Saturday, 27 February 2021

Thinking in the Heart is Who You Are

Regardless of what Is fact beneath the codes mask of beliefs and assertion, the fiction is a stirring up of fear, guilt and hate by which to re-generate a sense of self-reinforcing  'identity'. No less in the general comment here than in other 'spin-offs' from disturbing the ant's nest.

There are no physical obstacles to our living life that are of any real matter. 

But a psychic-emotional overlay generates rules and filters that paralyse the functional unfolding of human being - or rather - sacrifice human being to the frame of fear, denial and masking projection.

The only positive I see in this is seeing this is to choose not to see through the lens of the code being broadcast and propagated to hack and hijack our mind by tapping into the already existing pattern of judgement that can be observed as conflict-denial, casting out and locking down of a private sense of control set apart and over life.

It can be simply observed from the willingness to abide the conflict, feel the feeling, and move through temptation to react from conditioned past experience, to a self-honesty of simple awareness within life as presence -rather than in masking presentation.

To those who hath love, more shall be added.

But to those who hath lack set as denials masked as virtue, more shall be taken - even the little that they hath.

Law in Life is not imposed but inherent.

To the split of mind, set apart and over against an alienated 'world, order is imposed over feared chaos, yet the fear and the control feed each other for they are of the same split mind.

Wholeness is in our capacity to discern order within Life, and the split mind from trauma operates a reversal of the operation of the Law, by giving priority and power to self-illusion at cost of truth, and thus set in conflict as attack on awareness of truth.

Thinking in the heart is not fear defined and fear driven. Honesty is congruency and coherence of thought, word and deed.

If a Reset to self-illusion at cost of truth is what you WANT, then persist in the split-mind of fear-driven conflict for what it 'gives you'.

My own sense of the absurdity of the grotesque and hollow parody of life being shown to our face, is to maximise the awareness that we are responding to the awareness of a Choice as the alignment of will to thought, speech and behaviours. Such as to give consent of free willing according to our acceptance of a truly living will in place of a mind-set of denial and coded masking symbolic substitution (a mind of illusions and deceits).

Who has ears to hear - let them hear.

Releasing a false mind must recognise a lack if substance to what we took to be our self and world, within the willing discernment or desire for truth that heals to reveal an order that Humpty-Dumpty and All the king’s horses and all the king’s men CANNOT see.

Life is NOT broken, here and now.

What our 'thinking' has made of it, is.

Broken thinking operates self-contradiction as 'normal', invisible structuring to conflict and pain of loss. The release of invested identity in broken thinking allows awareness of a wholeness of Life to recognise Her Own. Integrity is not added to, or imposed upon, but is inherent to an integrative willingness.

This is where peace and sanity call us, and not the false profits and premises of conflict evasion that have become the pharming of fear, sickness and sin, under alien or inhuman 'intelligence'. That we allow such thinking to run in our name, escapes our notice, while all grievance is set in its 'returns' as the 'attack' that justifies a basis for seeking control toward vengeance for past fear, pain and loss, stamped on the present into the future.

Nothing true comes from false premise, or mis-taken identity in reaction, but the re-cognition of lack of substance as the freedom to release it and open to the true movement of our being.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Illusions battle only with themselves

Illusions do not battle with truth.

Illusions battle only with(in) themselves.

When we take illusion of truth as truth itself, we have been phished to the mind of war in which it is often said 'truth is the first casualty'.

The need for identity in illusion is a reaction that can be used to reinforce the identity.

But beneath the masking is the truth it would deny.

The illusion defended against truth has become the father of the lie.

The lie must then attack, deny or evade exposure with further lies - all of which call for the sacrifice of truth of living for its parody - set in lies that distance, lockdown and mask the living truth you are.

The illusion thus perceives itself weak and lacking and driven to seek boosting of immunity against feared or hated truth - which is through a glass darkly and not truly accepted.

A mind set in self-illusion thus delivers to evils that are in the original patterning of invested illusion and separation trauma, and repackaged as successive layers and levels of 'solutions' that redistribute psychic energies by narrative and naming magic that 'compartmentalises' the mind under rules and filters set in fear given power.

Strengthening awareness of truth will allow truth to reintegrate and heal or indeed undo illusion to disregard.

But attacking illusions will feed the wish and fear that made them.

The principle of partial sacrifice as the means to survive under terror is an ancient pattern that reveals itself pervasive to the distancing and lockdown of a masking mind.

