Saturday, 3 April 2021

The Disappearing Flu

The Unexpected Case of the Disappearing Flu

An invested and protected belief will gather all interpretations from all possible means to 'survive' as accepted identity and authority. 

The presumption of each virus as THE pathogenesis or CAUSE of each disease disallows all other ways of accounting for empirical evidences that are effectively 'disappeared' by the structuring of thought, definition and ability to shift parameters to support the 'model outcome'. 

Phlostogen did not have such a huge gov and corp investment, because it didn't offer such leveraging as a cover story for toxic degradations (and evasion) or for the capture and control of minds (not cells) by terrifying bogeymen, to otherwise patently insane 'solutions'. 

The wherewithal to set and reset definitions, change parameters, and obfuscate within arcane and impenetrable complexity, AS IF the practice of Science or Reason is a hijack of our mind, by which to lock life into prison cells.

Our MODEL is become a death cult. Structure can become a dead thing to which life is sacrificed for what it has become associated with, but no longer truly represents. Science is not allowed to interfere with 'virology', or other protected narrative dogma. 

An Alloy of Love and Fear

The alloy of love and fear is not a true mix and so there are tares in the wheat as well as a baby in the bathwater.

The ego in the sense I use it here - masks in virtue and so will seek to use virtue as a cover by which to prevail against the threat it perceives in truth, as so will also mask in association with truths so as to devalue and discredit or undermine them.

So aphorisms that are not untrue that could be a call to the heart are used as a front for a masked or hidden agenda. We are all in this together" - but what 'it'? and to who does 'we' signify? Context is everything.

Deceits that target us must be turned to an education that serves our capacity to discern them before taking the bait, as  a deepening awareness and responsibility for the as yet 'open back doors' through which we are still invested in some measure of correspondence or 'sympathetic' vibrations.

Emotional reaction to a provocation can release or purse strings or our bow strings - as an invested identity taken from the bait.

In the terms of the article - it feeds our ego, and we run with it as a sense of self vindication, instead of bringing it to a direct awareness or centred presence - that rises as the natural awareness to the release of egoic self reference (our own thinking). The gift of a discernment is a practical intuitive and integrative moment of perspective from which we live this situation. It is not a setting of judgements by which to set a right over a wrong - excepting as we freely release in ourselves whatever is recognised as not serving us, and align in recognition of what does. If we are apparently not intuitive this will operate as reasoned recognitions that clarify thought and action, but the actual shift from mind to a unified expression of heart and mind is recognisably an inspiration, encouragement, reconnection to joy, that shines or shares by nature, and presence of a peace beneath appearances that - like symptoms, may persist, but no longer besiege a sense of struggle.

This may be forgotten to habits of thought and reaction in an instant, because such habit runs without conscious oversight or evaluation, as a 'normal'.

Words can always be taken out of context in a world that is taken out of Living Context, but the search for love or fulfilment or answer as an external condition or set of conditions is a sign of a hate within, from which the mind is set to look away, so as to 'make you safe' by focussing in substitutions for Who you truly are, that set in image and form as if to regain or protect against further pain of loss.

But the Spirit of a truth that has never left its Source and Nature works with our mind, and our world to release an identity in lack and grievance set to vengeance, and free-willingly align in who and what we are revealed to be the unfolding of. This is always a relational whole - that the situation will then serve, and yet we can only talk of self as a mind and body rather than integral to the Terrain which is neither inner nor outer, for such divisions are mapping out of what cannot be in truth, separated from. Only in concept.

I know a shop called "Concept curtains, carpets and blinds". It gives me a smile to recall it.

I cannot say what is or is not a stepping stone for another and what is a diversion to nowhere set in futility. I cannot rescue anyone from their own decision, but I can join with and reflect that they are beings of choice and are actively deciding and so are free to evaluate their choices and make better choices in terms of aligning with who they recognise to be.

False hopes still hold the idea of positive change, but are founded on premises that keep the mind safe from any real transformation. Perhaps also because a false understanding of any problem sets its answer in the realm of a false directive - which can of course be manipulated so as to seem to work, for a short time.

Hope springs eternal, but is more of an intuition of eternal life, than a basis for predicting and controlling outcomes. Addicted to (the conditions associated with possession and) control - is a sense of driven lack, that finds a world, to know not what it is or does!

The ego, runs off with a virtual copy.

