Itself - and not as a result of man made thinking by any kind of packaging.

'Oppressed powerlessness' may also arise without any political-social context - as in any circumstance of powerlessness at the level of the body as well as depression or dispiriting of the mind.

I see that our exclusive identification with the body as a separator, as a mask and as a symbol of frailty requiring lockdown of Consciousness to a divided or split 'rule' is running like a template beneath its effects - in which hope and fear vie for control - as the presumption that 'control' is self and survival.

Love offers another perspective to fear and control, but the attempt to marketise and weaponise 'love' is to mask a hollowness in signalling virtue - or indeed 'anti-vice'.

I am well aware that vice is as at home in seemingly religious or spiritual thought and assertion as in scientific and rational assertion, and as such I seek NOT to call on external authorities - unless we are in some already accepted culture of agreement to use terms to point to shared experience.

Reality that reflects resonance with truth of who you truly know and recognise yourself to be, is unconflicted. Call it what you will - or don't call it anything. Our current 'collective' reality has many strands - including 'prison planet', which is only a variation on the theme of the 'Fall', that I prefer to call' The Separation'.

If you can see that belief in covid-terror-threat (that is actually of our powerlessness or lack of defence against terror threat) - can and does operate as IF a fact. Then you have a basis to see that a belief in Separation from truth of love, and of power and of peace, can and does generate a whole world of fragmentation set against itself. That this is 'physically' locked down is a direct relationship with invested identity.

If we are phished of our truth, we can and do react AS IF to regain a stolen identity - and can then act OUT the stealing of an identity under 'moral necessity' running on false premises or indeed promises. That is how the mind is baited to reaction - not just by 'Them' but as its own narrative dictate running faithfully to past experience in which such strategy was set as the necessary survival of persisting in the human condition.

In simple terms we all learn or acquire a mask by which to 'survive' infancy - that further 'adapts' or develops through adolescence to adulthood. What is less obvious perhaps is that the mask is a worldview of largely invisible and unspoken social agreements.

Am I a bereavement counsellor?

Not professionally. I do not seek to first make the problem real and then work out how to resolve it. I look to open the problem as framed to a curiosity in the heart of a free attention - the curiosity of the child that is never absent - but covered over and discarded by the 'learning of the world'.

At the end of all things - when what seemed real is fallen away, a simple question can move in us and bring an answer in like kind. But the end of all things is nigh in terms of willingness for truth - not in time. The very idea of 'thing-in-itself' is the reflecting of 'self-in-itself'. Bubbles and cells and selves are temporary patterns with a whole that has no 'outside' or 'other' as a balancing of inner and outer domains. Our experiencing of both is a gift to ourselves and each other within a greater wholeness - whether we are found in a resonance of communication or weaponise dissonance to support a polarised 'opposition' to an alienated, othered and denied will.

But now I have light, I have the choice or freedom to see differently.

To look on the same 'event or circumstance' and see it from a new place. The 'old place' is not really 'seeing at all' but a complex of thought by which to cover over and replace a true Inherence with 'fine robes' of a self-aggrandisement that turned to a masking nightmare from which there can be no escape but release of a masking sense of self - that is deeply associated with survival.

On the Nature of Trust

On Trust

I notice the use of 'trust' for something else - as are all words in an era of lies and deceits. Confucius was once asked 'what he would do - if in the reigns of power', to which he replied - 'I would redeem the dictionary'.

False currency delivers unto evil. I cannot overstate the value of knowing (rather than thinking to know), the meaning of what we accept and use as currency of definition and exchange.

Clearly - to me at least - I cannot hold the world or anyone in it, to my terms and conditions or 'the world as I want it to be'. That I may not be aware of setting as terms and conditions - until I am disappointed, let down, betrayed or abandoned.

So I take responsibility for such choices as part of my capacity to meet or be met, know and be known by others - as within myself.

Trust in life, trust in our self, and through that, trust in the being of others is a 'relationship' within life.

