Saturday, 11 July 2020

Why are we finding it so hard to agree on a way forward? (sic)

in response to the themes in:

Pandemonium within a pandemic - ANH

The chart should stipulate died WITH or suspected to have and thus assigned to covid19.
Has anyone died SOLEY as a result of covid-19?
Of those few put forward - are they the result of an already undermined and dysfunctional immune response - not least as a result of medical interventions as well as the result of disproportionately fearful  or ill advised medical treatments?

"Why are we finding it so hard to agree on a way forward?"

There is no process of agreement - but only of compliance - or else!
Narratives are dictated - and when they can mask in 'the Science' they do - and when scientific evidence does not support the narrative it is ignore, smeared or declared fake.

Who sets these narratives, frameworks of regulations and enforcement?
Is it a pathological agency of focused fear gone viral by design?
As a fear of loss of both face and control, seeking 'survival' in such terms by limiting awareness and scope of life in expression? IE: Suppress consciousness enough to breed out the traits that the 'Big Pharma' considers weeds or pests or simply liabilities.

You might note that the weaponised narratives operate to effect new regulatory controls.
The vaccine in an of itself doesn't matter, except as a carrot or a stick, but the regulatory mandates for track and trace, medical passports, and the setting of human beings as perpetual agents of infection to be suppressed and controlled under a bio-security state, matters, not just as a restating of control, but as the basis of another round of marketising and weaponising nature at genetic levels of industrial exploitation. The 'drive for the vaccine' is a seedbed of highly targeted but framed biotech-research under contractual agreements with its funding source. The intention and expectation is to launch a Bio-tech era of corporate management and application of developing biotech research and the seedbed is being prepared for its applause and acceptance. It may extend the virological model, but is fundamentally the same underlying archetypes of weakness and inadequacy requiring intervention and management of defence against 'threats' that can be assigned to genetic susceptibility as well as pathological agencies - including the threat of 'bio-weapons'.
The threat doesn't need to be real. But does have to be really believed.
This is currently demonstrably true.
The Coronavirus in itself is a cold virus.
Over 80% of over 65s were found asymptomatic in a recent study.
So crying Wolf! and assigning almost all deaths as 'covid' along with tests that the nobel winning inventor stated was unfit to be used as a diagnostic tool. And now antibody tests that  - even if truly specific to cov19  - can mean anything.
Narrative dictate under pretence of a pretext set in plausible deniability - of plans already set.
Do we have a voice?
Or are we consumed assets under a system running as a sealed unit with no user access apart from those who set its parameters. Rigging the operating system goes back to the moneylenders in the Temple - and before.
Those that own the frameworks on which people depend can choke them of their needs if they do not comply with demands. Such is cartel-monopolism and market or mind-capture.
I would like to see a process of communication in finding ways that embody and support wholeness - but this global movement is set too big to fail - and that means everything else is subordinated and sacrificed to 'make a new order' in our own image - or at least in terms the mindset of possession and control.
What could possibly go right - except to recognise by extremis that our fear delivers us to evil and must be unmasked and truly addressed where it is - instead of assigning its shadow to others (real or imagined) and attacking or denying them.
Can the serving ranks of 'believers' wake to their false allegiance and withdraw support so as to open the way to address our needs rather than weaponise under false pretexts to market 'solutions' that generate dependency and loss of freedom and responsibility?
Give unto Caesar what is due unto the powers in the world, and give unto Life and the source of our shared life what is due to the living.
The Pantheon was dedicated to all the Gods - and Pandemonium was coined as the 'house or place of all demons' - or fears given power, that seem to operate a will of their own.
Our current mythology looks down on a magical and superstitious past as if from a superior freedom from both.
Recognising the core narrative archetypes or patterns from which our thought and behavioural response automatically and logically proceed is from a willingness to question our 'consensus' reality - but not as an attack by which to break it down and replace our own self-vindication. There is always a baby in the bathwater of what blind and binary judgement discards or denies - and so there is a place for structures and systems of controls - within a truly living context and not in place of this.

Good news meets you in truth

in response to the themes in:

Its function is what operates through what is left of a 'masking of public service'.
If you want the 'service' use it. If you recognise the function operating as the framing of your thought, lose it.