I have faith in truth alive to undo addictive results of a mistaken identity, but unless I live such a willingness as my life, I have hopeful wishes that become a cover story for a persistent unwillingness to  align thought word and deed. These are very open to being targeted by a manipulative intent.

Release and be released, or judge and be judged!

Each of these has a very definite fruit or result, and one is joy, the other counterfeit.


Some attempts at communication occur as a mutual relationship, or field of resonance, and others are like meeting conditioned reactions or programmed responses. The 'ego' is in my sense of it anything but self-aware, but is maximally alert to threat to what it is predicated upon as 'self' in image and thought.

Self-aware in a true sense is self-less or transparent in the usual sense of self as separate or private authoritative mind in a body or a world of bodies (object transience).

That you are is edgeless, immeasurable and always, but what you are is your self-defining acceptance that extends as relational expression. So if you accept ideas as true of you, these operate as your self-imaged or ego.

The human consciousness is currently locked down, distanced and masked as a normal - and any attempt to talk to normals results in communication failure.

The true Nature is never really a normal, because normal is a conditioned mind while naturally felt quality is wholly present.

The inhibition of the ego is the capacity to block our own channel of expression. To get in our own way and interpret the results in terms of separation trauma.

I think the term mask works for much of what 'ego' represents.

The capacity to mask from ourselves as the hiding and denial of feelings believed threatening, is also the presentation of a masking identity - which is in a sense a psychic territory - ostensibly set in or with the body and its possessions and relationships. but principally set in the sense of private thinking. Masking thinking.

To identify the mask as power of protection is to accept it as self, and in general people become masked over from their inner being or childlike wonder and curiosity. Only in special conditions might the underlying innocence of being shine unselfconscious as joy in being.

The mask operates to 'make us safe' from a point of self-conflict that we are at that time unwilling or unready to face, to own and to reconcile or resolve. And so it is encapsulated and covered over in ways that limit awareness of conflict by both a denial or dissociation and a casting out to others and world, where it can hide in 'solutions' that do not address the conflict but provide a cover story or masking narrative in seeming to seek answers by means that persist and protect the problem.

So what I mean by ego is not a Freudian slip so much as a mis-taken identity running in the name of power and protection relative to truth feared - or intimacy of being as threat to the capacity to maintain the mask of limitation and control.

Unwanted realities are experienced as rejection, denial, deprivation, abandonment, treachery and betrayal as pain of loss.

We do not know we had terms, conditions or demands on Life until they are crushed and broken by withdrawal of support or open denial.

However, we can and do set ourselves up to fall.

Maybe QD meant that accepting narratives without questioning them is letting them trigger and frame our own mind unknowing.


Unwanted inner conflicts are problems we refuse or are unwilling and unable to face and address where they are and so we seek 'solutions' outside by which to cast them out from us. When the 'solution' fails it not only leaves the underlying problem unaddressed but mutates as seemingly new problems that are intimately linked to our inner conflict but outwardly unconnected - because the external solution was a wishful cover story of self-evasion given all the force of the emotional charge of the underlying inner conflict.

Until we own what truly belongs to us, we will attack and deny others and our world for what our mind perceives as hateful intention and motivations that have roots in our own conflicts. If we were at all aware of this the world as we know it would not find support. For the world as we know it has operated this entanglement of shadows, false hopes and hidden denials, until its conflicts rise up to reveal their true address - or in common terms, all of what is ours comes home to roost.

To invested identity in masking self-illusion this is like a world of toxic debts that the ego must desperately externalise to an ever more hollow and false sense of prevailing by masking deceit.

But to the desire to heal, it opens the Way Home, as we release what does NOT belong to us that we had mistakenly taken on. There is a peace in being who you are that no illusion can give, no matter the presentations and postures of self-assertion.

When we took a problem as our self we tried to use the world as an answer for it. We have set the whole world in the frame of our problem, excepting we release it of our demands, terms and conditions and bring awareness present to learn anew of what we have learned NOT to see as anything but threat, weapons, ammunition, allies, armour, hiding place, diversionary false flag.

So yes, we are a 'built in problem' looking everywhere ELSE for solutions.

I see the psyoperative deceits as a means of revealing us to ourselves. But hooked to the bait is the experience of being played and reeled in as the belief one is freely acting. But as I said we can and do set ourselves up.


When you can bear to be sober, you can meet me half way.

Because the 'normal' is so dysfunctional, the natural can induce psychosis to the sense of mind in lockdown under masking control.

