Wednesday, 12 April 2023

The Crossover Point

The Crossover Point

Out of my own morning themes and a comment in

on the nature and capacity of a mind for and in denial

Denial runs out of masking in time and space to reset itself from and as Reversal.

In a sense we are at a crossover point.

The ability to hate, attack and seemingly kill or deny our self in others, is the victory or 'escape' of an elitism of self specialness vindicated by vengeance set 'holy'.

The choice for a split mind is to persist in a mis-taken inheritance.

Bottoming out is the undoing of the desire to persist in a self-destructive futility as if 'this time it will work'.

As I see it, no one can be forced against their will, but that they give or assign their integral sovereignty to external, alien or foreign agencies as a boost to their wishing to be what they are not (or not be what they are). fantasy given power generates the emporer's new clothes, fear of disclosure, and a kingdom set into coded rules in place of free relational endeavour and exchange.

The need to look on fears, is to undo them as a source, basis, foundation or backstory from which to live. For once looked on we can look past the 'Stop! sign' they represent.

Excepting addiction to conflict as the 'dynamic' of a life set in drama that must counterpoint an evil. Fascination with evil reveals attraction to guilt as source of power or manipulation (as in narrative shaping, gaslighting or seductive grooming).

We live the momentum of along deep enslavement to ideas that are now being shown on the Big Screen of our reality-experience.

If we let the fear frame and define our thought, feeling, word and action, then we ARE contracting with its terms, as an energetic consent no matter how much we kick or screm to the contrary.

Taking a true pause for grounded connection in life - as being life in expression - will reveal a true alignment or NOT - in the mindest and perception-response of active habit identity.

There is no interpersonal argument but with our self. But where different perspectives find a common ground is the vessica pisces of creative seeding. A segregative or exclusive identity complex will cut itself off from life, from the creative exchange and embodiment of life.

Insofar as I looked at the monolithic structure of the WEF, I saw no life. it has no creative power, spark or capacity to love. BUT what it can attract by such mimicry of life to sacrifice of life against perceived and shifting evils as credits toward some symbolic image of an ideological or symbolic 'good'.

The lies by which we live cannot be who we are.

But props against a feared or hated disclosure (which is underway in any case)

I will not engage with its terms of woven deceit, but I understand that our engagement is largely unseen by a mind trained to not see or allow into conscious awareness.

As for globalism of unified human awareness - it cannot come out of coercion and deceit, but a direct exposure to the lie of a violation of our life serves to release it as a basis from which to live. That is NOT the same as 'making sure it will never happen again'. Which serves to reset the exact same pattern BY the very nature of the defences raised against the feared & hated evils. Evils that are thus covertly set as conflicted foundations of the structure of 'good' OR ELSE!

Notwithstanding the horror - I hold that we will all meet what we do not expect because the basis for our own thinking was set to predictive controls as a closed or known system.


Monday, 10 April 2023

The nature and fulfillment of a true question

 in response to the themes in:


Many of our questions reiterate statements couched in the form of a question, so as to frame the 'answer' in predefined terms - that can also be used to set predetermined outcomes. Self-reinforcement persists in a particular set of beliefs or definitions as the current or active focus in or by which our reality and self are framed.
The native movement of curiosity is a direct quality of desire to know and to have and be the experience of the result. When enough people get stuck in the same place they call it reality.
Questioning in our being is then not just a me seeking a fulfilment, bot the potential of that fulfilment stirring and aligning my attention, thought and even timing, towards finding what I seek.
But framing statements or beliefs that we already know into forms of a question or quest or even "War On" or "Campaign to save..." are running under the dictum "seek but do not find!"
So it may seem that science is uncovering frontiers when it is in fact cannibalising reality to serve its invested models in ever more complex instruments of obfuscated blocks to knowing if not bollocks - or so would be the recognition to anyone who persisted a true love through the thorny thickets of their defences against disclosure.
To recognise and live our question is to choose not to squelch it with the usual suspects that we learned under whatever conditioning experience of our formative years. Cant do, not good at, too complicated, out of my depth or reach, but most of all - I am unworthy or unqualified to know, or don't trust myself to open up in ways that met social disapproval when I was young.
To be as a little child in a new world is to abide with in trust that what is needed will make itself or its ways known in a way that I can recognise and understand - that is as part of who I am, but haven't yet uncovered or are in process of discovering. I'm sure most of us recognise perfect parents, schools or whatever other institutions shape our lives do not exist. Our parents have their own blocks, blind-spots, squelched needs and pent up conflicts, and so that is the world we are in a sense suckled into as part of developing an adaptive capacity to participate.