Loss or breakdown of trust and communication operates a 'broken' relationship or conflict that may be expressed in terms of withholding or non-association - or masked over in terms of mutual agreements of conflict avoidance as rules, terms and conditional demands of social code.

The two commandment associated with Jesus point to unbroken or unconflicted relationship with life, self and other as one. When a true foundation is lost, we experience fragmentation - and a humpty dumpty of the driven need to impose order coercively.

I see the word 'trust' being used by to mean blind acceptance or compliance to 'conditional love'. I will love you as long and only if you act so as to meet the rules that don't break or threaten to undermine my conditions.

A social credit system of sacrificing individual response to agreed normals that carry penalty for breaking.

Post-truth society is post trust society. We cannot trust life, ourselves or each other without coercive controls

I exercise discernment to the point of trusting who I am in relation to whoever or whatever. Political sideshow operates the narrative by which to mask active agenda.

Gabbard said she was on an exposing corruption ticket. Is that possible for more than a brief stint where the system itself is corrupt? Is all corruption or 'enemy' out there in the 'target'. Is the ground we think we stand on as solid as we think?

I don't trust the use of 'we' when it claims to coopt or speak for freedom.

So I read it as you talking for yourself.

Regaining living truth as a foundation of trust from which to act and in which to live is the release of masking virtue set over conflicts of broken communication.

In what do we trust? If we put it outside ourself as a form of self-evasion, then we look for - and give power to others and external agents in respect of making our self and world, so that when our idols topple, there is a power to break and crush who we have made ourselves to be. The idea of putting trust in the 'living', was that of open relational presence as distinct from image, concept and model, or indeed any system based on them.

Fear of betrayal or of betraying, seeks to mask out areas of potential conflict so as not to risk reliving them. Areas of masked virtue thus become the acting out of a limiting and limited substitution for life that betrays us because it we entrust our life to a blind and hollow parody of self-evasion set in pre-emptive sacrifice as 'salvation' as a herd mentality under narrative identity.

Do I trust what we have collectively made of life?

Only to serve as a recognition of error calling for correction.

I cannot correct another. But I can allow the release of what I make them to who they are. If I want freedom, I have to extend it to another, even if I currently cannot understand, appreciate or join with their choices that arise from their own conditionings, beliefs and perceptions.

If I judge. I am judged. The mask of virtue is stolen from vice, not from God or Truth, from which 'stealing' is self-illusion - be-lived and defended as real.

I experience the feelings or emotional results of the attempt to maintain a life and world on my own terms - and engage willingness to own this as real feedback by which to recognise and release what no longer truly serves me. For I trust that truth holds a quality of service or support and guidance for being - and grow it by giving and receiving it in such moments of opportunity or indeed willingness.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The enemy as the idea of salvation through attack or self unrecognised

There is no external enemy, all enemies are self-created. I believe this, and yet I don’t. I know that thinking of others as enemies is mostly due to my own limited perception. And yet, is it not true to correctly identify an enemy who is trying to eradicate you (which does in fact happen)?
One of the many (supposed) paradoxes of life.
This is the limit of philosophy, and of language. Be nice if we all sat around meditating – I’d like that I think, but then what to do about these men coming to wipe us off the face of the earth?
To be Zen is to be beyond philosophy.

The mind as definition is the ‘creative’. Mind has no outside - unless locked down in the image and form of Body. But even here, we see only through the idea of 'outside or other'. Ideas do not leave the mind of the thinker - regardless they open an infinity of potentials.

The ego cannot tolerate Infinity - as it was made to limit and mask over. Within the mask is world of reversal.

While you react to 'enemies', you believe in them, and at some level believe that attack is the power of your salvation or survival.

That this belief or definition is deep-set and widely held does not make it true.

The answer - if answer is the right term, is the recognition of yourself in another.

