Saturday, 7 November 2020

Parasites and the Con-Troll



They subconsciously want to make themselves extinct- they know they are parasites on this planet.

I eat other life to survive in the body. I don't invest in the 'hungry ghost' of Getting a life, but partake in a giving and receiving. Parasitic symbiosis in fungi is associated with clearing the dead. If we become dead in life, we attract the 'parasite'. This way of seeing does not give demonic power to fear, but uses the fear as a call to align in life. Oops! I was taken for a ride there.

If you take a special identity against the role of death as if to gain life, it will always be set in the frame of what you are against.

The death-wish is much more pervasive than we think.

In any self-judgement or self rejection, hate and shame is the desire to kill. This is part of the old normal (as I an choosing to use the term). Bringing the dark to light is a different response to the attempt to eradicate or excommunicate it.

What we resists, persists.

Learning not to feed the troll, is different than scapegoating and driving out those whose behaviours activate the belief they are or might be infectious.

Your passion is not wrong. I am not seeking to deny the life in you. But if we are not aligned for life it is because we are giving energy and focus to the problem that then feeds on what we are giving it.

The sense of self-protection from violating change can set itself against all change and effectively download itself to an algorithm or machine thinking that cannot feel or know the life it has this escaped, conquered or con-trolled.

Thanks for the moment of reflection.


All pharmaceuticals are toxic.

The issue of zinc deficiency - linked to arsenic toxicity is not the covid cover story - but is actual disease.

The benefit of HCQ in low dosage is not direct. It is simply in its enabling the intake of zinc into cells that are starved of zinc. There are other alternatives that also operate this function. The function in its timing saves dying from hypoxia - so you are free to die in some other time and place because you are still living the time of your life.

You have a false knowledge in making your belief about covid 19 a means for denying the disease conditions it is being assigned to.

Puritanical thinking is often impractical.

We are ongoingly toxified - try reading 'what really makes you ill' - and to some extent we are still alive and functioning - though degraded or compromised no doubt.

Fear and panic culture in treatments leveraged by design in my opinion, not only kill by malpractice, but by neglect of other treatments such as vit D, IV vit C.

I am persistently critical of the claims for covid19 - at all levels of its narrative - but I am no less critical of your chosen identity in 'not believing it'  as a means be right.



I’m a complete fan of the book “Plague of Corruption” because I’ve spent a good deal of time researching the weaponizing of cancer and other nefarious bioweapons, both Dr. Fauci and Judy Mickovitz worked together at Fort Detrick’s bioweapons facility. Do the looking your self it’s all available on the internet.

I accidentally printed out 2 copies. But gave them both away.

I find Janine Roberts 'Fear of the Invisible' to stand with the article author's ‘Virus Mania’ as both very worthy reading. I stand with Judy Mikovic in her rights and in gratitude for her willingness to blow the whistle on (unavoidable) vaccine contaminants - quite apart from those by neglect or design.

But Judy has an understandable axe to grind and a very deep personal investment in virology as a means to save humanity and this makes her current witness conflicted.

If you watch her being interviewed by Andre Kaufman who treats her with honour and respect, you may draw your own conclusions.

The attempt to hack human biology is similar to computing in some ways. various apparently unrelated conditions can be generated as a basis for natural immune response to fail. Negative synergies that show up when we need to draw on our resources - are then attributed to the immune response as if that were the disease and not the cure.

Mikovic worked at F Detrick AFTER it had been decommissioned for biological weapon research. Did you really READ the book?

The predicate of an identity set against fear of contagion is not in my interest to promote.

That the plague is of corruption and dishonesty is to the point.

All of this in in context. I already accepted and integrated much of what Judy revealed. Perhaps if that had been my first time, it would have impacted me more  but at the same time fed the psyop of virus as warfare, rather than as a trojan for the 'defences' that kill us or deliver unto evils such a  global biosecurity state.

Galactic perspective to a Current situation - and a Virtual Nightmare 


(to a commenter expecting an oncoming ice age due to Solar fluctuations).

While I agree in principle. The basis for the fluctuations in energy in the Galactic locality through which our Solar system moves is in my view best accounted for by Birkeland Currents that on a full spectrum image of the electromagnetic Universe are 'magnetic' (sic) filaments connecting galactic cells whose nodes and points are stars. An electromagnetic phenomena of self-organising plasma or charged matter. The Birkeland currents - named after Christian Birkeland have counter rotating vortices of charged layers or bands of energy, and while a classic or theoretical modelling can be made, existence operates organic versions according to specific conditions in play.

