Fact Checker in
Reply to el Gallinazo
& there must be a higher reality underlying physical realities, and the latter is simply a function of the former.
Is there any reason to believe this higher reality is anything other than malevolent?
el Gallinazo in
Reply to Fact Checker
I am a student of the Gnostic scrolls from 3rd AD found at Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, and I believe that some of them are on the mark and some misleading. All are difficult to understand. To answer your question, I believe that the reality we are trapped in currently and which we get recycled through life after life is under a psychopathic predator force called the demiurge. However the creator of the universe, of which each human contains a spark (fractal) of its spirit, is vastly benevolent. I also believe that the famed tunnel from near death experiences is an astral entrance to a figurative roach motel leading to the demiurge s recycling center, and the trick is to escape his reality to the greater reality, which in theory is possible but difficult. Since you asked and for what it is worth.
Fact Checker in
Reply to el Gallinazo
However the creator of the universe& is vastly benevolent.
What is the basis for this assertion?
My Reply to Fact Checker
I don t know - why limit Unconditional love to ‘vastly’ .
But consider you are supported in having any experience you call forth, knowingly or via a back door of deniability.
Nothing is denied you or forbidden.
But by YOUR word is your freedom to give and receive. (In the measure of your giving).
Would a Nanny state Universe that protected you by locking you down, be more benevolent than the gift of freedom to accept and share truth by which to Know Thyself truly? or a Lord it over tyranny of conditional compliance OR ELSE!!!
The old idea was of a Creator apart from Creation which was messed up in our terms by guilt and penalty and which is given a Reset instead of a Rest, every time Consciousness starts to restore our right mind.
But an integral Universe can be as benevolent as can be, and yet experienced as treachery, if the freedom of the mind by which you see is itself set in treachery. It takes one to know one. This is recognising feedback rather than selecting only what a mindfilter is set to accept.
el Gallinazo
In Reply to Fact Checker (higher in the page)
As I mentioned, primarily from the Nag Hammadi scrolls but also from many other experiences and research in my life. I am afraid you cannot fact check it however, and I now realize that your question was rhetorical and rather an assertion.
Fact Checker
Reply to el Gallinazo
The scrolls that you just described as follows: some of them are on the mark and some misleading.
So in other words, you pick and choose what to believe from them.
So they are not a basis of such belief, but are rather a source from which one might be able to cherry-pick support for virtually any contention, which is a pre-existing belief.
Got it.
Me to Fact Checker
What you got is an infection ;-)
Running on beliefs operating invisibly as the normal conditions assigned as reality does NOT know its own cognitive dissonance and protects such a lockdown mind of asserted reality, by uncovering and invalidating the belief-reality-choices of others as a means to dictate the narrative.
This infection is contagious, and once you take it in, you are taken in. No blame. Its experience is valid within our own learning.
The entire spectrum of all experience is a source from which anyone can cherry pick for self-reinforcement.
Because this has been psychologically determined to operate does not exempt the psychologist from his own diagnosis.
You are considerably more likely to find what you are looking for, and that choice also determines what you are looking with or through. Therefore, transparency to self as to what we are moved to seek and find or align in as purposeful or an expression of meaningful endeavour such as joy in being along the line of our particular themes or proclivities, is the discernment of the receptive, and the willingness to align in the movement of the recognisably true desire. How to know truth from self-illusion? That s a good starting question to use to recognise and release self-illusion to the current readiness and willingness to abide.
If you merely think about what you already think, you loop as if actually taking thought from the source nature of thought, when it runs as a derivative adulteration and substitution for true Currency (Presence).
Reply to Fact Checker
I really don t think you got jack. It s not about blind/ arbitrary belief but lived and heart-felt experience. The content of the scrolls is 100% garbage unless one has their own mystical insight to refer to and an understanding of the historical context (the scrolls were almost certainly hidden to protect them from destruction as they were found in an obscure goat herder s cave).
Fact Checker
Reply to ANNUL
The content of the scrolls is 100% garbage unless one has their own mystical insight&
Me to el Gallinazo
David Bohm has a lot to offer that isn t just using the quantum ideas as a reinforcement for imaginative and entertaining stories.
A newish documentary Infinite Potentials is on YT and worthy of watching in my opinion.
There is the same pattern in science generally of being whored to the funding that is invested in the model that is become too big to fail (because it already has but that cannot be officially accepted) and so modelling operates to serve framed and shaped focus of funding and endeavour.