While not a popular view, I suggest we have learned to hate ourself as a projection upon others that makes then ‘other’ or judged - yet first we attack, deny or judge ourself.

The view that the mind of judgement is a two-edged sword, and a mind by which we are deceived is hardly new.

When we enter the human experience, we take on a particular focus by which to learn the world and participate in it.

Within the world of the idea you are a body is the realm of attack and death set over life in a locked-down bubble identity set in self-isolation, and masked in the body - and in the rituals and behaviours and appearances of the body - that under threat can march in lockstep to assert the masking narrative over a growing capacity to question or exceed and expand the limits of the mask as control.

I would refine your question to the core responsibility; ‘who am I?’ and where shall I stand or move to within the situation as it truly is?’.

The ‘mind that would bring your death to you’ is not a completely different thing than your own patterns of self-denial - which are generally themselves denied. So perhaps - as a guarantee that we cannot really get completely lost and locked in our own guilt, we meet our denials in our ‘world’ - but unrecognised as such - because we put them out to NOT KNOW what at that instant we could not accept, face or allow to even bring to question.

I don't think you need to ‘learn’ how to protect your ego - as it is on perpetual vigilance. But you may want to learn how to protect you Peace, from the insinuations of guilting and fear. There is a voice for Peace - just as there is a call to war. You can think about it as much as you want - but the crux of the matter is where do you go to receive your self? Be aware that masking in virtue generates a false and derivative currency of symbol and language for felt and share meaning.

Jesus put it that what he pointed to or showed the way of was not IN this world.

But is the inheritor of a world recognised in truth.

Live the moment at hand, and live the day.

Death comes to sweep you off the face of the earth?

You can choose to see it that way.

What do you get out of it?

Can you see it differently?

Do you want to see it differently?

I stand in life - not death - and yet it seems to those who choose fear of death over love of life that I am associating with death - while they are ‘doing something to stop it - or avert and delay the Inevitable. They of course need funding and controls or compliance to rules, such as to make us safe.

Fear operates a self-fulfilling prophecy - and yet masks in virtue and finds popular support against ‘evil threat’.

Yes it becomes the agency of the very think it presents to defend against - and accuses itself in anyone seeking to bring it to question. But is attack the way to undo, heal or resolve fear?

Insofar as we are meet a destructive intent set against us, resolve to counter or defend what is true and worthy by such means as to bring active hostility to a process of communication. This is the right of self-defence as defence and not the use of that right to justify and take joy in acts of hate that inflict pain and destruction.

There are many ways to say ‘NO!’ to a disintegrity. But if we are not acting from integrity, we use their sins to hide and cover our own, and are deceived by our self-justification or narrative identity - taken from kneeling on their life support, and given in allegiance to the god of war and death - set over and apart from life - as an utterly alien will, to whose ‘mysteries’ we may sacrifice to be brought closer to death in life as fantasy given power.

The idea of the Eugenicists - as purveyed into the Green liturgical masses, is of human beings as a virus or cancer on the Earth - deserving to be ‘swept away’ or at least quarantined, flattened and made safe. But it is corrupt human thinking that works a parasitic ‘virus’ or cancer in the living Body of all, and it is this that is pointed to with ‘wicked shall perish’. The personification of thoughts assigns the sin as creator of the sinner to act act scapegoat magic as sacrifice as atonement or payment in kind.

The idea or repentance and release as an immediate response to a recognition of mis-identification is undoing conviction of guilt locked into sin, to a recognition of error that calls for immediate correction. That people learned to go through the motions or make involved processes of atoning or correcting to ‘mask in virtue’ is hardly surprising - but that it does not heal is the sign that it is false. A world based on false currency is a fake world. How shall it stand? - but by perpetual sacrifice of truth to maintain its otherwise failure to face off threats of exposure as a fraud?

If it were possible to simply tell the truth and undo illusion, illusion would have no capacity to persist as experience through which to learn, grow perspectives and develop abilities.

