Saturday, 15 August 2020

Name Calling (is a double-edged spell) 

Name calling will help its targets justify denying credibility to the witness, messenger or evidence. But only if they want to seek and find all the justifications for persisting in their current state.

Name calling operates a masking in virtue - as the 'judge'.

Narrative competitions run polarised identities.

Those who frame the dominant narrative farm the energy of such human batteries. Currently 'populism and globalism'.

Name calling that is adopted and used as currency operates a 'mind capture'. Not unlike hacking the unwary by back-door exploits so as to set up a bot-net to activate as needed.

Pejorative terms serve private mythology and don’t serve addressing the issue truly. (But divert to a blame agenda).

Consciously discerned language would do a lot to clarify and unify our minds – but the emotional demand to let off steam is the lack of a better option – or the indulgence of a sense of temporary reality adjustment in which the frustrated or intimidated one venets their splee amidst company that sings in the same choir.

I prefer true witness – that can of course be open to question and dialogue.

Why be framed in the narrative of false or erroneous assertions? – IE as an ‘anti’ or ‘denier’. I don’t see the support for, and the substance of, the covid-19 assertions, but I see a LOT of noise targeted to induce emotional investment by reaction – that used somewhat trusted institutions to persist in its ‘reconditioning’ that for the most part are still doing so.

The ‘political’ agenda of which has a lot of support from the identity set in managed fear and protection.

The state is a PPP under global jurisdiction. But ‘partnership’ implies free agreement rather than an offer you cant refuse.

Who lives the world in form but has terror stalking at his heart?

When a feared shadow is revealed harmless we laugh in relief and release – but the fear is not undone.

For many here it shifted from a virus to a top-down agenda of deceit and coercion that has set in motion (or removed the chocks) to a crash that brings unprecedented change and challenge. Although near extinctions are not unprecedented nor collapse of civilisations.

For what - there is no pandemic? - But the horse has bolted 

fleamarketmutt said re HCQ treatment protocols:

For what - there is no pandemic

? @fleamarketmutt  You indicate a binary blindness.

Regardless the causes - clinical symptoms have shown in a very few who appear to enter a secondary phase of a  flu type disease process. These may be caused by flu-shot antibodies cross reacting with our own natural antibodies - especially if that batch had canine coronoviral antibodies in its serum. But whatever the causes the toxic effect is the lack of capacity in the blood to take in oxygen in the blood. HCQ - and other therapeutic interventions and supports can prevent such an event or prevent death occurring while passing through such an event.

I urge you to be more alert to the hijacking of your mind by narrative assertions that you haven't actually evaluated and checked in your own heart and mind.

The fear is the pandemic - and subsumes and subverts everything and anything to support itself.

Fear-reactions include refusal to see, to think or to question for ourself - and so many are quick to give over the power of their own responsibility (to themselves and their lives) to anyone that offers a sense of escape from actually meeting and facing our fear.

The collapse of the global economy by design uses the pretext of a pandemic threat as a cover.

It is true that HCQ proponents can be on board with the Pandemic and yet stating there is nothing that cannot be already safely treated - and this while not going to the root of WHAT is going on and what it is be-lived to be - DOES address the problem in its own terms to completely undermine the vaccine gold rush bubble  and weaken the case for the global biosecurity state rollout.

Polarised identity does not WANT to see or know truly 

I am aware that this issue of corruption and deceit is not at all new, and that while there are always a few who are aware, their voices are walled out and unlooked for, by the many who live in the bubble of its capture.

Judgements and opinions work deceit and division of a polarised identity that does not WANT to see or know truth - because it acts from convictions it already knows that are for the most part invisible structure of thought and belief we operate FROM and  - I repeat have an active desire NOT to look at or question, because 'our world' depends on NOT seeing.

This sketch is not sectarian or partisan to any side of any conflict.

What do you truly WANT is therefore the most fundamental question you could ask - and is akin to listening in the heart of prayer - for what you truly WANT is revealed, uncovered or shown you - as you are willing to accept.

The issue of free will or slavery is not  one of opinions but of freedom to accept and align truly. This means we are free to refuse, deny or limit our  awareness and receiving of wholeness - but always at cost of a tyrannous mind or 'will' set in opposition to 'feared truth' under grievance and vengeance seeking 'freedom' as self-vindication.

It is impossible to the mind of such conflict to merely say that love of truth is the truth of love, and that there is no fear in a true loving. But the light of love and truth has felt qualities that resonate within us, and which, if we align in will deliver us from evils that are of our own making - as distinct from a co-creative Willing.

The spark of life is in all - regardless how deeply hidden. All are Called but few choose - as yet - to Listen. Yet we never answer alone, for the willingness of a true response is unmasking from the fear-belief or self-conviction that we are alone, in a body, isolated and abandoned to fear, pain and loss of all that we are, to death and destruction. Freedom is the Spirit of our being. A masking persona needs to become transparent to what truly moves us to release the slavery that comes from the attempt to control Life to fit the mask. Looking past the surface appearances of others will reveal us to ourselves - and extend even to those who seem to deny us.

Thursday, 13 August 2020

A Novel Conceit


Can you please tell me why this is not considered an Isolated strain?

This is the proof people use to doubt me when I tell them it does not exist.

Thank you very much

'Matter' collected from a patient 'tested' with RT-PCR for coronavirus is sequenced to 'find the whole genome?

Is this not circular reasoning? 

The matter originally collected for the novel discovery was not isolated or purified to formally identify forms of virus specific to any disease symptomology - but fragments of RNA were genetically 'identified'  and modelled to reconstitute the 'whole virus' (no claim to causality in the original Wuhan study).

And so what exactly the matter can be is anybodies guess. 

But lets run with the idea of it as a basis to choke the world economy and precipitate unprecedented global chaos as the insider opportunity to make the world new - in its own image.