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland.

We have to mask our self in various ways and degrees to belong, fit on, or survive our world, but then become so identified in mask as to lose a felt connection with life as presence of unfolding qualities that are the More of Who We Are, put to some degree on hold, while we establish base camp in a realm of potential conflict and limitation along with consciously shared joy - balancing within the action rather than polarising in reaction.

A true answer is never just bits of data or information to fit into an already complex structure of attempt to get a handle on a life we learned to lose BY trying to control our model of a world to the exclusion of a felt embrace or appreciation. That could be seen as locked down in defences against... reliving the experience of deep squelching - if not seeking vengeance on anything we associate with our sense of being denied or deprived recognition, worth, value - love.
So if you are not willing to let love in but blame Them or It - how long to wait for Them or It to give you permission to be yourself? Quite apart from what you are running on as yourself is a mixed bag of acquired beliefs or outdated strategies?
The old Say; Be still and know God - holds true without the word 'God'.
Be still and know - without any trace of a doubt, a movement that is forming some kind of ask or desire, that may or may not find words that fit, or come out in words that frame and limit - but by not squelching is given welcome if only a moment before the old habits pile back in - but see, you noticed that!
So without giving fuel to any self-blaming diversions, persist in the new habit of noticing, valuing and abiding with a quality of who you are that may have been long or deeply denied - but is felt as a vitality or even peace of integrity of being that is of a different order to the manufactured obfuscation of a mind running on manual override to try and manually manage or override 'What comes naturally'. We are not lacking a biotech-cum A.I augmented transhuman exogenous control system.


Do Nanobotnets run dark ops as agents of our own manipulative intent?

 in response to the themes in:

 Yes potentially EZ water can store information. But that's not active computation, that's just passive retention. The active element in this case would be the human being's own consciousness. The reason I'm not believing this stuff is because self assembling crystals may create passive elements or potential matrices for computation, but where is the active element? There's no spirit, there's no DNA, it's just dead matter. Nanobots and nanocomputers require active complexity that is not precedented on this scale.

Excellent comment!
If nano-tech draws on bio-field energy as driving its function - like a sail uses wind, then the electromagnetic fields also operate some level of instruction.
My own sense is that our own consciousness is such a field of interaction, but that it operates at different levels so as to seem to be compartmentalised, with significant elements externalised.
or to put it another way projected or cast out such as to result in a virtualised sense of self subject to world whose accepted and given meanings, attributes and functions represent a distorted mirror to a persistence of focus within the body as the framework for experiencing.

Your agency in engaging with me is a field of interaction that is part of my experience but not directly of my control. How I engage with and create or share meaning from our interaction is a result of the thought I accept as resonant with my core value system or individual consciousness.
That we can communicate at all evidences a shared field or nature.
Ideas that resonate attract by association, and ideas that have no resonance do not at least directly communicate at all.

So the idea of augmenting our living body with technological means for meshing with external controls set by others using invented systems of EM communication is an extreme example of subjection to body under alien or other control. A version of 'They made me do it' or even "Look what you have made of me!"

If we observe our thoughts we readily see how pervasive such ideas run as part of blaming or guilting manipulations set in social masking of 'normalised behaviours'.  But for all the perks we may think to gain by masking off intimacy or conflicts. it is such patterns of behaviour that attract and align in subjection that denies personal responsibility for thought - which is freedom to create, extend and share in felt or resonant meaning/fulfilment.

A arbitrary divide between psychic & physical splits life to give cause or priority to a (model of) physical representation that can then be manipulated to generate a derivative experience of existence as if independent agencies from the Field of Spirit of Living Thought. I capitalised this because post-split 'thinking' is conflicted by an element of manipulative or private GoF, no matter how ingeniously concealed. Living Thoughts are 'symbiotic' expression of unified purposed. We know their being us is our true connection in life - as one with and not split off from life - as our ordinary state - not as a special state.