The function of illusion is to replace, pass off or mask as truth.

If you are modelling possibilities and know you are only modelling - you do not take it as true - but as a potential guide.

But if we WANT illusion and invest in it as true, it shall be so as our identity and protection.

Maybe we don't need so much to do something about all the fakery that works destructive entanglement as to instead bring a whole life to truth in willingness to serve a whole life?

Once we set the problem, we become defined or even spellbound by the terms and conditions we agreed consent by reactions of the willingness to ‘solve it’.

If an insanely ‘guided’ (?) mind can seek to deconstruct Society, so as to remake in its own image, then a Sanity can deconstruct the insane ‘guide’ that seems to offer power and protection - never really deliver either, but exact hidden costs that further disempower under dependencies that effect to control us and do not give more than a mask of temporary security.

'These men’ are embodiments of a fear-agenda that has mass support. What is it’s part in you? 

Disturbance is not a philosophical matter. It can move the bowel, wretch out mad thinking, and oppress the ability to breathe and feel in Living Presence.

Do ‘these men’ do this, or is it a matter of cometh the hour cometh the Men?

A field of energy has no existence except through its interactions with its medium.

Our thinking assigns agency to objects and forces upon or between them.

Systems theory takes fear thinking as far as it can in terms of replicating a Natural Order as a systemic control.

Will we succeed in wiping consciousness off the face of Humankind?

Is the wish NOT to know, an actual opposition to That for which Creation Is to Know 'That It Is Good'?

Or a mind-construct through which to choose not to See, that renders results that seem to prove it cannot be seen?

i feel a bit like Gethsemene - where I look for my brothers and they lost vigilance and sleep - but in my loss of peace is the mind of judgement revealed to run as if a will of its own - and so the returning to the Garden to pray is not ‘meditating’ so much as yielding the mind of a separate judging will.

If love is lost to death and change, it is mere illusion.

As we choose in any moment will determine the witnesses we seek and find.

The underlying pattern of dividing wholeness to rules

 The principle or underlying pattern is the experience of a splitting of the individual or indivisible being to a usurping substitute - and its framing in judgement that selects and rejects. The Individual Expression of God or One cannot separate from Its Source and Nature. I can point to this by such phrases as the One in the Many and the Many in the One - but our physical sense through a split mind of thinking, is the effect of a substitution that can be pointed to with 'What does it profit a Man to gain a world and lose his (awareness as) Soul?'.

So I have posited an underlying or Always within which a masking overlay or mind of opposites and polarised identifications is founded in the split of judge and judged.

The themes of which are a sense of separated life seeking to get for itself in competition or conflict with the other, as with the Whole - that is replaced or filtered by images, symbols and core narrative beliefs upon which a limited and limiting consciousness goes forth to reinforce as personal experience.

The set of a displaced and dissociated mind or focusing of attention and intention, is outside itself - for that is what dissociating is and does. And seeking outside ourself for what we already Are but are actively and unknowingly denying, is the intent to take apart or break up so as to find of get for our self the symbolic representations of what at the core has been lost oneness or communion and communication with. Seeking love and power in control and domination, possession and defence, which sets a vendetta to get even for the loss or sense of deprivation and denial, as well as a deeper sense of retribution for the inevitable repossession of a stolen self. 

So a living truth is ignored, discarded, rejected and denied for a set of judgements given power of allegiance and support.

That the Only Life is One in All, is thus fragmented, filtered and framed to a displacement mapping of defended and experienced meanings that are conflicted or in contradiction with reality.

Somewhere, we know that the model or indeed our image - is not the Reality - but a virtual representation - a construct of mind through which we have an experience. But the pattern of dividing to rule, is where defended illusion, as fear and control, seeks always to take life apart and put it back together again, in its own image. This pattern can be seen in our judgement of the Nature of Reality as unfit or unworthy of an ideal set as if apart from Life, over Life, and instead of Life - and it makes life so, and suffers it as the drive to escape or overcome its own unconscious making - within the effects of its own act.