Believing and climbing into their own models, that require ongoing sacrifice to save is selling them to an increasingly dumbed, numbed or disinterested population. Leaving them nothing but raw and open deceit and coercion to save their world as mainstreamed to any mind it can hind susceptible enough to hijack.
I hold synchronicity to be instant that is not within the time function at all.
If you need time to understand this you have to get out of sync to have the think, in which to see you already knew it.
Interesting that the term spin is applicable to quantum effects and entanglements and sub atomic components of a whole, that All the king s horses and all the king s men wont be able to put together again, but which when we stumble upon the truth, will be recognised as already true. That s what discovery really means. Not a flag or a patent of a feather in the cap.
el Gallinazo
Reply to me
Yes, David Bohm was one of the great geniuses of the 20th century. I agree that the velocity of entanglement is infinite, but that is impossible to prove experimentally. 10,000 times the speed of light is a good start.
Me to el Gallinazo
Infinite is not scalable ie the scales extrapolated from a 'subset' such as velocity only apply within the subset of such an 'explication'.
So Infinite is neither big or small - being the Source and true nature of All.
As a totality of potential vectors (and composites of interacting vectors), an infinity of expression opens as awareness of existence. We are accustomed to see expression in temporal terms, as a result of the nature of identifying in object consciousness or object persistence, as if this is the only 'real' reality. However the non-physical is clearly of an 'arising spontaneity', in which a whole rises to awareness in all its parts - and not as a Humpty Dumpty narrative that predicates identity within a broken wholeness that then drives it to regain its 'Paradise' or Golden Age' - that truly represents an inner outer balance, alignment and wholeness of expression, but is associated with symbols that gave meaning to our first sense of resonance - but through the experience of losing it or getting in our own way and struggling to increasing identity entanglements - and ... here we are ;-)
Resonance - as I understand, is one communication through all instances of its receptive. That the communication then takes different forms at different scales, mediums and conditions is part of life's rich tapestry. In some sense I see this level as energetic signatures of qualities that operate physically or quasi physically, as information domains that pattern or structure what we call physical existence - through which Infinity beholds Itself in ever new and expanding perspectives. What we posit in time may simply be a series of steps of adjustments in which our ability to perceive motion as cause and effect in sequence, translates a 'higher level' of cause and event as one.
Resonance opens a synchronicity in which the normal divisions of our experience are transcended in place - that is we don't 'go anywhere elese' so much as shift or release to a higher or more embracing perspective.
I suggest that we cannot see what we do not believe or at least actively believe against, and so there is no way to 'get anyone' or ourselves to see what we are unready or unwilling to see. This even holds true for empirically verifiable falsifications of an accepted model ;-)
Did you watch the documentary? It revealed that Bohm was blackballed for undermining the 'random' level of quantum theory in a way that no one could find fault with. And so it was - by top down edict - ignored.
However the discovery is a seed that can sometimes gestate for a long period until the conditions for its acceptance 'synchronise' with re-discovery.
When truth is denied, those who persist are those who are truly moved and who love (resonate) with truth - albeit under the radar or away from 'Herod's fear of threat to power' - (domains of identity set in structures that block or filter and distort receptivity, so as to operate as closed systems with an Open Universe).
While the expression of One Thing Going On takes infinite forms, there are underlying commonalities that reveal as fractal patterns at all scales. Pattern recognition also having the quality of a resonant match as intuitive recognition of the whole revealing through the part.
I watched an Asian ensemble playing music that I could not at the time make sense of - as it built up to drop away every time is 'achieved' what I felt was music I could move to. There is that in life that which flowers for the flowering and not to 'survive' or be possessed and defended against change. The Void or 'zero.point' of existence is not threatened by anything within its infinity of expression. But our awareness of our connection to Source is within our own realm of choice and responsibility, and the belief in disconnection triggers such trauma as provide the archetypes in which humanity experiences itself trapped, locked down and normalised to fear of pain of loss and death - set as structures of defence that distort and block our receptive. (Demi-urge - sounds like a split urge or conflicted purpose. Do you know its original derivation?).
a combining form appearing in loanwords from French meaning half (demilune), lesser (demitasse), or sometimes used with a pejorative sense (demimonde); on this model, also prefixed to words of English origin (demigod).
I'm sure the Nag Hamadhi scrolls are not in French - but I see the translators intent.