But back to your linked study. This is the 'matter' that is 'tested' for  - with ranges of tolerance that are far wider than the DNA match of chimps and humans.

Now the 'matter' has been 'matched' to discover the whole sequenced genome of a virus in one Nepalese patient sample.

The expansion of the virological model to the genetic model, is in process of extricating itself from a mess of unsupporting empirical data - but in the meanwhile has to save the appearances. At least until the deal is done and dusted.

'Post-truth science' can adjust the models by resetting parameters so as to convict anything or eradicate it. Its language is arcane, elitist and impenetrable.

Conceit often means an extended rhetorical device, summed up in a short phrase, that refers to a situation which either does not exist, or exists rarely, but is needed for the plot.

Conceit also operates as vanity, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-adulation, self-regard, egotism, egoism, egocentricity, egomania; pride, arrogance, hubris, boastfulness, cockiness, self-importance, immodesty; self-satisfaction, smugness, complacency.

Identity or 'worldview' breakdown

Reading between your lines I recognise an identity or 'worldview' breakdown.

Part of this is a presumption of being civilised or 'the good guys' or 'decent human beings' etc

Identity constructs are both personal and social adaptation to change and challenge, they can also be seen as masking narratives.

But I see that which identifies (us) truly as transparency to the qualities and resonance of being - that are pointed to with terms such as God, truth, love.

But the grasping and masking of private agenda in the images and forms of these generates structures of opacity and self-contradictory thought, that is in effect compartmentalised and shifted between, as a sort of timeshare under a narrative continuity manager. 

The mind that is ‘legion’ or many can operate under a narrative dictate to present the face of strategic adaptation as a learned or acquired habit or 'normal' that - like society- runs as if an autonomy when it is more of an automaton.

The split of mind is somewhat reminiscent of the mapping out of a magnetic medium as a hard disk for storage and recovery of information. There is one medium utilised as a realm of specific addresses serving a virtual model that interfaces as inputs that are processed to bring forth outputs, or results. The computer facet of our mind is a complex of programs and routines - but is a tool - regardless whether we 'become identified with our tool'. So a mind - our mind - can run on the 'tool-mind' as if it is IN its own model or imaged reality, rather than participant in defining or extending value and meaning to its relational expression and fruits.

The 'higher mind' - and I use higher in terms of a functional sense of inclusive and upstream to the results, is qualitative - and these two facets are not unlike the wave and particle paradox in that the 'Field' is only tangible through resonant interaction. To say that a field pervades space is redundant, but wherever and whenever there is interaction within the Field of vibrational qualities, a particular expression generates as effects. I am perhaps speaking abstractly - but this exactly applies to all specifics. Not all thoughts register with you - but those that do include some that you prefer not to notice right now and others you attract and are attracted to. Your freedom to give and receive the gift of life is in a sense - 'what you make of it' - but we don't make life or love, so much as conduct or resist its movement of extension as our own and paradoxically, the only way to truly own qualities of being is to extend of give them. While the attempt to get rid of, operates to keep them, while putting them out of (a split off) mind. And so 'denials' may be airbrushed or redefined as part of personal and collective reality (paradox alert - we are always an individual express of a relational whole and never really a thing in itself - and in the qualities of inner expression are each a unique expression within a wholeness that is in all its parts.

So 'lower mind' cannot and is not designed or capable or intended to 'compute' how to create - in the sense of the sudden shifts within infinite potentials to new results - for it is identity in 'results' or 'effects' as if they are causal - as a direct result of the wish to make reality in its own image.

The result of 'interfering with Reality' is an interference pattern of thought that believes it has actually done so, and equates the dissonance of conflicting realities (split mind), as a conflict of private guilt that persists the 'judgement' as a self-isolating lockdown and masking defence against Infinite Potentials (or our own being) that are now interpreted from within the bubble mind as threat to a separate self sense in both disclosure and retribution - when in truth the 'lie' is no longer operative as the chosen identity or parameters of our own reality-testing, such that a more aligned or transparent recognition replaces a split sense of self-world conflict seeking ever more ways to hide.

I found that I sketched this out instead of what I thought I was going to say. Perhaps because without some awareness of a greater Context, we are compelled to enact the current 'meanings' as if our life and world depended on them. In a sense it does - but not in the sense of power struggle for narrative control. Rather the freedom to question the mind of meanings that results a meaningless world driven to war and sickness because such are the inputs that are protected from questioning by our fundamental sense of masking survival.

Becoming aware of the tightness or confinement and pain of self-betrayl in our masking, is the call to re-align in the truth of the heart and mind as one. But it seems to be the call to war, sacrifice and doubling down in denial so as to hold control against fear of pain of loss of control.

So we have a mind that interprets from within its bubble that is part of lockstepping a sort of consensus reality that is our human world, and we also have innate capacity to notice the nature of the cost and benefit of such experience within living (infinite) potentials - that our mind is trained to filter and limit as 'thing in itself' - because we are operating or active in the idea of 'alone-apart', as an object model for a subjective experience.

The only way to release a habit is to make a new choice in the moment of awareness that we are choosing - even if as a result of inherited and acquired beliefs that ran invisibly or unconsciously until we notice them - perhaps as a result of a willingness to question our very experience - but also as a spontaneous moment of transcendence - but either way we cannot solve a problem within the frame it sets us, but only from the willingness to bring it to free (unconflicted) awareness in which our use of it is released to allow a shift to reflect a currently accepted desire.