But as truth is whole, loss of awareness of wholeness weaves lies into representations of truth, such that love and fear become alloyed and often reversed in confusion.

The Stockholm syndrome depicts the need for love even under terror, as the willingness to love or give allegiance and support to that which denies and abuses life, as the only or overwhelming power under which life can still be had or clung to.

But substitution for love does not extend and share wholeness of being and the willingness to support or embody the rules and filtering distortions of mindset in fear, is its claim to your consent as your survival or social virtue - which is always a credit set against fear of pain of loss and not at rest in truth at all.

Willingness for awareness of truth will undo not only a specific problem to being truly addressed, but loosen the foundation on which a house of cards is built - that in its time will reveal itself to be without substance or foundation, and yet in time has all the meaning fear gives it. Fear can mask in many or any forms, and yet is itself a state of unaddressed or unowned conflict. To know our purpose is to align purpose now as decision along the lines of trust, self-honesty, dedication and discipline. Fear can hide in confusion as a way to buy more time in evasions that only delay the inevitable - which is truth but feared as death. For what is truth to invested self-illusion but its undoing and release?

Re-evaluating our thoughts, intention and desire - and the world or life they bring us - is a version of 'clearing your room', or accepting responsibility as a basis for releasing what is NOT ours. The taking on of a false sense of possession and control, dispossesses us of joy and fulfilment in life, and leaves us open to any and every kind of manipulative substitution.

Repackaged guilt, hate and fear offers a mind set in 'immunity' against truth, but do you WANT it? Desire aligning as conscious decision is the true alignment of heart and mind.

To live our true desire is not to seek fantasy 'solutions' to a fear of living set in all the 'reasons' why not! Break the set of thinking to which a 'weak or broken heart' must suffer to support, by aligning an instant in willingness for love and life - in its own terms. Let experience of a greater communication in that reveals you connected with and part of the Living. For Life is within and all about you - whether you 'think a self and world' apart or not.



Sorry, but the optimists are in denial.

Things had to improve, they did not. It’s too late now. Far too much basic, fundamental ignorance, with focus on tiny little components of narrative.

Its a figure of speech to say 'sorry'.

The willingness for a positive or integrative outcome is a decision and not waiting on conditions to improve - according to whose plan?

Little narratives have their telling moment.

But we are not compelled to give allegiance and support to our story - even if the habit is a deep set investment of emotional and psychic energy.

It is never to late for now.

Make of that what you will, or release it to a higher will.

Now is the closest to the Timeless that we have in time.


John Ervin:

“WHO told you were naked?” God asked Adam in the Garden. (Clearly not to be conflated with the WHO, at its Swiss location, though its reach at the moment seems almost that long.)

As you were speaking of the Father of Lies, it all calls to mind one of the most ancient legends of all, and always held by sacred tradition, that “time out of mind” the True Father assembled His angels and told them that His Son would be born of Woman, and that the angels would serve them.

The brightest angel of them all bridled and bit, “I will not serve. I will ascend to the Throne of the Most High and be like unto God!”

A truly amazing wrinkle in the narrative takes place “when” a lesser angel, not then much famed, “steps forward” and in an act of the deepest obeisance (of all) asks the 3 words, which in the original Hebrew, are in essence the same as in english, and became the great name, his:



And setting the two in contrapuntal contrast, the drama has unfolded ever since, of which we retain the song.

Some might say “Opera”.

Since it’s -clearly- a dramatic “works”.

The lie and the father of it tells you you are lacking, disconnected and in need of masking, distancing and boosting - so the WHO is not an unintended pun!

But beneath this is the fear of pain of loss inherent to the belief you are the body as the symbol of locked down separated and distanced 'private' or masked off mind.

Born of Mater or Matter is the basis for a reversal of Effect and Cause.

Not in truth, but as the experience resulting from identity in the continuity of image and form - as object reality or the unfolding of its themes in time and space.

The seeming separation of matter and mind as a projection or 'casting out' from Spirit is the focus operating within the 'movie' on the wall of Plato's Cave.

The wish that Reality be different than it is, fathers the illusion.

The capacity of imagination is Creative - but when assigned to protect illusion against Reality, it operates a miscreative or limiting division of polarising conflict.

The Heart of Discernment recognises order within apparent chaos.

But an attempt to stabilise conflict sets the narrative or mythic representation as order OVER chaos.