The electrical or EM nature of our current (literally) relation is not constant and yet the nature of the system is always of a balanced disequilibrium. The 'magnetosphere' (assigned to molten iron spinning our core!) is in direct capacitance or inductive relationship with the Solar - which in turn is in its embracing context. We call this 'Solar wind' (sic) when its nature is electrical rather than thermodynamic. Our understanding of electric is limited by our man made circuits that are or have been constrained as closed systems. (for practical purposes). When Cinema was invented, we initially were constrained by stage productions.

My point is we do not know the periodicity or banding through which our Solar System (and its Galaxy etc) are passing and the past is not a rule for the future.

Clinging to the past is 'understandable' but becomes destructive when sacrificing the present to fear. Retreating into a computer modelling of obfuscation from empirical data that increasing reveal our model of Life and Universe to be wrong or partial and limited, is the attempt of the 'priesthood' to save itself - along with invested corporate possessions and controls.

But the 'ice age' or cooling from Solar minimum is based in science rather than settled by consensus. How much and for how long? I do not believe anyone knows. Is temperature the ONLY significant change? I do not think so. In total change, Consciousness changes - and not just in adaptive reaction, for it is itself part of the Field of energy and information that is Life, but not as we know it, Jim.

It may be so that an 'insider science' is aware of, of expects catastrophic change, and seeks to use narrative leveraging to engineer a response. We have a catastrophic past that is largely airbrushed and 'pushed back' under a masking amnesia of 'millions of years' as the substitution for an actuality of sudden (catastrophic) changes. The very word contains astra - stars.

'Religion' as protection from fear sets the mind IN fear under control - which is what we are seeing in a parody of control trying to 'lord it' over life.

That is the 'old normal' in my view and not something to lockdown into and Restate in tighter control over contracted system.

Love is the basis from which to truly meet what is, and also the basis to align in purpose that attracts the optimal outcome. But if 'love' is being used as a masking of conditional rules and permissions, for 'making safe' or kneeling to arbiters of correctness in abject sin, then the words and forms of such association become degraded and unusable. Yet the practice of presence is not in the presentation.

Managing conflict is managing fear. Emotional charge is induced in the system as the battery by which to use the fearful as the basis for control, and discharges enervate and use up and hollow out the 'prodigal wasteland' of a prison planet.

My growing understanding of mainstream cosmology is that it defines us in practically closed and distanced systems. This is not true - but it is the way fear thinks. The lockdown of the mind is merely being reset or reiterated as the choice to persist such a mind (at whatever cost). The movement I feel is to 'go the other way' to what fear dictates - but NOT as a fight or reaction OF fear.

Energy is not in a thing but communicates by resonance of an 'impact' that needs no physical contact.

I sketch out to provoke and invite curiosity - seeking signs of life on Earth.

What if everything is calling 'wake up!' by every means possible to get our attention. Not merely to nightmare but from fixation and fascination in the dream altogether. 


Well if we can ignore God (Shared Existence) - we can ignore anything.

I don't see uniting against a common fear or hate as 'saving grace' but for a while it may feel like a movement of unity; 

"Kill the scum! - and let us be the saved!".

The mind is many purposes with conflicting and competing 'answers' - all of which reinforce the mind that makes them so as to need to think some more.

It is a strange thing to become aware of what most everyone else is trained not to see, notice or think, but I feel not to indulge the fear around the disturbance. There is an old B film called Virtual Nightmare that was engaging in its concept. We think we have awakened when we have only shifted through one layer of the jamming signal. 

Machine Mind 

The mind that defines in order to possess and control is 'unconsciously biased' and believes such a mind of judgement is necessary and right. 

There is an original mind - (before a masked mind of private judgements became a new normal) - that remains un-maskable or re-discoverable.

The machine mind is a mechanical conditioning reaction to judgement that literally know not what it does, but is predicated to a locked-down split off, distanced and masked under tyrannous narrative or mythic identity.

That this generates the replacement of a living humanity by systemic and technological displacement - and so as Howard below intimates there are deep archetypal patterns here.

Because we ARE in the realm of such a choice, we have the freedom to recognise there IS choice and choose NOT to use the mind that frames us in false choices.

This means to ensure that tools and systems are truly serving human goals and not sacrificing human being to private agenda that at some level represents a fantasy of control given priority in the mind and therefore power.

