Friday, 17 September 2021

Where does physics stand entirely free of nocebo?

 I watch (news from) Orwell City - and anywhere else that the graphene narrative rises, looking for more concrete revelations of what makes admittedly dark sense of behaviours in terms of both outer and inner human thought and expression. Orwell City has yet to move past fears, beliefs and assumptions within narratives that can compel or fixate an identity in following.

Where does physics stand entirely free of nocebo in terms of framing beliefs and perception-response? I don't ask for thinking up answer but to let the question stand.

The denial of lawful relationship led to toxic conflict/consequence, that was then covered over or masked by narrative 'solutions' such as 'contagious pathogens'. The failure of which was diverted into the 'solution' of  damaged 'genetics'. The failure of which is being diverted to solution of nano-biotech as surveillance and systemic micromanagement of body-mind functions by hacking or jamming bio-feild communication/relational balance. All driven by investment and leverage of narratives that 'take' as 'Wetiko' contagion in a lawless or unpurposed mind.

Any mind-substitution for Reality is a local temporal  condition of filtered distortions/misperceptions that generate an oppositional sense of self as if 'mind' can be limited by anything other than its own attention/intention.

The current covidian scenario is a perfect awakener to recognize the 'Wetiko' behind the lived experience. (see Paul Levy).

Bio-field resonances are continuous or not separate from what we have called physical or manifest material. Re-aligning lawful relationship is not All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, but a re-cognition from which wholeness has already undone what was never real outside the minds of reaction to it. But no less than the reality we give it, as a 'learning result, or feedback to attention/intention. Mind-traps are a feedback loop to unrecognised inputs, false flagged to rogue or pathogenic outputs, that then subject mind by reaction - ie programmed conditioning.

In contrast to WEF's offer of a living death I read this recently:

"As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so life well used brings happy death." 

~ Leonardo Da Vinci

Thursday, 16 September 2021

The Clot Thickens 

The clot thickens.

Toxic exposures of particulates and radiative fields, imbalance, and lack or block of functional nutrition all provide the basis for understanding what is assigned to infection.

The disclosure of a toxic agenda costs disclosure to true accountability, and a negative Economy that has captured and replaced Reason by stealth and guile. or in our normalised or trained 'thinking' terms, honesty doesn't pay our way within a Bandwagon to hell - but grab a mask and jack up some boosters...You'll be happy and know nothing.

As for the effect of nanoparticulates in blood, particularly graphene, magnifies bio-electric responses in truly novel ways. Sunspots could be much more correlated to heart failure than ever. (Lately data collection of sunspot activity has been changed to give about 30% lower than actual according to 'suspicious observers' channel).

Who would have thought that after all the physics of plumbing and all the chemistry of a molecular biology devolved and spun out of the MIC - that's Military not Medical complex - we should discover the Bio-field, just before it is jammed and managed over by machines of grace and beauty (not!).

Covid the clinical symptoms, is a novel name for a blood disorder, causes yet to be determined.

The shock and shaped charge of its narrative set attention and investment into a redistribution of thought, wealth and power by which to build over the lies of the past as a bright new world.

Yes it is very very dark, but once normalised, a bit less pain, seems like happiness.

Munsch's painting inside every act of collective compliance.

Biofield research might do worse than look at "the helical heart' - then listen to Manel Ballister - who used to work in heart transplant surgery field.

Life was designed to be lived by the life that unfolds its function.

Not the mind that seeks to usurp and replicate life.

Live this day well!

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Dispelling Wetiko

This post was in the comments to underlying themes. The video is short and worthy in my opinion, but the link is for context if needed.

The underlying principle is an ancient facet of our psyche.

To make a screen grab available of a relevant bit (via Google books) I tweeted it at

By the way I see a kind of witch-hunt mentality of seeking anything with any associations to 'identified evils' as a right to self righteously smear them. This is a perfect example of 'wetiko'. In that something within our own thought is repackaged as a claim or assertion or insinuating suggestion regarding an other, with the pointing finger and the invitation to join in a feel-good moment of dumping hate as if to reaffirm we are the good guys. This, regardless of whether others have involvement with loveless, criminal or misguided acts in their past or present behaviour.