That we can mis-take identity is an error, but to persist in error at cost of attack on truth is the sin that gives death, as a return of giving life to a 'dead' illusion. Under which the sin fears light, and seeks conflict as 'cover'.

The arrogance of a 'spirit elitism' or indeed ideal of perfection against which all life in expression fails and so is considered unworthy of existence, is the 'Lucifer' of usurpation and denial set in guilt and hate's projection as the light of a self-specialness that dispossesses even as grasped for.

The willing expansion of a true embrace is the alignment to Creation, which is always new now. Where perception stops at image and form it mistakes its own mind for living relational being, and becomes entangled in its own reflections unrecognised as such, and unable or unwilling to heed or hear the call to joy, within the spin of its own making.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Deceit is the Principle Enemy I see.

As deceit is the principle enemy I see, the idea of trusting is brought to the discernment of our heart as the touchstone of evaluating ideas and beliefs that can so easily frame us or lead us to betray ourselves under the belief we are protecting ourselves.

IE: If an evil threat is insinuated into our fear and acted on it becomes invested in by our reactions to counter it.

This is easy to see in covid virus fear for us I trust, perhaps also with regard to some of the other fear and guilt leverages being used to generate or subvert popular movements to operate unwittingly as agents of the 'elitist agenda'.

Freedom to challenge narratives in a way that honours other's rights to their own choices is an essential foundation for my sense of a group or community that I bring a wholeness of presence and honesty to.

the reversal of mind in our times is where groupthink follows 'correctness' relative to proscribed hate targets derived from 'Great Threats' or the working of old grievance as in various 'cancel culture' leverage to destroy the basis of relationships and society so as to Bilderberg back better - or retool humans as assets and tools for a parasite class.

The word trust is often used for setting conditions or demands on another's behaviour.

I feel to trust that you all follow your heart and mind whatever way you accept as true for you, and that would include everyone, and yet there is another level of trust which is a self revealing to another in love. If it is love it doesn't lay a trip of demands and expectations.

Trust is then an extension of honouring and the basis of a felt relationship. Regardless whether we find a shared path or follow different paths.

Being Human is the means and the end.

Freedom has to include our capacity to feel what we feel, and find the way to move through it. The structures that 'make us safe from fear' are locking us down and killing us, or worse.

But to me this simply means bringing them back to conscious service or release from service, rather than becoming their slave or sacrifice under the idea they must be destroyed first, and then replaced with 'new structures'. 

The redeeming of our mind and world is given example in the re-cognition of Law serving Humankind, rather than its sacrifice to the support of mutually agreed fictions that run as invisible structure. This principle applies across the board. People are relational beings, but a concept of the 'people' can be used to deny relational communication by a substitution that claims to speak for, or tell them what they should think or choose to accept. And the 'people' are then conditioned to demand this as an entitlement.

The elitists use such language AS IF to devolve power while taking it by crafted deceits.

The same mind is in us all when we 'give' only to get. They may be more adept in the development of deceit as 'social engineering' or 'mind-control', but our 'immunity' or resilience to being hacked or phished is to own our own mind, rather than run on invisible structures, that seem normal and run unattended.

Virus as a narrative identity

 Reply to  Penny

So where are the VIRAL ISOLATES of any virus? Nowhere. Ever.

Neither is there any evidence for contagion. At all.

If virologists are not hiding their blatant fraud why are they the only scientists who get to make up a genome using a software program and not ever use controls? Why do virologists only starve and poison their cell cultures, then claim isolation actually means addition?

Why can’t virologists show how a virus evolved if it only ever lived inside a host? Why does a virus not have any motile function? How can a virus die outside a host if it’s not living? Why is a virus the only microbe that allegedly has organic matter attached to it such as proteins that coincidentally our body ALREADY makes, but no cells? How does the virus convert and transport energy to fuse to the host cell? How does the virus replicate if it can’t cell divide like all other organic matter?

Back up your claims.

I appreciate your engagement (to Penny) in the issue itself within a sense of worth to others in the manner of your reply.

Narrative identities are protected.

They are not ‘alive’ but by being given life, set filters and rules of thought and perception as the ‘believed experience of life.

They cannot receive what we give them, because they are not alive as the giving and receiving exchange that Life Is..

The attempt to reconcile real and unreal or living and ‘dead’ is a narrative mask over conflict that is no escaped but replicated.

(I say ‘dead’ because it never was, not because it lived and died).