That such manipulations and technologies MASK in the human good, as concern or protection is, part of their PR or self (and other) justification.

Whether they in fact are or do serve the whole is a matter of the discernment of the heart, which arises from a true willingness to open communication.

It could be said that we have become trapped in a machine mind that effectively programs how we think, excepting that at a deeper level we are the Maker of the thought we accept and align in. There is a choice.

The particular corruption that initiated the crony capitalist era was mass production, energy cartels and the  shift of decision making from governing institutions to backroom cabals. The re-tooling of peasantry to factory tools, and thence to a political proxy through which to seek and take control by deceit is a permutation of the script of fear and control which operates in the mind of judgement and this in the body politic.

There is no separating oligarchs and AI - as it represents the discarding of human tools for  robots, and the use of robots and systemic controls upon those who remain - as well as the tech to bioengineer 'humans' or anything via genetic hacking and splicing. None of this occurs without massive funding. The funding follows greed and fear. Its a machine.

The tares have grown alongside the true harvest all along

"Governments seem to think they can control the virus..?"

Well the PR is framed in such terms, as a way to protect the fear that feeds the control that draws the funding and allegiance for the imposition of defences that DO the harm they purport to protect against.

But insofar as the virus is a codeword for us - the living. They are 'coming out' of any closet of pretence to real relationship as the intent to force life and the living to conform and comply - globally and locally - right down to cellular biology of gene hacking experimentation.

What could possibly go right?

Coming out as a human being is an unmasking both within ourselves and to each other.

The underlying theme of fear, coercion and control is altogether rooted in deceit or self-illusion and regardless of circumstances this does come within our realm of responsibility for our consciousness, for our life as a true with-ness in true worth-ship.

Dissociation is a mind set within something else called judgement. We make a world from judgement we cover over the presence of life with meanings by which a sense of possession and control operate as if independently or autonomously rather than as an expression of wholeness. It is my sense that we have normalised an un-natural mind such as to be invisibly structured by its framing, and yet in the breakdown of the capacity to maintain its masking, are the underlying fears, beliefs and controls revealing themselves to many as clearly mad, or reversed thinking - in which effects are falsely flagged as 'cause' and true cause is hidden by fear, as if to save or protect us from knowing what we do.

The desire to know and be known in truth is alive.

The masking against fear of being known and rejected is judgement.

The warning that comes with the tool 'judgement' is that to us it, is to be used by it.

We set up the measure of our own receipt - but know not what we do.

Awareness is a field of knowing that mental derivatives substitute for and rule out such as to make our being - or the messengers of our being, seem to be the threat to our image or model of reality - in which the illusion of possession and control is played out as a dispossession to an uncontrollable chaos - for it becomes the very means we set against it.

True order is rooted in the heart of an honest decision, aligned with wholeness.

We can become partial to our own invested self-illusion, so as to give it the defences and allegiance due unto That which gives life as true meaning uncovered. As healing uncovered from dissociated thinking framed in conflict.

My sense is the need to recognise such mind-framing and choose NOT to give support and allegiance to it as a currency of exchange and allegiance, so as to give witness and with-ness to our Human being. For we are truly moved and can discern and align there if we release our mind from the reactive justification of an old normalised conditioning.

"Let me be an instrument of Thy Peace" asks for no more than to serve and align in wholeness of being - or to know our purpose and live it. The belief we must hide our true desire is our fear of it, and our masking in substitutions.

The Mask is 'rising from the Deep' as the revealing of us to ourselves in who we are not but fear to be.

So much hate and fear, yet the tares have grown alongside the true harvest all along.

Friday, 6 November 2020

Conspiracy - the more people involved, the LESS likely it will come out


No, what I mean is that conspiracies come out, not that they don’t ever happen. I was being hyperbolic, but the more people involved, the more likely it will come out.

Case-in-point. If year’s presidential election is thoroughly investigated, and there was widespread fraud, I think it will be discovered.

Unless it uncovers a fundamental systemic corruption deemed 'too big to fail'.

The vertical self-preservation of a fear directed and fear protecting narrative IS the blind conspiracy to NOT see and NOT know what your life (as you currently accept it) depends upon NOT seeing.

If you step out of line you are penalised. If you persist, you are invalidated, neutralised, or excommunicated. This is so obvious as to be the definer of what we can think, say, see and share in. It is fear-driven private self-interest under narrative masking justifications.

