Friday, 28 August 2020

Sharing in a wider reflection

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A few things of greater reflection:

The Corona scare is founded upon the unsubstantiated modern belief in the germ theory. This theory, which is challenged by only some scientists remains at large the item of belief by establishments of scientists (which is a contemporary church), also those who do not go along with the Corona scare.

The scare is also founded upon the worship of science, technology and the economy, of which the whole society including the opposition takes part. Altogether, the worship of materialism, a society without greater values.

The scare is also founded upon the democratic worship of news, in the context of politicization of the masses. News and politicization provides a false reality, aside of the false realities of Corona scare and climate change scare. Global distribution of false realities is made possible by means of the worship of technology in combination with democratic obsession with the false realities which are provided by all news media.

If you think of society as a body, a collective of cells, the conditions as described above makes it easy to spread fear, hysteria and psychosis globally. Such as Corona scare, 9-11, but also series of smaller ones, but at large twentieth century and current century society is and was already delusional, living in fantasy and hyped realities all the time due to these conditions. It is the democratic-technological delusion, the contagion of the minds of the politicized democratic masses, empowered by technology, which is then distributed on such a scale that hardly any man remains unaffected by these mass mind delusions.

Added to the above, the occupations and concerns of all dominating mass man are always these of a low type, or at best basic necessities of life, ultimately Corona scare is based upon the dominance of such low types of occupations. Because of this statistic average, elites are able to ultimately reduce things to the lowest and most dysfunctional of all, which is fear. Fear and all forms of hate, from gross to refined, being the most common to people at large, elites can easily, empowered by technology, cause global storms of it.

As said, hardly any individual can fully escape this psychological reality of all dominating mass man, in as far as he is a man among man, sharing the same qualities, being dependent in the same way. Though, it must be obvious that the cure is to avoid this reality of mass man, to avoid too much affectation by means of developing your individual and higher qualities, and to focus on your individual interests, do not let contemporary average mass man’s occupations overrun your individuality.

My Reply to John

Yes there is a way of seeing a script that plays out of its own conditions or predicates.

I see an inversion of truth and so there is truth ‘hidden’ in the very attempt to deny, usurp or replace it – that serves the waking from the script to the point of release from subjection to its definitions. But not to the capacity to fight or change the script. (Which is the predicate of the script; to fight itself). Rather we open to a Script of awakening as the willingness and capacity to recognise and align in what a separating lockdown of a masking script would cover over and hide in.

John in reply to me

The mask is a symbol of anonymity and lack of individuality of the masses, fear being a collective trait which has its cause outside of the conscious will. The media being a product of the masses can only appeal to low types of collective traits, which are predominantly negative.

Added to the above, the oppositional or ‘alternative’ media, they mostly make an appeal to fear too, depicting dystopian scenarios, at best they make an appeal to indignation and appeal to ‘return to normal’ to chase away the insecurity. They appeal to common denominator negative feelings and are impotent in terms of positiveness, because of the character of media being a mirror of collective traits and emotions.

Modern society got stuck in its own obsessions, its own dictatorship of collective ‘reality’ distributed through media, which acts as a boosting canon of mass negative traits. Technology empowers, since negative traits are those most common to humans, of which history is proof, humans become the victim of their own traits, boosted by technology. Global elites only give this situation a push.

- - -

I agree the fear remains a dominant definer of many kinds of human communications where the mind reacts in like kind, rather than open a new place from which to see or meet in. But I look for a 'humanity' regardless the alloy of 'greater values' in grievances set in seeking resolution 'technologically',  in ways that persist the predicates or archetypes of relational breakdown (to a physical shell or masked lockdown in 'materialism').

In terms of outer technology -as the ability to define, predict and manipulate the world, the invested funding and capture of new technologies of the Industrial Revolution that became the new global elites - such as Rockefeller-Carnegie Monopoly that merely fronted an underlying cartel as appearance of competition ever since, and so is not only determining what shall or shall not be funded or squelched in terms of development, but sets weaponising and marketising as the determining parameters of anything the moves - while increasing the networks of surveillance and control to eradicate 'under the radar' potentials for any shock to the system - excepting as determined to grow and adjust the system itself.

Also those who have acquired possession and control are invested in not losing it and put a lot into not only predicting the future, but 'helping' it to happen in way that either serve their interests - or position themselves as insiders to take advantage of inevitable processes of action and reaction.

As such global elites are technologically inflated exemplars of that trait in us all - which I see as a 'fear-control' split mind of action and reaction, as distinct from a truly human presence. The breakdown of relations or communication within 'Presence' is the denying or hiding over of negative traits in masking virtue.

I see a lack of substance (or doublethink) in the human thinking or self-contradictions given narrative cover, but I don't assign the sin to the living being - but to the mind of a mistaken identity running in a negatively polarised sense of its own reality.

Part of discerning of deceit or unrecognised self-illusion is where guilt and fear are appealed to as authority. I am familiar with both in their symptoms, but don't invest in them as my author or cause - so much as an action-reaction of polarised negative self-reinforcement. Such 'themes' are scripted and acted out as compelling reality when we are set in the effects but blind to true cause - not least from flagging symptoms as the 'enemy' and attacking them as if such a war could be won.

So the underlying issue is the 'negative traits' which I see as part of a human self-definition - rather than a biological determinant - though there is of course a nature and nurture feedback where the 'nurture' transmits its 'world view' as a set of survival traits that can serve as well as stifle new life.

Self will has been demonised as well as claimed and acted out. The former can and does become an inverted polarised reinforcement, and the acting out can open new perspectives. the issue of self will as conflicted struggle or the free will of aligned presence is in my view the issue of true choice - because we are free to persist in self-will - even to the point of overbearing pain, paralysis or meaninglessness - but at cost of recognising freedom as our very being. As for many freedom is associated with overcoming or escaping its loss or deprivation and denial - the mind is set in seeking OUTSIDE what is here and now for a future set in the image of a lost past - and not interested or even able to notice the structuring or patterning of the mind that is set in such a futility.