If BBC was scrapped it would only be to use other or new forms of identity reinforcement and social engineering. For those who are invested in such functions have the wherewithal to play apparently competing or contrasting roles from the shadows.

Good news meets you in truth. But invested identity in outcomes, sets the prerequisite for an identification in the form of an outcome as invested 'truth'.

Token gestures can be used to maintain an illusion of accountability.
The knitworking of the function of control to gain invested outcomes - over against feared pain of loss - is an establishment of distributing fear, pain and loss, to the population at large so that the function of control can be protected against the function of communication.

We each - and thus together choose in every thought and every moment whether to accept identification in communication, or in the 'form of communication' as an expression of what I sense to be an illusion of control - for limiting and shutting down awareness and communication as the basis for raising a false narrative is hardly more than denial - given worth-ship as a basis for a displacement reality - or social masking.

The communication of hate masked as 'saving lives' does not become loving or virtuous, but locks in by investment as a social or mutual agreement by ritual observance. The mask itself has all the power you give it - and so if it is to 'ward against invisible threat', its wearer makes the threat real by defence. If it is to evade peer conflict, then power is given to fear of conflicted communications, and if to evade state-backed penalty, then we give unto Caesar what we deem necessary to survive in the world. But this brings up whether we give to God (as the source and nature of a living will) what is truly due to God. Love is the quality of a true communication or extension of being in action - and not just worlds, presented masking or competing identities seeking protection or reinforcement.

Noticing the thought and response in our own mind is hardly served by self-blaming - which will reveal itself in the quickness to blame others for what we hate or fear in ourselves.

'Answers' will be framed by our question. If our 'invested or identified answers' are falsely framed then they deliver us to evil - by functional or logical extension.

If the invisible threat is no real threat at all, then the need for such a threat my be generated by all who are invested in it as a means of controlling or feeding off the 'answer'.
We all know fear of pain of loss as part of our mind, but rarely identify its true cause because this requires transparence and accountability by which we 'lose face'.

"And who told you you were naked?"

Ego defences DO the thing they premise to protect against.
If I give no energy and attention to a 'framed baiting' then it has no resonance or correspondence in me. At some level this is an energetic of permission or agreement for if we judge - we have opened the experience of being judged - which may inflate in seeming praise to destroy by uncovering guilt as invalidation.

I don't give 'answers' here, so much as invite a more discerning questioning of already active invested answers that in truth replicate or regenerate the problem in a new set of clothes. But to be met in truth is good news - or a resonant recognition of true value shared. If the mind sets conditions for this that are practically impossible, then no one will have any news - but only reiterate the 'same old same old'. But if the willingness for any moment in any situation of recognition, extends that recognition, then the mind is released from seeking out and finding what is wrong with everyone and everything (for not meeting its underlying conditions), to alight in and re-member the felt quality of life as a gift that shares. Sometimes this is recognised as a shared moment between us and another or us and nature, but always as a quality of shared being.

The theme of locking down for control set in fear and masking in narrative demanding lockstep or exclusion is already active as a consciousness we are so normalised to that it runs as a subconscious habit in place of a greater life rendered invisible and framed in fear as the communication that would undo the need for a control-mind - and release the burden of it to a direct quality of being of a wholeness - from which to recognise underlying calls in the situation that fear and division interpret as offence, threat and justification for attack or denial.

The situation is unique. There is no one size or plan to fit all - except a templated database of learned responses that reiterates its past as a blindness to presence that seeks the qualities of such fulfilment everywhere else - and which can become enraged or terrified, heartbroken or paralysed in shifting patterns of reactivity that in turn generate suppression and limitation as control. But control is always an expression OF the thing it is set over. True decision is arrived at as a process of communication, in willingness for resolution in the context of relationship. We can experience our resistances in the context of a true willing, or we can persist in the drama of narrative dictates - as the reality that a hateful or unworthy 'world' fails to meet.

Human self-hate is directly associated with self-conflicted fear. We 'bank it' in complex instruments of repackaged and redistributed definitions as both a survival response and yet a knowing untruth. How shall we live such a lie?
Either by denying its disclosure as the necessary evil that must never be let into awareness, or in willingness and curiosity to release our lockdown enough to allow the messengers of a reintegrative purpose. The Prodigal Son motif may be simple, but its core message is of a restoring truth to a mistaken identity set in its own spin.

