Friday, 15 April 2022

Short summary of what Covid isnt.

 in response to the themes in:

 There WAS NO PANDEMIC - except under the redefinitions of WHO - which don't mean what we all think it to mean.
There was NO virus - except under genetic definition obtained from indeterminate matters but never from an actually isolated viral entity. They changed the meaning of isolate - it doesn't mean what we all think it to mean.
There was no infection - but only a seasonal condition whose causes or natural function are ignored while a virological model  creates its own priest-class of definition, modelling as prediction and CONTROL.
There are no tests that are specific to the CATCH-ALL condition, PRESUMED to be caused by a novel virus to which we are TOLD we are naked and defenceless. WHO told you you were naked? (said the Lord).
Nor are such 'tests' meaningful for infected or infective status and so THERE ARE NO CASES excepting clinical condition presumed or false flagged to a made up condition. This leaves real clinical disease unaddressed or mistreated but FALSELY medicalises the healthy as asymptomatic spreaders.
There is no risk requiring warp speed experimental mass toxic injection with genetic modifiers and nanotech components, that offers NO immunity but only toxic burden and degradation of health.
The WHO consultation frames what can be written as feedback such as to rule out rebuttal of its terms while gaining 'evidence of consent' from all who contract to engage with them.
A world of lies in which love comes to suffer and die?

Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Crisis calls attention present but fear resists

I put this into : THIS Is The Next CRISIS To Prepare For... by  Neil McCoy-Ward.

He outlines stages to illustrate what historically happens - and is against occurring.


We have to load or set the charge before a trigger has effect.

Compound toxic debt/unresolved conflicts.

John Titus speaks similarly to you well worth a check in with.

Current conflict - Scott Ritter or Alexander Mercouris of The Duran


The Different Drum by Scott-Peck on community building's 4 phases: 

Pseudo Community (socially masking over suppressed issues) 

Chaos (Emergence of what was repressed including Mr Fix It) 

Emptiness (Not unlike bottoming out - an exhaustion of support for pain of conflict)

Community (Presence of acceptance of what is, as it is - a basis for true shared appreciation & endeavour)

These are participatory states we can move through or recognise, as well as shifting between as individual and community of shared endeavour. The experience of love as embodied life is often where the mind interjects as attempt to grasp - ie "I never want to lose this - I want this to last" - which compunds a sense of self-lack to crytalise the forms, image and associations rather than the blessing of being freely aligned. While this immediately shifts the quality of the experience, many are phished until sometime downstream where conflict with reality, is interpreted in way to reinforce invested self-image rather than revise or reevaluate our invested 'worldview' or strategy-habit of thought and response. The key to all this - perhaps - is to be with or in conscious recognition of where we are in any given moment. We think to come from our peace when we are angry at being disturbed, or from a threat that is no longer active but triggered by association etc. Have a Good Day

Monday, 11 April 2022

China Shanghied by Bio Fear?

 in response to the themes in:


Gain of Function is popularly assigned to weaponised 'viruses' rather than weaponised 'solutions' to naturally occurring biological processes false flagged to such agents.
So the genetic technology is a vector. However gene theory set a narrative for vast global investments that did not pay off in terms of hyped or projected cures. What to do? Keep it going as cancer therapy where iatrogenesis is hidden within results of 'standard of care', while reinventing it as a function for a new form of fast track 'vaccination' run from defined & patented genetic licences.
Viruses never were actually discovered in life, nor proven to be the vector of what is interpreted as infectious diseases. But genetics came to the rescue as a means by which to no longer require looking - along with a shift from clinical empirical science to modelling via biomarkers assigned as (adjustable) data points to the process of management of sickness (healthcare). The idea of inserting genetic material into a living cell is the very replication of the idea of the 'virus theory', and various methods have been developed to effectively rape or violate a cell - including the use of nanotechnology - which is a vast realm of global investment with vast promise for a huge range of applications including 'medical' - including biological testing and 'drug delivery'. While the PR for the Graphene and biotech industry reads and can be seen as science fiction written into living creatures, this is essentially the public face and particularly for fellow scientists or investors. Again its principles emulate the theory of the virus as an exogenous hacking of bio-function but go further in maintaining this as effected by signalling that is reciprocal - that is an Internet of Bodies.
What can be firmly verified on empirical principles rather than within appeals to authority operating out of a black box of effectively spun out defence projects to the corporate sector is a work in progress, but it is well to note that if the target BELIEVES the threat real, their reactions can be frames so as to induce them to self-destructive behaviours.
Covid should prove this point beyond any doubt unless still struggling within the identity conflict it sets its target in. Once identity is heavily invested in a course of defence, recognising and releasing the error becomes a path at odds with an active self-defence - and so can only occur when the error becomes completely inescapable against a reality that can no longer be 'framed' as an ongoing 'battle'.
The Military Industrial Complex in all its broad spectrum dominance of social institutions depends on 'ongoing battle' no less than its branch of 'Medical Industrial monopoly'.

Ways to hack biology: starve it, poison it, and diagnose the result as authoritative nocebo - ie : now you have irrevocable gene damage/incurable disease etc.
For cells you cannot nocebo - but the cloaking of toxic or foreign protein in hydrogel (cell water is gel water) employs electrochemical principles for breaking through the cell's integral condition so as to insert a trojan intent - regardless whether well intentioned or malicious. The story is the same archetypal pattern as goes back to our mythic representation of 'Fall' to a conflicted and alienated state of driven behaviours set in lack,   shame, masking attack and irrevocable guilt.