So I see a process of transition or rehabilitation from the 'masking persona' to the presence of existence as it is - even while a masking media-mind plays out its attention grabbing drama.

There are innumerable things we can say or postulate about life - but in yielding to simple presence let life 'speak'. This is what we are expert in forgetting, but truth is not 'destroyed' by lies. Our awareness and resonant alignment in true being is lost while we react to what isn't here as if it is with emotional investment that in its moment was lived as 'real' whatever hindsight may judge in the next moment.

Humankind has been negatively 'traumatised' from a catastrophic past that has yet to be disclosed to the masked off sense of dissociated 'control'. But my sense is that this Is in process of disclosure whether we like it or not and whether we think we are in control or not. And is not a matter of 'information' to think about, but the capacity to reactivate psychotic reaction.

The capacity to make conscious relationship within presence is the readiness to process some facet of the 'Separation' or Fall - which mythologically represented a framework FOR a fallen nature or negatively polarised self-will.

But mythic or narrative creations 'cast out' as a way to keep the sense of a split off self will. The recognition that we can simply walk out of a movie is also the capacity to look at it with new eyes instead of being 'plot driven. I find this aligns me in narratives that serve a movement of reintegration - even if they still use elements of dramatic tension which by definition is part of any drama.

Ha - I just responded to your second comment without seeing the first.

We think fear is not a conscious act because we do not recognise that conflicted thought generates fear, but assign the fear to the results that seem to be done to us against our will.

To choose not to invest in fear, is to release the thinking that fuels it. This is to release the mask of 'thinking' to simple presence, that of itself aligns or renews us, even if a masking mind immediately or soon after takes the credit to go forth again as if an independent autonomous power unto itself into a socially reinforced sense of self validation. There is a necessary human development of independence - but as a capacity to check in and balance our inner and outer reality. Not as a cutting of strings from the living gestalt or context of our being to run in emulation and 'make it so'. 

After the fact of reaction, we have already consented to a choice we were unaware of making 

 Malcolm has already stated on this blog that he believes it probably exists - but exactly what 'it' is might be more fruitful than whether there is a novel 'it'.

The world at large has in any case invested in the novel virus as blitzed - by reaction to it as real. There is a case that if no media attention had been give in such a novel way via the Wuhan back stories, and Italian breakdown of service - along with as I say the extreme reactions of how to 'treat' other human beings, nothing really would have shown up - except perhaps in medical journals of strange new immune dysfunctional symptoms in an extremely small group of mostly end of life patients.

But 'it' is given one name - shock-headlined globally as nothing ever before in the history of  our kind. But is also given an extremely vague 'clinical' set of conditions that includes NO disease through to dying under a bus (that was not entirely in jest) - but clinically in general, sharing the same symptoms as colds and flu - which are not specifically virally tested for the flu stats that are themselves inflated from a range of post respiratory disease complications. And being called 'novel' serves both the narrative for making up any possible story of  deadly contagion against a defenceless population, and the ability to mutate or shift the goalposts at will.

It has been defined genetically by means that are extremely specialised and arcane. Fragments of otherwise unidentified biological matter taken from a very few at Wuhan, were 'identified' and reconstituted using computer modelling - to determine what the full virus must be.

RT-PCR tests are then used to seek for any trace of supposedly unique fragments to this 'signature' - but which may be anything - and which may be in such trace quantity as to not indicate a viral load of any disease condition - including infection - and which as I understand are only required to match by 80% or so with the 'original' definition.

I also understand there are patents that limit and control access and use of the 'virus' and that the researching of coronavirus under 'gain of function' - which is a cover term for biological agents as weapons, ostensibly developed so as to have defences against their use by enemies.

That field of research also links to the injection of coronavirus or other fragments of foreign proteins that can generate cross reactive immune dysfunction. It is also understood that where flu vaccinations suppress a particular strain of influenza - more respiratory infections occur with other vectors of association - including coronavirus strains - which until Sars-1 were considered under 'colds'.

The Medical system is presumed to operate as self-correcting science on behalf of the human good. This belief is nonetheless deeply cherished by those who have invested their faith in it, and   masked in by those who profit by compliance. The global directives of a centrally operating dictate are linked to global incentives and disincentives within a network of fronted expressions of  private self interest set over - and at expense of the whole.

Regardless any pretence to 'the science' - the situation is one of regulatory capture along with the mindshare of a fearfully ungrounded or dissociated population - who are effectively in a state of shock in various patterns of strategic coping that mask over  rather than be overwhelmed.

The novel virus told us through novel means that it was coming again - and everything is being stretched out in delay until the conditions for a 'second wave' allow it to be rolled out.

Nothing I wrote in this sketch really addressed or acknowledged our resilience and immunity to toxic exposures and stresses - given the fundamental conditions that support and sustain life that are within and part of our being alive. There are deep lessons that may be learned from such fundamental errors, but the intent of the error is the usurping and replacement of biology by technological interventions at cellular level. But this is not other than an expression of 'thinking' given priority over a Life itself - rather than serving the expression and embodiment of life as shared being. Biology seen through the mind of war against life is pathological because the mind or 'thinking' through which we 'see' is pathological. But when we are reacting from such 'thinking' we cannot see it or question it - because it operates our self and world - with all the emotional intensity of our investment.

Hence - no matter what we currently think you believe, pausing from reaction allows the possibility for noticing what our reactive mind actually does believe. NOW we are in a position to bring curiosity or enquiry as to whether it is in fact true, or worthy of acting from as true.