You live as if you are deprived, denied or lacking connection to Infinity. How did you manage that?

Ah! You've been thinking again haven't you!

Why would you make a stash when everything is here for you already?

The supply for you is 'hidden' in not indulging what you take as your thinking. Let the mind rest. Your true thought connects you with everything alive. Live your own Q, and listen for your own A.

No point in trying to comprehend answers to a question you have not asked. No experiences are going to give you anything more than the receptive you open to receive them.

contd response to query on use of dysfunctional normal

The 'normal' is being memed as if natural - I use it to mean conditioned 'reality'.

In a world where :

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".(Michael Ellner).

I restate that because this is accepted normal does not mean it is not dysfunctional. the quote is back from the AIDS reset to a failing virology platform.

The dysfunctional human world is largely invisible, internalised and normal. Its structure is reflected in our technologism ( I could have called it culture, but its destructive to any real culturally shared appreciation of worth).

In the context above the presumed norm offered was that a distorted or drug altered conscious is necessary or appropriate for understanding. I invite you to consider that what is considered normal is already a dissociated and fragmented evasion of reality seeking to escape itself.

Associating another;s writing with mock humour and drug use can also be a subtle means of invalidating and distancing without actually engaging at all.

I appreciate your question. I hope that you now see it was discordant to your current expectation of meaning and usage for 'normal' - which can mean anything - for anything can become 'normal' is persisted in or under. So in the terms of the narrative setters it means 'conditioned' pattern of behavioural adaptation and response'.  But to those being played it is being taken as reality, or natural.

The dissociation of words from the territory of what they signify is a result of using them as weapons of deceit and leverage on our self and others. Dysfunction as normal is self-evident. Not least as a result of imposing functions to life that kill it, or sacrificing life to false profits, false narratives and life denying systems of control under fear and guilting.

The function of narrative displacement identity is masking

 That China will 'catch a cold' was leaked in advance.

That the cold or flu is CAUSED by a virus is an extremely protected narrative of leverage.

So to swallow the virus is to take the bait for the core element on which the others all depend.

Sickness is not in question, but that there is one sickness to which a specific virus is flagged to as its cause is false and diversionary to an honest and open investigation of disease conditions that share various causes and whose symptoms will often but not always include short samples of RNA/DNA matters resulting from cell death. The presumption and even science of contagion is predicated on a model that can be tweaked to give the desired result.

The deeper point is not a moral outrage that points the finger, but to reflect that the narratives that gain support or traction are those that attract funding or investment and in this fear provides the opportunity for 'solutions' that not only attract great wealth and positions of control to protect the revenue stream, but a bandwagon effect, where once it becomes embedded or 'normal' to mask, slosh antibacterials, vaccinate and track and trace, all these become iconic attractions to align business towards, and away from what else would have operated as a market economy serving human culture. And so corruption sets in to protect a negative Economy as a private taxing of the Living in death, taxes and degradations, for the sake of 'saving the System' deemed too big to fail. And so everyone else has to fail, and the narratives that are invoked and planted often decades in advance are pushed with disproportionate financial leverages that disregard any process of reason, to install global guidelines that mission creep to regulations and enforcements right down to local level. The capture of the brain, nervous system, defences, blood supply are all symptomatic of a parasitic 'infection' but this is ultimately an out-picturing of our own projected denials set in grievance and blame, as hated and feared.

Some elements of the Chinese ruling elites are corporations and stakeholders. Thinking in terms of independent nations in today's world is a circus side-show - and yet the pivot of power can and does shift from the nations it has hollowed out to a new host.

Back to fundamentals; a lie is without substance even if weaving in the truth of a love that fears to hurt or be hurt, and willingly limits and denies itself to allay the fear. And so it is lack of love that allows the reactions and defences to be the actual agent of destruction, regardless the Fact, we operate on fear as if already true, and in doing so are its masked or secret agency even while propagating warnings, rules, solutions and protections. It is our heart and mind that is infected with a kind of thinking that self-replicates and uses us while telling us it will make us safe. Lack of love is a result of giving love as energy and attention, value and focus of worth - to that which is unworthy, untrue, and unshared or private, locked down, distanced, masked and running as attack on truth. No matter how disturbing, bringing the problem into the arena of love, is releasing the diversion and delay in false flagged evasions of 'trouble so close to home, that it leaves us homeless, armoured and attempting to control a chaose we are not aware of causing - excepting by the accusation of blame to others and their attack, suppression or denial - be they living or imaginary agents, motives and dangers assigned to this then that and now another 'enemy'.

