Friday, 16 February 2024

We are In This Together - But Not As We Think

 We are In This Together
-But Not As We Think

 in response to the themes in:

We are liable to frame in terms of presumed agency in polarised conflict rather than self-interest running under social/cultural dictates manifesting as ‘technological convergence’.

The degree to which we are framed in and draw identity from our ‘tools’ – which includes systems of tooling, is the degree to which the drive of ‘progress’ is not only inevitable, but inescapable in terms of progressive compounding of debt-conflicts as the driving force against system failure, which to its adaptive personality, means extinction or total breakdown.

By destructive and cannibalistic plunder, our world becomes the dictate and demand for sacrifice set against breakdown of the social masking order – which is a usurping of communication & exchange in shared worth or value. IE: A rigged, corrupt or false ‘order’ masking in manipulation of appeals for sympathy – such as ‘Caring’ MUST comply or be cancelled.

Questioning our social identity-masking as cultural foundation does not come easy to us as we all have more of a stake in the established order that is in fact active, regardless our various presentations or takes on it in terms that invariably reflect our own particular and collective fears & defences.

Questioning what social order is and does is generally framed by the intent to define in order to predict and control. Such as to rationalise and justify core assumptions.

The ‘insider’ establishment aligned in seeking to shape social change by sowing cultural narratives (the mass mind) to drive philosophical, economic and regulatory structures of control that effectively train and condition a social mindset of a largely covert dependency within externalised system of arbitrarily adjustable life support. Ostensibly the means to protect against risk, operate the toolset by which to pre-emptively ‘create’ order by incentivised (coercive) controls.

We are all in it together insofar as we align in the roles of a self-reinforcing conflict-driven pain-giving futility (regardless how fervent our hope or belief that THIS time will be different – or THIS issue is different).
Recognising a futility, meaninglessness or self defeating pattern of thought & behaviour is where FREEDOM to release it for a more truly aligned expression of integral being can extend as with-ness and worth-ship to Life rather than claim and counterclaims to the rights of title to judge or define what Life is or ‘should be’.

We are also all in and of Life – whatever Life is the being or unfolding of, can be experienced in infinitely different ways, but in judgement set over and apart from Life we generate or invoke an alien will – unlike and contra to a nature we frame unworthy. fallen, broken, lacking ‘immunity’ to risk, challenge and adaptive growth and in need of machinery or technology of external ‘support, control, upgrade and replacement.

I simply sketch out a view from where I live.
We think we know we live IN a body IN a physical world.
But look at the dissociating disembodiment of a mind-set that thinks to know.
Active ignorance is given power to run as guide and protector.
Thinking that operates without a truly grounded reference point can seek and find circular reinforcements by which to bring forth strange fruit (evils framed and projected as autonomous or irrevocably & necessarily defining life in its terms).

The winding up of false or limited/limiting thinking runs out of time and space. Both of which can be used to mask and distance, as to reveal the Extension of an embrace we do not and can not manufact.

Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Using Mind against itself - artifice intelligence.

in response to the themes in:



Generally speaking - yes you have the gist of it- the weaponisation of language and mind against itself- set as defences of pre-emptive attack against loss of 'identity' runs the use of mind (of attention and intention) to block or filter (awareness of) reality - and thus as a tool or focus to 'control' or create experience through the lens of narrative definitions and beliefs. Identifiction as masking 'control' narrative.

The result of deceit is to become entrapped in & by our own lies or invested self-illusion because we gave them power - and join with others in emotionally backed self-reinforcing reactions as identity boosting.

Thus our stake or investment in the means to mask automatically runs self-protective as the mask - discarding or concealing the underlying issues or conflicts that are being masked over to save face, position, status, inclusion, control.

As I read this morning in "Finite & Infinite Games" (James P Carse), "If I accept death as inevitable, I do not struggle with mortality but as a mortal".

The terms or framing of our experience of existence can be rendered as 'plastic meanings' to gain a world of biased vision, but always at cost of (awareness as) wholeness of being - and thus of integrity of integrality or strength. Hence the drive to gain 'immunity' against feared pain of loss by the sacrifice of others to save a 'self' in mitigated or masked pain - from the (awareness of) the true extent of pain and loss held in denial by personal and social masking.

Social masking 'realities' operate by consent - as the realm of those who know not what they do - yet encoded to the realm of struggle to gain or maintain position. There is no love in it. Joylessness is a key characteristic to the loss of 'Soul' awareness or Felt relational being as connected participance.

Personal masking runs beneath as our self-presentations of self-justifictions that both shape and take shape from our past - as the framing of meaning to which and from which all meanings are set or permitted to be exchanged , shared or given and received.