After the fact of reaction, we have already consented to a choice we were unaware of making - and thus unable to recognise our own results as a basis from which to make better choices. Mistaken identity is not a sin. Persisting in a masking self illusion at cost of true recognition in the heart is ‘sin’ for it betrays everything - not least our self - and compound conviction in a negatively defined sense of self and life that operates a negative or blocking agenda as the only escape from a life that damns it - or would if disclosed.

But if truth is unfonflicted in itself, then truth accepted, frees from conflict, and the mind of conflicting fears has it backwards. A true basis from which to live is not complicated - but the blocks to allowing this, are.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

True Calling

I never imagined that when totalitarianism came, it would be possible due to half the population being in favor of it. 

Terrorism operates from a base of support in the community. Otherwise it would be starved out, and left without support.

The way in which such support is gained and given can be deceptive.

State terrorism is a puppet or captured state by global financial and corporate interests that regulates and manipulates the community or social narratives in such a way as to starve out a free awareness and support for either open questioning or active challenge to the imposing of a control agenda.

The outrage and indeed grief, within our current narrative identity also blocks our capacity to recognise what is happening - except in reactive terms.

Though I can write to what lies beneath, it is unlikely to be recognisable within our current reaction. The need NOT to know operates below the level or surface awareness that we call 'conscious or waking' life.

If NOT knowing is believed to save your life - then whatever masking narrative is set to limit against (fear of) total loss is invested with all the power fear gives it.

When we are identified in fear-reactive defences we are running on deep patterns of survival strategy (that I associate with separation trauma).

That the UN WHO and countless other fronting organisations for masked control agenda set out such agenda (in doublespeak or PR), and implement it as forms of increasing regulatory capture - that run alongside narratives that are socially engineered - is not the whole operation. Our psychology is the other essential part. (Though I prefer psychic-emotional responsibility to 'psychology' that carries a sense of distantiation set as if in authority over the mind),

Implicit in what I wrote is some acknowledgement of the wish for control - set as if apart from and over the life that we are. We all have it - but would not get anywhere if we bluntly sought to control anyone - and so we are all experts in the masking and manipulation of communication and relationship so as to evade or achieve outcomes that protect a core sense of survival under threat - that in ways we are not aware protect and persist the fear through the very defences, conditionings and 'normal' that then operate autonomously.

I may add that existential threat is not escaped by resorts that became military, medical and other industrial complex of seemingly overwhelming leverage - for what else would drive such a disciplined multi-generational protection racket of private agenda set parasitically over the lives of all? Fear and control are flip sides of each other. When does fear become recognisable as the Call to Love instead of the Call to War?

In Germany there is a movement of resistance that is active through the resort to legal challenges that a commenter indicates as being founded in love, because only love can protect us from the hate and vengeance that would render us immediately manipulatable.

Love's honesty may be anything but comfortable - but then true feedback is not just what we want to see or hear or know - but abides what we actively wanted NOT to know. The word 'love' is devalued by masking in its forms - but that does not mean the underlying virtue is no longer true. Masking in virtue is a theme of our time, and yet reacting against a sense of denial or hypocrisy seen in others is hardly witnessing to the virtues of truth if it merely generates a polarised identity of judgement.

It is said - 'by their light ye shall know them'  and more than this - they shall know themselves.

I do not pretend to not be challenged - but the fear has been brought out into the open in ways that is distressing to encounter - and yet whatever the symptoms presented, the patient is not the disease. The capacity to release judgements and look past a personal sense is opening to an impersonal love. This is of a different order to exercising a private sense of personal authority. It is a true calling.


The ability of the wish to set the definition for evils - such as threats that set the call for action in defence - as 'the good' (including the means of diagnosing, testing and treating), is like having access to the source code on which we all depend and run as a socially cohesive order.

It used to be understood that naming was 'spelling' - but we really are operating under the spell of our own investment and adaptation to narratives in which fear and control deny a true significance of shared worth and meaning. I hold the latter to be the practical expression of a true 'Good' - while the narrative capture to lovelessness and fear seeks to mask in the seeming 'good' set against the perceived 'evil' or threat - that actively supports and persists fear - repackaged as control' agenda, under some sense of having mitigated, protected themselves from or escaped a greater terror - against which a bubble of a life must lockstep to armour against and deny - even eradicate!

If surviving as a bubbled and lock-stepped and masked data-unit or asset within a biosecurity state is not worthy of adaptation and allegiance - even with helicopter money and a relocation to screened virtuality - then our bubble itself has to be re-evaluated. And this is what we normally take to be our self. If in some other ways than the one you met, I also have invested identity in mistaken allegiance to presumed 'good' - then no one will be able to tell me or get through - unless perhaps they find me in true sense of shared appreciation in which a shared willingness allows some unselfconscious honesty in which some recognition can stir - without triggering the complex of defences that is running 'autonomously' or subconsciously. This means I have to get past or through my own - at least to a moment of true willingness. Life can just happen. Control is not what it seems.


I appreciate the need to limit fear and fretting - but the blatant incongruity of this government web page - I saw it the day after it went up - was starkly schizophrenic. 

My sense was that the legal advisers always seek to ensure indemnity against future claims.

The scare story operates the narrative under which to effect regulatory capture. As soon as this is  set, the story is rolled back - but without publicity. So there is a recognisable insider 'science' and mainstreamed narrative of regulations of absurd laws and guidances that are often NOT legally binding and therefore the government is not liable for closing the schools (as was asserted within Simon Dolan's case).

The use of narrative devices and manipulations seeks to hack the democratic ideal. Look around you. People are induced to consent to their own enslavement and destruction by others who seek to gain or profit thereby. If some of those others believe that they save the world by doing so - they will serve as rank and file for 'soft wars' by deceit that are no less destructive than battlefields and blanket bombing. 