The magically determined act of excommunication is a social requirement so as to blank and distance from any demonised target of social guilt. To speak for the humanity of such a one is to be accused of apologising for and condoning the sin.

If you would that the life you HAVE truly lived and shared is saved from the masking struggle of self conflicted dissociative thinking, then give what is due to the living instead of reenacting self-hate on a world of division as if THIS time it will work.

Waking within this world to recognition of a dissociation from reality seen in others but not yet in our own mind can be deeply unsettling. We are finding this disturbing in the current time as a natural division from lies no longer beleived or accepted true - regardless they are 'marketised and weaponised' as a magically determined 'official reality'.

A mind and world that is at it deeper level set to deny Who and What You Are, but from a self-conviction that such disclosure is more fearful than all of the terrors and devices set to distance and defend against it.

As such terrors and devices come into awareness, they would reactivate or reset defences in shifting narratives, as the intent and attempt to dump off or escape intolerable conflict, pain and hate - that might occur within a microsecond intended to be forget. Yet here is a deeper self-honesty from which a futility and dishonesty of self can be recognised in willingness to find another way of seeing.

To use the world of relationships as a dumping ground and a realm for getting a masked sense of adjusted reality for a deep sense of lack and conflict - that cannot seem to be even conceivably escaped, so much as mitigated as partitions of control - is to withhold and withdraw from what love is, and therefore who we are. Self-convicted guilt is set as mind and emotional certainty in irrevocable dissociation such that love is replaced with manipulative contractual self-illusions. But a mind set in its own thinking is not created by such thinking and therefore not trapped in the dictates of guilt and fear running a masking control of judgement as power set over life and apart from the living.

Monday, 13 September 2021

Whose idea of normal?

in response to the themes in above link article.

Whose idea of normal applies to ‘previously normal people’?

Is it not simply an expression of previously presumed and accepted reality or identity?

Terrain theory posits the individual or specific as an expression of its relationship with terrain or context. This is more of a Field of resonant communication than the object model of external or material causes.

Automatous theory assigns causative agency to specific entities as an independent entity, relative to a world of objects and forces in which it presumes or is presumed to exist. This is the projection of an image-belief we create our self.

The normalisation of pathological theory as a basis for social masking of inner conflicts as a basis for survival as a distanced, locked down and masked separateness is a human expression of self-consciousness as trauma to be denied, escaped and adjusted for in a social persona through which an augmentation of reality substitutes for natural recognition of life and existence as it is – as I am.

While the mind is masked in its own image it does run as an automaton in place of an aligned will within the Will or Desire to live and share being. It cannot see or hear or know anything by virtue of a self-investment in oppositional thought and intent given power as a split mind acted out on the body of the living.

Anything can become habituated and adapted to as normal, but there are limits to tolerance for pain at all seeming levels of our being that root in the heart of original separation trauma. So in time we will come to question insane ways of ‘thinking’ that self-contradict and mask over the cracks, that dictate ways of ‘seeing’ that initiate reactions of a dissociated mind running its own convictions in polarised support of the shadow projections of another broken relationship.

Unless a movement from which the question reality as adapted to and normalised, no introspection is possible because the mind of masking doesn’t and cannot know you, for not knowing who you are is your chosen defence to which it was invoked to supply.

Fear of infection can lead to casting it out onto others. Hateful and loveless thoughts are made real thereby in the denier and can infect the denied if they are susceptible to the same learning errors. While we deny and disown hate and fear, we will seem to escape temporarily, at cost of diminishing and disempowering the mind of our freedom to release such a choice in aligning anew. Instead we repackage ‘reality’ in solutions by which to mask the problem in external pathogenic actors and agencies that shift and mutate with every attempt to eradicate them.

The insane fragmentation of such a ‘reality’ collapses under its own contradictions to reveal a lack of substance or basis in reality.
Instead of seeking influence and impact with such conflicts, consider what is it that the mask of lies was set to hide or make safe from?

It was an error in the past, whose consequences the whole world is suffering today, to believe that in order to conceal the truth from the unready, untruth should be told to them.

For with the growing capacities of men growing rebellion against being misled was certain to come.

~ Paul Brunton