Friday, 4 December 2020

Invested illusions masking over truth

I start with reference to France, Raoul and HCQ etc

HCQ protocols address a zinc deficiency not a novel and unique virus caused disease, but for anyone who believes that THEY hold an effective CURE that is being DENIED by vested interests is a prime time candidate for worshipping the disease that sets them in such a role by dramatic contrast.

Active Vit D can also be given such merit - along with various other protocols. There are some in the nutrition world who see 'covid' as the opportunity to bring nutritive approaches to public recognition and therefore invest in the 'One virus to rule them all' narrative.

But underlying understanding of toxicity and deficiency that accumulate to become what we call weakened 'immune system' or susceptibility to 'catch' or develop disease, points to symptoms as the body's defence in action and not as the disease itself.

The importance of naming or defining as a narrative framework through which findings, perceptions and data are then framed and fitted into cannot be overestimated.

To a narrative manipulation - Everything is a 'social construct' and thus a leverage for agenda framed and fitted to personal or private (masked) agenda. It is quite possible to mask our own 'conspirational support' for a lie - as this posts starts out showing, For each sees only what they want to see from an unconscious bias that operates as perceived self interest, resulting from acquired conditioning and learned adaptation.

If everything WERE - for the sake of argument - a social construct, then I suggest we are no longer talking of Reality representing or reflecting truth, but of mapping and modelling of a mind or mental construct through which we engage in the human world of meanings, overlaid upon a matrix of support for the experience of such a co-creation.

That this underlying whole is un-definable is implicit in science as a model, that never can become the reality itself - but is nonetheless invested and identifed in as IF it is Reality Itself, leading to competing definitions and narrative identities set in 'power struggle' for WHO gets to tell reality what it is. Or at least run as the gatekeeper and kingmaker of funded and supported perceptions.

Truth does not change. Nor is truth static.

Because there is none IN the construct - but only as resonant alignment of a true relation.

Neither pyschopathogen nor holy cure is IN the construct of the world, but through a true relational alignment are the balance points regained that constitute a true governance.

While each identity operates a polarised insistence from a presumption of moral necessity, the whole is actively denied a true voice or witness.

The breakdown of communication is the direct result of the attempt to weaponise and leverage thought and word and its results, to support an identifiction that can be summarised as :

"I Want It Thus!"

In a 3 year old a tantrum may seek monopoly, but lack the means to effect it.

That we mostly learn different strategies does not in itself mean we truly recognise the rights,needs and life of others.

A psychopathy learns to mask in social constructs as the way to get its separate needs through the realm of social manipulations and will have no other experience until the mask itself breaks down. To most of us, the investment in social reality is a primary determiner of our thinking, and so when there is a shift in social masking 'normals' thinking cannot find any basis from which to have any power - because there is no alignment to truth. Only adaptation within a larger social construct of identity entanglement that herds under the perceived source of power and protection - externally. Truth is always an inner discernment - no less when in relation to any external communication or something masking as a communication that is really an offer or invitation set persuasively or framed to elicit a sympathetic response.

Feared truth frames the mind in the impossibility of true safety, and sets up the self contradictory doublethink of a mind that is actively in denial of what it is absolutely dependent on - even to live such experience of a mind-reversal.

While the results of self-denial generate evils or dissonant and conflicting results, its development is of a core function of self-differentiation for the purpose of having, living and sharing in experience of truth through the lens of a segregative differentiation.

In this sense what we will is our result, but through an invisibly structured sense of self-construct that is protected against exposure as from loss of all that it means to live.

A recognition of true needs serving a reprioritisation of identity in attention is the revealing of the wilfulness as a choice that may be better served by looking at the situation from another perspective, rather than forcing a 'choice' on another as if to strengthen or boost a defence against exposure to feared truth - hence as a survival or 'fight' response set over the masking self-evasion of a flight response.

Fear begets fear such as to segregate the flow or unfolding of being to a stutter of boom and bust. But fear expresses a conflict of polarised charge separations as a split identification. The balance point seems to be a zero-point that both polarities seek in perpetually mutual dis-equilibrium of the always changing.

If we want life truly, we want to align in true relationship - even if all our habit-training has been to take a private sense of possession and control as the only life there is - or was - because it always operates as a hindsight and foresight of dissociative thinking with a presentation masking over simple presence.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Love that cast out fear

To  @skadi warrior   

Christianity presents itself as trying or intending or wishing to adhere to the New Testament...but....

The Old Testament was Law built on sacrifice as a Covenant under a God of Terror.
The New Testament of Jesus is the Covenant of God as Love that cast out fear.
Other teachings such as Paul's letters, cast the Christian message into teachings that can be used to discern the Holy Spirit - but also became the replacement for such discernment. Follow the science! (sigh).
As a set or system of rules, the institutional structure is set over the living Word.
So the teachings of Jesus are not IN the Bible but in the relationship of the heart's discerning of truth in the Bible and in the lives of all.
Christians may claim proprietary rights, but the heart is the freedom to recognise love.

Once people make an identity of association in the forms and rituals without the living Word, it joins the realm of identity politics - be that tribal, political, priestly or any other one-upmanship that needs another to put down in order to self-validate.
The OT can also be read as about love, but not as applied to the world. The mind of Consciousness from which we perceive is hidden to us, but is revealed in its effects and reflections.
The recognition of all elements of the cast as being within us, is the reversal of the 'casting out' from Heaven.

As for the video, I see the drive for finding the sin and guilt in the feared or hated other, to reveal more about the seeker's condition.
There is pain in the heart seeking vindication as vengeance.

I seek the issues behind the personifications or narrative assertions.
The corruption of power is not particular to any one tribe or race, excepting the human race.
I see this is because we identify in the image and form instead of the truth and essence - and so become at odds with reality in defending our face or self image as our Self.
Control is then equated with power. The idea that all power is of God is not recognisable IN the world of conflicting 'powers' - or makes of God a murderer!
This is beneath the appearances that shift and change across the mind of conflict.
Much that was once held self-evident is completely obscure to us now. The world itself is changing because our idea of our self and our reality changes. Science will deny this as the belief there is only one true 'world' which is (Lord or the) determiner of all and no other reality exists.

When things change, the underlying archetypes are usually recognisable in a new set of clothes.
Narratives are mythic - and as such may point to and represent significance or meaningful qualities of experience.

If we take meanings out of context, they mean something else but pass off as currency. Thus we drift into derivatives that adulterate and corrupt our thought and speech to lose appreciation of the truly Current for a model or map of manipulated meanings associated with competition for control or 'power struggle'.

There are ways in which entanglement with denied fears and masked hates self reinforce in entanglement with those of others.
The urge to destroy the sin may be intense, but the opening of the way for reconciliation is that part of you that can never leave you, because errors do not have the power to override your Creator - excepting we give them priority. And what is sin but giving priority to self-illusions that demand attack or sacrifice of truth to persist in the experience of?

When Good Men Do Nothing?