The corruptions that effect our destruction target key institutions and vectors of influence. I prefer to uncover the underlying fears than project evil conspiracies - but I also see the new economic corporatism as a parasitic infection that operates anti-life agenda in allegiance to a blind 'god' of control set as power or priority over all else.


I have read that since WW2, open challenge to 'germ theory' within the medical profession is effectively penalised or walled out. Power is revealed by what we are not allowed to openly speak of or question.

Settled Science (sic) or institutional consensus is a very dangerous basis from which to operate - because it effectively generates dogma of belief set outside the realm or right to question - regardless the evidence or empirical anomalies - that have to be ignored, smeared or ridiculed - or covered and fudged over by ridiculous or absurd theories given funding and protection BECAUSE they are protecting the funding of a model that serves private agenda over the common good.

Dr Cowan has very steady and clear intent to address certain underlying issues without getting into emotionally reactive conjecture. He also operates outside mainstream allopathic 'standard of care' and so has more freedom to offer critical perspectives - as does Dr Andrew Kaufman - who also offers very calm and clear critical perspective upon many fundamental beliefs that are deeply embedded in our current systems, institutions and corporate investments.

The ability to question 'reality' or the desire to truly understand, is part of who and what we are.

The polarising of defensive controls and the exploration of the More of who and what we are is part of our self-consciousness. We have to integrate what we uncover to our sense of self and world as part of reintegration to a new perspective. Growing pains!

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Viral fear can be falsely flagged to anything 

If everyone had the same definition of the word 'virus' you would at least operate some commonly shared meaning.

They don't.

"Viral fear" can be falsely flagged to anything - but is fear that communicates and replicates without grounded conscious evaluation in the minds of many, so as to become a 'reality' by virtue of reacting as actually true.

Telling people that their fears are false or unreal is  set in the context of a psychic storm of shocked reaction already in motion or of 'conditioned normality' already set in defence.

All your posts are in the theme of 'They are faking terror' - with the emphasis on 'them' and generally a complete dismissal or disregard for the fears being triggered and used to bait people by reaction.

'Virus' once meant poison - but has come to mean contagious agent of poisonous or pathological intent - or at least effect. It is predicated as THE cause of disease by infectious contagion rather than as a theory of causation yet to be proven - but backed by trillion dollar interests that pull more strings than wool over our eyes. It is predicated to be the cunning, mutating, invisible hijacker of health - and to have taken over the Planet - such as to retreat from open or unprotected association to a permanent state of pre-emptive war - that attacks OUR immune systems under the belief we do not have any, so as to 'prove' the disease that can account for, or count over any and no symptoms - but most especially health

This is what unowned and denied fear DOES in the mind - and becomes the 'tares' of a vector of contagion through all who refuse to address the fear where it is - by joining in the mutual consent to 'flag it' where it isn't - and attack it there.

For 'fear' you can use unresolved conflicts, or toxic debts, unwanted and denied consequences, and the whole edifice of a masking mind by which to keep a face of control over a wilfully mis-taken identity by which fear, guilt of toxicity seems to be masked over, masked out, and assigned to 'Them' - meaning somewhere ELSE.

That this pattern of profound Self-evasion consolidates to such a world of monopolistic denials of life as freedom of association and exchange is the 'evolution' or development of the mind of control - as the masking flip-side to fear.

The use of viral fear as a means of denying and choking off life support for the life of the body under systemically guilt-manipulating regulatory controls, effectively paralyses the will - not unlike a venom and webbing by which to make its prey 'safe' in respect of any ability to defend itself or escape.

The development of the expression of the mind of control as predators seeking to be top of the food chain, makes a world in the image of murder and deceit by which to maintain position or get one over others. As long as there is 'food' on the table, alliances or truces hold. But there is no integrative intelligence to a mind-set of 'getting' for itself, only the parasitic use of the living for enacting private fantasy of a mask given priority over life. How could this NOT be a death mask? Even if it can be set to go through the motions or appearances of life?

What Is Real?

The answer that we accept by acting from it, is what we put first, give priority to, or give life, energy, desire and power to. There are some who are starting to recognise the nature and the power of consent as running 'in the small print' of a discarded or diverted attention.

Regardless of what anyone else baits, incites, insinuates or tries to trick, co-opt or frame us into giving - our own will is Sovereign. This is to say it is of a Divine or Innate quality of shared being or existence - but the fear of losing it, generates a sense of lack that 'possesses us' or more accurately dispossesses us to a sense of lack - verified, proven or reinforced as our experience - and flagged to a fear, doubt and division that is hidden and kept hidden by setting the mind to seek and see it it Other - and attack it there.

The division that then seems to rule is a mind predicated against true intimacy of being.

I haven't thought of what to put on my banner - if I choose to hold a banner.

But my desire is to witness for Life as unified and unifying Purpose - through all its parts - regardless the old mind of seeking to unite against fear, evil, enemy, virus, or any other social hate target for persisting a masking in virtue.

Perhaps I will be vastly outnumbered but only if I judge others as not meeting my own judgements or expectations. Is there another way to be with people than judging them? Or more bluntly - is there any real being with - while judgments divide and rule the mind? Is our 'world' a hoax? And yet the only hiding place we each have to escape or evade or delay what we are unready or unwilling to look on in our selves?

What happens if we try to take the illusion away from those who are set in it as their survival? They react as being robbed of life.

Joining in life - regardless the appearances - can establish a basis for sharing what there is willingness to share in.

I appreciate Andrew Kaufman's input a lot by the way. But investment in a narrative cannot be TOLD it is wrong and should not exist.