The virus myth offers a signature pattern to the recognition of ‘mind-hijack to though replication that is reiterated every time we set cause outside ourself to conditions or others that ‘make us what we are’ and set us in distances, locked down meanings and masking defences against exposure.

From my reading today:

Although you are one Self, you experience yourself as two; as both good and evil, loving and hating, mind and body.

This sense of being split into opposites induces feelings of acute and constant conflict, and leads to frantic attempts to reconcile the contradictory aspects of this self- perception.

You have sought many such solutions, and none of them has worked.

The opposites you see in you will never be compatible.

But one (solution) exists.The fact that truth and illusion cannot be reconciled, no matter how you try, (or) what means you use, and where you see the problem, must be accepted if you would be saved, (from fear for love). Until you have accepted this, you will attempt an endless list of goals you cannot reach; a senseless series of expenditures of time and effort, hopefulness and doubt, each one as futile as the one before, and failing as the next one surely will.

Problems that have no meaning cannot be resolved within the framework they are set. Two selves in conflict could not be resolved, and good and evil have no meeting place. The self you made can never be your Self, nor can your Self be split in two, and still be what It is and must forever be. ~ ACIM

Its a risky venture to attempt satirical send up.

Not least because 'fear of trolls' like 'fear of virus' can spark off a polarising lockdown mindset by reaction.

I suspect 'super satan' has tired of a straight rational attempt to make a case for freeing from deceit and is moved to employ the imagination as a means to reflect the situation in new ways.

If I were 'Satan', love of form as reflection of possession and control would compel me to seek continuity at all and any cost, price or sacrifice.That is, my identity of self-possession and control demands your sacrifice to the idols and ideas by which I raise a world of image and form to cover the knowledge of Spirit that moves all things as one.

By 'me' have you a choice to deny your source, to invest in illusion that must attack truth as its basis for seeming. How else but from the conviction that truth attacks you first?

The false flag, the phishing ruse, the call to eradicate or cast out a hate that images the trauma of fear of pain of loss. As the determination to limit the Mind to limit the loss.

Having entranced to a locked down mind in a body as a distance for dissociating private thought-agenda to mask from true Disclosure, is a focus of attention and intention within the 'mind' of fear and love alloyed, because fear can mask as love, but cannot know and share love. But love can reinterpret fear as the call for (the) love (it denied).

We may not be able to give our thoughts to others who will not allow or are not yet ready for them, but we can be the communication or sharing of presence from the willingness of our own acceptance. And release them of our judgements as wrong, failed, sick, sinful and lacking (our) correction.

Jesus lived 'forgive them for they know not what they do' but gave himself wholly to the living will in others no matter what the presentation, or masking of personal and cultural appearances. Discerning the living is the fruit of being alive as the movement of being or aligned willing. But the conditioned mind operates a set of responses to coded meanings and associations of image and form as 'identification'. But this is akin to a computer model running robotically in substitution and representation for life lost, or feared and denied.

The current events are reflecting to a deeper recognition when we are ready and willing to accept, receive, own and integrate.

When Satan or the Adversary has served to bring us to conscious acceptance of truth beyond and yet giving form, is Job done, as a revealed and conscious foundation from which to live.

Clinging to invested self-illusion loses awareness of synchronicity, flow and relational honesty of being. It reflected feedback tells us this, but through protected narrative illusion we hear only to call to double down in war or regroup (reset) for vengeance.


George Mc:

To achieve maximum impact, Code Covid needs its pit bulls. Cue Dr Philippa Whitford who I just heard frothing on the radio about how some sociopaths thought that just because the rules were relaxed between waves 2 and 3 (or was it 3 and 4?) lives were threatened etc. And so we must maximise vigilance for the upcoming waves (which I daresay will be so numerous you could surf on them).

And whilst listening to this practically Hitlerian effusion, I wondered if these COVID heavies had been chosen because they were already seriously disturbed individuals or if they were conditioned Clockwork Orange style?

There are bacteria that thrive in particular terrain conditions.

Without the leverage of support for this 'narrative' lockstepping, it could find no host.

While big money banking cartel clearly has the capacity to snuff this in a day if it did not serve their purpose, it isn't 'money' itself but leverage or the means for control set in the grasp of possession, as an addictive self-reinforcing loop.

As for you question, narratives are conceived and 'memed' or propagated and nurtured as framing leverage for protecting the Problem from Disclosure (being truly addressed).