There is a point in that withholding a true witness becomes complicit in the fear that generates the evil.
I hold that Jesus said something relevant and profound in what is translated as:
"Resist ye not evil".
If anyone thinks he means be complicit in fear, they must take their chosen meanings without context.
The phishing ruse operates to capture the unwary by their own emotionally invested reaction, such as to suffer identity theft and know not what they do, because they are activated by a past conditioning as if it is really here.
To see what is really here calls for choosing first for our peace, and then to discern in each situation and circumstance, what is called for as the willingness of that relationship.

What we resist, persists.
What we choose not to use, fades from non use.
The evil in our heart is more readily masked and hidden when the evil seen in another invokes directing where to throw the stone.
Powerlessness is built into the drive to get power so as to eradicate or cast our the 'evil other'.
But the reiteration of a hate given full justification works the seeding of the blind dissociation that stamps on the face of life unseeing.
We become the thing we hate.
I do not pretend not to feel the human experience.
Nor blame the felt need to shut out what cannot be borne by any means to hand.
But invite noticing that such a reaction occurs.

I do not see evil as any kind of triumph, but those who act from its framing unawares believe they must win or die - which is life as a war that never ceases - nor must be allowed to cease. And so if Peace breaks out, it must be smeared, undermined and subverted.

(If I go way beyond any personal response it isn't personally intended).

We live in God. If your mind has no concept for the Infinite of which you cannot REALLY split off from and mask over, let it be simply the innate quality of being - prior to all the filtering of narrative distortions and reflections.
So by your Word, are you giving priority and therefore power to subjection under 'Them'
The power of propaganda is not just in being fed untruths, but in taking them on and telling them to ourselves.

By the way I have no desire at all to pick on your person or to argue with the understanding you have gathered as to the actions going on under paramount concerns for our safety!
But a desire to alert anyone who cares to listen, to the responsibility we have to ourselves and each other.

I choose not to shrink from using the word God, but the practical nature of receiving life as Gift is the extending of the Gift, and this is not 'words about God' but the willingness to recognise another in truth that cannot be dissociated from love, because without love of truth, the truth of love is lost to masking in manipulative 'virtue signalling'.

The medical paradigm is itself a monopolistic corporate distortion (once called Rockefeller medicine). Misanthropes mask as philanthropes!
Technocracy is the subjection and replacement of the human will by systemic substitutions that seem to answer or escape inner conflicts by setting us in systemic subjugation to them - unrecognised.
The Economy has been systemically stolen and wielded, such as to hide its underbelly beneath ever increasing burdens of secrecy.
(Look up Austin-Fiits and RFK jr or Tom Cowan)

If the living is our giving, then giving from a fresh point of conscious decision is also the willingness to receive at a deeper level of honesty than our sense of 'face' or control is comfortable with or conditioned to allow.  But this is true:
We live.
What comes after is in the realm of our willing acceptance or choice.
The abused re-enact the patterns of abuse because that was the world to which they adapted to survive.
The control mindset is invoked to override inner conflict or chaos that we could not at the time accept or resolve.
Much of it long before we are able to begin to differentiate and articulate or understand what truly belongs to us and what never did, but which we took on or acquired as part of our family and social adaptation and survival.
The negatively or fearfully defined self-interest operates a self-reinforcing loop.
But the positive is integrative and not merely reactive or masking over.
Hence Solzhenitsyn's quote is more than an intellectual or philosophical musing, but a direct observation.
The attempt to control  (a bubble of) mind against Reality is an extremely costly defence against a true disclosure.
When the lie is set as our protector, truth must be masked off and walled out.
There is no love in it - no matter how much is sacrificed to it.

Control - Why or What For?

 (Conversational context not recorded)

One of the reasons that criminal power makes mad, is the getting away with it, becomes the new normal of believing you are untouchable. This leads to not only careless disregard for being seen to commit fraud, but to flaunt and taunt with such terms as 'moonshot'.

There are two ways this might go; one is the terrorisation and disempowering of the mind of the public to becoming a tool to be set and used at will, and the other is the withdrawal of willingness to participate.

The latter is not really the outer forms of compliance as set and framed by deceit, but an inner recognition that the mind being worked or manipulated is of a corresponding resonance - such as to attract and be susceptible to being hijacked - perhaps through our anger - ie through our emotional reactions. And so the latter is an awakening of spiritual responsibility for our own consciousness - within the crucible of actual relationships that are both disturbing and transformative. No one else can tell another what they should or should not be or do - but that does not mean they may not have valuable insight to offer, knowingly or otherwise.

The underlying motif is of a private agenda breaking free of restraints - so as to inflate itself upon the subjugation or sacrifice of others. If it is not yours, you will not be able to have it, no matter what effort is put into masking appearance. If something comes to you that you can be grateful for, appreciate and care for, you can be one with it. The dispossession of those who stuff what they cannot really accept into a hollow place is to become a hollow masking tool for a sense of lack-driven need that can never be satiated.

Accepting responsibility for what is mine, involves releasing what is not, even if such cultural or social baggage is 'normalised' to a credit rating of acceptable or respectable opinions, ritual observances or required compliance - running from ideas of other's fears or guilt that we imbibed or took on without conscious evaluation.

The temptation to hate our own sins in others will work to mask our own while claiming right and righteousness from their denigration.

For context, because 'everyone else' is perceived to be doing it, many will go along with crime and its destructive consequence for lives and families and societies - rather than speak out or disengage. Not least from a fear of lack of power or support and guidance in how to deal with others who may aggressively protect their chosen course of action rather than face disclosure and penalty.

The tools of global designers are the greedy and the self-seeking. But from a larger perspective dead structures and decay attract fungal feeding frenzy. My sense of 'moral' is not founded in ethical thinking, but in an integrity of being.
The ego interjects after the event to take the credit or dish out blame. I see a 'global ego' seeing to take credit for and pre-empt or usurp a true reset, regeneration or indeed resurrection, of the qualities of Life in the forms of their own discovery. At the moment we are compressing to a seed for new life, or clinging to identity in self illusion. There is always some movement that thinks to finally GET what it believes it lacks as a sense of envy, resentment and denial or deprivation by others or malign fate.

Quite apart from whether this new order of bio-tech control is achieved or not, is WHY or What for?
What does this kind of possession and control bring us but fear of dispossession and loss of control - no matter how much we 'get'?

Money is being phased out to a system of credits whose parameters are programmed by the bankers. Same deal, as a corrupted financial system but on a much smaller tighter set of controls. Life itself becomes a virus to the tooled control mindset.

Science is funded and funding has to be attracted

I lost the context that elicited this response, but was probably a youtube with James Dellingpole and Laura Perrins 

Science is funded and funding has to be attracted, OR those who are well funded seek their own agenda, and pay scientists to pursue it. Marketing also applies to promoting narratives for investment or research given

Seeking to uncover the already true to the significance and benefit of all was lost when Science ceased to be Natural Philosophy and mutated to a corporate technologism masked in the psuedo religion of scientism.

So while Laura reads as humanly recognisable and morally responsible, I see the underlying terrain theory from which to ask why does THIS computer modeller get to be selected as THE science? Across the whole gamut of a driven and protected narrative.

