(The heat theory of activation and stopping of viral respiratory symptoms).
I just dropped in to read the above blog.
I wonder how the theory would have to be framed if it was not allowed to assign volition to the virus? But rather to cellular symbiosis - ie cells replicate viruses, cells are receptive or not to viruses. I havent an argument with observed symptoms, but once we learn to 'see' something in a particular narrative we cannot easily not-see it, so as to perhaps notice other angles.
I don't have any sense that there is any scientific basis for assigning viruses to be organisms. But more like an email that carries information and instructions and perhaps upgrades.
Some code (information) in a packet of identifiers that operate an addressing system.
An 'active infection' accesses various body functions or routines within a larger framework of homeostasis.
The biological processes have many facets of signalling, that operate extremely fast in our terms - such as millions of times a second or more. If I had to find a 'metaphor' fro the mechanism I would lean toward something like quantum computing. In which a mass (mess?) of variables self organise spontaneously and yet with points of resonance, synchronicity, communication and balance.
I haven't followed up on it but read somewhere that our bio-computing operates a quadranary system rather than binary. Each gene can be responsible for a multitude of functions, that can also be switched on or off epigenetically - all of which operates as a whole - and yet like our minds can seem to operate as conflicting parts or dysfunction, and break down as a result.
Yet I am not disposed to inhabit the models that presume dysfunction or susceptibility to attack as the weak or inadequate nature that must be taken over and improved. But rather to presume functional integrity that has acquired or imposed characteristics of competing priorities under conditions of lack of sustenance and support. While I feel the body is a faithful servant (under conflicting instructions) our minds are clearly able react in disproportionate and inverted priorities. These result in actions that can hinder rather than help, and interpret the hindrance as proof of being attacked and thus ratchet up an error. But on a human level errors can serve learning development, and so are part of a call for correction that calls consciousness as response - eventually... or perhaps not. Yet even here it is a matter of zooming out to see a pattern that is not apparent in a part taken out of its total context,
If the heat theory is correct - might there be studies of saunas as remedial to respiratory conditions?
My sense is that sauna might often obviate the need for a respiratory infection. As they run a kind of voluntary fever and detoxification.
A video by the same author on the theory:
My comment there.
Vit D plays innumerable roles within immune function. Seasonal.
(The body switches to synthesise cholesterol sulphate when Vit D level reach saturation - this has a more radical support role than currently recognised according to S. Seneff et al.).
G Pollack's work on vicinally structured water as an electrical gradient that does work in the cells and the capillaries is another major discovery, This particularly applies to near infra red spectrum. seasonal radiant energy at such frequencies must have systemic effects on function.
Respiratory diseases are known to be aggravated by toxic and particulate exposure - and the lungs are one of the elimination routes for toxicities. Might the toxic burden grow in colder climes inverse to immune support so as to initiate a viral response rather than viral 'attack'. All viruses are either created in the cell - or may be fragments of recycled cellular material performing intra and extracellular functions. Are cells not symbiotic? Is the idea of 'hijacking' cells an anthropomorphic projection?
Air quality can be degraded by weather conditions, and topographical troughs in which pollution accumulates under certain conditions. Apart from man made pollutions of which there are new variations as a result of new technology - we have the volcanic particulates and I assert more interaction with particulates from outside Earth - which can include comet dust. Also sunspot activity has been correlated with various disease outbreaks - which links to responses in the Earth that are not just the influx of cosmic particles, but are understood in the light of Earths atmosphere as a dielectric of capacitance within an 'organic' circuit rather than man-made circuitry.
That viruses are present in the body without causing disease suggests they do no 'cause' disease - but conditions of stress and imbalance or toxic burden may all play a role in the triggering of specific biological functions that we assign as disease - and which can in themselves be fatal when the immune function is itself compromised or blocked.
Lastly stress itself contributes to disease. But it also maintains the immune function.
Our life choices can also undermine our resilience.
Whatever the causes - sunshine and summer are expansive and winter somewhat hibernatory.
There may be cyclic changes in metabolism for a year just as we have circadian rhythms for a day.
Terrifying people hardly boosts their resilience - unless they determine to grow stronger despite the challenge.