Wake up to the recognition of the need for love, from the honesty that what we have made of it is a grotesque masking parody of manipulative substitutions. Fear not given protection is the exposure to inner conflict that IS the Call for help - but has been directed to Fear for protection, as a casting out and limiting narrative identity.

No one can see what they are as yet unwilling or unready to accept, and so regardless the fact, their mind will provide something else as a block, buffer or delay, until they change their mind about their mind.

Negatively defined self-interest does not have to overtly conspire, but the capacity to frame the thoughts of others so as to direct their behaviours appeals directly to the need for control rising from a sense of self lack - which is lack of love. No amount of control will ever be enough to supply the lack, and in seeking it, will the underlying insanity hollow out and possess those who are addicted to or driven by compulsive traits or appetites that master them instead of being brought into a relational balance.

None of this tells you what to do or not do. But do you must, for the physical life has an action component. If willingness for joy, truth, love, peace, or any primary quality of human being is guiding us, then we are not wholly habituated in blind reaction to perceived and believed realities that some time later when the emotional context is passed, we can see as a misguidance from a past set of associations running as if to escape or overcome ancient hates and fears, from which our mind folds away in recoil to a contraction from relational communication set in armour against its reliving.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Now is the time to walk out of false narratives

My response to Rob Ververk's pushing of Vanden Bossche:

Now is where Presence embraces empirical evidence, but Rob, you are using now as part of a PR leveraging presentation.

For those who have uncovered lack of substance in the virus narrative, in all its obfuscating complex of self-referencing conceits, NOW is the time to stop using it as a basis for authoritative identity. This includes a merely reactive assertion of anti-virus narrative investment.

'United against', is never the unified field and purpose of wholeness, but is a phishing ruse by which to enter a frame of division and deceit or self-illusion.

Unite in seeking and uncovering truth that shows us we are free.

The potential for the mRNA 'vaccines' for catastrophic collapse is independent of Bossche's industry promoted narrative framing of its own toxic legacy as the basis for its own saving 'solution'. That is how the fear protects itself from disclosure to the awareness of a Unifying Field or Reintegrative Purpose that we call healing - or the undoing of the false frame to the release of the trapped mind to realign its true 'Terrain'.

So why and how indeed may we be toxifying ourselves, each other an our living Biosphere in our masking agenda of  attempts to 'solve problems'?

Please do ask!

But if fear porn is your loving concern - consider yourself  an addict.

Where you go to or give your attention and energy for connection, meaning and a  sense of love and life is up to you. It is not dictated and determined by fear, unless of course you insist!

But if you cant yet walk out of a dead end, at least bring that much self-honesty to an awareness you do not create, but are the expression of.

Your reference to 'official madness' - recalls an old Microsoft joke:

Q:How many MS engineers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None, Bill declares darkness to be the new standard.

If the investment in darkness can install its OS into your bodymind, it will.

This is a classic bad cop/good cop ruse. It sets you up to WANT to suck on what 'good cop' offers you after 'bad cop' terrorised you.

Fear Sells.

Love Shares.

You think you are sharing valuable or even vital information as if its hidden payload is inconsequential, like all that small print in a sales contract or Trade Deal (sic).

But perhaps someone has to fill your role in this, and so why not you?

In a larger reality, a self-betrayal may prime a deeper self honesty against temptations to take the bait. We all live within a larger reality than we think.

The WHO and its gov assets or stakeholder partners do what the global banking sector dictates.

If they want a narrative to pull back a parameter of their live experimentation on fellow beings, they will insert it and use it because at root they are funding or choking what they seek to grow as their cell culture.

The currency of thought be which we give and receive is corrupted by its persistent usage.

The intent is to possess and control thought as a privately owned state managed tool, asset or disposable.

Perhaps they see this as 'unifying' under Monopolar power 'restored'?

Perhaps they don't really 'see' anything but through a mindset in vengeance for life set in lack and fear of pain and loss and so (we) attack our own projections and suffer the result as if from an alien will, or some pathological invisible representation.

Whatever the sickness. Aligning truly is the context for healing to be welcomed instead of locked down distanced from and masked over. 