What could possibly go right?

Within the illusion is the belief that THIS time is different. No matter what the pretext, the triggered drama overwhelms the field of awareness of being.

Yet inherently within the choice to make our own 'reality' by giving priority to feared or protected symbol-meanings is the capacity to recognise it as a choice-in-act and thus persist in it or re-evaluate or release it to a new or better appreciation of who we Now accept and align in being - for our sense of self is a process of transformation and unfolding of experience and recognition.

To arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time is to look on what had seemed a foundation from which to be our self apart and alone, from and embraced and embracing perspective, now. This point of self-awareness is unselfconscious or without form - and yet provides a reference of presence by which the presentations or constructs of mind and their developed abilities are redeemed, released or repurposed. Freedom to align in truth will be resisted by the acquired momentum or habit of freedom to defend invested identity in misidentification. But the war is itself a construct by which to be diverted from what you truly want. Indecision can pose itself as a split and conflicted mind, emotion, and world.

And as long as we think we can choose the lifeless mechanism of a manipulated mind set in reaction - we give Life to the golem of invested self image and ride its roller coaster - as if it is going somewhere we need to arrive, or when it supports our sense of self, for the thrill or hit of validating conditions. But power and reality is given to conditions, such as to seek conditional love or power - set over and against a living relational participance in being. 

This operates as competing narratives and the development of strategies of manipulating or undermining rival claims, to the development of narrative control as a dissociation even from the collective mind that broadly aligns in the focus and agreement of an external world held in common - or what we take to be a material or physical reality to which we are all subjected - but able to somewhat control, harness or exploit to serve our own private or shared needs or wishes.

Now we have a mindset in programming the minds of others, to harness and exploit their wishes and needs as a machine or tooled mind - indeed a 'bot-net' of captured and managed incentivised responses or rather reaction - because ability of a true response is being engineered out of the sub-golem, such that only a controlling golem fitted to its extended toolset of A.I, can interact with the Template or Program into which it has yielded Life in exchange for a world of possession and control.

Lording it over reality has to render reality as quanta, and data, within a 'mind' of rules that judges blindly or systemically. There is no dialogue, relationship or quality of recognition, exchange and expansion - but only a facsimile or parody of life under tyrannous dictate - or it would be tyrannous if there were anyone IN such a world by anything but their own choice. That we can assign the hated or feared to the intent of choice of others is part of how we hide our own part and justify coercive power (attack) raised upon the victim against victimiser or perpetrator.

When we open insight to the mind, to its patterning in wilful blindness, we are tempted or of a habit of bringing all that is discovered to serve a mind of possession and control - as if the 'discoverer' is over and apart from what is 'seen' in others, and as an insider, able to leverage others thereby - ostensibly to 'save', help, wake up, provide solutions that promise to mitigate, check, control or eradicate an evil, fear or threat.

This will also operate the cover story, damage control, diversionary tactics and redefining of 'problem' to evade the recognition that such 'insight' was used manipulatively and deceitfully under perhaps some plausible deniability, by a wilful or active ignorance - protected and defended against empirical and relational honesty, as some programmed script of seeking self-validation as victory over Life.

This 'victory' is the restatement of the 'normal' or conditioned mind, as systemically closed to its own Source and Nature, as a willing slave to artificial thinking. Living death - while a contradiction in terms, is the core pattern of a self-differentiation, given priority over That which is seemingly differentiated from - but without which it could not seem to exist.

Transcendence is already the Fact, beneath a focus in appearances, but awareness of transcendence is in the willingness to give and receive true with-ness, and to share in true worth-ship. The burden of tolerating or splitting to hold contradictory self-investments can be ingeniously masked over so as to buy time to persist in their experience and exploration, but cannot break the grace of the limit to tolerate pain - which can also be called meaninglessness or insanity - and not just flagged to a physical displacement.

