Illusions do not battle with truth.
Illusions battle only with(in) themselves.
When we take illusion of truth as truth itself, we have been phished to the mind of war in which it is often said 'truth is the first casualty'.
The need for identity in illusion is a reaction that can be used to reinforce the identity.
But beneath the masking is the truth it would deny.
The illusion defended against truth has become the father of the lie.
The lie must then attack, deny or evade exposure with further lies - all of which call for the sacrifice of truth of living for its parody - set in lies that distance, lockdown and mask the living truth you are.
The illusion thus perceives itself weak and lacking and driven to seek boosting of immunity against feared or hated truth - which is through a glass darkly and not truly accepted.
A mind set in self-illusion thus delivers to evils that are in the original patterning of invested illusion and separation trauma, and repackaged as successive layers and levels of 'solutions' that redistribute psychic energies by narrative and naming magic that 'compartmentalises' the mind under rules and filters set in fear given power.
Strengthening awareness of truth will allow truth to reintegrate and heal or indeed undo illusion to disregard.
But attacking illusions will feed the wish and fear that made them.
The principle of partial sacrifice as the means to survive under terror is an ancient pattern that reveals itself pervasive to the distancing and lockdown of a masking mind.
But as truth is whole, loss of awareness of wholeness weaves lies into representations of truth, such that love and fear become alloyed and often reversed in confusion.
The Stockholm syndrome depicts the need for love even under terror, as the willingness to love or give allegiance and support to that which denies and abuses life, as the only or overwhelming power under which life can still be had or clung to.
But substitution for love does not extend and share wholeness of being and the willingness to support or embody the rules and filtering distortions of mindset in fear, is its claim to your consent as your survival or social virtue - which is always a credit set against fear of pain of loss and not at rest in truth at all.
Willingness for awareness of truth will undo not only a specific problem to being truly addressed, but loosen the foundation on which a house of cards is built - that in its time will reveal itself to be without substance or foundation, and yet in time has all the meaning fear gives it. Fear can mask in many or any forms, and yet is itself a state of unaddressed or unowned conflict. To know our purpose is to align purpose now as decision along the lines of trust, self-honesty, dedication and discipline. Fear can hide in confusion as a way to buy more time in evasions that only delay the inevitable - which is truth but feared as death. For what is truth to invested self-illusion but its undoing and release?
Re-evaluating our thoughts, intention and desire - and the world or life they bring us - is a version of 'clearing your room', or accepting responsibility as a basis for releasing what is NOT ours. The taking on of a false sense of possession and control, dispossesses us of joy and fulfilment in life, and leaves us open to any and every kind of manipulative substitution.
Repackaged guilt, hate and fear offers a mind set in 'immunity' against truth, but do you WANT it? Desire aligning as conscious decision is the true alignment of heart and mind.
To live our true desire is not to seek fantasy 'solutions' to a fear of living set in all the 'reasons' why not! Break the set of thinking to which a 'weak or broken heart' must suffer to support, by aligning an instant in willingness for love and life - in its own terms. Let experience of a greater communication in that reveals you connected with and part of the Living. For Life is within and all about you - whether you 'think a self and world' apart or not.
Sorry, but the optimists are in denial.
Things had to improve, they did not. It’s too late now. Far too much basic, fundamental ignorance, with focus on tiny little components of narrative.
Its a figure of speech to say 'sorry'.
The willingness for a positive or integrative outcome is a decision and not waiting on conditions to improve - according to whose plan?
Little narratives have their telling moment.
But we are not compelled to give allegiance and support to our story - even if the habit is a deep set investment of emotional and psychic energy.
It is never to late for now.
Make of that what you will, or release it to a higher will.
Now is the closest to the Timeless that we have in time.
John Ervin:
“WHO told you were naked?” God asked Adam in the Garden. (Clearly not to be conflated with the WHO, at its Swiss location, though its reach at the moment seems almost that long.)
As you were speaking of the Father of Lies, it all calls to mind one of the most ancient legends of all, and always held by sacred tradition, that “time out of mind” the True Father assembled His angels and told them that His Son would be born of Woman, and that the angels would serve them.
The brightest angel of them all bridled and bit, “I will not serve. I will ascend to the Throne of the Most High and be like unto God!”
A truly amazing wrinkle in the narrative takes place “when” a lesser angel, not then much famed, “steps forward” and in an act of the deepest obeisance (of all) asks the 3 words, which in the original Hebrew, are in essence the same as in english, and became the great name, his:
And setting the two in contrapuntal contrast, the drama has unfolded ever since, of which we retain the song.
Some might say “Opera”.
Since it’s -clearly- a dramatic “works”.
The lie and the father of it tells you you are lacking, disconnected and in need of masking, distancing and boosting - so the WHO is not an unintended pun!
But beneath this is the fear of pain of loss inherent to the belief you are the body as the symbol of locked down separated and distanced 'private' or masked off mind.
Born of Mater or Matter is the basis for a reversal of Effect and Cause.
Not in truth, but as the experience resulting from identity in the continuity of image and form - as object reality or the unfolding of its themes in time and space.
The seeming separation of matter and mind as a projection or 'casting out' from Spirit is the focus operating within the 'movie' on the wall of Plato's Cave.
The wish that Reality be different than it is, fathers the illusion.
The capacity of imagination is Creative - but when assigned to protect illusion against Reality, it operates a miscreative or limiting division of polarising conflict.
The Heart of Discernment recognises order within apparent chaos.
But an attempt to stabilise conflict sets the narrative or mythic representation as order OVER chaos.
That we can mis-take identity is an error, but to persist in error at cost of attack on truth is the sin that gives death, as a return of giving life to a 'dead' illusion. Under which the sin fears light, and seeks conflict as 'cover'.
The arrogance of a 'spirit elitism' or indeed ideal of perfection against which all life in expression fails and so is considered unworthy of existence, is the 'Lucifer' of usurpation and denial set in guilt and hate's projection as the light of a self-specialness that dispossesses even as grasped for.
The willing expansion of a true embrace is the alignment to Creation, which is always new now. Where perception stops at image and form it mistakes its own mind for living relational being, and becomes entangled in its own reflections unrecognised as such, and unable or unwilling to heed or hear the call to joy, within the spin of its own making.