The desecration and degradation of our self and world experience is not escaped by cover stories that buy more time to persist in unrecognised futility. But the timing of our releasing to the recognition of release is each and together our own.

To love life must be to listen to life and abide it - or else we love our own image set in thinking, and blindly sacrifice life to raise an idol, 'made real' in its place.
But to notice this, is to be restored to the capacity to choose not to use it. Not the capacity to choose to love in our own right. Love moves of Itself through the willingness to share or extend it. If it broke down our unwillingness by force love would not be love and we would not be free to choose. When we resort to coercion, we set conditions in which love's honesty is denied recognition and all hell breaks loose - even if immediately frozen over by limiting of fear, of pain, of loss set in time as delay.

Friday, 10 July 2020


in response to the themes in:

#1 of 2

Nested or derivative and dissociated identity operates a hierarchy of control.

That which identifies us truly, opens fluid hierarchies of workable potential as the movement of our being. When we are wholly given to what we do we know freedom to be ourselves as a relational quality of our being.

The first represents fear blocking awareness of being in demands that deny the second.

The hierarchy of control is overtly denying individual right and freedom of expression and association as a kneel or be kneeled on chokehold of regulatory imposition and enforcement.

That which identifies us in living expression is not coercive upon us - but if we seek to usurp or control life, we meet an experience of being denied and controlled that may at first hide behind the mask of the belief we can control life, and that we want to.

Our capacity to deceive ourselves becomes a basis for a world of lies.
But if it is not true, then it is not the real world.
Curiosity and desire to uncover the truth is not in the world of lies - but has a reflection as a new way of seeing a world made to hide in.

Resistance to seeing may be intense, but aligning in willingness for truth is not a battle so much as a restoration of worth from which to give and receive.

Collective resistance to seeing may be represented in a global control agenda. Thus the recognition of cognitive dissonance or psych-pathy as a fundamental disconnect from which nothing sane or whole can come forth - but perhaps what does come forth reflects the nature of a locked-down, fear driven, masking deceit of coercion set over life - in which we have some correspondence or part or we could not recognise it in others.

Those who think first in terms of offence, guilt and blame, I cannot reach. Because that is the device by which to deny the freedom to look within and simply notice.

(I posted two other posts below that all relate to the loss of the capacity to think as a transparency to felt and living purpose below - and one to the 81% covid asymptomatic finding in over 65s - which really means healthy unless 'tested' under false parameters.

“Groupthink” might be something of a misnomer. The “group” part is fine; but the “think” part implies the group’s members might be able to think more clearly if not influenced by the group. I seriously doubt that. Rather, their inability to put a thought together from start to finish on their own is precisely what draws them to “groupthink” to begin with.It’s like “If we put our heads together” we just might be able to piece together something resembling a thought. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

If your group is enlivened and renewed by an expression of a freedom of association rather than a group derived identity - then it is a movement of living purpose in action.
Shared purpose is the nature of resonant recognition. You have to agree to have a battle - and so conflicting purpose can and does self-organise in patterns of managed conflict.
Compartmentalising conflicts can then lead to hiding the dirty washing of weaknesses of a group so as to focus in masking over unresolved or unfaced conflict, in narratives of self-justification.

Patterning that embodies a living movement gives form and creates structures that then become fixed identities set against change as fear of loss of self.

Shared purpose in free willingness opens creative potential, but the enforcement of 'common purpose' takes this insight and weaponises it to a fear and control agenda that actively undermines and usurps creative potential.

Relationships of two or more can be used to get identity from. But then they are not relational but contractual manipulations of 'getting'. that mask in social presentations of virtue set against vice - or representations of the hated or feared.

So what is relationship but a willingness to share life in ways that allow another to be themselves and receive a sense of being with - or connection - that does not conscript or constrict to demands I be something or someone I am not.

When we share a love or inspiration we may find common purpose serendipitously, but where the purpose is bounded and set with rules, we have to comply and conform to 'belong'. I don't contrast to judge - but to bring out the fact that a group can be a free-willing alignment or an imposed identity demanding support - or meet exclusion.