The 'choice' between true desire and a masking sense of self, is not a battle between good and evil, so much as true and false - and even this is not a matter of judgement but of workability, fitting and resonance. A key recognition is that the nature of Relationship is fundamentally obscured (masked) by attempt to use another or demand they be what or who you want them to be. Willingness for and of relationship is not at all about waking anyone up - but the very nature of love is the condition of acceptance for what is as a basis for uncovering love. If 'love' seems a degraded word because of its use for manipulative masking - then let willingness for truth and the peace of its unconflicted being - seek and find a like willingness in every situation - such that what can be shared is honoured instead of giving priority to identity in narrative drama.

Key here is that we do not DO the sharing - or we will get in our own way by masking in the attempt to 'wield' virtue as if we had it as a specialness set apart from others.

If we want freedom, we have to give it to the whole situation so as to receive what is truly ours. If you are still reading you can see that this is yielding what you think to what you truly are and this is the basis of 'correction' or undoing of error.

In the 'world' we have already judged the situation and are already engaged strategically in seeking our private interest under the mask of justifications and necessities. Taking a step back from reactive identity is allowing a gift of a true movement to register not just to our thinking - but as the gift of the whole situation, aligned in tangible presence that cannot and need not be defined - for it is the quality that defines everything truly or perhaps 'wholly' - which can be spelt as it is said.

The mind of guilt's conviction is set in active denial of innocence of being 'hateful blasphemy'. Not least from experience of treachery and betrayal by which trust is broken and given to a broken but masked over reality, armoured against reliving pain.

Trauma is all about love lost, attacked, broken, abandoned, denied and persecuted.

But in the light of Prometheus and the Prodigal Son - did we run off with a private copy of something indivisible, inviable and of infinite potential?

The more fundamental the error, the more total its effects.

'Steal a kingdom and they call you king'.

But stealing rules out the quality and nature of a true possession.

A stolen mind lives in fear of dispossession as of intimacy that undoes its defences.

Unmasking to a deeper self-honesty 

The measures are surely expected to generate a 'pushback'.

The World Economic Forum and other UN fronting organisations indicates well laid plans over generations that pre-emptively set up and manipulate narrative identities - set against a fear or a hate. These are triggered to operate a basis for regulatory capture. In this sense struggle can feed the tightness of the net that we say we are sick of.

Identity set in blame works evasion of identifying in true responsibility.

The gesture of blaming has a self-protective element of mitigating fear, pain and loss. It serves as a 'reality adjustment' mask, of personal and social identity. It seeks and finds something or someone else to judge against, deny or attack, and so makes that definition a support for a chosen or reactive 'identity'.

That the mask runs as if autonomous - and in our own name is 'conditioned, acquired and learned habit'. 

Identification is at root, recognition, relation and communication within being.

'It takes one to know one' holds true at some level.

If this can cast the accuser in the mind they cast or project onto others, it can also reach from beneath the mask as the extension of a recognition of another's being.

While the current situation is defined in social identity struggle of grievance claiming righteous justification to blame and hate, no one will see any basis to question it. But blame and hate is something I can notice and recognise in my own feeling and thought, as a symptom of operating from thoughts that generate feelings that run automatically. This is my own freedom to accept as I am ready and willing to accept and not another's to impose - nor mine to impose upon another.

The idea that everything is a social construct is toxic. But we do perceive everything through the filtering of our minds and can become so attached and invested in our model, as to actively deny empirical and relational reality in 'power struggle' to manipulate the mind as if to generate the reality! By leveraging of emotional manipulations that run as the sense of 'survival' at any cost.

Withdrawing support for the mask or persona as it denies a true relation and communication can still remain open to moments of shared willingness or transparency. But a mind set in grievance will mask out or mask over communication as a means to only see or own that which serves the purpose of grievance, and distort awareness of life rather than bring the conflict to a true and full awareness.

The 'answers' that are not simply repackaging the problem, to buy 'time', rise from a presence of mind that is transparent to all that is here. This seems the hardest thing - to unmask our problem-driven defence of a mind and let our being move us of a wholeness that is also formless - and yet we are moved to action, and to notice the actions as connected, relational and restored sense of self and life - as this moment in flow.

We can be so plot driven as to rush through the book as if its ending is the answer.

The elitist mark is of judgement set apart and over the 'other'

(An offguardian comment) 

The elitist mark is of judgement set apart and over the 'other'. The personification of private judgements that operate as opinions given power to run in place of truth.

Under narrative identity such assertions lockstep to self reinforcement and make a bubble. The intent to 'survive' or prevail in such terms is the seeking and aligning in a mask of control running from judgements given priority - that is set unquestionable and irrevocably in grievance.

That virtue, or the forms of the true, can be masked in is the self-assigned mindset of exposing lies, bigotry and blind hate in others or 'everyone else'.

And so bubbles of lockstepping identities can mask as family, tribe or social order.

Such is the grip of the mind upon those who are locked down in a masking identity set against disclosure, that they have no awareness of the freedom to expose the truth and uncover true virtue by its acceptance and extension.

Mind control is a narrative capture of personified judgements given priority over real relationship - and thus operate as self-isolating and socially distancing tokens of allegiance to the god of judgement that limits to separate and rule over in secret.

In terms of vibrational thought, it takes one to know one. 

But in awareness of our own thought is the freedom to not act from judgements and so to expose them in awareness without their reinforcing experience of thought,word and deed - or action-reaction.

Then am I free to evaluate thought, perception and experience from a point of direct appreciation instead of being 'possessed' by thoughts and reactions assigned by judgement to 'others' and to 'conditions'.

The world we experience is the world we co-create by virtue of intention and attention. Our model of the world is a social construct - but the model is no more the world than you are as I judge you to be. Relational being is of a different order than judgements and the attempt to control or limit others in private agenda given power or priority in our mind.

Attempt to self-validate ourself can only speak of a fear-doubt of invalidity believed and acted from. Such 'identities' can have their moment, but cannot abide truth and are set in shifting evasion - and have no peace.