And why does that particularly ruthless computing oligarch and misanthropist get to be THE driver and funding director of not just global vaccination under tech surveillance, but the launch of a new biogenetic corporate canopy of hacking our code and breeding out undesirables traits?

There is a truth I see in eugenic principle - but before you react - read a moment longer...

For the thought we accept and give focus of energy and attention, multiplies in like kind.

And so within the freedom of my own willing acceptance as responsibility for where I give attention, I can choose to release or 'put behind me', anything that I recognise as false, meaningless or not truly belonging to me now - by NON use. Not by pushing down as IF out of mind set in masking out what I am unwilling or unready to accept in my awareness).

The attempt to cast out, eradicate, deny and stamp out hates and perceived evils, will always redefine or recast the denial in the denier - and this is so clearly visible in those who accuse their sins in others an attack them as if to become 'morally' acceptable.

Why would we need to win or earn our integrity - excepting from a prior framing in dis-integrity - set in anything that can has been denied but not truly resolved, reconciled, re-integrated or healed. This our denied self is the target of other's manipulations who see the sins of others much more readily than address their own as the way our minds are trained to survive a loveless and threatening world.

Science without integrity generates the loveless and threatening world it thinks to be eradicating or controlling and making safe, because i

Common sense is commonly suppressed or denied in order to attract the funding or the reputation and associated privileges, as adapting to the social mask of peer pressure that is mostly self-censoring as a result of structures of invisible internal conditioned

Question all narrative definitions


The nature of the beast is its multiplying of heads when seeking to chop one off - such to become de facto – lost in the long grass of distracted and diverting delay, while the underlying issue remains covered over and protected by the reaction of self-protective identity running in the covid script.

The most primary diligence is to question the narrative definitions without emotional investment in their assertions, claims or accusations.

The entire business and reshaping of business, can be dealt with at the level of primary definitions awaiting proof or of switcheroo of such definitions being replaced by others but used to carry the same emotionally assigned means.

After Swine flu - which has been widely recognised to have been fraudulently leveraged, and by some, fraudulently asserted, the WHO - (which is itself a questionable and corrupted front for corporately 'partnered' 193 state compliance), CHANGED their own definition and use of the term 'pandemic' :

    The new definition removed the following clause: “A pandemic may occur when a new influenza virus appears …resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness……” A ‘pandemic’ in 2020 can be called simply if “A disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that disease than normal.”

As for the virus, we have firstly the definition of 'pathogenic cause; assigning sole cause to an agency of cellular communication or shedding of information that is both demonised and inversely worshipped as power over a definition of the body as weak, inadequate, lacking immunity or defence, and in need of boosting from external interventions to suppress and control the natural survival response to a toxic and depleted change or challenge.
Pathology of disease has been largely captured by external interventions that have become a medical industrial complex reaching now for bio-technical control as a systemic replacement for life in the name of making safe while effectively killing the patient or so suppressing life as to render it life-denying, dysfunctional or 'disease-inducing' while buying time as the delay of the release of a false take or mis-taken premise set in false profits.

The suppositions of virology were never truly proven by the logical postulates that supposedly support its claim to funding and directives as to how and where to direct and regulate resources and lives, for all such choices have cost to benefits that those who benefit are least able to reliably determine, but those who perceive benefit may mobilise to enforce.

The definition for isolating a virus was changed with the shift into genetic definitions aided by computer modelling that by passed a more transparent and reproducible empirical approach.

The assigned and accepted authority to set and adjust definitions of disease - that increasing becomes a matter of biomarkets biomarkers for systemic data driven controls, and away from clinical disease or clinical evaluation of need brought to attention, is the toolset by which to not only 'medicalise' health - and disease or dis-ease that belong to relational responsibility and toxic exposures and ingestions which include personal choices along with collective or corporate consequences.
Drostren's formulation of the test of a reconstituted computer modelled composite definition of 'indeterminate matters', is even more fundamentally flawed than Ferguson's Garbage in; garbage out pretext for invoking apocalyptic terror as the pretext for 'they made us lockdown' the people and the global economy, presenting as an incompetent buffoonery in what was formerly known as the United Kingdom.

That this is enacted and executed must be with the consent and support of the underlying Financial system that holds corporates (and much else) in dependency for economic inclusion, and which is likewise in the business of authority to define and set economic and financial definitions within which energy and support for life can be directed or choked back systemically.

If you don't align in the Green New Deal expect a DNR on your corporation or business and assignment to the appropriate tier status.

The patterns within these and much else are all lost when charging into the long grasp to fight the details as if to win a war that is not actually operating under any such rules but as a survival imperative.

That the so called old normal was for many their comfort zone is broken. Even if the process of disintegration could be halted, the actual account is not at all as presenting in surface narrative management of conflicts and this of suppression of risks of disclosure to lies that are defended as the price for saving what 'controllers' believe is 'too big (to be allowed) to fail.

if the fear being leveraged to maintain or provide a 'noble lie' of freedom from fear, is equal of greater than the fear being masked over and assigned or cast 'out' to biosecurity threats, carbon threat, terrorist threat, or rival nation threat, asteroids and aliens threat – then the game is no longer worth the candle.

For those aligned or indentured to the New Narrative Order, carrots and sticks operate such that the only freedom willing slavery allowed perks - but with the rules entirely removed from any process of relational communication and decision.

I write not to undermine anyone engaged at any level of addressing illigitimacy or error where the recognise it and choose not to be complicit. Rather to recognise the role of definitions as the template from which results automatically proceed.

We cannot pretend fears away except by actively pretending to be who we are not and giving allegiance to a masking persona by which to map out, mitigate and assign to a pathological intent deserving no ear, but only to be cancelled, lest the light on our mask reveals what we currently believe must be not only concealed, but protected from recognising this act as our own willing.

The mask has to become the new reality that wont and cannot come off, and amnesia set over a life to only be depicted in fantasy and fable - as prison food according to which tier you are caste in.

But You are not your mask. You are the maker of the meanings You accept and strengthen by sharing, and can choose to align in willingness to know and be known truly. This meaning is not IN the frame of a mind and world set in conflict and so is forever safe from, or resting within a mind set against its own source and nature.

As we are in some sense already living a conditioned world in which love and truth are set in betrayal and loss, seeking defence or vengeance, we give no power to what seems set as fantasy and fable, and yet the intuitive being lives the knowledge that despite all appearances, reality is not as it seems, and when released from seeking to make it fit our fantasy, restores the mind to a transparency and accountability of true function. The simplest term for which may be 'joy in being'.

It is said the you don't know what you' got 'til its gone, but that is a trick by which to cast yourself in love lost and be-live it. To have and know we have, is to live the giving of something true.

Love, Sin and Terror (3 comments)

 #1 True prayer aligns true willing - not wishing 

zakisbak Cato The Elder

Praying = wishing.

I disagree with your equation.

Desire is prayer - but true desire is not 'wishful' but willing.