OK - you can TELL anyone or yourself anything - but you cannot make them (or yourself) drink it. They may go through the motions as a masking compliance - but for their own reasons - not yours.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Lockdown Sceptic posts

Three comments into the Sceptic think tank this morning:

#1 Captured Opposition

#2 Love of truth is lost to the marketing campaign

#3 Running on baseless lies.

#1 Captured Opposition 

Underlying the 'arguments' are Trillion dollar interests.

The controversy of calling out 'industrial interests' that distort and capture the regulatory, political, media and educational sectors, is not a matter of 'conspiracy' but of extraordinarily disproportionate wealth and leverage.

Your argument is the definition of a 'captured opposition', for you self-censor anything that undermines your own support within a corrupted structure - and so can War on the (bad thing) while feeding and supporting and protecting the underlying mindset of which 'bad things' are the symptoms - but attacked or worshipped as 'causes'.

I don't say this in blame. I understand the rock and hard place.

But the underlying theme I read in your post is of identity politicking replacing an willingness to address the issues.

It is perfectly possible to include reference to lack of established causality for the 'defined' viral 'code packet', with respect to the original Wuhan cases from which it was sampled - or any cases since - anywhere - or any other set of conditions or or no clinical conditions.

In fact the original 'discoverers' of the novel virus stated that they had not established causality.

If you neglect the small print, you jump the gun and run off like a headless chicken. Foxy Loxy knows how to identify a 'cluster', find a 'virus', construct a novel conceit of a media campaign, and activate drills that have been prepared and refined over decades to lockstep reality to a shaped charge of a narrative. That is 'his' role or function as the protector of what cannot be faced, felt, owned, or integrated. 

We see a humanity split according to how currently willing we are to face and live through our fear - to its undoing - or when unwilling and unready - to it masking over and armouring against disclosure.

The desire for UN-consciousness becomes a death wish of those who elect to die to life rather than open to deep fear of conflict that is beneath our 'reality-experience' and masked over by a mind set in whatever enables NOT seeing and NOT knowing fear be-lived true. The Intuition of Life prompt a willingness to re-evaluate our predicates or presumptions - most of which are embedded and invisible habits of conditioned reaction or seemingly autonomous 'identities'.

Don't let what you are seeking to be free of - set the frame of your own thought and response - or you will lose the Felt Intuition of Life for a desire to 'win' by over-righting another as wrong.

A Soul-less or loveless existence is not a philosophical construct - but a kind of living hell - that locks in, isolates and separates, to a masking in hollow parody of life, given priority over truth recognised, extended and shared as one.

#2 Love of truth is lost to the marketing campaign. 

The love of truth is lost to the marketing campaign.

The Scientific principles that Koch postulated are to establish a causal agent of a specific disease condition.

That these cannot be established led corporately invested science to shift to a probability fudge - under Rivers - and then to abandon empirical science for computer modelled constructs of reconstituted but ultimately unidentified genetic fragments that have neither been truly identified, classified or functionally understood, not proven to solely cause a specific disease. That fireman can be sampled from a fire scene is not establishing cause - though they can be truly identified and their function determined.

FEAR seeks an object of displacement - a scapegoat that can be driven out, eradicated, attacked, demonised and used as a foil to moral self-rightous virtue signalling, funding and authoritative controls.

To the controller class - fear of Disclosure or unmasking runs the ingenuity of maintaining and reinventing or restating the core thems of the deceit by which fear is protected, hidden and seemingly made 'War' on as every kind of funding crusade to save us from (insert terror symbol or hateful outcome here).

That we can each observe this pattern of split consciousness in our own mind - if we are simply willing to look at our mind rather than obey its dictates - is then hardly surprising to find as collective representation.

Self-will - as distinct from Sovereign will - runs masked as a covert operation - under masking cover story. Learning to discern which is which is aligning in the capacity to release the untrue to a more integrated appreciation of living truth - rather than asserted 'truths' to which the living must be sacrificed to act out.

#3 Running on baseless lies. 

Do you really think there wouldn't be some cover story to satisfy those who WANT to believe 'Authoritative' Bollox?

Where you can make up a disease entity to account for a toxic cluster, state that you have isolated and show photos of extracellular debris, model fragments of debris into a the 'whole virus' - defined and patented and protected and controlled, without any demonstration of cause - apart from lots of hazmat theatre, then there IS NO DISEASE.

The novel can then be assigned ANY common symptoms to be seen to spread, and any capacity to mask, hide, mutate - or run DISEASE-LESS as a hidden vector of CONTROL. For the virus that is active is not the biological response to stress and toxicity, but the virus of 'self-will' operating fear-control-protection, and I use 'self-will' here for the denial or blocking of the symbiotic and cooperative alignment of communication - for the operation of a locked down private masked agenda - in all its socially isolated but lockstepped parts.

If there is no specific disease as a clinical condition - there is not ONE disease vector. Covid is thus a BRAND or catch all - like 'Commie' or 'Terrorist' that operates a blanket judgement and reaction to ANYTHING assigned to it by the authority to inflict penalty or extend favour.

Without establishing CAUSE - all of what comes after is a confusion of invested lies. The Lie and the Father of it - is a false flagged cause.

Invested BELIEF runs as identity with the momentum of its self-investment.

You have been phished.

If being fooled is not an education, then the fool persists in folly and is fed upon by those who likewise prey on lies to support their habit.

The defining of 'diseases' is a corrupted and protected operation of social control. These can be are are moveable parameters in which diseases can be manufactured or eradicated by shifting the goalposts of their definitions, testing and diagnosis. 

It is a kind of sorcery - that to those downstream from the corrupted source have no or little sense of - because it manipulates the reality of their world-in-reaction.