Witnessing to the valid or the worthy in another - or in our world - is a giving in which we share. It takes one to know one, is a qualitative recognition.

At the level of a qualitative response are all minds joined - because qualities are not things of time and space or 'quantitative' expression but 'wait' on recognition to shine through you and therefore to you as shared experience.

Lockstepping in judgement with others can seem to pass off as sharing but is aptly summarised in recent Australian programming as 'keep apart to stay together'. The Field of Relation has been replaced by a field of deadly but invisible contagion - whose mysteries are known only to the elitism that trains us to 'see' them by setting a new form for the old story to shift to.

The action-reaction mind has no time for presence - but has already reacted to expected, feared or judged 'reality' as a private assertion of freedom masking off from a greater awareness to pursue its own exploration and experience.

But some tasks are both endless, unresolvable and futile, such as to be a meaningless that had seemed to mean something, but is self contradictory and leads to 'garbage out' as valid feedback to conflicted programming.

Orwell and many others thought perhaps to warn of mistakes being made only to condition us to embody and accept them.

Uncovering untruth is only serving truth when it is within a self-resonsibility rather than setting up a right over the wrongs of others and the moral claim to 'correct' others by force or deceits set to undermine them

Why would what I say have little 'traction' or attraction in a politically framed arena of thinking? because collectivism is the nature of sacrificing individual uniqueness to monopolised controls. As if the only meaning your life can have is drawn from being set against perceived and believed evils in sacrifice to a moral 'dictate' in place of a moral integrity. Wholeness is in our being. Illusions, supporting lies and defensive deceits are of the mind as mask.

Deceits are so deeply laid

Deceits are so deeply laid as to completely out manoeuvre the identities that are fed and played.

Arriving at the 'sick-of-it, opens the potential for releasing  the identity of polarised opposition, to an upstream acceptance, or embrace.

Looked at the other way - a split or partitioning of mind operates a self-judgement in which different parts are pushed out and disowned or denied under masking narratives aggressively defended.

The ability of Mind to split or partition and play out in emulation, is our ability to mask Reality by setting up conflicts, or to introduce conflicts by masking Reality.

In weaponising deceit, blame operates the currency.

In undoing or releasing (invested) deceit, responsibility awakens at its source.

The idea that blame can be flagged or assigned and addressed elsewhere than where responsibility can actually address truly, is the magical mind of scapegoating.

Cast out the pathogenic intent and kill it there - over and over.

Separating blame from responsibility is a matter of transparency and accountability to presence.

The fear that something is or is not true, valid, supported, real, operates the reaction by which fear is 'made real' as an accepted identity that can then be triggered as a latent conditioning running 'upstream' or beneath 'conscious' attention.

That Trump is worked as a foil of 'negative conditioning', or as a secret hope of salvation via the cultivation of secret, coded and cunning plans to beat the 'bad guys' at their own game -ie Q-Anon invoking God's Plan as a basis to hang in there in support or at least hold back from criticism that would give amo to the 'bad guys' etc etc.

So yes - love truth even if it opens sickening discovery of how our minds can work and be worked to mask it over.


Sitting in a circle of trust 

(The commenter is ongoingly aggrieved and shocked by seeing the masked)

I just watched one of the testimonies offered into Anna Brees youtube channel in which came to mind on reading your ongoing lament. I quite understand grief or anger or powerlessness in respect to what seems like some sort of willing subjection to mind control. But will 'mask' a range of strategies and beliefs.

The one that offered a straight witness for humanity lived and may have resonance for your grief - for it is - isn't it? is Kirsten, 49. Artist & Former Lawyer, Oldham. 8th August 2020

But more than whether we agree or not with the different video messages sent in to Anna Brees, they all speak and own something of their lived experience in a willingness to connect and communicate that experience.

This allows something of a 'council' or circle of speaking and listening.

If this seems off topic for a Doctor's blog - bear in mind that this function, of sharing or speaking of things that may not be just symptoms of disease or difficulty, is part of  - sorry - WAS part of the doctor patient relationship. Giving to being truly received, and receiving in a compassionate presence rather than judgemental imposition is a Human love - not an algorithm.

Using our body as a weapon instead of as vehicle of Life-Communication 

A key issue here is agreement or consent.

Not merely in what we say and mask in but by acts of attention and intention.

If we use our body as a weapon instead of as a vehicle of Life-as-Communication, we equate a split off part of mind with the body as a distancer, as a defence for a mind of judgement - set in isolation under masking narrative justification.

Now you may not get what I am trying to say here because in entering and adapting to the experience of our world we are normalised to unlove or indeed to hate that masks in virtue or to virtue worn down under constant attack. But normal is not 'natural' so much as conditioned expectation and response operating without intimacy of presence of connected presence as an essentially mental-emotional overly that is both personally and collectively reinforced - but for the most part invisible structured and hidden by the fact that we operate FROM its beliefs and definitions without free awareness to notice default or habitual choices that persist as patterns of relational conflict and communication breakdown that are rooted in 'separation trauma'.

So what I am saying is that 'the old normal' of the world - as operated before the global monopolist coup came out in the open as dictated controls and penalties through agencies already effectively captured - already operated a version of a limiting and controlling lockdown mind within social masking that normalises social isolation and loss of intimacy of life, to a conditioned identity of substitution for truth.

Within the agreement to hide in the body while using the body as a means for enacting private fantasy of a separate or 'othered and alienating will' is the realm of a denial of wholeness and our integral inherence as equal expressions of wholeness, for a world of judgements that set the measure of a reality-experience determined by conflict and the attempt to manage or control or escape or overcome conflict.