Thanks as always for a comment box.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Living Law and contractual legal fictions 


Reply to  Peter

That’s precisely why we need to restore the Common LAW and a common LAW court system that actually works for We the people in place of the current corrupt legal system which is a corporation and a money making racket. It’s true lawyers won’t save us under the present legal system it’s far too corrupt and true justice will never be served because it was never designed for that purpose in the first place. Consider joining the COMMON LAW COURT – strength in numbers.

Yes, but as I understand, Common Law is being ignored. So while the corruptions of the Law by legal fictions given consent operates as a hidden contract set in darkness and deceit, the need is to re-establish welcome and alignment with Living Law in our heart and mind as one.

At the level of what I call spirituality, is self-honesty or transparency to being in which thought word and deed align. Masking in social codes of mutually agreed self (conflict) evasion, becomes systemic capture to our own attempts to protect what we take as our self, from exposure to what runs beneath (conflict).

Mutually agreed definitions and beliefs operate perceptual framing of rules and filters that have all the life we give them and none of their own.

Learning the Law (Natural, God's or Common), is not just an outer means by which to compete with a systemic manipulation set in fear and rule-based controls. We have to step forth or 'come out' to stand in it, and this is the power of true witness, or lawful authority, rather than attempt to use Law for private leverage.

I don't see any strength in numbers, if not of free willing alignment of true founded purpose. The leverage of fear is to seek 'unity in numbers' over and against fear and threat. This can be used to leverage attention and condition reaction, but to coercions and narrative deceits that  seem moral or necessary only while such narratives can be supported or protected from a true account.

From my view, we are not suddenly deceived by viruses and lockstepped reaction under global banking, but have been deceived all along and to such an extent that nothing we are normalised to believe is wholly true.

In terms of living physics, unlawful is not possible. for the actuality of what is, is never our modelling of and predictive investments about it. Yet our focus of attention is generally dissociated to the model, or imaging of reality and not to presence, and so can and does operate as a psychic overlay that can become divorced from its referents and context such as to obstruct and seem to attack truth. When actually attacking our awareness of truth, for the sake of protecting narrative investments that run as subconscious or conditioned habit harking back to primitive fear and separation conflicts that are effectively masked over by complex defence of fictions given identity and believe for what they serve to deny and keep hidden, including the act of hidden denial.

The attempt to bring light to a mind set in darkness and deceit, becomes the entanglement in and sacrificial feeding of its frame - which is false, but set in active defence against light of exposure. Even as light seeks to correct, the forms of the solution become marketised and weaponised by the masking denial.

And so the true release of self-conflicted entanglement is to let the darkness be brought to light - to awareness, by no longer protecting it in the compliance to masking 'agreements' that generally run invisible as a structuring of our thought - by which thought is dictated, rather than freely associated lawfully.

Unless we recognise where we 'sell or deny ourselves for fear - as a dead sense of control in exchange for mutually agreed fictions or fallacies, that substitute for love of truth, then we persist a love of lies. But what is not really there cannot receive and reflect, exchange and share your Presence or Creation, and so a parody of life rendered hollow runs as the 'normal' of a socially or mutually conditioned 'reality'.

When such 'reality' breaks down or disintegrates it is revealed as a masking, distancing denial. But the investment in masked over conflicts is the attempt to reset itself as 'guide and protector' by narrative definitions give authority and legal protection. True Authorship is never in question, but self-doubt and division sets a sense of lack and fear, as a basis from which to question and doubt our existence as the basis from which to set ourselves in fictions seeking to become Real. But "WHO told you  you were naked?" offers the root symbol for the right and freedom to question all that is truly questionable in appeal to a Higher Court of a true discernment. False convictions are annulled or rendered void, as are false premised from which they are invoked.

But living this is not a 'thinking' to apply to an externalised 'world'.

"All I give is given to myself. The Help I need to understand this is true is with me now." ~ ACIM

Giving and receiving are two facets of one.

Think you that you can escape the Law?

Or truly WANT to lose its protection?

The mind of dissociative thinking has been 'normalised'. It is not a Golden Age, but a sense of life and love lost - and grasped at in longing and in grievance both.

But giving is the measure of our receiving, not the grasp of 'getting' driven by fear set in lack, driven by compulsion and masked in virtues set into rituals of authority.

The virus as a narrative depicts the sense of nakedness and susceptibility to external and invisible threat - as if in no way related or connected to our thought, or giving of acceptance and intention. Yet the 'enemy' can in an instant shift to 'faulty genes' or uncompliant thought and behaviour to social masking 'protections', extreme weather framed as catastrophe, and really anything and anyone that offers a path for the repackaging of guilt and toxic consequence away from the currently invested 'self-reality'.