The seriously disturbed is what I generally assign to 'Separation trauma', that has both species history and fractal or archetypal reiterations in every generation and in every life.

We are not equal in our personality challenges and patterns of adaptation, and part of this is the attempt to cast sins onto others to seemingly escape them - which is also psychic abuse with physical attributes.

The manipulation of other minds appeals to those who are most driven to take or get for a sense of self set in lack and disconnection of relational being. As if to fill the lack externally. Just as there are those who are driven to give responsibility to leaders, protectors or panacea, as if to escape blame and penalty rising from hidden or denied fears, guilts and conflicts.

I don't listen to stark insanity set as bait for reaction.

But the last time I opened R4 I got Kzuo Ishiguro answering Qs on his book "Never Let me Go" - which spoke of the lost ones under the lie to me so I bought and read it. he wanted to write of the human condition.

I also understand this as the human conditioning,

But when I turned on I thought it was a real critique of the current psyop on BBC!

And it does offer some illumination by means of artistic reflection.

How may 'God Help Us?'

John Ervin

What I find deducible from this medical coup d’état, or rather, coup de Monde, is that any action by government can now be justified as “protecting your health” without any publicly witnessed real evidence.

At worst, it seems like a thin veneer applied to a justification for them to do anything that they want. It is a quaint “end run” around any semblance of real rule of law, not to mention a complete subversion of democracy.

This is why some have written that the only power that stands in the way of such a stratagem is God.

What else, WHO else?

Sounds ancient and scriptural, but WHO?

WHO told you you were naked? said the Lord.

This Bible quote relates to the lies of the serpent that led Adam and Eve to a sense of self-conscious lack, guilt and shame - for which they then were driven to mask over in distancing from a feared disclosure to truth feared as a result of lies believed and given reinforcement by sharing.

So to the split or dissociated self-sense, truth is feared and evaded under masking 'ego' that in a sense becomes our subconscious or automatic response, but in truth is release of conflict to freedom of being.

Truth shall set you free, is the process moving through, truth reveals you are free. This is 'hidden' from the lockdown in the mask' that can only 'see' freedom from true reckoning as its personal salvation or bubble.

The thinking of the mask is an interference pattern to a true recognition.

And so we have a world of the freedom to accept or deny truth - but not to change it - apart from our own perception of being. Hence 'be still and know That I Am'.

Notice that unless a discipline has been acquired by willingness of practice, the thinking mind will do anything BUT release to the direct qualities of awareness (of) being.

I am pointing to God Inherent or within all that is and that must include the truth of you, beneath the masking and modelling of self imaging concepts.

There is a key question to the 'defences of the ego'. Do you WANT what they offer and are you willing to persist in paying the cost?

But unless this question is recognised in the heart, it runs as a mere self-referencing reinforcement to the willingness to 'think some more'.

As for the capacity of self-Illusion to provide a sustainable or workable way of living and sharing in our world, it is the same question to a collective relational expression of our willingness. The repackaging of toxic debt and conflict into ever tighter control as a system of sacrifice to a false god - is Self Evasion buying more time at all and any cost. And so it must come to the end of its tether.

The fear that is being invoked and generated as the means to 'protect' us from the fear that we would distance from and mask onto others and world rather than face, is revealing a false 'answer' as unable to deliver. This brings the unthinkable fears that which we had largely managed to mask over and mitigate, into awareness. And this self-honesty is the point or real questioning of the mind and world we had mis-taken as Reality Itself.

Any real question opens the willingness to receive answer.

The ego uses the form of questions to make statements that reinforce its 'narrative identity' running as You.

The idea of the Lord of Life or Love - as power 'lording it over' others and world, is the first and last illusion as the basis of a split mind. But you are one Mind - regardless how you choose to see yourself.

We shall not cease from exploration 

And the end of all our exploring 

Will be to arrive where we started 

And know the place for the first time. 

Through the unknown, remembered gate 

When the last of earth left to discover 

Is that which was the beginning; 

At the source of the longest river 

The voice of the hidden waterfall 

And the children in the apple-tree 

Not known, because not looked for  

But heard, half heard, in the stillness 

Between the two waves of the sea. 

Quick now, here, now, always-- 

A condition of complete simplicity 

(Costing not less than everything) 

And all shall be well and 

All manner of things shall be well 

When the tongues of flame are in-folded 

Into the crowned knot of fire 

And the fire and the rose are one.

         Little Gidding V, - T.S. Eliot