So I am saying that this goes deeper than the mind of rabbit holes that can keep us in a mind of an ego-alien 'adventure', that may have elements of a dream we wanted but which turn to nightmare that binds us to itself in insidious self-reinforcing compulsions, mesmerism and paralysis. But that depth is not in the mind of conflict, but in the exchange of a conflicted sense of lack, fear and control for a wholeness that we are already in the movement of receiving but 'normalised' to NOT recognise, and instead see parts to a script of fear in the making.

Wholeness or truth is not IN the world our thing-mind has thinged. But can express through the mind and the body and this situation exactly as it is - to the willingness to listen, and receive truly - rather than to judge from a lockdown masking of defence set against fear of pain of loss.

The body given you in truth is the servant and support for who you are in truth - as one with but not as defining you.

It is the true creative of heart and mind as one that reveals definition as Meaning of shared resonance - recognised and extended.

When we give our own private and derivative 'meanings' to our relational experience or world, we set the measure of our receiving.

But the meanings we put there or condition as the basis of a strategic sense of determining and adaptation, are not immutable, fixed or determined as 'locked in meaning'. It remains our inherent right and power to give our world and relationships and situations, ALL the meaning they have for us - and in which we share and know being. But an invested identity protects its investments as its very self to deny the messengers that reveal a lack of true foundation as 'threats' to self as a sense of control set over fear.

There is a deeper realm of consent that is nothing to do with our persona, excepting that our personal sense of structured reality is a product of it.

Invested 'personae' operate as identity-politicking that seeks to gain the right by claiming victory from the other's wrong, as the basis of seeming to rise in power by rendering powerless or worthless in our own judgement seeking reinforcement and enforcement.

But the casting out of 'sins' or unresolved conflict of self - onto Others and World, is the casting of a hateful will and malign intent that we seem to mitiage or escape temporarily in blame but which then comes back on us as the reflection of unconscious fears along with a rising dissonance of 'wrongness' within ourself that the mind recoils from and is employed or trained to keep hidden by assigning to the script of grievance and self-vindication, given power.

There must be another way of looking at this and any situation, and the willingness to see is the willingness to accept and align the conditions in which seeing stands Obvious as an inner-outer synchronicity, and presence, rather than being cast out into (our own) nightmare and suffering as at the hand of 'Other'. Why must there be more to the life and world than my thinking judges so?

Because life is always telling me this but I had learned not to listen, so as to protect the only self I could identify and accept at the time.

What we Do - will always express and embody what we have accepted in thought and felling as our self or as true of us. The fact that we do what we do NOT want reveals that at some level we do want it - for reasons that are hidden.

The direction I point to is of awakening and sharing in a self-responsibility for love as conscious - and thus as an abiding consciousness that moves through us - instead of masking in the wish of love or the seem of love, power or any other virtue of life - as a corruption that generates its own reckoning and correction - no matter how ingeniously the mask operates to subvert even this to a control agenda - as if its very survival depended on it! But you are not the mask you made, and the world it gives you is not without hidden cost.

A true or just accounting is the nature of wisdom. Not the sacrificial edict of fear operating as control in self-evasions that pile up denials and debts in a hell of its own choosing. The choice to accept and align fear as guide and protector has consequences within the ongoing act of choosing that work a self-reinforcing loop of negative outcomes masked as the good, the necessary or the just.

If fear is conflicted love set in a split mind, then this is all about love because it is all about you.

But running as a mask of 'love' is  being run by masking deceits that serve an ancient script of coercive dictate set over the feeling of being in fear of loss and confusion given power.A key issue here is agreement or consent.

Not merely in what we say and mask in but by acts of attention and intention.

If we use our body as a weapon instead of as a vehicle of Life-as-Communication, we equate a split off part of mind with the body as a distancer, as a defence for a mind of judgement - set in isolation under masking narrative justification.

Now you may not get what I am trying to say here because in entering and adapting to the experience of our world we are normalised to unlove or indeed to hate that masks in virtue or to virtue worn down under constant attack. But normal is not 'natural' so much as conditioned expectation and response operating without intimacy of presence of connected presence as an essentially mental-emotional overly that is both personally and collectively reinforced - but for the most part invisible structured and hidden by the fact that we operate FROM its beliefs and definitions without free awareness to notice default or habitual choices that persist as patterns of relational conflict and communication breakdown that are rooted in 'separation trauma'.

So what I am saying is that 'the old normal' of the world - as operated before the global monopolist coup came out in the open as dictated controls and penalties through agencies already effectively captured - already operated a version of a limiting and controlling lockdown mind within social masking that normalises social isolation and loss of intimacy of life, to a conditioned identity of substitution for truth.

Within the agreement to hide in the body while using the body as a means for enacting private fantasy of a separate or 'othered and alienating will' is the realm of a denial of wholeness and our integral inherence as equal expressions of wholeness, for a world of judgements that set the measure of a reality-experience determined by conflict and the attempt to manage or control or escape or overcome conflict.

So I am saying that this goes deeper than the mind of rabbit holes that can keep us in a mind of an ego-alien 'adventure', that may have elements of a dream we wanted but which turn to nightmare that binds us to itself in insidious self-reinforcing compulsions, mesmerism and paralysis. But that depth is not in the mind of conflict, but in the exchange of a conflicted sense of lack, fear and control for a wholeness that we are already in the movement of receiving but 'normalised' to NOT recognise, and instead see parts to a script of fear in the making.

Wholeness or truth is not IN the world our thing-mind has thinged. But can express through the mind and the body and this situation exactly as it is - to the willingness to listen, and receive truly - rather than to judge from a lockdown masking of defence set against fear of pain of loss.

The body given you in truth is the servant and support for who you are in truth - as one with but not as defining you.

It is the true creative of heart and mind as one that reveals definition as Meaning of shared resonance - recognised and extended.

When we give our own private and derivative 'meanings' to our relational experience or world, we set the measure of our receiving.

