Friday, 22 April 2022

Gain of Fiction

in response to the themes in:


 I now see GoF in terms of the mindset of narrative control - framed and filtered reality adjustment. Narratives as a means of both evasion of reality and an active cover story of justified attack - ie pre-emptive defences. To quote from the article:

“We can either wait for something to arise, and then fight it, or we can anticipate that certain things will arise, and instead we can preemptively build our arsenals,” says Morrison. “That’s where gain-of-function research can come in handy.”

The underlying signature of GoF shows recognisable characteristics that are in effect the fallacies upon which our separate self-sense runs 'distanced and masked' as a defended body-mind or physicalised consciousness within a split mind or fragmentation from a prior unity–masked over by reaction that effectively holds a virtual replication of Separation trauma fenced off or dissociated and displaced as a mythic or 'narrative' projection that can indeed be traced to 'mythological archetypes' that pattern a broken constellation seeking for reparation or fulfilment externally - ie out from a sense of lack, inadequacy, limitation, denial, adversity.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

So of course the ego of a phished self-image is the archetype of the 'virus' of hack & hijack that then goes forth to multiply as negative or reversal - ie an abundance of debt, conflict and pain seeking to escape or get rid of it as a development of unconsciousness.
But the Principle of 'contagion' is not physical or flagged to external agents - but is communication itself - or indeed love.
Recognising and releasing the lie and the father of it allows the ego of self/world to serve as an instrument or vehicle of re integrative healing. Such that what had seem 'attack' or pathological is revealed or translated as an opportunity to accept undoing of a burden and block to love that we already are - exactly as we are.
The shift of such an exchange is to see and be in a light or freedom of a quality that cannot be manufactured by imaged symbols and concepts, yet does not attack or deny what we have made so much as redeem or refine to a love that we can recognise, accept and share or shine in.
That this may be a 'fleeting glimpse' doesn't deny its transformative influence as a revealing from which to question the 'narrative mind habit' - for new 'habit' requires consistent & persistent action - from acceptance of worth in place of our own gaslighting - regardless the 'help' of others.
Seeking to articulate the heart, can always be used for gain of fiction, but aligning in simple joy is fully functional, joy is not in the thing, but resonates the 'space' that is awareness at infinity - or 'edgeless' but also simply an embrace, a moment of beauty, a shared appreciation, an inspiration, an inner quiet that gently shines of itself.