Saturday, 18 February 2023

Self-specialness and a threatening world

 in response to the themes in or from:

Self-specialness is necessarily associated with a  threatening world.
Not because the world is seeking to destroy it but because reality does not uphold it.
This is experienced as threat, against which are defences raised. Not least being a pre-emptive strike on reality by a mind set in its own judgemental perception-response as justified and real.
Distancing and masking operate a withdrawal of and from intimacy of felt participance to a defence system predicated on or stamped by its past, as basis for fear, pain and loss, along with bolstering and boosting controls against reliving or being overwhelmed by fear, pain and loss.

The self we make or mis-take as real in image is an adaptation to and learning of a masked reality.
It is not who or what we are as we can observe it in act. But it was made to 'make you safe' in terms of both inner conflicts and intolerable or overwhelming experience. Mental verbal development is superstructure to a realm of experience that the surface attention is trained to mask over or mask out.

What wasn't sketched here is the social or mutually reinforced nature of masking agreement that set polarised identities in terms of self-lack driven for GETTING from external sources of fulfilment that only feed the sense of lack as compulsive or addictive driven behaviours, to hollow out the seekers, in parody of life framed in stimulated intensity.
Those experiencing loveless denials are baited to grievance and loss that gives power to the oppressor, yet seeks that power in vengeance for self-vindication of wounds protected against healing.

Ill or false-gotten gains carry fear of exposure to invalidity of claim or possession. The ego's answer is to blot truth from the mind, save when it can be invoked to boost or bolster its claim against potential threat. A living death is taken as if 'getting away with it', while being in a sense taken by anowned fears deeper into defence set against the light. Of awareness at rest in its own being.

Perhaps the lock on the prison is the conviction of irrevocable guilt, such that whatever love was or might have been, is nothing to do with what you have become. Hatred of self & life are intolerable and must cast out its conflicts to 'offset' pain to its relationships, body and world - past & future.

No way for light to get in equates to no escape.

While there will be associations with population imbalance and fragmented dissociation running as established order set in fear of feared pain and loss.

Self conflicting themes can be temporarily entertained or even time-share a mind in switching in the flash of and eye and back, but at cost in death and taxes, such as to pitch toward a tipping point if not released to a re-connecting basis from which to live.

So while there is the drama of war seeking possession and control set in ancient hatreds that flow down the generations unhealed & protected by the setting of defences against them, the core fact I see is of our alignment with our Created being - by the releasing of the self-judgement 'repackaged' as life and world, which of course we of our 'self' cannot do.
But what we can do is be aware and on purpose in what we do, such as to release the distancing mask of fragmented busyness or dissociation to a freedom to being truly moved, as to not moving to a false call. The exposure of what had been masked out will likely pass through periods of deep unsettling, that is the need for healing unheeded or unrecognised.
To come back into a true and truly shared appreciation from a mind set otherwise is an acceptance of life in place of a denial set as salvation from fear set by vengeance.

Don't know mind or beginners mind, is the simplicity of the movement of a curiosity that asks to receive of That which knows - in all - equally.

Many seem to choose to die rather than release active ignorances.
Many seem to choose to die fighting within an active ignorance.
Many come here but to suffer a while and die.
But no one can completely eradicate the spark of life that is their truth and nature, however dedicated or persistent the attempts.

The Gift of Spirit is a turnaround of a mind/world reversal. Because the lie and the father of it have never more than captured and masked the mind that took it for a spin where thinking made it so from the psychic-emotional intensity of Separation trauma projected to a world by which to hide.
Turnaround as the gift of a world by which to heal - not in my terms to fit my conditions. But to a truly shared recognition of worth, value, appreciation, gratitude.

Our liability as mind is to seek to short cut the primary and fundamental step of receiving at Source - by running off to sell 'solutions' we do not embody.
There are practical considerations regards thieves and predatory 'salesmen' but no technique can substitute for a grounded and centred peace. if we habitually refuse to be so aligned, it is not the fault of the shadows we draw nigh.