But the meanings we put there or condition as the basis of a strategic sense of determining and adaptation, are not immutable, fixed or determined as 'locked in meaning'. It remains our inherent right and power to give our world and relationships and situations, ALL the meaning they have for us - and in which we share and know being. But an invested identity protects its investments as its very self to deny the messengers that reveal a lack of true foundation as 'threats' to self as a sense of control set over fear.

There is a deeper realm of consent that is nothing to do with our persona, excepting that our personal sense of structured reality is a product of it.

Invested 'personae' operate as identity-politicking that seeks to gain the right by claiming victory from the other's wrong, as the basis of seeming to rise in power by rendering powerless or worthless in our own judgement seeking reinforcement and enforcement.

But the casting out of 'sins' or unresolved conflict of self - onto Others and World, is the casting of a hateful will and malign intent that we seem to mitiage or escape temporarily in blame but which then comes back on us as the reflection of unconscious fears along with a rising dissonance of 'wrongness' within ourself that the mind recoils from and is employed or trained to keep hidden by assigning to the script of grievance and self-vindication, given power.

There must be another way of looking at this and any situation, and the willingness to see is the willingness to accept and align the conditions in which seeing stands Obvious as an inner-outer synchronicity, and presence, rather than being cast out into (our own) nightmare and suffering as at the hand of 'Other'. Why must there be more to the life and world than my thinking judges so?

Because life is always telling me this but I had learned not to listen, so as to protect the only self I could identify and accept at the time.

What we Do - will always express and embody what we have accepted in thought and felling as our self or as true of us. The fact that we do what we do NOT want reveals that at some level we do want it - for reasons that are hidden.

The direction I point to is of awakening and sharing in a self-responsibility for love as conscious - and thus as an abiding consciousness that moves through us - instead of masking in the wish of love or the seem of love, power or any other virtue of life - as a corruption that generates its own reckoning and correction - no matter how ingeniously the mask operates to subvert even this to a control agenda - as if its very survival depended on it! But you are not the mask you made, and the world it gives you is not without hidden cost.

A true or just accounting is the nature of wisdom. Not the sacrificial edict of fear operating as control in self-evasions that pile up denials and debts in a hell of its own choosing. The choice to accept and align fear as guide and protector has consequences within the ongoing act of choosing that work a self-reinforcing loop of negative outcomes masked as the good, the necessary or the just.

If fear is conflicted love set in a split mind, then this is all about love because it is all about you.

But running as a mask of 'love' is  being run by masking deceits that serve an ancient script of coercive dictate set over the feeling of being in fear of loss and confusion given power.

Shouting out the window - in a movie

Wardropper commented on the film ‘Network’ and waking to realise its revelations failed to change the world.

My Reply to  wardropper

So your view of the ‘world’ has changed – and that movie offers you a point of recognition.

No one can tell another what they are unready of unwilling to hear.

As Brian said “We are all individuals!”.

What do we hear, see or receive?

Is it recognised and accepted true, or running a shortcut of derivative thinking that never really connects to any intimate or truly felt knowing?

Emotional reactivity claims to to know, but operates on or within a mind of beliefs.

The idea that we can ‘know a world’ apart from our contribution is the idea of ‘othering’ ourself to gain a world set separate and outside and yet made tangible.

It is a model – a heavily invested model – that operates as heavy drama.

When has ever the world stopped changing? What is the idea of possessing and controlling the flux of such experience but our capacity to become possessed and controlled by virtue of the law of giving and receiving meaning.

Plato could not wake the cave-slaves – because it was not his function to take over the choice of another. But he reflected something of his own choice to the freedom of others to recognise within themselves rather than replicate in a contagion of a ‘form’ of virtue masking.

We are individual expressions of a Life that Is – regardless whether or not we present ourselves in the emperor’s new robes of a false inheritance.


Reply to me:

All true. The movie itself actually effected no change in me at all, although I was very enthusiastic about its message when I first saw it, and I still am. But I also saw immediately that a raving man never succeeds in convincing a society to change its ways. That was what made me cringe way back then, and still does.

Apart from the question of Peter Finch’s excellently delivered rant, what has changed is that, whereas I originally thought the movie, with its accurate analysis of a corrupt society, would gradually lead to positive change, I now see that it was, after all, only a movie…

There is the power of the mind (revealed).

Perspective that opens a new way of seeing and responding to our world, is reframed as 'only a movie' - perhaps because the assumption is that 'this should change or wake up everyone else' - and waiting to see if anyone else is changed is a way of persisting in the old habit with a better cover story.

I don't say this at you - or at anyone. But that the mind is ingenious in providing what we want even while we protest that we don't want it.

It has been said that life as we take it to be is also a dream - or a movie.

Clearly there is something more persistently consistent to our 'waking life' and surface reality than our sleeping dreams - though they can operate AS a reality in their moment.

Becoming aware of dreaming while in the dream is an integrative of 'positive' change - as distinct from suffering a defined, compelled, subjected and trapped in character.

The idea that the Script (or Matrix) is imposed on us, is part of the assignation of cause to personae or events within the dream itself.

Now we could say that it is 'only experience' because it passes but we are still here (whatever that is), and yet the desire for experience is active - regardless the forms in which we become invested and identified.

One of the recognitions that I took in, is that all the personae of a dream are of the mind of the dreamer (which is more than a surface masking reality). This is not to say you are in my 'dream' so much as I form some image or version of you from my own mind (whatever that is) through which I relate to you. Where exactly does all this happen? Do we meet 'in' a web page' or a 'world' or in ideas of resonance as a unique expression of a greater whole?

Communications from outside the framework of a control mind, comes in through any and every opportunity to our willingness to receive - often in ways we least expect and that can also easily write off or reframe after that fact, so as to maintain 'continuity'.