That people know not what they do is the result of knowing not what they are asking for. Be careful (conscious) what you wish for, because desire aligns thought, action and alignment of experience.

The head or mind is many and conflicting wishes - UNLESS yielding and aligned in the heart's honesty.

Love of God, being, existence, awareness or life is love of others and world as your self. This suggests that what we use the term 'love' for is a masking in virtue and not a true witness.

Garbage in; garbage out. (Sowing and reaping).

If garbage is our experience or 'fruiting' reward, then look to the roots or seed thinking that generates it. Look to the bug in the Template, not to the leveraging of heaven and Earth to squelch it's behavioural expression.

The use of God, Truth, love, and the qualities of direct association such as peace, power for the mind set in conflict, is the attempt to mask out and deny conflict. The denied do not feel loved, embraced or empowered, excepting, they forsake truth to align in compliance with what masks as power to escape or eradicate hated fears and feared hate.

So the word is degraded by its misuse, and takes on derivative currency of 'meanings' that are dissociating from living context.

Under the spell of false word and witness, all attempts to communicate suffer distortion. The attempt to overcome or cut through distortion weaponises the word, such that communication itself is rendered into a weapon. This pattern of using the means of communication, as the means to break or deny communication, is running under the demand to be 'made safe'. 

It is perhaps timely to re-evaluate where true safety lies, rather than recycle and repeat a false safety in lies.

Love - when true - is not appeal to external authority, but an integrative expression of an integrity or reintegrative alignment to being. I did not say to 'our' being, because the egocentric think to possess and control life as a private realm of judgement set over and apart from the judged.

If love is the answer, it is because it isn't a problem and thus a point of practical perspective. Making love a problem comes from trying to love and getting in our own way. Unselfconscious joy or alignment in inspired purpose takes no thought for itself. Learning not to get in our own way is part of all true endeavour. But blaming everyone and everything else for not serving the purpose you give it IS giving it that purpose as justification for  dispiriting, of conflict that wears down to normalise despair.

So to know the purpose that is active is the result of checking in, as the moment at hand, rather than running on yesterday's insight, or any past conditioned learning. 'Mindfulness' is then transparency of mind to the recognition of aligned or misaligned intent.

I recognise the mind in the 'world' is incredibly distracting to the desire to simply know - but that is because it carries the habit of so many conflicting wishes. The habit does not yield to being talked to or even 'understood'  - unless understanding is the self-honesty of recognising it no longer speaks for who you now recognise and accept yourself to be, and so choose not to repeat it. This prepares or opens the way for life to rise as a new alignment from where you are that expresses conscious value and grows a new habit by consistently persisting what is recognised true, instead of habitually identified.

This is not about changing, saving or recruiting others - but releasing fear driven agenda to the recognition of others in freedom to align and share in value truly extended.

#2 Sin is not in the world but makes a fake world and locks its maker in it

jmjm208 Cato The Elder

"The problem", Mr Cato, is ourselves. As Mr Graham said "The greatest problem in the world, today, is sin" Or, to put it another way, "the heart of Man's problem is the problem of Man's heart"

If you put self illusion first in your heart, then you will attack and deny the messengers of truth to save such a 'self'.

If we make this 'normal' we make a world of locked down bubbles seeking power under narrative masking agreements.

So the problem is IN not in the world, any more than we are - when such a world is a mass hallucination or hypnosis given priority over the heart of true acceptance and its extension as the mind renewed.

Milking the problem is taking identity from conflict.

But taking a false inheritance soon turns sour!

#3 Terror splits the mind.

Cato The Elder jmjm208

So, nothing to do with "God" - the mumbo jumbo concept invented as a way of controlling the more gullible and superstitious.

Terror splits the mind.

The invocation for protection under fear gives power to control, which masks the fear by casting out. The casting Director is somewhat like the Wizard of Oz. But all dramatic representations are castings.

Faith assigned to rationality has been no less used to control the gullible and superstitious. Reason is Sanity or whole, but rationalised justifictions masking over denied terror have all the power given them by the split set against wholeness, in fear of truth as damning, humiliating or inescapably painful.

All in what together?

 #1 All in what together?

No arguments with the article, but noticing how long it takes for shock to subside enough to allow consciousness to restore some sense of perspective.

Any science to 'lockdown and its associated impositions' is that of the development of already accepted beliefs to generate an even more consolidated identification in fear as control.

So the resort to psychological (psychic) manipulation would seem to be a science of control over outcomes but doesn't recognise its own driving fear as a conflicted predicate.

Garbage in; garbage out.

This is teaching that control is masked fear if we look honestly at the feedback.

That we are all in this together - is a truism, although it could be seen as all in what sets us apart,  but setting apart is a casting out or splitting of what is otherwise unconflicted or innocent of polarising identification.

We might say we are entangled love and fear, set in hate and control - as if the hate could be eradicated of cast out and denied existence. But hate masks an armouring over hurt, which is always ultimately hurt love. WHO exactly attacks the love that we are?

WHO tells us we are naked? - and in need of masking armour?

The capacity to think is creative, but the expression of thought in conflict with the Creative, generates a dissonance, and through the focus in dissonance is the capacity to think I think alone and apart.

So what exactly is 'this' inferred to that we are all in together?

It is an insinuation of an identity being proffered as an offer of an apple that can be left unshared in, and given no reinforcement as worthy of persisting in or building from by reaction.

The invocation of love is framed in a sense of lack, set against a projection of common threat.

This is how we hurt or attack and deny love. Even though the initial attraction is a to a guilt set OUT side a private sense of bubble reinforcement under a narrative of protective control.

To recognise the point of consent, is the capacity to think with life, instead of think we are thinking under a substitution for life set in fear and control.

We have to accept fear as our guide, protector and self for the program to run as conflict management masking as the escape or eradication of conflict.

Any moment of willingness to own or acknowledge fear is at least no longer masking an active denial, and opens the way to be curious as to what is really going on within my own realm of responsibility.

#2 Releasing the mind of a masking deceit

The mind is split. Who knows what - exactly?

The core message you identify is of forgiveness as the recognition and release of error.

I cannot release another of the consequence of their own choices, but I can join with their innate capacity to align in a truly aligned choice - which may be the last thing a fear-possessed mind allows into awareness.

A world made on fear uses 'masking over', as the basis to grow substitute or escaped self and world set over the denial of feared consequence, as a personal salvation from such fear pain and loss - now cast in narratives that set its world in seeming virtue or necessity - such as controlling viruses and allaying climate change. It is all about conflicted fear and guilt management.

And all about 'me' in terms of a reactive and emotionally reinforced perception and experience, such as to only see what fear allows to be seen, so as to 'make you safe!'

At some point the fear leveraged by control can no longer be hidden and questioning arises that looks where fear says 'don't look!.

Nothing is more dangerous than a completely false sense of safety.

#3 Invoking Ancient Fears

Part of the thing is the assertion of a shock that generates a reaction that becomes a structure for identity, funding as the targeting or framing and directing of attention and intention.