A Reset as Rebalancing is part of the fluid balancing the Life is and does. We can interpret change destructively, and see death in the renewal of life, but as Life, we are the fulcrum or Infinity Point that embraces all polarities of expression without leaving Home.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

At War with our own Nature

By their fruits you shall know them.

That which is set at war with it own nature can be assigned a 'second nature' or acquired conditioning - but this is a renaming or masking narrative over the 'war' or split.

The dissociated or split-off mind is in emulation - within Living Thought - a wholeness in all it parts that has no direct translation within polarised or split terms.

Yet at no time is that which lives us actually absent from our life or mind - but within perceptual constructs, we experience as if rejected, abandoned, disconnected, betrayed, or denied life - all of which is on terms and conditions imposed on life, that are not met.

Mind is by nature creative, but the use of the creative to lock-down and mask in a body, is a limiting of awareness by setting up conflict within the mind of identification with self-imaged. The identity in idol or ideal finds life unsatisfying, imperfect and unworthy. It seeks to coerce, manipulate of replace such a world with attempt to regain what was 'lost' or make a new order of the ideal over the felt chaos of belief and experience of its being, broken, lost or betrayed.

Identities operate as inertial fulcrums of displacement and a separation trauma is a loss of That which truly identifies everything to a split or dissociated 'mind' in search of identity.

A sense of lack seeking outside itself as an ego-alien 'adventure'.

A self-evasive masking in 'virtue' or truth as a means of self validation and reinforcement set against the hated and feared, flagged to 'other' and away from identity in 'control'.

Posts into the theme:


The archetypal themes of a 'split mind' of broken communication play out as 'mad gods' or powers set in symbol of power at rest lost to 'separation trauma - and grievance' or in symbol of love's intimate guidance and support lost to treachery and betrayal.

The higher, true or original nature - becomes hidden by symbols, that themselves become derivative concepts set in given meanings - instead of transparency to That which gives Meaning - through us. The mask of opacity, denies depth of communion and communication, to its own currency of self-seeking within the mask, or power within the world taken as 'thing in itself'.

Yet within or beneath and beyond the mask is the 'Beholder of All'.

A war mind 'sees' pathological narratives in act, because symbiotic agreement has been denied and discarded from its own thought.

Life is one. Life is many. We don't have or need words for what Is, for All is already spoken. But we need a word of forgiveness for what we made in error and cannot otherwise release, and be released from.


Spiritual connection can be considered as a resonance to direct qualities of being within a structured mind of thought. What we consider to be consciousness (with cultural or shared expression) is a patterning of thought in relation to Source-Nature that is then extended through relational expression and exchange.

The concept of evil, is a derivative that can then be given or accord primary agency - as a masking or filtering substitution for True Derivation or Authorship, as a false or alien and oppositional 'authority' within the 'masking' of a mind set in its own illusions by a disintegrity of thought that operates split or contradicting purposes.

Whenever the illusion is used to judge over illusion, the consciousness operates a reversal of the natural order, assigning effect as Cause - and aligning in narrative assertions as power over illusion, by which to give power to masking deceits and suffer what we give as the measure of our own receipt.

That mind is free to create illusion is part of the quality of a giving and receiving awareness of being - but the limiting or lockdown of mind to its illusion as power over life, masked in virtue of necessity, is to conflict with the freedom of our being, as a private agenda, masked over in hiding as a self-protective filtering, limiting and blocking of 'Communication'. Life Is - communication and exchange, but substitution of derivate currency operate as if true. This means they are accepted, aligned in and acted from as true of us in their moment of execution.

We can and do make invisible the structuring of thought and belief we act from as a second nature or automatic and learned 'normal'. But are readily able to see the incongruities and contradictions of others - as they of us. If we focus in seeking error, sin or unworthiness in others, we use them to bolster or boost a sense of lack of health and wholeness. We feed a sickness by wanting to see it in others. This is 'judgement' that uses illusion as a lens to determine the relative worth or hierarchy of illusions or 'My 'reality' at your expense - as a polarisation of identity in power struggle.