Far from being without power, these glimpses offer opportunities to recognise power, in place of fear running as control in a negatively self-reinforcing loop. But as Invitation, not as coercion, and therefore honouring your freedom as a being of choice, and indeed a living Expression of the Creative.

The integrative expression of passion as true presence is not reactive judgement, but compassionate extension of invitation to 're-member or re-cognise' the Whole that was discarded for a private movie - running in secret that embodies and reflects the themes of its origin.

Assigning Cause to what are truly the effects of definitions we have accepted true for us - is a reversal of cause and effect.

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".          Michael Ellner

The capacity to DO the thing we say we are protecting against is a split mind. But attacking the split mind of another is a way of persisting the split and reinforcing it as ultimately real. yet we DO experience conflict of a split mind and trying to deny, mask or cover over is not a way to undo, or reintegrate to an integrity of thought, word and deed that is the gift of our being. The other kind of 'thinking' is a dis-integrating - or negative expression of mind or consciousness.

Living the world we truly want to be may be forever stalled if we wait on conditions to change first. This is very challenging to our continuity Director. But once we accept our being is a gift of Life and not an imposition thrust upon us, we are free to extend it, rather than impose meanings and suffer them as fear, lack and grievance vindicated - and thereby replicated.

I understand and am familiar with fear, lack and grievance and am not suggesting these are blameworthy so much as false or unworthy devotions, that attract in their own 'kind'.



We need a short term quick fix. If we get one we’ll have the luxury of time to work on a rebuild. If they want to re-est- why can’t we want to ? They have billions. We have soul.

The short term fix is the buying of time from Eternity.

What 'they' are calling a Reset is buying time for a fear and control mentality - at cost of ever increasing life-denial and sacrifice.

To REST the mind is in fact to allow its natural reset. And the short term - in fact - right now opportunity - is to pause and notice, rather than persist reactive habits of invested identity.

The revealing of a qualitative appreciation of being may take time to integrate an align our thoughts and perceptions.

But I agree with you in that we are free to discern and extend the meanings we uncover in our heart.

The idea that we have to 'figure it all out' and then 'apply it' is a continuation of the problem driven solution, rather than uncovering within a true presence.

The richer people are, the more debt they run - but true wealth is Soul.

The idea that we have a Soul is the idea of personal possession rather than the true nature of our being. That we are dispossessed of our Soul for a world that possesses us - is the result of false premises.

This whole 'whatever it is' offers a crash course in questioning the premises or narratives from which we think, perceive and respond - and generate experience.

'They' are representing the attempt to control a disintegration OF communication and control - to a more limited and limiting systemic replacement for what life is.

Is there any hope at all?


Depressing. Is there any hope at all?

I hope so.

What is depressing?

The reality?

Or the mind of the attempt to define and control it?

The article used 'propagandist' vs 'rationalist' but of course propaganda is a rationally formulated intention to define and control mind, narrative, and communication.

One intent of which is to demoralise the 'target'.

By sowing confusion, false information, provocations and baiting emotional reaction.

People take the bait.

It's all a matter of priorities.

A false source of hope is a means to capture funding and support.

Setting up fear and despair or taking advantage of the dispirited is a kind of harvest for those who claim justification for their loveless acts by virtue of empowering their hope to prevail over their own fears, hates and unresolved conflicted minds.

Seasonal respiratory infections and heat

(The heat theory of activation and stopping of viral respiratory symptoms).

I just dropped in to read the above blog.

I wonder how the theory would have to be framed if it was not allowed to assign volition to the virus? But rather to cellular symbiosis - ie cells replicate viruses, cells are receptive or not to viruses. I havent an argument with observed symptoms, but once we learn to 'see' something in a particular narrative we cannot easily not-see it, so as to perhaps notice other angles.

I don't have any sense that there is any scientific basis for assigning viruses to be organisms. But  more like an email that carries information and instructions and perhaps upgrades.

Some code (information) in a packet of identifiers that operate an addressing system.

An 'active infection' accesses various body functions or routines within a larger framework of homeostasis.

The biological processes have many facets of signalling, that operate extremely fast in our terms - such as millions of times a second or more. If I had to find a 'metaphor' fro the mechanism I would lean toward something like quantum computing. In which a mass (mess?) of variables self organise spontaneously and yet with points of resonance, synchronicity, communication and balance.

I haven't followed up on it but read somewhere that our bio-computing operates a quadranary system rather than binary. Each gene can be responsible for a multitude of functions, that can also be switched on or off epigenetically - all of which  operates as a whole - and yet like our minds can seem to operate as conflicting parts or dysfunction, and break down as a result.

Yet I am not disposed to inhabit the models that presume dysfunction or susceptibility to attack as the weak or inadequate nature that must be taken over and improved. But rather to presume functional integrity that has acquired or imposed characteristics of competing priorities under conditions of lack of sustenance and support. While I feel the body is a faithful servant (under conflicting instructions) our minds are clearly able react in disproportionate and inverted priorities. These result in actions that can hinder rather than help, and interpret the hindrance as proof of being attacked and thus ratchet up an error. But on a human level errors can serve learning development, and so are part of a call for correction that calls consciousness as response - eventually... or perhaps not. Yet even here it is a matter of zooming out to see a pattern that is not apparent in a part taken out of its total context,

If the heat theory is correct - might there be studies of saunas as remedial to respiratory conditions?

My sense is that sauna might often obviate the need for a respiratory infection. As they run a kind of voluntary fever and detoxification.

A video by the same author on the theory: 

My comment there.

Vit D plays innumerable roles within immune function. Seasonal.

(The body switches to synthesise cholesterol sulphate when Vit D level reach saturation - this has a more radical support role than currently recognised according to S. Seneff et al.).

G Pollack's work on vicinally structured water as an electrical gradient that does work in the cells and the capillaries is another major discovery, This particularly applies to near infra red spectrum. seasonal radiant energy at such frequencies must have systemic effects on function.