The corporate (and conspiratorial) practice uses masking of agenda in multiple 'fronts' as  both perception management and hiding or masking money trails - and most of the financial system now is the underbelly - not the surface. Freedom of association for key points of influence makes networks that can be leveraged to specific outcomes at key moments under their own 'masking justifications'. And so there is no need or call for conspiring to any single narrative intent, but merely to exert incentivised pressure in any and all systems to nudge and frame it in thought and regulations that render the society, institution of corporation less resilient to being corrupted or influenced via backroom or back door agenda.

Deference to 'power' as the capacity to mask as the Protector of Order, and the means to favour, privilege or success - and corresponding fears of their denial, operates in large part as not biting the hand that feeds us or not calling penalty of blame and vilification to our person or group.

Its all built into a fear-defined and fear-masking identity.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

History is a deliberate lie...


History is a deliberate lie written by people with vested interests aligned with their sponsors.

Great COVID global pandemic phantom already became historical lie next generations will be brainwashed with. Criminals like Johnson will be canonized as Thatcher was, as savior saints.

Read history textbooks of two neighboring countries, even contemporary political allies, about the same centuries old historical events. They cannot agreed on simple long established facts while interpretations of those events are outright contradictory despite joint historical commissions after decades failing to reconcile historical record.

"History is a deliberate lie..."

Even down to a personal level...

History is a personal and construct - and yet there IS a record.

The record is not IN the world so much as the energetic inheritance that shapes our world as the construct of invested or identified belief through which our experience follows, and by which it operates as a form of charged conditions held in check or discharging through events.

It comes 'down the generations' as the conflicts and denials of a sense of 'separation trauma'. Control is the masking over separation trauma.

The personae level is a casting out of conflict that protects the conflict while seeking to resolve it 'externally'.

I will 'SEE' my shadow in you instead of being in your presence while conditions trigger and support the sense of a private agenda running as the 'defence' of who the 'Past' has made me.

Which means I will not see you except and unless you meet a conditional agreement that also runs beneath the surface as  a 'social contract' to mutually reinforce identity and world-view, by masking in 'love' or by open judgements of social distance.

The decision NOT to see, is the persistence of a masking over the hated and feared, within us. Without the mask is the experience of our conflict intolerable - excepting in some measure of awakened faith in life as being itself, and not as the mind-manufactured madness of a mask that wears its own maker.

We all experience uniquely of the same Life - but not of the same world.

That we CAN align in Life is the revealing of a world that CAN be shared.

Materialism has fitted the Life into the mind of its own definitions, but what truly Matters, is shared reality. While private reality is given priority, stories conflict and compete the attempt to become 'real', yet there is an intimate basis for existence that is already one with reality and is only lost, discarded or forgotten and denied by attempts to become something that you do not believe you are (or would not have to struggle to become or overcome to know it).

There is a point where the tax and burden of conflicted self-illusion becomes fundamentally unworkable as a collective experience of managed conflict, and 'reset' becomes inevitable and unavoidable. But the image came to be that the release of the leaf and fruit to a winter down in the roots, is also the fruiting of the seeds that are in the earth.

We have NO agency outside the conditions of support for being, and can only be what we are in the conditions that are current. But we have - and are - far more than our projections and entanglements of identification, such that a compression back into our being is an uncovering OF being in the light of all we have lived as the movement of expansion and expression.

History can hold every blessing ever lived, because life Knew Itself shared.

My sense of life in the world can also be shaped by a sense of Self and Life denied - such as to fitted to the conditioning of a world set in fear - because love is not welcome here, or is met with treachery, or is itself treacherous to a sense of rejection and abandonment that must 'live' in the realm of denial to keep any face at all.

The blindness of mind in denial is its self-conviction as necessity set in 'right'.

The necessary lie becomes the right to lie, rather than suffer to be victim to the unthinkable.

The concept of the un-think-able is of a mind forbidden to look - or else be damned.

Power is said to be revealed by what is NOT allowed to be openly spoken or challenged without penalty. But power is what we give priority to in our heart and mind.

There are deceits within the mind by which a false allegiance is deeply protected against exposure, that our managed conflict of a world depends on, but they are shone away by releasing such allegiance, rather than overcome or eradicated by boosting of bolstering the false.

The world will run its course, but where we each choose to stand within it is a matter of perspective, not of conditions. Expanding perspectives include and transcend apparent conflicts - to release a compulsive and necessary identification. Whenever the light of such awareness grows, the invested identity in darkness resorts to any means by which to reset conflict as the condition in which control attracts priority, funding and allegiance.