It isn’t a novel shock, but hit on and invoking of denied or ‘deeper’ ancient fear.

Like grief, going round and round what ‘shouldnt be’ wears recognisable ruts that become a self-imprisoning instead of a process of releasing deeply felt connections.

Not to take away from the attempt to make sense or undo the nonsense so as to release its grippe on our heart and mind.

But another facet of a British perspective!

Drop 'conspiracy theory' mindspeak and address 'paranoia' 


I’m afraid this is the kind of article that supports accusations that PSI promotes conspiracy theories. In the interest of critical thinking, which should surely be promoted, carefully consider the statement that this technology “can potentially transport any drug and release it gradually into your body”. How much drug can a dust particle carry? Are any vaccines delivered bit by tiny bit? Furthermore, recognizing that only a small minority of the population gets a test, why would test swabs be a useful vaccine delivery mechanism?

Sadly, this article presents only a bit of science before jumping into the pit of fantastic conspiracies.

Instead of 'con theory' which is weaponised mindspeak, why not be specific and use use 'paranoia',

Paranoia is ungrounded fear that runs of in its own modelling as is fact, and induces the fearful to react to what is not here or there as if it is real.

The article would be less sensation-seeking if it said 'deliver drugs or toxins'.

The search in the war-minded for secret weapons or leveraging is ongoing and heavily funded and protected.

This joins with the ability to keep weapons 'secret' by means of coercion and deceit, and with the psyop of cultivating fear of terrible weapons or evil consequence in resisting, in a target or rival.

The trace amount of a toxin does not have to be large in size to be large in effect. There are endotoxins that are deadly in extremely small doses.

However, the gain or function of administering mere poison would be simply disease reaction that would serve no purpose as an indiscriminate test, and likely become known as an open attack.

A lot of the current regime change is of conditioning the public to a 'medical' (sic) subjection that ratchets up via all kinds of measures that make no sense if scrutinised. Part of this is the establishing of a biosecurity state under which we are not just data assets to a corporate technocracy, but bio-genetic assets to 'genetic control'. So the collection of genetic information is likely to be ongoing.

In terms of samples likely to give a positive result, I have read the particular points of collection are maximal, whereas coughing into a bag would be a significantly lower prevalence. As to what exactly is being 'matched' with Drostren's primers is unlikely to be anything significant - along with the count of 45!

'Fantastic' but actual conspiracy to defraud, profit and gain political, regulatory and narrative control is part of how our human world operates. This is because fantasy drives a mind or war in seeking illegitimate possession and control, as the drive to defend set in fear of loss.

So I am not out of sympathy with your criticism. Childish narrative fascination of infotainment passing off as real is a symptom of getting off on fear porn - or sharing it without due diligence.

There is a self destructively driven mindset that is 'hidden' in our core definitions of self and world, that might most simply be called self-attack or self judgement, self-hatred, self-denial, self-evasion.

Using the mind against itself is a curious proposition.

How could such a thought be actually effected - excepting in concept or as a construct of thought assigned as reality itself - from and through which to experience.

I see immensely funded props being rolled out to set the stage for the persistence of a control mind whose time is running out, and so its predicate is being 'outed'. As fear of conflict has set the structure in place, the bringing to light is a process of meeting ancient or denied fear that had been unconscious. There is much opportunity for losing awareness to the reiteration of old habit patterns, which translates as there is opportunity to recognise and release old habit patterns. If fear frames us, we take its world as real, but lose a true and current awareness of presence.

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Denial is a capacity to split and fragment the mind

The mythic relates to dramatic archetypes that pattern or indeed structure what we take to be consciousness.
There was shared 'earth' experience that was rendered in image and form as symbolic significance.
But to project our current model of 'earth' backwards, and then re-imagine in our own terms, is to introduce feedback into the signal that distorts what is already an inheritance or development of such distortions, for when the original experience is no longer evident, the masking reality re-frames its history as its own 'prequel', but the energetic signature remains an active actual account or development of which we are humanly for the most part unaware and are patterned by.

Denial is a capacity to split and fragment the mind in imaged and projected form and concept. Mind itself is indivisible, yet here we are in communion of both transparency and opacity or recognition as resonance and self-differentiation as thought-derived - emotionally and physically reinforced identity.
The power of thought is easily revealed in the priority given to fear and therefore to its derivative narrative masking denial, as a source of identity through which to 'buy time' from the Timeless or "Inevitable" reckoning to true account. Evasion piles up debts in hell, so to speak, on a spend now pay later basis, and periodically becomes unworkable as the experience of compression - which in Life is the call to refine and reintegrate and reconcile to the essence of what has been lived through the expansion phase, to thus become the Seed for the new through the unpeeling of the inessential - or release of invested self-illusion.
When myth is reimagined, it will still reveal information because our imagination is fitted to our own inherited and acquired identity in persona. But our capacity to read it is the capacity to recognise patterns that have original representation, and thus look past the symbol to what it represents alive.

Beneath even the most ancient of past experience is the 'I Am' of a timelessness that is being, shared in through a representational structure of what is always a relational experience of giving and receiving, both, and in truth as one.
Zero point has relevance to the 'balance and inclusion of all polarity of expression, and is more a One in All point, that only seems as 'zero' of no thing, to a polarised reactive 'identity' set in conflict.
The mythological matrix is not itself creative, but multiplies a casting out that never truly leaves the mind of its maker and yet seems to come back and oppose deny or subject its maker to inhabit or fall into its own 'screen reality'. And he we are again...

An intuitive pattern recognition can shift to an upstream opening of perspective, that cannot be forced or brought back into the old narrative, and any such attempt will reiterate the motifs under mistaken belief one is following the Spirit, when actually taken in by the invocation of an as yet unrecognised personality complex that seems necessary and right - but always set against a wrong seen in 'others' or 'world'.
We learn by living and so mistakes are part of learning, regardless that fundamental errors result in far reaching consequences.

Note the Rainbow Serpent of Australian Dreamtime Memory was observed in its rising place and it returning place.
These are where the geology is rich with transmuted elements including diamonds and gold.
The Electric paradigm of a physical Universe of 'self-organising' Plasma is both a charge separating and discharge patterning of energy as information - through which 'Know Thyself' attracts the 'wind that moves across the waters'. There is a fractal and holographic nature to expression at all scales that takes different form through different mediums.

Debts are also denied self or experience. The denied seeks acceptance and release. Charge separations and exclusion zones, discharge events and energy distribution all apply no less to our psychic emotional mapping or modelling - through which we live the meanings of association, assignment and derivation that can be at odds with, or transparent, to the Felt presence of what is always total or whole, but in our sense 'stepped down 'to a finite and bounded or 'locked down' and solid seeming representation.

Waking to and from the frame of narrative identity calls for a basis from which to live responsibility for thought, attention and intention. A fearful imagination cannot run unchecked because it is conflicted by nature and the mask over fear is the same coin set in fantasy of control. They are one thing expressing as conflict that can call forth curiosity and willingness to learn of truth in place of reactive denials that seek to impose ideals of truth.

