To Align in the Living
in response to the themes in:
To align in the living is to let the dead bury the dead - this is addressed to where we are giving attention, focus and value, which must include why? or for what?
The contextual framing of thought is effectively a form of programming that then runs sub-conscious or automatically as a shaping of values and goals.
Fragmented & compartmentalised consciousness may not seem so as the flow of experience under a continuity manager in which a capacity to mask over conflicts will assign or project them out to others an world - such as a workman blaming his tool.
All the 'functions' of an ego-framed experience are first in the consciousness before becoming developed as tools for collective frameworks of development.
Likewise 'They' - that is witting or unwittingly tooled manipulative and coercive deceivers - can only work the mark of a corresponding blind wishfulness or egocentricity such as driven by self-lack-driven envy, greed or lust - that run 'selfish' to use others (and true self) for fantasy gratifications that grow dependencies for Getting, in place of integral relationships of felt worth & value- freely shared in.
Focussing on the difficult (the fears that configure poor 'solutions', makes fear the master - even as it generates yet another 'solution' in which to mask over or mask out facets of our Consciousness that we hold out of alignment, in fear of pain, of loss.
But the means or conditions for joy of connected presence as its own freedom to be, feel and know life, re-establishes a basis from which to recognise reaction-habits as choices, as a freedom to not persist in choosing them, and to let life in as the More of who we truly are.
The Gift of our awareness of being is never going to become a tool of our own making, but that BY THE ATTEMPT we become tooled by contradictory thinking, to learn and teach a conflicted self and world framed in dispossession, scarcity, pain of conflict and deeply set defences against healing-threats to an insane reversal of mind-normalised as IF automata run by thinking.
We cannot truly leave the Gift of Awareness of Being, but are free to refuse or deny it for a gift we make for ourselves/each other, by which to no longer recognise either.
Self-alienation runs on a core curriculum of learned bias for 'getting' from a fear of lack & disconnection. Which arises or is relived when conditions are not met.
I WANT IT THUS! may be artfully concealed in masks of care and concern or justifictions of nurtured grievance.
SEE WHAT YOU HAVE MADE ME! runs the undercurrent accusation to a life, a past and others who reiterate its deprivations and denials as a persistent state of offence, from which to mask, distance, suppress or deny-by withholding an acknowledgement of being - ie 'blanking'.
There are many ways to look on or think on our 'ego' of masking defences, but insofar as they operate moral guilting manipulations they remain within the frame of fear masking in love that 'turns to hate' (because it was but a permission to love set on conditions of compliance).
Self-image or self-consciousness is a part of our toolset, as a vehicle and focus for thinking, feeling and participating in the human experience. That a part of the mind is phished by image and form as a realm of possession and control - is as simple as grasping at beauty or recoiling from fear of dispossession. There's the 'Fallen Angel' as your own archetypal patterning. We all share the 'ego' of a sense of lost love or power-by which both become distortions of each other: love of power set over love made powerless, frail and in need of boosting protections.
The Way of undoing self-illusion set to collective pandemonium is very different to the way in - that we have learned as a second nature set over against our first - and thus projecting its toxic consequences onto life, nature and being.
Regardless what we can each make of our self and world, "God is not mocked!" means truth remains true! Re-alignment to trust in being cannot be done as a further adventure in ego-framed going forth to Get - but is the recognition and release of what doesn't work and cannot work, in willingness to receive truth (as distinct from mind-manufactured means to make a future solve a past that isnt here now - except we stamp it on the presence that Naturally -of itself- expands and extends Future of unfolding Potentials.
The art of not getting in our own way is the way of unselfconscious joy in living. This necessarily meets the obstacles to joy that we (each and all) have - for our own reasons set as limits or disqualifications by 'judgements' that may come from our world yet resonate in our self-or they wouldn't have 'taken root'.
Thinking about or judging 'sheep' is a generalising intellectual perspective that hardly engages with or meets living ones in whatever unique expression of masked and defended 'self-presentation'. Yet the choice for unconsciousness seeks reinforcement through a call to join in the mask that overlooks or looks away from the Living.
If we are not awake to the living, our self proclaimed 'awakening' is yet another movie-variant within shifting narratives set in war for 'truth' as the last judgement.
But just to bring this simple - life is felt through us in the living as a natural or unforced giving. The fruits or reflections come back to us from our world and our relationships in like kind, freely. The substitution for Reality by imaged symbols, meaning-maps, rational models and coded screen output set up a game of deadly competition where 'They Live' on the 'Sleepers' - as a covert identity raised from the death or denial of the living.
How many identify with the aliens in that movie?
Blanking life to Get a self as a self-alienation running dark mode.
True Genesis is neither a book or a code complex - and cannot be brought into a false-framed mindset by religion or science.
The Movement of and within Being is not limited to time and place, but an ever unfolding and embracing All That Is. Honest desire and conscious intention align naturally when masked agenda is no longer given automatic authority.
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