Monday, 24 August 2020

It may be too big a jump

My comment arose from the testimonial video offerings of ordinary people on AnnaBrees youtube platform. That may inspire a shared humanity rather than tell us what to think. It happened to be the link above - but the nature of love is a unique expression through the many.

It my be too big a jump for the mind that is oppressed within its experience of world to question the pattern or dynamic of the mind or rather a deeper mindset that replicates as patterns that we are reluctantly meeting in our would as victim or as would be victimiser should we come into the means to deny those who trespass against us.

There are many themes in the witness that have been brought in these video and even the negatives are derivative of our humanity. But a deeper disturbance for which the mind has no answer and in which it is undone of it previous assumption or 'trusted reality' agreements is in our being and in my view cannot really be lidded over against and 'normalised' even to a new normal - though that is perhaps the dominant theme running as the result of an intent to remake society in the image of the controllers - whoever or whatever that might really be - for no matter who we are, we live from what we accept in thought or belief as true - regardless any complex of masking over by which we then see incongruity of thought word and deed and a mind seemingly set against itself, others and world.

The drama of change, challenge, fear and pain of loss is demanding, and yet the need is to dig deeper for the resources by which to even face or feel what we are feeling - let alone act in our relationships - which for many have been revealed in new light - as families, friends and social groups have divided along lines that can initially be seen as those who are still in the mainstreamed narrative of the world and those who are not, or have found that they cannot accept it as true, trustworthy or meaningful. Some hang in their in belief that a hapless incompetence removes any basis for malign intent as a top-down orchestration of betrayal from above - along with those who still support them in carrying out systematic denial and destruction of the human Spirit as our cultural freedom of expression. Although this is hardly a new theme, we do not so readily notice or complain when our freedoms are denied by material comforts, conveniences and diversions that effectively captured society in a corporate dependency of managed information.

Within those who withdraw from a weaponised narrative are head in the sands who seek to hold a positive bubble against an overwhelming negative in the hope of passover and restoration of some kind of order in which to settle in a liveable and bearable life that holds the line against greater fears that they are not ready or willing as yet to face. There are others who find no means to evade or escape that they can accept in their hearts and who feel their fears, hates or sense of lack and powerlessness with enough honesty to question their own self-reality or life - as well as 'what is going on in the world'. While others are too engaged in denials, rages and conflicts to not set in polarised reaction against whatever 'enemy' they can locate or discern from a complex of deceits - for such is the nature of the world that may have seemed to have been set in order and running at least for many, as a stable enough circumstance to live in - and which is thus actively denied or deprived by the 'reset' or lockdown and shutdown of populations by their own institutional protections - as in auto-immune disease conditions as a result of a hijacking of the state as a whole and not just the political institution of government, by regulatory capture backed by vastly disproportionate financial leverage - that can operate every other kind of leverage as the means to make or break those who comply or refuse.

Existential fear to those in the face of control, transfers to those who are in larger part willingly compliant, as apocalyptic fear - whereby to increase funding, sacrifice and compliance to a control agenda in order to avert any of various versions of ending the world or at least calamitous or catastrophic destruction. There are deeper leverages of guilting that are essential to such narratives 'taking' - and setting up the sacrifice and obedience of active crusade as a moral imperative by which to then dump or divert the guilt to any who question the narrative - while the controllers use the demonised narrative to shape the charge to the desired and specific effect - while avoiding almost all actual threats - not least of which is the control of information by deeply funded disinformation and deceits dressed in moral expediency.

While the face of evil can be terrible in its ability to twist a love of life into a weapon against life, its underlying foundation is a core identification in guilt and fear as power or control that must mask in the face of concern or aggrieved and justified open attack.

I started off writing this in a sense of perhaps mentioning A Course in Miracles as offering a perspective on the world of the mind of fear, guilt and pain or meaninglessness of conflict and loss - such as to in effect walk out of its framing as a renewing and restoring of our mind. Which, is not going to arise from persisting in living from 'All the king’s horses and all the king’s men' set over a fragmented or split mind of the attempt to escape its own deceits by the same thinking that set them. There are many other tools. A Course in Miracles is one such, but the willingness to Ask is the readiness to receive Answer in a form and a timing that can be recognised - despite a mind-habit of control - and given welcome. Many seek spirituality for comfort - which is not wrong, but true comfort is not a masking over of the negatively charged or disturbance of a disintegrity, but literally a renewing of our mind and life and self as one with life and yet as a practical discernment of the true need of the situation as a whole.

It may be too big a jump for us to conceive or imagine, but truth is the power in which all concept and imagination is restored through a willingness to be with, to listen truly and give witness in the measure we would - in truth - receive.

A lack of self, set in negatively polarised beliefs will attract and align in self-reinforcement of such belief.
The framing of human being as a virus and cancer on the Earth is righty assigned to the thinking that embodies such beliefs - or rather - enacts them on the body of the living. Guilt is NOT released or escaped by attacking, denying or eradicating it in others, scapegoated by priestly narratives of 'infection', 'sin' or 'denialism'. That is the way to KEEP it, and empower denial as 'lord and protector'. Yet it has no power to know or love you as you are - being made to hide the victim and the perpetrator as a split mind.

Maintaining a fragmentation of mind as a Human family is a greatly taxing burden of (self) contradictions - 'cast out' as if to get rid of the pain of contradiction while keeping the themes running - out there. The losing of capacity to balance so many plates or centre so many contradictions necessitates a tipping point from an expansion of 'casting out in theme' to a compression back to true centre - which is the only point of true resosnance - and yet is not IN the world so much as embodied AS true relationship - which we lost to our masking realities that we be-live as real - but have no power to truly grasp and control - and only lose to a hollow ritual in the attempt to possess and control.