Feel, Release and Recognise

#1 Broken World of identity crisis


Where's the nearest agent? I want to be inserted back into the matrix.

Get the vaccine asap!
The reset to a deeper unconsciousness is now accepting candidates.

Seriously though, whatever you do or do not choose to do, be at peace in your heart with the choice.
You wont find it in the conflicted mind - even if you effectively remove the consciousness.
Tranquillisers (sic) were supposed to make you happy to no longer own your own feelings.
But suppression of symptoms is a step away from facing them as the willingness to learn and grow in the ways of healing to core responsibilities.
Retreat is not always wrong, but is hardly the Way for Living.

I know you were joking but it touches a nerve of truth as to just how disturbing this time is.

If I reversed the frame to make the Matrix of a true existence our resonant coherency as sense of felt connection and real communication, then the mind of a false inheritance has run off with a virtual copy.

Recognising and releasing the false opens the way for truth to naturally register in its own terms of resonance of sense of connection and communication - as your conscious acceptance.

The war against machine mind represented in the Matrix movie is a mythological representation that persists the Good against Evil - as all dramatic narratives must.

But when God looked on Creation and saw that is was very Good! - it had nothing relative to any other state or quality. I used resonance and coherence for this quality of synchronous giving and receiving. Likewise the recognition extended as the Holy Spirit to Jesus' baptism - as the recognition of "This is My Beloved ... Who is my delight".

So we are zoomed into dissonance in a similar way to the capacity to focus on whatever seems to save us from having to see or be seen in what we are unready or unwilling to accept, now. It started with fig leaves... 

"And WHO told you you were naked?"

#2 Negatively fulfilling expectations

UKCitizen Covid to 1984 Information Centre

Have you seen the makeup of the supreme court? You have no chance.

Graham Reakes to UKCitizen
Most of them are just Brussels stooges, never had an independent thought in their lives. for the grim reality.

There's always a first time for everyone.

Negative expectations can be as self-fulfilling, as wishful thinking can be manipulated by negative agenda. So the key is not the form of the behaviour but the active purpose. Manipulators are purposed to usurp the mind by putting the image and form above the truth for the sake of private agenda masking as virtue or necessity.

The other thing here is the role that Simon's initiative plays is not just in the form of the outcome but in serving a real choice to be available in a time of such fundamental choice.

It may be the 'world; is not for us to 'perfect' so much as a framework for learning and growing abilities that are then repurposed.

If people experience the perfection or healing of the world in such short lives, it would be as a process of transcendence. In the mind of the drama of our day we live it as our self and world - like an extremely engaging movie that suspends all else - not least from emotional investment.

I don't feel we can come into a packed stadium in play and take the ball away.

This is not at you but a result of seeing the groupthink of dispiriting self-justifications, and offering a reflection - not a blame.
Losing priorities renders everything unworkable.
Pausing from reaction and finding our peace is the basis to reset a compass in what we value most and 'hanging in there' through whatever comes up.

#3 Thinking, or 'thinking that we are thinking'.
Newman Noggs:
'People who were once taught how to think are now taught what to think'.
Thank God for Mr Hitchens. What a pity that there are not thousands more like him, and that we have to share this country with so many dim-witted fools. He is right, isn't he, when he states that so many people seem to actually like being told what to do? Frightened little rabbits,, cringing in the headlights before being flattened by some juggernaut of a lorry. And right again about the Rule of Law, without which we are nothing but cogs in a machine designed to grind us into particles of dust.

What! Groupthink Peterr Hitchens clones!
Best to be inspired to live your own life in the light he extends you from living his.
Looking at what is lacking in others may be valid feedback to areas we have yet to own in ourselves. Though they may be lacking in your measuring stick, they are not living your life.
I would like to invite the freedom from thinking, such as to alight in inspirations of wonder and curiosity that cannot find any receptivity because the mind is operating as a masking exclusion zone of self-reinforcing evasion.
This does not conflict with Mr Hitchens - for true thinking is a process of reflection and discernment. Logic on its own operates from assumed definitions. If the result is dissonant then logic can be used to reveal faulty definitions as false or conflicted premises. But if dissonance can be logically assigned to a logical outcome of the original premise, then no basis to question the thinking will arise.
So a keen and direct observation has something of the innocence of being - regardless its report. While the attempt to sanitize our perception, is a version of the virtue masking so in evidence as 'hide me from my fears' in a way I can justify or validate my life'.

Injecting toxic shock to shape survival response

Gove questioned by Julia Hartley-Brewer

 If Julia was a truth virus, then Gove has her under control (sic) but of course knows what he is doing to the economy, beneath any masking assertions to the contrary.

The invocation of an overwhelming virus-terror has invoked a form of mind capture that gives all priority to narrative definitions that the mind reacted to as fact that were immediately asserted at the time of such fear being fed - if not blitzed onto the mind of the public.

The pattern here is identical to the presumed working of a conventional adjuvanted vaccine, in that toxic shock is injected to invokes the defence called 'immune response', alongside selected forms of attenuated pathological profiles that are then associated with as attackers.

Adjuvant: Biologically such vaccines have substances containing aluminium, mercury and preservatives such as formaldehyde - which are all neurotoxic (and cumulative) . But with swine flu vaccine in Germany 2009/10, adjuvant free vaccine was made available for higher officials.

Guilt by association is an attribution of cause to the conditions of a trauma or attack, such that the defences are reactivated in fear that the event is being or about to be relived or repeated. In such a situation, the mind dissociates from it actual relational condition to operate in the frame of its past conditioned defence response.

By administering the shock of terror via a multi pronged attack of Media, Politicians and pre-drilled institutional and business support, to both shout fire and demand a means to control it, the sheer scale of the reaction itself 'proved' the reality of the threat as the overwhelming of the capacity to pause from reaction and attend to actual facts so as to remain present and alert to true needs rather than join a stampede.

That hunters learned long ago to use fear to drive a herd to captivity or a pit filled with sharpened stakes, is also augmented by the human ruse of luring into prepared outcomes with proffered solutions that are as charged as the believed need for them. Because the fears and hopes are already part of people's lives, along with a range of fight or flight responses, the manipulation of the minds of others, to unknowing serve a predictive outcome, while operating in self-interest, is simply part of learned human behaviour that generates a social of collective set of mores, rules and conditioned norms, that generally operates as a social masking of identity as power struggle that while always in flux can be said to find an ongoing balance of checks and balances - that themselves become systemic and automatic as the management of conflict to the achievement of some sense of insulation as a sense of freedom from responsibility while others or systems and rules 'keep watch'.

