in response to the themes in:
There WAS NO PANDEMIC - except under the redefinitions of WHO - which don't mean what we all think it to mean.
There was NO virus - except under genetic definition obtained from indeterminate matters but never from an actually isolated viral entity. They changed the meaning of isolate - it doesn't mean what we all think it to mean.
There was no infection - but only a seasonal condition whose causes or natural function are ignored while a virological model creates its own priest-class of definition, modelling as prediction and CONTROL.
There are no tests that are specific to the CATCH-ALL condition, PRESUMED to be caused by a novel virus to which we are TOLD we are naked and defenceless. WHO told you you were naked? (said the Lord).
Nor are such 'tests' meaningful for infected or infective status and so THERE ARE NO CASES excepting clinical condition presumed or false flagged to a made up condition. This leaves real clinical disease unaddressed or mistreated but FALSELY medicalises the healthy as asymptomatic spreaders.
There is no risk requiring warp speed experimental mass toxic injection with genetic modifiers and nanotech components, that offers NO immunity but only toxic burden and degradation of health.
The WHO consultation frames what can be written as feedback such as to rule out rebuttal of its terms while gaining 'evidence of consent' from all who contract to engage with them.
A world of lies in which love comes to suffer and die?