Human laws can obviously be out of accord with Law as a result of seeking to use truth as a weapon. That must run off with a private version of 'truth' set in conflicted thinking, masked as virtue and necessity by setting against a hate and grievance cherished.

Do we set law as vengeance?

Or as correction of error by which to restore and grow our lives in the recognition of Law as just?

The corruption of human Law to regulatory frameworks of denial represent a deep self hatred - given collective power to exact vengeance on what we have made of life - for the 'self-hating human' is the undercurrent to a pseudo religion based on guilt as irrevocably distanced, locked down and lockstepped to systemic compliance. Fear set in guilt usurps love's awareness, as a nightmare - made real and inescapable excepting by dissociation or death. But no matter how far we stray or how complex our defences, we are never more than a step away from love's awareness now, but it is not a step we can take alone and apart.

The 'alone and apart' has to be left unchosen for free willingness to move.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

From viral overwhelm to life and love restored 


77 Brigade - Retired:

There are trillions of viruses surrounding us on planet earth – and scientists claim they number more than the stars in the universe … And the scientists also claim that only 200 of these viruses “could” be dangerous to mankind.

Are our scientists that clever at isolating and counting – or just guessing? Again.


 Reply to  77 Brigade - Retired

They’re just SPECULATING actually. Whatever particles they allegedly ‘isolate’ they certainly cannot prove they are actual viruses. Why? It’s because virus theory is incoherent and contradictory along with germ theory and therfore does not and cannot work out in scientific practice. Nobody to date has ever observed an alleged ‘pathogenic virus’ even using Electron Microscopy only artefacts are observed due to the method of preparation.

 Yes. Nanoparticulates of organic matter such as can be determined to contain various fragments of RNA and DNA that may serve some communicative function or may be organised by the field function of we recognise as life and living. Such as the breakdown to recycle at a level that can serve adaptive functional need.

So we are both the Field of the Biosphere (that is itself nested in a greater embrace) and its unique and specific expression. A sense of 'separation' from Field Awareness is an object model deemed 'self-existing' but Self-Existence belongs to the Field, of which all else is an expression of, rather than the artefacts of a reflective thought construct.

We 'see' what we are looking 'with'. (And become fitted or conditioned by our tools).

The conviction of a lockdown to a body, is a mind masked against Homelessness, that DOES dissociation. But as a vehicle of expression, the body is transparent to relational communication, that 'homes' or balances and aligns resonant coherence instead of masked and protected dissonance as managed conflict (sic).

To objectify life, (we) must presume to stand outside it. This is all in 'concept' or speculative. The revealing of 'modelling' as the magical mind of a private agenda set over and against the Public good - while masking as guide and protector, is the recognition of the model as a model and not the reality it has been mistaken for. Invested illusions become then a means by which to object to and deny our Life, that is the only truth and freedom to accept, or mask over as conflicted definitions and meanings given priority, and protected from communication of direct relationship (socially distanced).

An underlying Physic that Cowan has some awareness of, is the characteristic of water's structuring as the medium of translation of Field qualities to patterns of relational information. Our linear mind cannot approach this, and so to minds set in time as past-determined effects seeking to become cause, synchronicity is invisible.

Music of Life, unheard, yet we dance...

We recognise positive synchronicity if only as 'luck' or 'favour' but are rarely willing to recognise the no less lawful feedback to a negatively defined sense of self, because we pathologise our experience. Separation trauma presumes the act or denial of an 'other' or alien will' set outside and apart, from a now limited and conflicted or locked down 'life', contracted to a body as the physical 'field boundary', of the attempt to defend against what is ultimately our own projection - or mistaken identity. But not in the sense that the mind of fear, guilt, blame and pain of penalty would use to damn us with.

To project away as if to get rid of or seek externally, is the choice of mind given to lack and fear. But freedom to NOT use fear as a basis for choice, lets love of itself, extend. Radiance is the disposition of transparency to wholeness of being. The mind is a 'projector' but what goes forth to multiply is an alignment of focus, choices and accepted value.

'Fear porn' is a compulsive fascination within the seeming dynamic - but actual dissociation - of conflict. Breaking the spell, is noticing when looking AT fears allows their release, and accepting release, as freedom of an expansion and embrace now. The mind-addiction to indulge our own fearful imaginations is a collective result of a focus in lack, resulting from persisting in conflicted misery, grievance and fantasy substitution - acted out on the body.