Every system or set of protocols that is brought in as an answer to manage conflicts, becomes the new environment in which opportunity to limit liability and gain advantage takes on new forms of the same underlying conflicts. For many, the wish to overcome, eradicate or escape is such as to invest in the 'cure' or solution, but for the predictive programming of such conflict-evasive minds is the low hanging fruit for cultivating mindshare of invested identity in nudged and guided narratives that play on and cultivate and in a sense hack the minds of the many to frame and direct their thinking, to sell products and services, but also to socially engineer the ongoing demand for such , as well as to goals that corporate interests deem to be the social good or necessary future.
Once conditioning is set by action and repeated reaction, it operates as a structure of conditioned habit that runs invisibly as normal reality - such that any question of its premise will reinvoke the underlying fears that it is in a sense masking over in narratives of social redistribution by which a bubble reality seeks and finds support and protection amongst other perceived bubble realities living under managed and contained 'threats' that hark back to original trauma of unresolved fears, but are represented in various levels and facets of a human intent to escape them onto others, and onto life or world as fundamentally treacherous and hostile and untrustworthy.

In this I see a game of pass the parcel, in which the guilt for playing the game is a penalty that no one wants to be left holding and so the mind operates to avoid, evade and pass on in some shift of packaging that passes off as socially acceptable currency, so as to maintain the continuity while the music plays.
"I care not for who runs the country but only who controls the songs" was once said and later updated to 'banks'.
If the invested identity in system control becomes so unwieldy and chaotic as to be liable to 'face the music', then every ability will coordinate to lockstep against a too big to fail failure. This repackages terrible failure to memes fed by anything linking to a change in the weather and to anything linked into catching a cold - but hooked in to our deepest existential guilts and fears, so as to bring such guilt and terror to the surface, as part of every weather event, and expertly-defined medical risk, as the lever of a means to radically contract and consolidate control over all economic and social activity and endeavour, so as to persist in the identity of fear driven control as the experience of 'escaping' it by externalising the costs and consequences. (sic).

"Well we lost the patient doc, but we got the cancer", is not a joke but an example of a dissociated thinking that sacrifices the patient to protect the model.

Facing fear begins with noticing and choosing not to deny when we are experiencing fear, for denial operates the attempt to get rid of it as quickly as possible into narratives that mitigate immediate effect while pushing denial out of the realm of our own responsibility. In a calmer, centred and grounded willingness to listen, is a practical step of connected and relational being - which may also be not rushing in, where angels fear to tread.
Without the injected narrative and its managed regulatory rollout of ratcheted regulatory conditioning under masking incompetence, nothing medically unusual would have been of notice.
But that doesn't mean Economic collapse would not have occurred in any case.
Mainstream or surface narratives for The Economy cover over a multitude of sins.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

2 Tier vaccines?

MP Tells Government To Take Vaccine First Before UK Public

(Sir Desmond Swayne)


Dr Bhakdi and Dr Reiss in 'Corona False Alarm - facts and figures' page 114
In the contexts of Swine Flu 2009-2010:
A nationwide vaccination with the hastily produced and barely tested H1N1 vaccine was recommended. 60 million doses of adjuvanted vaccine weer purchase for theGerman population. Non adjuvanted vaccine was obtained only for high members of the government.

German Spiegel article:

I ran this through a translator.

Adjuvants are usually a form of aluminium or mercury that is toxic - and generrates the defensive 'immune response' that then makes antibodies relative to other ingredients in the shock zone such as attenuated or passaged virus matters.

The H1N1 adjuvant was legally found to cause narcolepsy in a very small percentage resulting in radically and negatively changed lives along with millions in legal payouts.

However the reason I posted this is the hitherto only suspected belief that there is a 2 tier system of vaccinations and that part of the deal for being on board the driving of such agenda may be the privilege of being assigned a special 'passport'.

I realise that the new 'biotech immunisations' are a completely novel attempt to break into a cell and hack it so as to make specified antibodies under the definition of antibodies as 'immunity'.
But the principle of an effective placebo for the privileged remains an indicator of 'do as we say, not as we do'.
The lust for the establishment of a biotech 'revolution' takes the destruction of checks and balances against the inherited order to a new level.
Breaking boundaries is for the gods, who set bounds on their assets as to permission to associate, speak, move or access the needs for survival.
Some contracts are easier to enter than escape, and these are the most loaded with 'incentives' to sign up first and pay later.

But there is a basis for declaring a false contract null and void but this does not escape the consequences, so much as face them to truly own what is yours and release what never truly was you.
This is outside the scope of strategic thinking - that is intent in escaping or masking over and denying conflict by attacking it in others - or selling toxic debt (conflict) to others under false premises.

Induced or incited fear of scarcity is the means of control


Abiotic oil is accepted in Russia for decades and enables them to locate oil where such science predicts. This must therefore be insider knowledge but not mainstream acceptance.

Induced or incited fear of scarcity is the means of control.

If not for private profits being protected against true account by externalising or dumping costs - including toxic consequence, we would not have a trillion dollar 'market' that has grown to address the disease thereof under cover story that evades responsibility not only to avoid penalty but as a basis for marketing the sick while persisting in crime, for such it is.

And when knowing given priority, so as to set a 'model' above empiric fact, such as to actively attack and undermine true witness, it is 'sin' - which has a lot in common with 'cognitive dissonance' for truth is so feared as to drive an addictive illusion into self-reinforcing destruction.

Oil and other carbon fuels can have their technologies of extraction and use refined to minimise pollution, and the cost is then proportional to its true account. The CO2 is not pollution, and yet there is significant toxicity in both its use as fuel and the derivatives such as plastics and pharmaceuticals. There is also HUGE investment in what I would call negative economies that extract short term profits to become long term debts, deficits and disease and distortion of communication. I also sense that oil plays a role in the Earth of which we know so little - partly because we only want to know what serves 'getting' in terms of marketising and weaponising a private advantage.

I have no doubt there are much better and cleaner energy sources that are already known but suppressed.

It isn't private profit that is responsible, but the masking of the private in seeming public good, that becomes a hidden and predatory agenda, accepted as insider currency of thought, normalised by mutual reinforcement as the right to use others without any regard or recognition for the life of which we are Of - even if we think to be set apart and over life.

If as I hold, giving sets the measure of our receiving then our experience of conflicts, deceits and subjugation to illusions of control are valid feedback.

True decisions are willingly aligned in and do not require coercive controls (Which always demand more and more sacrifice to maintain).

Science as a corporate and reputational investment has become captured by its own Model. This is not just true in medical fields, but in all fields.

Internalised structures become unquestionable 'reality' by which to deny true witness.

But none of such is workable, and so an insider knowledge or compartmentalised technologism has to run in secret which requires 'control' of official narrative.

Most of the 'conspiracy' operates as self censor from an internalised conditioning.


Carbon units are the 'problem' from the mindset of a controller caste. Also regarded as viruses on the planet. These two combine in the narrative identity of 'carbon guilt - as the export of corporate guilt (as the Green insinuation of human self hatred), and that of innate sinners to others as 'infection vectors'. Fear and guilt are induced as the basis for selling Protection as an ongoing payment in return for 'morally mitigating masking identity' set in self and other-denying sacrifice.

