Abiding in Integrity of being
in response to the themes in:
(Remaining in integrity when meeting an intent to undermine, attack or invalidate the messenger as a means to block a message without engaging in communication).
It may seem like you stand in a cesspit, but you stand in the truth as long as you don't accept the framing of self-deceit as anything worthy of engaging in.
The wisest path I feel, is to see the assertion or claim for existence as an offer, that you provisionally accept, subject to receiving supported answers to a list of reasonable questions that would then validate the claim. Without which the offer is left unsupported and of no substance as a basis in law.
If you make counterclaim, you present a claim that can be required to likewise be challenged or called to account - not just with clear questions that could be answered, but into every kind of trick, trap and burden on your time, energy and resources.
Likewise for all of us who are not only unconvinced of virology's basis and its offshoots such as vaccines - but are aware of many fraudulent claims. A sense of moral outrage can be quick to react in counter-claim that them initiated a 'battle of wills' or polarised defence against an enemy - which is unproductive and actually protects the issues for m being investigated due to the invested identity in an outcome.
I would encourage NOT to merely assert non- existence as if 'we are right and they are wrong' as if persisting the same position 'should win' when it becomes tedious or going over and over the same points. This means to integrate and expand our own sense of the issue in all of its many aspects by teaching it.
This also becomes an ongoing education that opens both personal understanding and appreciation as well as sharing and growing in a culture of worth. Otherwise we grow an anti-culture or identity that fixates on what we don't want as a basis to get what we think we want (ie self-vindication).
As for engaging with abuse, I feel that if people resort to such reactions and persist after some reflection or notification of it invalidity as a communication - then there is no relationship, and no call to answer or persist in a pretense that masks as communication in order to hijack the mind and replicate its 'thinking'. There's your 'virus'. We can be certain it is out there seeking to get us because we automatically project our own intentions to others, as if real if we still engage such manipulation and believe it real.
Contagion is a subset of communication - indeed a reception to transmission. This has been applied to ideas sin who knows when, and is akin to the idea of corruption. There is a realm of antecedence to the 'rational projection of virus particles' that is avoided within a science that has been trained to discard, downplay of dismiss Mind, the Psyche or Soul as a form of immunisation against communication unless it supports the current rules and filters of assertions running as 'self-evident reality'. So I would use 'the virus' issue as a means to look at our mind, our thinking and our emotionally invested identity. For this is where the error can be addressed or revealed to a shifted perception of self, life and world - which is each other.