To what degree is disease a true feedback to a misalignment of self in Life? Feedback being a scientific term by which to use and learn from mistakes rather than be damned by them - so as to seek to kill the messengers before such fear of a damning reprisal to hidden guilt is delivered to 'Retribution'?

But the practical point is not the complex of psyop defences set against truth, but simple and active willingness to align truly, now - as this and any circumstance or situation given release from a mindset of fear and grievance.

This is a living way of self-honouring that extends to our world. It cannot be rendered to a systemic ideology or religion of dogmatic 'truths'. Blessed are those who open to a Field beyond their mind's capacity to conceive, for they are truly moved to share a blessing by getting out of their own way.


The article is a 1984 sketch. Orwell painted the Crucifixion of life's degradation and denial under the stamp of fear given power, as a past made to substitute for presence. But looking at the problem without truly addressing it, is to push it outside under abnegation of responsibility to mindless systemic protection rackets, which then 'invade or violate' a caged mind as filthy and starving rats coming home to roost!

Orwell could set room 101 as the particular terror symbols to the personal profile of the mind that thought to step outside of fear's dictate.

The living symbol of Jesus holds the awareness of the release of the body as a limit or distance, to the Field of which life truly is. That this realigns, reintegrates and heals, is also the release of the idea of death, to the recognition as the Field that can only be known by yielding to an expansive embrace that of itself extends or communicates. If we do not practice in the 'evils' or irritations and challenges of the day thereof, will be have a pathway of heart response through which to abide and align in living expressions of resolving conflict so as to free creative endeavour - which is never more or less then being truly moved, each in our individual and common inspirations and themes of unfolding interest.

I don't invoke Jesus as an external authority, but as an example. Fear makes 'special' to distance and mask in narrative dictate, and so will always interpret its own self-reinforcement by masking in the virtues as a means to persist the sacrifice of love to the protection of fear-in-hiding.


Go on, write an 'Easter version' of your nightmare scenario! ;-)

What might that be and can it even be set in the archetypal conflicts of a narrative structure?

I ask because there is a sense in which the mind set in narrative definitions is 'entranced' or spellbound to its own telling.

I read that the original term 'nice' was an engineering term for a perfect fit. (?) But in current use often means niceties of social masking.

Nice stories can be anodyne or lacking depth, but the darkness or threat element serves not to make it 'real' but as the adversary or adversity by which a greater reality is touched - even if the protagonist dies or the 'cause is lost' - because its inspiration is in the human Spirit - of which one creative potential is our developing and unfolding of themes and stories.

A teacher once told me it is better to simply say 'simply do this' to one who is learning of life, than to expound on what must not be done or else - such as to weight the life-aligning in a context of negative conditioning.

Aligning in love of life is withdrawing energy and attention from fear and control.

I read of a sect in Asia (India?) who held vaccination to be against their religion or shared way of being. The state set mandatory vax and raided the community of 'refusal to comply' in the middle of the night using armed force. The people resisted but were overwhelmed and forcibly injected. The elders of the community immediately called for tea to be made for the 'guests'. On being questioned (by one of the enforcers) the elder replied, "just because we were unable to fulfil our religion in one regard does not mean we shall throw our traditions away! And our traditions call us to honour our guest!".

To live our No! in spirit, to the false usurping of authority, and hold our decision, is not about what the apparent form of outcome, but a true gift to ourselves. In this gift shared, is the freedom from shame and guilt, hate and grievance, that plays a significant role in all manner of 'disease' conditions.

Another way of seeing this is that we have to live with the consequences of our decisions, and the temptation to blame others for our choices, or hide our choices as 'they made me do it!' is not a freedom from consequences, but a lockdown into a narrative dictate enforced by shame, inadequacy or rejection, abandonment, denial and betrayal.

All the consequences are then played out in the narrative displacement that scapegoats or attacks it own projections as if whack a mole is the purpose or meaning of of living.

What can such a mind expect but to be whacked back? Life cant get a word in.

A story can unfold the conditions for the reflection and recognition of the Spirit.

Or it can use the wish and the hope of symbolic substitutions as a foil for the triumph of evil as the true power over what then must be an evil and insane delusion of a life set in cynicism as if to align existentially with destruction as the means and nature of existence. Or 'death cult'.