The currency of life as existence is shared meaning because we are integral extension of the source and nature of Self-Awareness as the recognition of resonance.

The 'bridegroom' of a true fulfilment of being, cometh when ye thinketh not. This applies both to the surprise of revealed recognition as to the release or relaxation of a condition of 'thinking' that corresponds exactly to the nature of blocks, filters and devices of defended control - in terms of predictive definitions stamped or coined for the function of replacing relational awareness with systems of weighted rules that substitute permissions set over and against penalty for non compliance as 'sin' worthy of denial and exclusion.

Consenting to participate in 'moral guilting' as the boosting of 'self-exceptionalism' runs the 'collective' demand for unconsciousness, masking as controls set by fear against total loss.

The Renewal of our mind is not a result of our own 'thinking' but of a true evaluative discernment of our own thought and feeling as our result or 'meaning'. If we would set our own creation, we would be isolated or segregated in judgement over and apart from what we then experience as 'othered'. And receive in like kind.

But it must be obvious we cannot create anything in and of our self alone - there is none such!

The 'result' of relational exchange is a gift unfolding, but we can make a self 'pathogenic' from a psychic terrain by withholding the gift, and then seeing all the 'reasons' that justify the extension of a judgement and withdrawal or denial of worth.

Yet the way to have (knowledge of being) is to live and give from being, and so we give the measure unwittingly, that comes back to us as fruits unrecognised, such that core grievance is protected and defences maintained against vectors of threat to be kept out of mind, while we be-live a masquerade of theatrical show as a game worth 'winning'?

Finite and infinite are polarities of each other

This comment sparked off by


Finite and infinite are polarities of each other.
The nature of polarised thought & perception is charged differentiations of meanings that unfold each from one another.
Thought itself is a 'stuff' more akin to a wave that we uniquely particularly resonate with. This seems then to be a result of conception and perception-response. The nature of consistent 'tuning' of intention/attention is then fruited in a conditioned 'consciousness' or rather focus through which consciousness gives and receives 'meaning/value' in the terms of its assumed and accepted identification as persistent pattern repetition or time as particulars of place/position.
Mapping out an image or model of symbolic representations is effectively infinite in its 'computational' ouputs of relative or weighted significances, yet persistence as a stable or periodic and predictive framework for experience, requires integrality within a whole as the giving and receiving of its part. Symbiosis has facets that are periodic to the synchrony and of the whole, but the synchronicity of the whole is non-physical and outside (or if you prefer 'inside') time as motion. The idea consciousness is 'inside' (subjective) or 'outside' (objective) is itself the idea of finite within infinite. That anything exists. That I am.
The two statements are one but the think or thing arises to yet within and of an awareness of attention as intention at the root of desire. I Am all that I am becoming.
In our current dominant model, we assign otherness to all that is not Self-Recognised Aware, by the image-construct of a model for 'self' IN and OF the 'world' we perceive to be-live.
This is the 'circular reasoning of a limitation on Self-Infinite as the partaking of a particular or specific 'definitional perspective' -through a lens darkly. For a spotlight hides more than it brings to focus.
Disregarding Infinity generates a false finite as IF a self-existence. This is the nature of the Prodigal mis-taken identity, or the Promethean archetype. There is no 'cave' to which to take our light and make shadows on its screen but that we persist the focus of the wish to believe what we 'see' as a result of chaining Mind to unquestionable or 'securitised' narratives of identity in 'predictive controls' that generate the conflicts and limitations for the persistence of a locked down mask against the infinite in ever instant and instance or experience.
This is what we have trained a mind for getting. Yet what is our result but to climb into our own screen-modelling as the lockdown against and masking against Consciously creative freedom?
Infinity is neither large or small, but all that is - in recognition and acceptance as the 'scales' fall from our minds.
It isn't that judgements are right or wrong, good or evil, but that the service to the whole is their release to a discernment of recognition that is also acceptance or decision that aligns perception and response to a renewal of our mind as integral extension of all that is.
Warring (on) reality is self-attack, but self-contradiction is a false word given and accepted true.
The self we each are the unfolding experience of is at root a gift - given and received one.
Mis-takes are for correction, not for casting out & denied as scapegoats to an exclusively imposed dictate masked as morally guilting compliance-credit.
Our awareness of everything changes contextually as the result of the shifting focus of thought - most of which we are 'unconscious' or rather, actively map and mask out of a surface consciousness of assumptive autonomy.
Participance has a quality of fulfilment in experience that can be discarded for the competition of comparative identities, running as 'solutions' to a sense of future-driven self-lack as distinct from directly addressing our need, desire & fulfilment where we are. Consciously accepted, not merely referenced in 'thinking' assigned to a golem of subconscious habit.