Thought arises naturally within the relational focus. If the focus is in maintaining social and personal armouring while going through the motions of a social engagement so as to get what you believe you need from it, then all your thinking will be self-serving relative to a sense of lack and may provide what others want in order to get something in return.

The nature of shared being is of a completely different order - because wholeness or presence is brought to the relationship as an opportunity to share in an abundance that overflows or extends to creative expressions. Life works without interjecting control agenda - but having identified in the mask, we cannot get out of our own way while assigning our shadow to others as a basis for gaining (the illusion of) control.

But we play out roles by rote - as adaptation to social codes that run undercurrent to a surface appearance. The roles 'think' according to their set of learned instructions, unless we drop the identity in role and re-evaluate our currently active purpose. Then we may open a thought of insight from a moment of actually noticing. Otherwise thinking operates the reinforcement to the active identity in role.

The control agenda sees thoughts as weapons by which to effect outcomes - and so only evaluates insight for ammunition in terms of new ways to mask in virtue so as to capture the target and deliver the payload.

I note Starmer signs up for 'unconscious bias training' (sic) - as if what is to be revealed or uncovered is altready PUT there by the inquisition. Yet becoming aware of our bias is a cause for celebration - even though it may initially feel terrible. Because we cannot change what we are unaware of and thus actively disowning - but the only reason to own a mistake is to bring it to the self-honesty of realignment that effectively corrects the mistake. But the seeking out of guilt in the Other - instead of owning or facing and resolving our own conflicts - is the targeting and sacrifice of the Other to pay for our 'sins' - projected to them and insinuating in their thinking through the leveraging of self-doubt into self-denial and self-abnegation.

Groupthink is generally a compliance and conformity that subjugates any true communication to the believed need to evade personal vilification and rejection and exclusion from the family, the group, the relationship, the society.
Clearly shame and blame culture (sic) is the collective context for withdrawal and withholding of presence to a masking strategy of survival.
Shaming blame is the willingness to join in hate as self-vindicating escape from fear of disclosure of the hateful as ourselves.

No reason to join 5g hysteria with virus hysteria as a bandwagon effect

To a commenter associating glyphosate and 5g as the true cause of the covid19 'pandemic'.
5G and glyphosate create respiratory symptoms resembling covid. Aluminum contributing to chronic illness…

If this is so - consider that the 'pandemic' has fallen within the average death rate and demographic - excepting where lockdown and fearful overreaction operates an exess mortality. Such that almost all causes of death and definitely all respiratory disease related deaths have been assigned to covid19.
You may also consider the inverse relations for susceptibility to respiratory disease and its known complications with sunshine (vit D levels in our bodies) - and thus seasonal conditions as well as age related factors - ie care homes for the elderly do not facilitate sunshine and fresh air. You might also consider that in the so called epicentres of the 'pandemic' air quality was extremely polluted.

I am open to researching the effects of our environmental pollutions and exposures on our body and mind and greater environment - and regard glyphosate as anti-life - but in terms of observed fact I do not see any reason to join 5g hysteria with virus hysteria as a sort of negative bandwagon effect.

The bandwagon effect is where a current focus of attention is exploited to serve another private agenda. This takes from and reinforces the appearance of the current focus, such as to more broadly establish it as a given fact, when it is a food or energy or funding source and support that fundamentally aligns in fear and the leverage for power and source of sustenance - and yet the fear operates a deceptive and destructive reaction to a distortion of the facts.

The nature of denied fear - given reinforcement and protection to run as self or fact or reality is the underlying resonance of purpose that renders a blind private self interest as the framework to which thought is filtered and ruled - but as if each facet of such identity is engaged in securing or seeking freedom from fear within fear of loss, set as some version of solution competing for attention and reinforcement.

Does fear - often as unconscious patterns of denied self - provide the basis for disease?
Can fear be false flagged to a split mind and a body in every kind of situation, symptom and disease? Including an inability to adapt to or regenerate within environmental challenges that are themselves often a legacy of toxic debts, that represent corporate greed or fear driven survival delivered to a control mentality in regard to invested identity that is given priority over the wellbeing of wholeness.