Now it may be that a world made utterly joyless is freely released as not worth the candle!
But my sense is we are beings of thought and therefore of choice, and by our choices are we revealed or concealed. Fear of Disclosure is what I see driving a blind technologism for getting more of what doesn't even fulfil, but boosts a mask of control set over fear of total pain and loss.
I feel a deep learning or evolutionary shift for our human world, towards a reintegration of consciousness & release of conflict rather than double down in conflict to reset the mechanism for "New game!".  The call to joy also undoes masking defence against pain - and so initially unconsciousness seems the short term solution, and conflicts are put off or masked out to grow in the dark, but joy is of a wholeness of being that given welcome will grow new pathways of perspective as participation in life.


Sunday, 9 April 2023

Variants on the Theme Unfolding - Resurrection of Life

Here are three separate reflections I wrote (the first a day or two back - the others this morning:




Comments into the themes beneath and within “What are the risks and benefits of each vaccine?”

By sharing worth, we strengthen and grow it, so of course give as you would (in truth) receive. Beneath our mind and world of errors omissions & lies is a felt quality of existence that our thinking cant get hold of, but can set in symbols, ideals or models of exploration and experience - as a sense of self-becoming. Representations or symbols are not 'true or false' so much as fit for purpose or not. But taking them as reality itself sets a lie and the father of it, for now the idol or the model tells us what we must think. This is coercive experience of limitation. Yes we can assign the dissonance to past, to others, to faulty, weak and susceptible bodies, or treacherous minds but the primary error is a mis-taken identity, phished by our own image and thought. So it isn't that I am pessimistic or cynical, but that an addict has to 'bottom out' before he or she can 'look within' to find what was feared or hated to be true (of self) was never so. There is another basis for living in the world we map and model or uncover to wonder at and wander in, but it cannot be given or taught to those who are insistent that they already know, and that life is set in emotionally invested judgements set too big to fail. Context is everything, and despite our posturing of independence we have a primary conditioning of belonging for survival, and rejection as loss of self and life. So if everyone else acts to a 'reality' we don't see, we may mask in it while seeking further evidences as to what is happening. This can then become a 'face' to maintain against an experience of social conflict. Many are content to lead their own life in the role of follower that uses others who are set up or disposed to take the lead - while it suits them, but to reverse roles as the take-down or subjugation of a leader when they don't lead where followers want to go. The desire for unconsciousness or a bubble of protected self and life from raw conflicts, adjusts and adapts within the limitations such evasions inherently impose. As a path of depletion and diminishing returns, set in rigidifying structures - or strictures. The nature of deep fear set in conflicts of emotional pain can set a life to choose suicide (overtly or covertly as giving up the will to live under official channels) rather than move through pain to a deeper joy or wholeness of being. So I am moved to align in the call to renewal in life that can yet reach to any whose love for life finds them despite, regardless or because of an (dissociating) insanity set in fear of pain, loss or humiliation.

Self assembly of nano-particles is part of natural body function that amidwesertdoctor points to as zeta potential as the colloidal suspension - as well as the phase transitions of 'folding proteins' or molecular transformations.
So at an inconceivably more complex interactive sense biology is a living computational process that fools thing to hack and hijack to gain of private/masked function.
If you search out graphene flagship and the PR output for its ongoing research applications - it includes bio-medical interjections or augmentations of body function - using bio-field as its host.
If you look at Pollacks EZ structured 'gel water' it is a liquid crystaline hexagonal lattice of molecular alignment that holds myriad functions in life (and in our physical matrix or Natural world/Universe). Graphene also has such structure and electromagnetic properties.
I have no doubt this is a cutting edge research that will also run dark (defence GoF etc).
As to whether it is workable may be secondary to the investments in it and the ability to run the belief system based on a cluster of events used to 'prove it is real' in the public mind. (Which I see with both genetic dogma and germ theory - as models of a partiality forms by a desire to possess and control that generate artefacts of thought by which to block or counter a true appreciation or what in principle is Nature as Communication (at all levels and scales).
Our own minds are likewise given to either generating imaginative artefacts from wishful or fearful thinking, or locking down against a greater communication as a sense of shutting down mind or communication to regain or reset a sense of stability, possession and control.
One of the conditions for assigning life is the balancing of inner and outer states as maintaining the conditions for life to operate through and as.
the tech-transhuman idea is the replacement of biofield support & regulation with human/AI tech systems of surveillance (ie insulin levels) and control (user alert or auto-medication). This is merely a logical outcome of a pattern of human thinking given licence to run as a mass reality distortion. However, if the willingness to sacrifice is deeply invested in, the abnegation of self-responsibility, can subject itself to any idols of possession and control - and the boundary between real or imagined becomes a dictate of the idol, rather than owned or conscious purpose in coherent experience.
So not unlike various entertainment/entrainment scriptures, we 'evolved' into a movie of imagined curated existence. or rather our thinking unfolded and developed such themes to their logical conclusions or results.