Respiratory diseases are known to be aggravated by toxic and particulate exposure - and the lungs are one of the elimination routes for toxicities. Might the toxic burden grow in colder climes inverse to immune support so as to initiate a viral response rather than viral 'attack'. All viruses are either created in the cell - or may be fragments of recycled cellular material performing intra and extracellular functions. Are cells not symbiotic? Is the idea of 'hijacking' cells an anthropomorphic projection?

Air quality can be degraded by weather conditions, and topographical troughs in which pollution accumulates under certain conditions. Apart from man made pollutions of which there are new variations as a result of new technology - we have the volcanic particulates and I assert more interaction with particulates from outside Earth - which can include comet dust. Also sunspot activity has been correlated with various disease outbreaks - which links to responses in the Earth that are not just the influx of cosmic particles, but are understood in the light of Earths atmosphere as a dielectric of capacitance within an 'organic' circuit rather than man-made circuitry.

That viruses are present in the body without causing disease suggests they do no 'cause' disease - but conditions of stress and imbalance or toxic burden may all play a role in the triggering of specific  biological functions that we assign as disease - and which can in themselves be fatal when the immune function is itself compromised or blocked.

Lastly stress itself contributes to disease. But it also maintains the immune function.

Our life choices can also undermine our resilience.

Whatever the causes - sunshine and summer are expansive and winter somewhat hibernatory.

There may be cyclic changes in metabolism for a year just as we have circadian rhythms for a day.

Terrifying people hardly boosts their resilience - unless they determine to grow stronger despite the challenge.

Fear of disease is a part of reactions that may not help.

The body can 'switch conditions on so that they run a function and are then turned off

This is simply feedback to consider or not - but I felt to write it!

 @Patrick Shaw Stewart  

Thanks for your response. I have heard others in the field of science who seek in vain to tell anyone who will listen that the respiratory diseases 'fall off and recur - in different variations ANYWAY. But it may be possible to extend 'the disease' with treatments and to enhance it with 

preventatives that add negative factors to immune dysfunction. I do not enjoy running such thoughts in my mind - but they are a 'normal' for those who are in some sense emotionally or politically in sympathy with a 'reset' that 'cancels'  science and reason as a 'cultural construct'!

Surely the biggest frame of focus is the assumption that (some) viruses (sometimes) are seen as pathogenic - that is as causing disease or attacking the life of the organism. What if this is falsely flagged away from true cause or causes.

Causes can be many factors that may themselves be effects of other factors.

'Susceptibility' may be a loss of systemic coherence or integrity, and disease the symptom of a breach of integrity which if it cannot at this time be resolved will be worked around, encapsulated or defended against. Homeostasis is a large part of what we assign to living systems and indeed as immune function - maintaining the conditions for life.

I am not at all denying your curiosity and attraction to the idea of ambient radiant energy - or 'temperature' as a parameter for cellular signalling- whether functional exosomes or seemingly pathogenic viruses. But even this could be part of co-factors.

If indeed viral particles are broken down in conditions of sunlight and or heat - as in UV and other factors - then the 'communication' or transmission' of viral information will be severely dampened - yet endogenous viruses are not absent - but are merely present without symptoms.

This would point to a seasonal update.

As I am sure you are aware I freely follow my curiosities with perhaps more willingness to question 'accepted science' but not as merely subjective models of 'alternate narrative identity'.

Successful scientific 'discoverers' often acknowledge the inner processes that guided or prompted their 'eureka!' or simply 'chance' observations that sowed seeds to be imaginatively modelled in variable parameters until experiment  and observation can determine support or not for the idea.

However an invested 'narrative identity' or model, will actively assert its premises and filter, distort or disregard any incoming evidences that 'threaten' the model. I think this is apparent to any who have a mind with regard to the 'politicisation' of science in the current time - although I prefer captured regulatory systems - which of course include the capacity to think - and to challenge our own thinking.

My own research of medical and scientific history reveals that the established and protected narrative  will prevail unless a new opportunity is deemed either more profitable (less costly) or a way to 'escape' a dead end without losing 'face' - or credibility and control.

I see the otherwise incomprehensible decisions being taken as an example of the latter - based on latent infection deemed threat to Society, as the basis for a technocratically biosecurity-state running centrally defined 'definitions, diagnostics, and testing - along with treatments that include mandate over our health and bodies but extend to our freedom of association.

If you proved your case and found your were ignored and persisted to find your were smeared, or went public to show there was no longer a basis for such (insane) measures, you would join the ranks of others denied a voice and a credible reputation.

But fear is not the only 'tipping point' and the research that is worth and has merit may yet find its acceptance in times to come - and kept alive in a few - without causing any apparent symptom of threat to the established order - until the larger conditions change.

As you extended a smile  ;-) 

I felt a willingness to share the following. 

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. 

In the presence of love, (resonant communication and relationship) these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, (toxicity, deprivation, attack and conflict), negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.”  (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

(No I don't seek to impose a 'god' onto what is already true - but I note that what we receive identity from, will run as unquestioned or unmindful authority. False premises - as in false modelling parameters - results in unworkable results that sooner or later force a reset as a result of the burden of pain of operating under them, and the need to question upstream attracts more than solving increasing complexity downstream.

Here we are in comments within the 'dating service' of youtube 'suggestions'!

And if I ramble on - it is also the expression of overlapping interests.

I am not seeking to persuade. 

But look at Pollack's work - the Fourth phase of water'. He exemplifies empirical science in  method  and exposition of transparency. This is directly relating to the celluar medium under background radiant energy - (temperature) especially 'radiant energy' at NIR.

Water is not an inert medium - any more than what was presumed to be a vaccuum of empty space.  The medium supports the messaging.