Fear of disease is a part of reactions that may not help.
The body can 'switch conditions on so that they run a function and are then turned off
This is simply feedback to consider or not - but I felt to write it!
@Patrick Shaw Stewart
Thanks for your response. I have heard others in the field of science who seek in vain to tell anyone who will listen that the respiratory diseases 'fall off and recur - in different variations ANYWAY. But it may be possible to extend 'the disease' with treatments and to enhance it with
preventatives that add negative factors to immune dysfunction. I do not enjoy running such thoughts in my mind - but they are a 'normal' for those who are in some sense emotionally or politically in sympathy with a 'reset' that 'cancels' science and reason as a 'cultural construct'!
Surely the biggest frame of focus is the assumption that (some) viruses (sometimes) are seen as pathogenic - that is as causing disease or attacking the life of the organism. What if this is falsely flagged away from true cause or causes.
Causes can be many factors that may themselves be effects of other factors.
'Susceptibility' may be a loss of systemic coherence or integrity, and disease the symptom of a breach of integrity which if it cannot at this time be resolved will be worked around, encapsulated or defended against. Homeostasis is a large part of what we assign to living systems and indeed as immune function - maintaining the conditions for life.
I am not at all denying your curiosity and attraction to the idea of ambient radiant energy - or 'temperature' as a parameter for cellular signalling- whether functional exosomes or seemingly pathogenic viruses. But even this could be part of co-factors.
If indeed viral particles are broken down in conditions of sunlight and or heat - as in UV and other factors - then the 'communication' or transmission' of viral information will be severely dampened - yet endogenous viruses are not absent - but are merely present without symptoms.
This would point to a seasonal update.
As I am sure you are aware I freely follow my curiosities with perhaps more willingness to question 'accepted science' but not as merely subjective models of 'alternate narrative identity'.
Successful scientific 'discoverers' often acknowledge the inner processes that guided or prompted their 'eureka!' or simply 'chance' observations that sowed seeds to be imaginatively modelled in variable parameters until experiment and observation can determine support or not for the idea.
However an invested 'narrative identity' or model, will actively assert its premises and filter, distort or disregard any incoming evidences that 'threaten' the model. I think this is apparent to any who have a mind with regard to the 'politicisation' of science in the current time - although I prefer captured regulatory systems - which of course include the capacity to think - and to challenge our own thinking.
My own research of medical and scientific history reveals that the established and protected narrative will prevail unless a new opportunity is deemed either more profitable (less costly) or a way to 'escape' a dead end without losing 'face' - or credibility and control.
I see the otherwise incomprehensible decisions being taken as an example of the latter - based on latent infection deemed threat to Society, as the basis for a technocratically biosecurity-state running centrally defined 'definitions, diagnostics, and testing - along with treatments that include mandate over our health and bodies but extend to our freedom of association.
If you proved your case and found your were ignored and persisted to find your were smeared, or went public to show there was no longer a basis for such (insane) measures, you would join the ranks of others denied a voice and a credible reputation.
But fear is not the only 'tipping point' and the research that is worth and has merit may yet find its acceptance in times to come - and kept alive in a few - without causing any apparent symptom of threat to the established order - until the larger conditions change.
As you extended a smile ;-)
I felt a willingness to share the following.
“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis.
In the presence of love, (resonant communication and relationship) these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, (toxicity, deprivation, attack and conflict), negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)
(No I don't seek to impose a 'god' onto what is already true - but I note that what we receive identity from, will run as unquestioned or unmindful authority. False premises - as in false modelling parameters - results in unworkable results that sooner or later force a reset as a result of the burden of pain of operating under them, and the need to question upstream attracts more than solving increasing complexity downstream.
Here we are in comments within the 'dating service' of youtube 'suggestions'!
And if I ramble on - it is also the expression of overlapping interests.
I am not seeking to persuade.
But look at Pollack's work - the Fourth phase of water'. He exemplifies empirical science in method and exposition of transparency. This is directly relating to the celluar medium under background radiant energy - (temperature) especially 'radiant energy' at NIR.
Water is not an inert medium - any more than what was presumed to be a vaccuum of empty space. The medium supports the messaging.