The Saturnian archetype (Chronos) includes the Parent eating/sacrificing its Children at the end of its Era or Cycle of what became the Golden Age of an 'old normal' or lost Paradise. The regaining of which set the 'progressive development' of All the king’s horses and all the king’s men (ever since).
The hollow nature of setting reality in image and form is a hungry ghost seeking fulfilment for a sense of driven self-lack that consumes and perverts a natural extension of desire to a 'blind getting mechanism'.
The archetype of sacrifice to save a centrally controlled collectively guilted fear from its own Disclosure runs as 'existential survival' in the mode of an addiction that cannot and will not look within. But must pile ever more structure of sacrifice as 'virtue' against the 'Inevitable' - which it defends against as death or worse utter humiliation and damnation - from which death becomes 'saviour'.

if we ONLY fixate on hateful guilted evils to the exclusion of the 'More of Who and What we truly are' we become set or reset in their image by the attempt to stamp out, deny, with all the hate that can be mustered as the foundation of a new order.
Is the NWO a self-replicating mind-virus, or is it here by invitation to serve a deeper awakening to Self-responsibility within a true Inherence - in place of a Promethean cycle of gaslighting and sacrifical bondage?

If the mRNA operating system has been effectively installed via shock, fear and guilting, to serve a spiked agenda of hype-demic application via manual 'transfection' then the 'virus' operating system has mutated or shifted to the capture of a false genesis. For by defensive reaction to False Evidences Appearing Real, we invest identity in their premise for our own protection and as active stakeholder in the very thing we think or say we hate, or join in "War on" as basis to sacrifice as credits or boosters by which to 'save' from our unowned projections of fear - which run like Orwell's Room 101 - except the nameless fear is limited by any specific expression to restore a sense of limits by which to persist or survive in its terms or dictate.

I don't see we can get through to an actively dissociating or blocking defence mechanism. We have to open resonance with the being where they are free to think and reflect of their own desire or curiosity. That is, to look at their thinking and recognise choices that are being made, from a context of shared worth or equity in life. So we also have such defences that set up how we perceive or frame others as threat, enemy or as ideologically captured by such, and so we can be immediately recognised as not accepting them as they are, but coercively pushing them to be what we think they should be. A 'battle of wills' never really arrives at real communication and relationship. We can witness in with-ness to other ways of thinking, seeing and acting as an extension of shared worth that is freely aligned in rather than lockstepped with - or against. But recognising this is the basis from which to practice - by which we soon meet our own proclivities that get in our own way, come too soon, or inhibit a true word for fear of upset.
There are rules in our mind of which we are unaware.
Discriminating the legal or contractual from the lawful is another 'layer' in our current situation. Legal instruments for corporately defined entities (including persons, citizens, as well as governments & institutions) are a form of technically augmented Law, in a prequel pattern for augmented biology (via bio-pharma™, biogenetics™, biotech™).

I see the use of complex instruments for the obfuscating and repackaging of toxic conflicts running counter to resilience, adaptability and evolutionary shifts.

Toxic is also 'imbalanced' or process of uncovering to a process of release and elimination. Where I have choice let me align in life. Where I have no choice let me trust life to support me regardless - and remain open to what is my responsibility so as not to give power to my own often hidden (self) judgements.