Celia Farber ponders some of the current experience.
Prompting my response
Your human heart is very clear to me and so is dear to me.
don't see we can solve an issue prior to the world we made (by
judgement) in the realm of its effects. Which is the 'Fall' from
embracing perspective into a bug eradicator that becomes its own
self-replicating inversion of life by doing the thing it accuses in
Others, yet knows not what it does.
I find A Course in Miracles
speaks to uncover and dispel the 'mind that made a will and a world'
unlike God's Creation. The Holy Spirit of discernment is the Gift of
being released Upstream or prior to our problem reactive, deeply
invested and defended habits. The Grace of Noticing.
Seeking for
and living from discernment is very different to the use we have trained
our mind to run - against it true function of communication, indeed
Intellectual translation will run old wine bottle
subversion. To receive is to be as children who are shown - and not
interfere as if to know better! The mind of possession and control in us
all, runs beneath the marketising and weaponising of a world insane.
In the sense of thinking as reactive habit - learning to abide with rather than think.
recently met some video of Marshal Rosenberg that exemplifies what I
recognise as real communication, or natural and functional presence - as
distinct from the coded adjustments of distortion filters that
pre-emptively attack or judge as part of acquired defences from old
patterns of separation trauma; pain, fear. isolation, loss, abandonment,
treachery, betrayal, unworthiness.
More in the 'world' but no
less inspiring as a bridge of Spirit to our need to heal us and our
world both is the Jeshua tracts in The keys of Jeshua. We are in a time
of great Compression. Understanding in Spirit is of a different order to
narratives by which to persist our investment in a world taken as
separate or thing in itself.
There's none such 'thing' or self
but we have invested attention and intention in fear AS belief, and in
guilt AS conviction, that death of love has been effected by us, and to
us. Clinging unto even the little that we hath as if by sacrifice, we
may forfend total loss. But love is not what fear made of it.
to be still and know, remains a direct and immediate dispelling of
reactive compulsive defences against imagined or modelled outcomes given
power and funding.
There is no way to teach a 'territory' that
has not yet been opened, and yet to those opening or unmasking from a
reality that 'broke' - there is a shared classroom of acceptance and
appreciation for what -'goes with the territory'.
Awakening -
like any true word is become weaponised and marketised to subvert it to
serve the mask, but not really. The truth of a word truly spoken is in
the territory prior to any symbolic or conceptual processing. redeem the
word we use in thought and speech for our actions will reflect it.
are we in and of the territory of the Infinite - regardless our mapping
to bodies in complex shifting meanings that can reflect a resonance or
no less faithfully a dissonance. Fear must be brought into
responsibility, for we set up the split or conflicted goals or wishes by
which to conflict, doubt and deny our own Good.
Alight and align in a willingness to heal as reintegration to wholeness, or take a reset by default?