The use of the would-be pious as 'sin-eaters' is not a new idea.
But the concept is a magic trick by which perhaps to buy time to persist in sinning under some kind of narrative justification.
I'm aware that sin is a degraded term muich abused and little understood, but the attack on life and truth from a priority set in self-illusion is the defence of a mistaken identity, persisted in, as irrevocably set over fear and guilt from which there can be no escape.
Errors set outside the possibility of correction are thus 'too big to fail' and so everything and everyone ELSE has to fail in order to protect a complex masking from disclosure.

When life is sacrificed to save the invested model


Our current compass of the 'Natural Order' is an emotionally or psychically invested Model that becomes internally structured and protected against risk of change, instead of the presumption of correction in which a presumed fact is revised back to either an open set of hypotheses waiting on evidential support or disproof, or the not knowing of an honest place from which to observe and seek answer.

Likewise an invested Economic Model or Medical Model.

Investments are generally self-seeking until a more profound compassion awakens. Developments are marketised and weaponised to private agenda masking as 'public good' or saving us all from an endless supply of evils - which become the goose that lays the golden egg and so is  - like war and sickness - protected as an energy supply and source of identity.

Possession and control are then as 'god' to all who operate from such a template unknowing. But God as I accept and share in, is wholly free of coercion and conflict. Truth is denied its due when war (competing 'truths') is given priority, such as to seek to use truth as a weapon - which is the 'death' of truth to propaganda, and the justification to 'make the truth' that serves to defeat the enemy or rival. Now war on truth must be waged to protect the 'convenient lie'.

Release of the internally structured identity or death is the necessary refreshment or re-alignment to life as true expression.

'Religion' is like all else a degraded derivative of original meaning, and so as well as discerning the context for the meaning intended, there is the willingness of redeeming derivatives back to their original.

But what truly relates you to your own Source and Nature also extends as your relation with other living expression. (Your relations or 'world')

Lockdown to fear driven lockstep masked as 'saving life' is saving from true disclosure by the shutting down of the mind through triggering of fears that are implicit to life in the world (as we have become conditioned to accept as our primary or defining Reality). In this a man does not see or experience anything but as ruled thought determines from a level generally unconscious to a masking surface 'continuity'.

Cults are where a segregative special identity, operates a clique or bubble of self-justified exclusion - set apart and over others.

My sense of living culture is the sharing of tangible worth and value that holds  the conditions of life as freedom to be and grow in and uncover who we are. As a vehicle and not an end or thing in itself.

Renewing culture is the result of releasing habitual reactive thinking to uncover the roots or foundations of what is, as it is. And perhaps the inherently destructive result of subordinating life to blind system and structure sets the conditions for such a spark of true desire to resonate truly and transparently to the light of awareness that knows itself peace and by extension calls to the like quality in others.

No one lacks faith, but what we are giving it to, can be anything or to conflicting things, and so we call that doubt, division or the strategies of defence set over doubt and division. recognising a poor investment is the freedom to release it and live the freedom of a better or more truly aligned decision. But to any that identify in the frame of the investment, it is clung to as life itself, set against humiliation, invalidation, death or damnation. As if the nightmare is irrevocably inescapable.

Hence the call to Higher Perspective is reaching beyond the 'fields that we know'. Outside the bubble of a box we never knew was active until we saw it from a greater embrace.

I see a transformational process that the 'ego' seeks to pre-empt and usurp as the drive to 'control' fear, and make it safe. Not because it has such power, but because that is the function we invoked it to serve. As a part of our thought, it is a part of us. We need to learn a better way than blaming denials, for they all come back to us, but as if an 'alien will' or psycho-pathogen set against us. Resonance with what we no longer choose to manifest is an old habit to replace with a current choice. Choice is not coercive or set by fear and guilt in framed futility. More the grace of the gift of noticing. Then it becomes a choiceless choice of a love of life flowing along the lines of its being - that we mights say was done through us or without taking thought or was simply the obvious thing to say or do.

To limit life to the 'known' is to hold to the past and work it over and over as if to answer or resolve its dilemmas. But we are not just a 'closed system' and can call forth or attune to receive according to our currently discerned desire. Why the fear of the unknown? The control freak isn't just running the world backwards, but has a point of resonance or correspondence with our own heart and mind.


In terms of possibilities you could have painted it a lot worse.
But in terms of probabilities we only have the parameters of what we know or have awareness of.
Part of the media blitz and ratchet up of regulatory constrictions is to induce a breaking of the will, as in disarming and domesticating an animal, and then set to breed out the unwanted characteristics both psychologically but also genetically in new stock.
However, the core agenda is a controlled demolition by which to oversee and establish control over what replaces it – much of which is out front as ‘reset’ and 4th reich of a biosecurity state – coupled with guilted ‘carbon units’.

The pseudo religion rises from what Jesus warned against when he said ‘resist ye not evil’.
If you ‘get’ your (masking) identity of virtue by setting against the feared, hated and denied, then it frames and runs what seems to be a worthy cause, and interprets anything that undermines or does not support its cause as part of the problem or aligned with the evil.

That which identifies us truly is love – not social masking. And yet in a realm of social masking or ‘identity’ politicking of fragmented tribalism love has no reception, because the truth of love is love of truth – not love of self-reinforcement set against the ‘other’.

There are many who have identity masking in the forms of religion – as with any other set of ideas, beliefs, teachings or models as to what reality is and is not. Throwing out the baby with the bathwater would be like judging Science by the behaviours of corporate corruption and generating an anti-science identity such as to refuse to listen to or consider anything expressed in what is set as ‘deceit by experts’. 

There is deeply set emotional investment that cannot be reached by rational discourse because it is defending a fear that is not really here, or in the case of the agencies of pushing this agenda, of fear of consequences if they do not comply.

What are the incentives that make an offer that most cannot refuse?
Carrots and sticks.
The unparalleled imbalance in the distribution of wealth and control in our world is an unlimited purse – indeed a magic money tree along with a network of connection and support to execute its agenda as a many fronted long term strategy. 

The loss of consciousness is not seemingly noticed by many, but the phrase use it or lose it, applies. Thinking – or what passes as thinking – is a masking or blocking signal to a deeper and direct awareness or presence. Call it mind control. The crisis is a tightening contraction of the mask to a denser and darker realm in which fantasy is piped to the compliant, who will not be able to bear or recognise reality for the fear, hate and demonsisation projected onto it.

This is where we came in (As I used to say in the ‘pictures’ as we called the cinema then and it ran continuous and let you in and out at any time. There is an opportunity to recognise the pattern and choose to go the other way – which is to meet the fears, hates and demonisations that we projected onto discarded, judged and denied life and world.

Then you may realise – that’s where Jesus is calling or pointing to – as a Reintegrative healing and redeeming of living truth we never really lost, so much as covered over from the panic of fear given power or priority in our mind.

If you take the term naked as meaning exposed to lack, inadequacy, invalidity or illegitimacy, the “WHO told you you were naked?” is the freedom and support in our being to ask and find answer to where such ‘thinking’ arises and what is nature is. Doubt and division isn’t just done by the 77 Brigade on their fellow beings, but something we do to ourselves unknowing – and if we didn’t have such inner conflicts, we would be ‘immune’ to such manipulative deceits.