At least to those who are still attracted to and identified in narrative or historical identity above any call to true presence, recognised and shared, as exactly this unique expression of living.


So tired of this Q, satanism garbage. We are being made to suffer so we accept the WEF’s new rules for living. That’s it.


You choose whether to give your power to their intent to divide and break your will.

Satanism can be used to mean many things - as can Nazism. Calling something evil does not make us 'good' or prove us in the Right.

Form based reality or a love of form AS reality, is in a sense at war or in conflict with truth - not that truth engages with illusion.

The idea of possession and control is a form based sense of self possession and independent agency sat within a realm of conflicting and competing purposes. the consolidation of such 'power' under a monopolar system of control is a reiteration of its starting place - or predicate.

You suffer the world in any case excepting you are one with it, but think to overcome its fear, pain and loss as the mind set in dissociation of judgement.

Phishing uses the forms of reality to operate hidden agenda. All of us have masking persona behind which to present a false or limited communication. I am not calling on Satan to prove my 'god' so much as suggesting that the mind is a medium of deceit in its attachment and identification with forms, conditions and associations by which it thinks to exist in its own right - rather than as an expression of the light of a prior Awareness that simply cannot be patented, copyrighted, possessed, weaponised, leveraged and wielded EXCEPT by masking in such forms as are associated with power or love or piety etc.

The masquerade of hollow parody of life is the desperation to maintain the mask of diminishing returns. Until and unless questioned this drive operated a debasing and destructive outcome - such as is pathologically laid down in the drive to replace life with bio-engineered tools. The love of form paradoxically hates this world and the life that is, for its love is an ideal fantasy that never really was - but seems to have been by the experience of loss.

Note that pre covid could seem a golden age - but that is all hindsight.

Human minds can operate as if they are reliving a past that is not here - or seeking to regain it. But what is, is as it is - regardless our capacity to engage attention and identity everywhere else in its place.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

We destroy our economy for no benefit? 

From our point of view no benefit and only degradation and destruction.

But there is a point of view that actively grips and enacts this agenda regardless any extension of reason or relationship as fellow human beings.

Whether that view is rational to its own priorities and predicates is not to say it it Sane.

It's fundamental means is fear and deceit, and so I suggest it is an effect of fear and deceit.

But my point is that many keep thinking that there is no perceived or desired benefit in this whole mess. R Kennedy Jr made a very short video for the need to call on and align in science as the defence against fear, and manipulative deceits in which the net gain in wealth for a number of key players during the 'pandemic' is shown on screen. But it's far more than wealth. It is leverage over the indebted, the fearful, the ambitious  and the needy.

A corrupted science, a corrupted media and a corrupted political system, all seem to bring science, journalism or politics into disrepute - towards ditching them completely for a technocracy of  a corporately driven State. We have perhaps arrived at such a state.

Much of what we thought was true has been used to deceive us, but we also for the most part wanted to sleepwalk along managed tramlines into systems in which we are not required to think - in the connected and sane sense of the meaning of taking thought and making decisions.

The perceived benefit of a population of tooled compliance to those who see us as assets, tools or threat and burden is a no-brainer. It is also heartless or dissociated as a financial and corporate entity set in laws that make human outcomes impossible. Systemic evils are heavily defended as too big to fail and so the evil is protected from any real threat by change that distributes pain to the people. Protection became a racket under which we pay by compliance to mitigate our exposure to a top-down pain - largely masked in complex manipulations that serve vested interests and SEEM to mask or mitigate our fears.

Redemption is the trading in of the false for the true. Nothing true is threatened by a process of true re-evaluation, but fears rising from invested identity will block the willingness to transparency and truth at every turn. So bringing our fears INTO our curriculum is the honesty to our current willingness, and a capacity to grow in willingness. I see an urgency to connect with such a willingness in place of being run by fear unseen. But within our willingness is the need to bring our full attention present and feel our way as a restoring of the basis from which to think, speak and act sanely.

I have read that on arrival at a triage situation, arriving paramedics have learned (the hard way), to take a time first to calm and centre - so as to act from a capacity to discern and prioritise who can in fact most likely be saved and who cannot - but would take away from helping those who can. Fools rush in because we 'see' and react to what we 'think' we see, until we can check the thinking with what is actually here. Then having invested in such identifications and actions (and consequences), we are liable to seek justification and cover story at cost of a true learning experience. A fundamental error, given cover story becomes a systemic evil. We know this, but the hate of evil outcome set in rage and vengeance, works against uncovering anything but blame driven narratives. And so it has come to this.