Somewhere in this I am suggesting that God's Plan is Innate or our true Inherency in life and truth and being - and our plans can and do set up all kinds of negative feedback loops that seem to become a self-existing reality - or self-isolating pain set irrevocably in frustration or futility. AS ACIM says - 'this need not be'.
If an an ingenious thinking says we are all 'social constructs' - then where is the consciousness or mind in which such thinking images and models its reality? The liability of the 'ego' of self invested image is to weaponise and marketise the form of anything and everything that comes into the realm of its focus of attention, including insights taken as private insider information, patented or sold as 'solutions' that persist the problem because they are not truly or fully welcomed, accepted, appreciated and extended in truth. The rush to heal or save or wake up everyone ELSE operates the form of 'helping' or the mask of virtue - while unmindfully evading a living truth because we ran off with a Prodigal or indeed Promethean copy. Context is everything and the mind can 'rob' us of everything in exactly the way we can be 'phished' - even without alien or inhuman agenda of fear and deceit.

Discernment of truth is of a presence that shares or shines of its own nature.
Conflicted 'truths' polarise a sense of lack of wholeness. The mind is very very fast.
A self judgement or justification can rise in an instant - as a whole world of past and future seemingly continuous. 

We cannot 'think' or way out of contextual frameworks by which we be-live the world we now seem to be cast into.

The restatement or revealing of a mind of deceit is the opportunity to release it in others as in ourselves.
This is very different - and yet the principle of releasing others and world from what we judged it to be - and set demands or terms and condition it must be to complete or meet our full willing acceptance - is simple immediate and always now - in the moment at hand.

 @33  Your comment represents the community support for terrorism that is essential for such violence to NOT be isolated, starved and disarmed.
The Earth does not carry on. Those who set the narratives in the minds of many carry on.
For the truth that All Shall Be Well - you must be the decision of such an alignment of will with the Creator.
But to take the names of truth in vanity is to give faith to faithlessness that sets lessons in suffering and sees the beauty of its plan unfolding.

Faith is not recognised as faith when invested in deceits that are implicitly coercive. Self-illusion set over and against truth mimics and parodied the forms or symbols of truth.
Suffering the breakdown of a false investment can indeed free us to make a truly aligned and willing decision - in the heart of a wholeness that embraces the negative but chooses not to use it.
Now is always the only time in which to know what you are placing your faith in.
The idea of overlaying a positive to lid over ad deny the negative is the normalising of hate as mutually agreed forms or rituals of 'joining' that locksteps against the possibility to releasing and healing the hated, the feared and the terrified.

Lidding over CAN be a necessary steppingstone within a process of transformation, re-education and reintegration - but can also masquerade as the great awakening while delivering to death.
Awakening joy in life - anyway and any way that is within your way, is a present responsibility.
But where blocks to joy are encountered in the day thereof - that persist, it is needful to address them truly. That is uncover what they really are as distinct from how they appear or present themselves to be. This is not about being clever, but of bring profound self-honesty despite the experience or perceptions and responses of disturbance. This means feeling-awareness of what is here - without indulging in its dramatic compulsions - or at least living the active willingness to lean into the truth regardless the fear or the call to war or indeed to self judgements.

In order for all to serve a positive or integrative and healing or awakening outcome, we - and I mean each as our own willingness - must uncover this desire and align in its embodiment. What does that mean? It means not staying in a burning house! Nor clinging to an old rugged cross or insisting the desert must bloom. To be truly moved is to know the life by extension. To suppress the movement of our being so as to fit a 'correctness' of compliance can turn a mask into armouring into a prison planet.
Hate should be suppressed of it action component so as to pause reaction to a moment of true awareness - but love needs to be released of inhibition as the movement of such a healing in place of grievance be-lived, suffered and died in.

It is not the social construct or masking persona that 'awakens'.
Love knows its nature in the giving. But if the FORMS of giving are idolised as 'virtue', then giving false witness denies healing even while calling on the name of love.

Discernment is of the Holy Spirit. If wholeness of being is too far for you to reach, you could simply trust that life was intended to work (live!) and so the means must be built in or inherent to what life is and what we are. Love's true Name is Unspeakable for the means to say anything are undone in recognition.
The good outcome to BS is the recognition of meaninglessness and meaninglessness. You may say you already do and so what - but the intent to seek and find value in the valueless gives it all the meaning it has for you. So if people you engage with are unworthy of you - then their 'brainwashing' serves your self-specialness that runs as your currently accepted reality. I understand the pain of a breakdown of communication and the loss of love in the forms that we knew it and took for granted. But even as you are seeking to find your way in what is going on, so are they each and all, and who is to be the judge of what works for you now - even if living this is a stepping stone that others cannot currently understand or join with.

We have to uncover a basis for trust in ourselves - and therefore each other, instead of getting others to support our needs as if that would enable us to trust life.

Whether or not things will 'all be fine' is in no small part whether we learn to honestly accept ourselves (and others) where we are, so as to seek and find the way that works for us all. Meanwhile indulging in our personal frustration and resentment or outrage can turn against us in pain and loss.

The sense of entitlement is being left unsupported unless compliant to the dictate. But our true right is in life and being - regardless of the assertions of a capture or corrupted state of regulations. Insofar as we can exercise our right being to a like quality in others - we must - if we want to abide in and have the resource of being in our right minds. But paradoxically we can only extend a true appreciation, willingly. Love cannot be forced. Behaviour that can be coerced is not love - though enforced rules can hold an invitation to wake within the form of a law to the heart of its service. If the law is used as a weapon instead of a protection, it places love outside the law. Jesus addressed this corruption in the mind. But his teachings have also been used as a weapon. Yet who has ears can still hear.

Sunday, 23 August 2020

My offering to the 'root of the problem' 

I appreciate that you see it that way - but my offering to the 'root of the problem' is that we - each and together - are doing this unto ourselves - but under a split mind that operates a 'matrix' of deceit or self-illusion.

