Yeah, really good video. I’ve seen a lot of stuff that convinces me there is no coronavirus pandemic. …. but yet, I’ve just spent half an hour washing a huge delivery from Asda.
The fear is real.
That's a recognition though. The reality is a fear-reaction identity being leveraged.
There is no real risk from covid 19 for 99.98% of us - and for the others - everything is a risk!
Intellectual understanding does not dispel fears - you have to accept it in your heart by stepping OUT from the lockdown of your own mind.
This is perhaps the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY of this event. To graduate from fear rehearsals into a willingness to incarnate.
(I know you are already born - but as a child we are undermined of a core trust of life and shut down in our innocent curiosity. But I state to you that these are covered over and not truly lost.
I don't say you should do this break your habit, I invite you to open any moment of simple curiosity about your fear and move with what you recognise and accept. Then you are not trying to fight a part of yourself that is in fear - regardless of what anyone thinks.
This fear is not 'new' it is simply targeting fear you already had. Now you are in touch with it.
If I had a vision for the future of Humanity, it would have to include regaining responsibility for our consciousness - for our habit-reaction - and its polarising into conflicts.
The other thing that comes to mind.
If you are going to act for you defence in such ways as washing down the outside world before it can come in and become part of you, at least make it an act of self-love.
I don't mean narcissism, but because you care.
Fear does not care for you, but tyrannises you.
I am nearer 70 than 60 but see my risk as gov.thugs official or otherwise because I don't buy the story or give attention to the tellers. But I have met terrified people when shopping, and see still a lot of fear-conditioned distancing that isn't simply physical.
Terrified people can be vicious at worst and suspicious at best. There is no love in it - excepting to call on or seek protection from the very sources that triggered and fed the fear.
Hence to criticise their clapping or loyalty to those who are on some level knowingly and selectively destroying the economic basis of the lives of billions globally - is to be perceived as the virus itself!
I appreciate your honesty. And a release of judgements in me that helps me in relating to so many who have in many ways entered another reality to me, though we walk the same Earth.
To be the love that you are is to align the reality that matches you.
You may not feel or think you are love - but how then could you feel betrayed or rejected or abandoned?
Broken love seeks to put itself together again with bits of wreckage and wishful magic.
Even those seeking control or dominion are seeking a substitute for the power and meaning of their lives where it cannot be found, and in ways that reinforce the driving belief.
Followup to an appreciation:
I appreciate that a resonant connection has found you moving in response.
If we are invested in a narrative or mythic identity, then we are filtered by its interpretations. We all 'know this' in theory but that doesn't mean that we cant become engaged in our own doubts as a kind of internal battle acted out in our perception and response of a world.
Waking from a hypnotic suggestion is then the issue for any of us who have effectively 'taken the bait' of identifying in reaction to our narrative as true, rather than awareness of a story as a story. The collapse of identity into character is both an extraordinary capacity to experience our own present through the lens of an imaginative supposition or premise - and to forget or lose current awareness of a presence that is open ended and infinite - not in the sense of big or small, but as a quality of connected potential.
The capacity to persist a dream even while being communicated with from a truly current calling, is of interpreting everything of the shared relational world in terms of the dream. Likewise those qualities of our being that are on the cusp of awareness are brought in like new wine into old bottles to further support our narrative identity - instead of serving a true and spontaneous renewal.
The taking up of insights and good ideas as leverages to make a better dream always operates the same underlying premise of a subject separated or singled out within a creation that is set in and of a sense of lack, limitation and conflict - to be solved, overcome, escaped, or understood so as to define and control - but still from a point set in judgement over its narrative creation, that seeks reinforcement of lockstep with others, to generate systems of support or leverage by which to overcome the evil which each sees in different shadows or perhaps in the same target but for different reasons.
I used the term dream here, but not to demean or dismiss our human experience.
The creative imagination is a gift of infinite potential - regardless the use to which it is put. Given to a capacity to generate conflicted fear that feeds on itself to generate an inertial fulcrum operating AS IF separate, locked down and locked into survival mode - that by its very nature shuts down higher 'instant evolutionary' potentials of connections, communications and synchronicities.
Now why would anyone coming across this in the middle of a sporting match see it as ANYTHING to do with winning the game? While a game is worth the candle - we give it our light to play out. Leaving or dropping the game in truth has to be willing to alight in what is worthy, instead of seeking to persist in a futility as if 'this time it will be different'. But the experience of releasing the familiar - or the devil we know - as an active faith without conditions or expectations, is fear of loss of self in the terms of control.
But how much of such control is gotten FROM a fear running as if a thing unto itself - but then choked back or locked down and used as a prop?
And ... do you WANT it?
Is this game worth the sacrifice of a greater light - or is it timely to alight in a releasing of stories to reveal their blessings instead of the attempt to imprint new stories on the destruction and demonisation of the old?
A true blessing is simply shared life - or shared resonance in life.
When we frame blessings in a sense of self-specialness, or indeed curses, we are choosing to give our light to private mode - in which a truly shared reality is muted or put on snooze so as to pursue the experience of our thought and imagination.
Your gift joined in bring this posting. Resonant energy is integrative and synchronous.
patterns of negatively polarising conflict are no less synchronous, but are experienced as mistimed and misinterpreting breakdown of communication. In other words we don't really LEAVE the 'field' so much as generate compelling experience of what I generally refer to as separation trauma - and all the strategic defences that rise as reaction to lockdown an infinite potential in a net of polarised stagnation in which nothing true can move.
Beam me up Scottie !