We think we know what fear is - and also think to use it as leverage, but fear operates a state of not knowing who and what we are that delivers us to a mindset and mask of control, set over living the change of unfolding potentials - so as to reinforce and protect the status quo - while shifting narratives of self-evasion operate to ever diminishing returns - with death in any case ensuring the release of useless or outworn identities.

Fear thinks to know, as a person-maskedl and private self isolate. But a world of separated things or entities without the embracing field of their expression is the result of fear, lockdown or recoil and contraction,from relational transparency. Does our source and nature truly attack us? Or is our capacity to hold contradictory thoughts and purpose the basis for a mind at war within its own predicate? So as to see though a fragmenting and fragmented lens, darkly?

Thought is itself a vibrational sending and receiving, such that the quality and nature of our thought will serve the transparency or opacity of our current appreciation or experience to light and life - where light is the quality of spacious awareness as the embrace and communication of the 'messenger'. Fear-conflicted thinking usurps the light by asserted and defended predicates that are invisible structuring of self-identity in reaction. But whatever we accept as true for us BY reacting from it, will go forth and multiply or reinforce by selection and interpretations seeking support.

Groupthink is a variation on the theme of subconscious reactive identification. The manipulative intent to capture the minds of others for support is to set forth a narrative or appearance to which the target is likely to have emotional investment in reaction to. But reading the fears of others is always through the mapping of one's own, and the decision to use others to serve private agenda will always have a hidden correspondence of being used in return.

The idea of becoming 'as gods' over golems, is the denial of the living potential of other lives for the fantasy of private creation in our own right, as our own light. Prometheus thought to have stolen an inherence to bring into the realm of human vanity, but found an underbelly of consequence from which he could not escape.
For all our vain or self-serving deceits in which we may have our moment or hit of gratification, bring the underbelly of consequence. The wish to get rid of the underbelly of such denied symptom to even more deeply denied cause, is the desire for unconsciousness or death - as an alternate to the CALL of life that is effectively refused or denied by assigning responsibility to driving conditions instead of to the decision of the heart.

5g and etc - may serve the jamming signal against a rising Call to live - that is interpreted as destructive to a mind set in possession of self as control. But even so it will be the fulfilment of the desire to be masked or protected from Greater Fear - that drives to imposition of defences in diversionary displacement.

The belief that an enemy must be defeated, eradicated, stopped or escaped BEFORE life can be resumed, is power given fear as first priority. We might review or re-evaluate the 'life' that this mindset locks us into, masks us in and locksteps to - instead of first seeking to warn and change everyone else of the fear-seeking solution that foxy loxy is generated by and reinforces.

Truth is not an object to be communicated or else! - but the contextual revelation of reflection and resonance of wholeness - which is the nature of communication aligned in true desire. We all want to find fulfilment - but always from a self-definition of which we are either presently unfolding as fulfilment - or set in a future that never comes because we define ourselves in problem that has to be solved first - and bring the problem with us as our 'solutions'.

The powers of the world are bring fear-as-leverage and by deceit to our awareness. Whatever their agenda, I become more disclosed to facets of my own conscious construct or definitions and beliefs than when such power was masked in normalised habits that allowed significantly more freedom of association. The lockdown of the body is accompanied by a lockdown of the mind - in reaction.

As with 911, I see a shaped charge that has so many synchronous threads and facets that I see more going on than an apparent power grab set in ignorance of actively defended but false knowledge. I see Disclosure or indeed Revelation. But of what or who to What or Whom? Our frame of reference is what our 'thinking' reflects. Insofar as choice exists, it depends upon awareness of the nature of what the alternatives are. Freedom and choice are also responsibility for choosing.

The willingness to give responsibility as if to escape blame of consequence is an expression of seeking to get rid of guilt and retribution or negative consequence by assigning cause away from self. But the mind has the capacity to fear imagined consequences and react to them as reality - and thus assign itself guilt that then must be paid for or got rid of by sacrifice of others so as to survive within such a locked down and self-isolating and socially masked protection and substitute for Currently unfolding and extending and refolding Presence that knows us as we are - regardless our self-convicted reactions set in tragic yet absurd contradictions of mis-timed and mis-taken identity.