They subconsciously want to make themselves extinct- they know they are parasites on this planet.
I eat other life to survive in the body. I don't invest in the 'hungry ghost' of Getting a life, but partake in a giving and receiving. Parasitic symbiosis in fungi is associated with clearing the dead. If we become dead in life, we attract the 'parasite'. This way of seeing does not give demonic power to fear, but uses the fear as a call to align in life. Oops! I was taken for a ride there.
If you take a special identity against the role of death as if to gain life, it will always be set in the frame of what you are against.
The death-wish is much more pervasive than we think.
In any self-judgement or self rejection, hate and shame is the desire to kill. This is part of the old normal (as I an choosing to use the term). Bringing the dark to light is a different response to the attempt to eradicate or excommunicate it.
What we resists, persists.
Learning not to feed the troll, is different than scapegoating and driving out those whose behaviours activate the belief they are or might be infectious.
Your passion is not wrong. I am not seeking to deny the life in you. But if we are not aligned for life it is because we are giving energy and focus to the problem that then feeds on what we are giving it.
The sense of self-protection from violating change can set itself against all change and effectively download itself to an algorithm or machine thinking that cannot feel or know the life it has this escaped, conquered or con-trolled.
Thanks for the moment of reflection.
All pharmaceuticals are toxic.
The issue of zinc deficiency - linked to arsenic toxicity is not the covid cover story - but is actual disease.
The benefit of HCQ in low dosage is not direct. It is simply in its enabling the intake of zinc into cells that are starved of zinc. There are other alternatives that also operate this function. The function in its timing saves dying from hypoxia - so you are free to die in some other time and place because you are still living the time of your life.
You have a false knowledge in making your belief about covid 19 a means for denying the disease conditions it is being assigned to.
Puritanical thinking is often impractical.
We are ongoingly toxified - try reading 'what really makes you ill' - and to some extent we are still alive and functioning - though degraded or compromised no doubt.
Fear and panic culture in treatments leveraged by design in my opinion, not only kill by malpractice, but by neglect of other treatments such as vit D, IV vit C.
I am persistently critical of the claims for covid19 - at all levels of its narrative - but I am no less critical of your chosen identity in 'not believing it' as a means be right.
I’m a complete fan of the book “Plague of Corruption” because I’ve spent a good deal of time researching the weaponizing of cancer and other nefarious bioweapons, both Dr. Fauci and Judy Mickovitz worked together at Fort Detrick’s bioweapons facility. Do the looking your self it’s all available on the internet.
I accidentally printed out 2 copies. But gave them both away.
I find Janine Roberts 'Fear of the Invisible' to stand with the article author's ‘Virus Mania’ as both very worthy reading. I stand with Judy Mikovic in her rights and in gratitude for her willingness to blow the whistle on (unavoidable) vaccine contaminants - quite apart from those by neglect or design.
But Judy has an understandable axe to grind and a very deep personal investment in virology as a means to save humanity and this makes her current witness conflicted.
If you watch her being interviewed by Andre Kaufman who treats her with honour and respect, you may draw your own conclusions.
The attempt to hack human biology is similar to computing in some ways. various apparently unrelated conditions can be generated as a basis for natural immune response to fail. Negative synergies that show up when we need to draw on our resources - are then attributed to the immune response as if that were the disease and not the cure.
Mikovic worked at F Detrick AFTER it had been decommissioned for biological weapon research. Did you really READ the book?
The predicate of an identity set against fear of contagion is not in my interest to promote.
That the plague is of corruption and dishonesty is to the point.
All of this in in context. I already accepted and integrated much of what Judy revealed. Perhaps if that had been my first time, it would have impacted me more but at the same time fed the psyop of virus as warfare, rather than as a trojan for the 'defences' that kill us or deliver unto evils such a global biosecurity state.