But we can as readily choose to give the focus to what is right or true or worthy of other beings - regardless their current masking. This is revealed to the willingness to look beyond the mask - or indeed to pause or release the identity of our mask.

Mask as protection from fear, is an embodiment of fear in defence - that withholds or withdraws from communication and exchange to ritualised forms of virtue in separateness that establish hierarchies of 'worth' or credit and invalidation.

If we would meet or interact with another culture - past or present - we can only do so through our own - and this is true individually no less - as meeting another being.

The idea of meeting or communication is firstly that of a resonant willingness or alignment of intention and desire. Cultural exchange is of the revealing of another as ourselves and or ourself in another that expands and extends our circle of recognition and participation in life. But the use of another as a means to get for a private agenda or self-illusion, is the masking in communication or the making of exchange as a means to 'get', or possess and control. While attempts to demonise and deny such manipulative deceit, make law that holds order, it can also become coded as laws that operate blindly, as so become themselves the vector of manipulative deceits of an imposing or coercive 'order', which is no order at all, but sacrifice to idol set over feared chaos.

It is indeed said that to all things there is a season, and the experiencing of the polarity of tyranny and subjection is the conditions for the generating of a seeding for new life from a recognition and release of the illusions that operate 'death' in life or loss of spiritual connection. This is part of identification with the body and can be experienced in the capacity to transparency or opacity to life's expressing according to our  inhibiting or trusting and allowing. We can get in our own way and blame it on the tools, and in that sense become tooled to a sense of denied responsibility, that also blames and accuses itself in others. 


I feel a resonance with the gist of what you are saying, but feel rather to align in the Living and resist or withdraw allegiance and support from the temptation to resist evil - as if that confers virtue or identity.

When Jesus said resist ye not evil, he did not mean consent to be a passive doormat to bullies or learn to 'love' pain and suffering.

A struggle of 'wills' within our mind is really a delayed and evaded decision. Not unlike an addict who simply cannot see their own predicament from any other frame than that defined by their identity set in external dependence - until and unless 'bottoming out'.

And so ingenious ways are generated to protect and maintain a mask for the protection of the addiction - as if it is Life. 

While we are aware of this in regard to substances or even to more socially invisible dependencies, we are less aware it applies to our 'thinking'. Or what passes as thinking to a mind-capture in its own self-contradictions unrecognised.

But I join with aligning always now in appreciation and extension of freedom - which is innate or given us in our being. If we can kill ourselves over and over again, and come each time to a world of self-illusion to die as if THIS time it will be different, then we are exercising freedom to suffer illusions as real because on some level we WANT this.

I say level - because a mind at war with itself is both compartmentalised and split into many levels - not least from attempt to DO what Life Is as if we are or have become a thing-in-itself, alone, apart and set within a realm of death - as fear, pain and loss to be countered from a 'separated' sense of closed system thinking. Not unlike the theoretical idea of a pathogenic virus that must 'infect' the living, capture and control it to replicate and mutate itself so as to evade extinction. We can and do 'flag' our own mind to life and attack it there as our moral necessity or survival. And until there is a literal shift or flip of perspective can 'do' nothing else.

Positing Life to be Out There as a resource to break into and plunder for possession and control can be readily observed in the patterning of currencies of thought - invisibly running as 'normal'. Communication and exchange is always mutual - but our filtering of awareness and priority of attention sets up levels of 'reality' such as to worship 'Getting' as the law of life. That this depletes, toxifies and indentures to degradation and death is ingeniously packaged as financial instruments that are willingly bought or sucked up by the 'sin-eaters' of the day as if to gain power, profit, privilege and protection within a context of powerlessness, fear and lack. But masking over this is at best a temporary expedient. Persistent resort to temporary expedient as a manual replacement for Life, is our experience of time - 'stolen' from Eternity. Yet always now. Orwell's 'present' was a face crushed in the mud by terror. But Presence is not set or cast in struggle... unless you insist!