#2:  On an 'Immune system'

Homeostasis is a concept of balancing the conditions for life amidst change and challenge.
The pathogen theory assigns agency to toxic or imbalancing or undermining of function.
In the event of being poisoned by another's intent or negligence - human agency comes into play, but otherwise, the body IS the condition of supporting your life now - regardless your narrative experience of it. And yet our psychic-emotional feedback programs or conditions the body as part of its terrain while thinking to be some sort of controller.

I will go and read the article. I followed a reference to Langerhans cells recently - probably from a post here - We don't need antibacterial hand 'washing'. It's built in.

Fear's defences work to undermine our natural immunity from within.
The masking defences, lock the fear IN.
This goes all the way back to 'fig-leaf thinking' in attempt to cover a sense of self-lack.

That may be too short and too radical to be understood.
But we effectively become the personal mask or defence in place of a wholeness of being.
And project fear as threat as the basis for buying time for the 'system' or strategy of coping with which we have become identified against a life feared, demonised and largely ruled or filtered out.

The belief in corona death by contagion operated the reactions that made is narrative seem justified - which brought and continue to bring consequences of self-reinforcement to the belief.

Likewise a belief in self-lack can seek comfort in foods that become a reinforcement to evade emotional discomfort - quite apart from the denatured and even toxic nature of some of the foods being marketed to such an identity profile.

The body and the life is our condition right now, and is worthy of appreciation and gratitude - not fear, demonisation and pre-emptive 'treatments'. A true presence can expand as the qualities of life - and discern a balanced response to any situation. Running on fear given priority, is always driven, tyrannous or compulsive. We can learn to tell the difference.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Communication is the Nature of Life

(Lost context)


 Thankyou for your companionship.

The communication of information within the biome of all life and in specific species  as within an organism is for me the nature of life. The means for this are many and synchronous - ie not a linear central control system! One of these modes is through exosomes - which may be the broken fragments of cellular material that carry information from their experience. This allows a communication - which may be via bacterial, or particulate medium, to operate. The receptivity to any update' may respond in any number of ways. Not so different from sending packets of information over the web that contain executables that are only activated under specific conditions. This model for me allows a communication that is in itself life supporting and not pathogenic - particularly relating to changes and challenges to life such as toxic conditions and perhaps trauma that is laid down or stored in the body.

Virus as pathogen is assigning our human mind to a viral packet.

Has anyone accounted for how 'a bit of code' can hijack a living cell in order to then replicate itself? Bill Gates could offer an answer but he knows it isn't the virus that 'does' it but the crafted exploit to a systemic back-door. A breakdown of integrity to conditions of disorder is part of imbalance - without which balance could not be found and lived.

The equilibrium - is always in motion and so is not static and so is always moving to and from balance and the idea of homeostasis is similar. So all kinds of conditions are activated and then deactivated and many of these operate millions of times per second. The issues that arise under toxic and unsupported or malnutritive conditions, are where function is compromised or blocked so as to fail to complete. But I don't separate out parts of such function and call them pathogenic just because they are found at the scene of the 'crime'.

I wrote not so much to tell you anything you don't already know but as the willingness to trust to writing where I am at that includes the idea of communication, but within a field or resonance and relevance.

Shooting the messenger is the liability of any defended model when a greater perspective knocks on the door.

I just watched a Dr Fuellmich - a lawyer who with others is on the case. He and others like him may move toward the direction you are hoping for.

I desire to see the use of fraud and deceit, checked and blocked from further destruction, via mind-capture, as the prerequisite for anything else.

We will see.

Belief in masking cover story is very deep set. No one can begin to release what they are not aware of running under, and are predicated to defend it as their life. When what is toxic rises up from denial or encapsulation to be released, we experience it as reliving ancient trauma and reiterate whatever it costs to get the lid back on - as a kind of mind-capture or mind-control from a sense of conflict that invokes such control as the means to limit intolerable pain, fear, guilt.  In that sense we are all like 'shaped charges'. I don't call for sympathy, but uncovering our own and coming through it in any sense opens a recognition and compassion for life. Love of life and humanity supports us through the unthinkable. Not for who we seem to be, but for who and what we truly are.