Repentance is not a matter of getting OTHERS to change to fit YOUR narrative dictates. You may of course assign that role to OTHERS as seeking to force you to give up or renounce what you protect as your 'self' and they regard as threat, evil or risk-factor. Your reconciliation in truth is your freedom. If you don't extend freedom to others you wont know that you have it - but will run off in slavery as if escaping a 'mind set apart and defended against freedom'.

Whatever we deny, becomes our unconscious projection or unrecognised reality.

You may say that fear MADE you do it, but in self protection, but is that the 'self' or masking persona that fear gives you?

Preying upon others as a means to prevail and protect a private or masked off sense of mind, self or will is all about 'getting' or using others lovelessly to boost, bolster or strengthen a lack of immunity to fear and division - and thus 'joining with others' in mutual reinforcement of shifting alliances of common cause for 'getting' or protecting against being 'got back'.

Selfishness as a blindness to the lives of others or indeed to the truly living in ourself is a driven agenda. It takes different forms of strategic adaptations that  include complex presentations of apparent virtue within a life that operates or embodies giving and receiving.

Giving and receiving are one, but the one is expressed and experienced as the many, and while each expression of one is unique, the capacity to assign cause to effect, and be-live its result as real, is the capacity to wish to grasp and control life and believe you have succeeded - if only in defending a tiny part against overwhelming odds.

Indeed a tiny powerlessness against an overwhelming alien will.

I am suggesting that this is a reversal resulting from the attempt to generate or invoke and wield an alien will (loveless mind) for a fantasy set in grievance - by which it takes on a monstrous and terrible aspect, whose gravity squelches the capacity to ask an innocent question or receive an answer in like kind.

I am not suggesting that lovelessness be used to feed and fuel a blame agenda.

But that we can - if we are willing - notice or own our own part and re-evaluate whether it truly serves us, speaks for us or has any true belonging or meaning to us. And so lovelessness - in whatever forms that are recognisable by their fruits of dissonance, conflict, fear and loss of peace - becomes a call for pause and curiosity of a desire to truly know - rather than a call to war that has already automatically reacted in 'self-justifications' that may be more about past associations than anything actually current.

Your argument is simply power envy if all you seek is to predate upon or prevail over those you see as predators.

The old idea of the Deceiver has a lot of liabilities - not least of which is giving it power from a place of fear of dispossession (howbeit we are deceived), but the nature of deceit in our Root or Foundation, is perhaps the best parable to convey the nature of the 'corruption in the Template'. Garbage in; garbage out - but the resulting garbage SEEMS to make sense as a bug to be eradicated in the world, in others and anywhere BUT our own thought - which is for the most part hidden of masked over by a body of evidence and convictions, that are so convincing a reality as to induce an allegiance to hate set against unrecognised and feared love.

No one can reach to another and undo a mind-reversal that they are actively investing as their accepted identity. Any temptation to try to do so, becomes polarised and subverted to serve the very thing we thought to correct.

Yet we can reach to or extend to another from a felt quality of appreciation for being.

Morally self-righteous convictions fuelled by self-certainty gotten from hated evils do not extend virtue, but mask in it.

If you are now aware of predation - just stop it!

Live the level of responsibility you can accept, to grow appreciation for freedom from 'predation'.

When you seek to manipulate, you flag yourself available for manipulation.

Needy people attract the counterpart to support their role. True needs are felt in the heart - as the movement within our being. Lovelessness has a head of rationalisations to mask over in justifiction for an addiction.

Addiction to a currency of deceit will be deceptively framed as power.

Where is your true power?

What is your true priority?

Why are you thinking, saying or doing whatever you find that you are giving energy, attention and value to?

Are you living the solution or be-living the problem?

I do not use this to make 'sides' to run a racket, but as invitation to recognise life prior to problem-driven replications of itself as 'solutions'.

The misunderstanding of Jesus is simply the refusal or unreadiness of fearfully invested identity to yield. When all that witnesses to love in your life is gone, you will realise that you do not know what love is, but that you need it above all else.

Everyone you meet offers you a part of yourself. Love unrecognised is the blanking of others by what we take as our judgement of reality.


Do you think 'what people want' is a precise or accurate account?

I hold that people want freedom from fear, but they can be deceived as to how to realise or achieve their desire. Perhaps because they are invested in fear as power of protection?

So while you are not wrong, you are missing the deceitful element and thus the opportunity to reveal it as false rather than reinforce a fascination with demonic evils.

I feel to deny the denial of truth by reinterpreting denials into terms that can be truly and simply recognised rather than run a mind by reaction.

That denying truth then denies that it denied anything goes with the territory.

Pointing the finger away is a means of self-protection from exposure to great fear, and so the need to seek and find great fear or threat in the world or in a projected future, as an ongoing mask of protection from exposure to denial of truth. How is this different from 'living a lie' - excepting we then believe the life the lie gives us? Rather than recognise it has all the power or priority in our mind of attention and intention - that in truth we give it - to deny truth.

The self-contradiction is 'exported' or projected away to proxy wars from which self-certainties can be drawn in blood and pain.

Perhaps in the light of my reply to your recent comment is the issue of whether our 'deception' is an Entity, entities or a form of mass denialism running a mask of denial of what it does, in claim of grievance, wounds and protective measures?

Is it our 'Devil - upgraded to some ET of inhuman of alien agenda - sucking the life and mind from Humanity in exchange for becoming some sort of battery or genetic lab rats?

Is it our wish to persist in self-illusion for what we think we want?

(I don't need to watch the video but I see the framing of the invitation to do so).

Is that a way of denying an alien agenda to hack my mind?