Presence of mind is of a wholeness of heart and mind as one - which is synchrony of being in expression. Understanding as attempt to define for control, is the old habit. But standing under as willingness to be truly moved - is to truth that what we need is within the movement of the whole, even if 'temporarily' we are getting in our own way by the residual momentum of old choices, that rise to be recognised and released - or perhaps recognised enough to begin to question as the process of a willingness of release over steps in time.

Without free awareness, the triggering of ancient fears are doubled down in as restatement of intent to remain unrecognised or hidden, held secret and apart under mask of protection from fear of Total Loss or indeed Total Pain - because Totality or wholeness of being is beyond control and therefore without form or direction to the mind set for 'getting'. By which the truly known is framed as 'The Unknown', onto which fear projects and is magnified to go forth and multiply an abundance of conflict, limitation and debt.

The mind is a projector. What we give out is what we set as the measure of our receiving.

The fear-mind seeks then to manually change the narrative by manipulative coercions and deceits, but as the saying says' wherever you go, there you are!'. Only acceptance and alignment in Spirit restores and renews the mind as an integral servant with a wholeness in stead of the impossible burden of control, defence and pain of isolation. Only truth aligns in unified purpose. No matter how close to 100% a unity set in fear against the projection of its own evils can seem to become, the effects cannot kill their Living Source and Cause. Thought do not leave the mind that thinks them - no matter how cunningly cast out to then come back in attack, hijack or violate who we truly are. But that which is denied light and right must seek wholeness of release. While that which claims partiality, exclusivity and self-specialness as the voice of authority for wholeness set over broken parts resists any undermining or exposure of its own broken connection.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can never put Humpty together again.

Recognising futility as futility is the release of a meaningless self-contradiction. Life is already in Movement - but we haven't been with life - while set in a mind of struggle. pausing of insanity, allows a fresh moment to abide in us and through us. This is demonstrably so - but fascination and investment in conflict can be addictive, as a self reinforcing pattern of condition and response. Short term seemings, can then be directly released of compulsive attributes or 'authority' instead of playing them out as a war of minds to resulting tragedy in pain and loss.

If we ignore our responsibility in the little things we can readily address, why should we expect to hold integrity in the 'big things'? Yet in the former is a pattern that is the same in all.

Monday, 17 August 2020

If we face a true Reckoning or are brought to a true account

 Ben Richards

I can understand people not wanting to get into trouble but you should understand you're already in a massive amount of trouble regardless, better to go down with a fight than a whimper.

If we face a true Reckoning or are brought to a true account - it is not the world that judges us, but ourselves stripped of the mind we took from the world to hide in. 

So to choose to be true to who you are is not really a fight - excepting a persistent choice to rise above old habit patterns of reaction or temptation to self-negative thinking (that then extends to others as a hateful world - demanding defences that Do the thing they purport to protect from).

Reconciling ourselves with our Life or indeed our God - is not about adding more layers of self-justification backed by aggressive defences, but their release to a restored wholeness of being - despite conditions.

So rather than be a doormat or a passive aggressive battery pack for denied Life, stand in what we have as the willingness to extend and receive truly. Equality at the level of being is not about social status or judgements - but simple presence. This is what is masked over as collectivised or lock-stepped fear that knows not what it does (it is a driven compulsion from a lack of light, life and love) - given power or priority.

Love does not judge but discerns or recognises by extension. It takes one to know one. The reaction to fear becomes its reinforcement and replication - or contagion - in ourselves. Generally we may notice we have not only judged, but automatically reacted and are already in the resulting experience of grievance defended. But the grace of noticing the mask of mind-in-reaction is the opportunity to check in as presence of awareness in willingness for truth.