The alloy of love and fear is not a true mix and so there are tares in the wheat as well as a baby in the bathwater.
The ego in the sense I use it here - masks in virtue and so will seek to use virtue as a cover by which to prevail against the threat it perceives in truth, as so will also mask in association with truths so as to devalue and discredit or undermine them.
So aphorisms that are not untrue that could be a call to the heart are used as a front for a masked or hidden agenda. We are all in this together" - but what 'it'? and to who does 'we' signify? Context is everything.
Deceits that target us must be turned to an education that serves our capacity to discern them before taking the bait, as a deepening awareness and responsibility for the as yet 'open back doors' through which we are still invested in some measure of correspondence or 'sympathetic' vibrations.
Emotional reaction to a provocation can release or purse strings or our bow strings - as an invested identity taken from the bait.
In the terms of the article - it feeds our ego, and we run with it as a sense of self vindication, instead of bringing it to a direct awareness or centred presence - that rises as the natural awareness to the release of egoic self reference (our own thinking). The gift of a discernment is a practical intuitive and integrative moment of perspective from which we live this situation. It is not a setting of judgements by which to set a right over a wrong - excepting as we freely release in ourselves whatever is recognised as not serving us, and align in recognition of what does. If we are apparently not intuitive this will operate as reasoned recognitions that clarify thought and action, but the actual shift from mind to a unified expression of heart and mind is recognisably an inspiration, encouragement, reconnection to joy, that shines or shares by nature, and presence of a peace beneath appearances that - like symptoms, may persist, but no longer besiege a sense of struggle.
This may be forgotten to habits of thought and reaction in an instant, because such habit runs without conscious oversight or evaluation, as a 'normal'.
Words can always be taken out of context in a world that is taken out of Living Context, but the search for love or fulfilment or answer as an external condition or set of conditions is a sign of a hate within, from which the mind is set to look away, so as to 'make you safe' by focussing in substitutions for Who you truly are, that set in image and form as if to regain or protect against further pain of loss.
But the Spirit of a truth that has never left its Source and Nature works with our mind, and our world to release an identity in lack and grievance set to vengeance, and free-willingly align in who and what we are revealed to be the unfolding of. This is always a relational whole - that the situation will then serve, and yet we can only talk of self as a mind and body rather than integral to the Terrain which is neither inner nor outer, for such divisions are mapping out of what cannot be in truth, separated from. Only in concept.
I know a shop called "Concept curtains, carpets and blinds". It gives me a smile to recall it.
I cannot say what is or is not a stepping stone for another and what is a diversion to nowhere set in futility. I cannot rescue anyone from their own decision, but I can join with and reflect that they are beings of choice and are actively deciding and so are free to evaluate their choices and make better choices in terms of aligning with who they recognise to be.
False hopes still hold the idea of positive change, but are founded on premises that keep the mind safe from any real transformation. Perhaps also because a false understanding of any problem sets its answer in the realm of a false directive - which can of course be manipulated so as to seem to work, for a short time.
Hope springs eternal, but is more of an intuition of eternal life, than a basis for predicting and controlling outcomes. Addicted to (the conditions associated with possession and) control - is a sense of driven lack, that finds a world, to know not what it is or does!
The ego, runs off with a virtual copy.
I have faith in truth alive to undo addictive results of a mistaken identity, but unless I live such a willingness as my life, I have hopeful wishes that become a cover story for a persistent unwillingness to align thought word and deed. These are very open to being targeted by a manipulative intent.
Release and be released, or judge and be judged!
Each of these has a very definite fruit or result, and one is joy, the other counterfeit.
Some attempts at communication occur as a mutual relationship, or field of resonance, and others are like meeting conditioned reactions or programmed responses. The 'ego' is in my sense of it anything but self-aware, but is maximally alert to threat to what it is predicated upon as 'self' in image and thought.
Self-aware in a true sense is self-less or transparent in the usual sense of self as separate or private authoritative mind in a body or a world of bodies (object transience).
That you are is edgeless, immeasurable and always, but what you are is your self-defining acceptance that extends as relational expression. So if you accept ideas as true of you, these operate as your self-imaged or ego.
The human consciousness is currently locked down, distanced and masked as a normal - and any attempt to talk to normals results in communication failure.
The true Nature is never really a normal, because normal is a conditioned mind while naturally felt quality is wholly present.
The inhibition of the ego is the capacity to block our own channel of expression. To get in our own way and interpret the results in terms of separation trauma.
I think the term mask works for much of what 'ego' represents.
The capacity to mask from ourselves as the hiding and denial of feelings believed threatening, is also the presentation of a masking identity - which is in a sense a psychic territory - ostensibly set in or with the body and its possessions and relationships. but principally set in the sense of private thinking. Masking thinking.
To identify the mask as power of protection is to accept it as self, and in general people become masked over from their inner being or childlike wonder and curiosity. Only in special conditions might the underlying innocence of being shine unselfconscious as joy in being.
The mask operates to 'make us safe' from a point of self-conflict that we are at that time unwilling or unready to face, to own and to reconcile or resolve. And so it is encapsulated and covered over in ways that limit awareness of conflict by both a denial or dissociation and a casting out to others and world, where it can hide in 'solutions' that do not address the conflict but provide a cover story or masking narrative in seeming to seek answers by means that persist and protect the problem.
So what I mean by ego is not a Freudian slip so much as a mis-taken identity running in the name of power and protection relative to truth feared - or intimacy of being as threat to the capacity to maintain the mask of limitation and control.
Unwanted realities are experienced as rejection, denial, deprivation, abandonment, treachery and betrayal as pain of loss.
We do not know we had terms, conditions or demands on Life until they are crushed and broken by withdrawal of support or open denial.
However, we can and do set ourselves up to fall.
Maybe QD meant that accepting narratives without questioning them is letting them trigger and frame our own mind unknowing.
Unwanted inner conflicts are problems we refuse or are unwilling and unable to face and address where they are and so we seek 'solutions' outside by which to cast them out from us. When the 'solution' fails it not only leaves the underlying problem unaddressed but mutates as seemingly new problems that are intimately linked to our inner conflict but outwardly unconnected - because the external solution was a wishful cover story of self-evasion given all the force of the emotional charge of the underlying inner conflict.
Until we own what truly belongs to us, we will attack and deny others and our world for what our mind perceives as hateful intention and motivations that have roots in our own conflicts. If we were at all aware of this the world as we know it would not find support. For the world as we know it has operated this entanglement of shadows, false hopes and hidden denials, until its conflicts rise up to reveal their true address - or in common terms, all of what is ours comes home to roost.
To invested identity in masking self-illusion this is like a world of toxic debts that the ego must desperately externalise to an ever more hollow and false sense of prevailing by masking deceit.
But to the desire to heal, it opens the Way Home, as we release what does NOT belong to us that we had mistakenly taken on. There is a peace in being who you are that no illusion can give, no matter the presentations and postures of self-assertion.
When we took a problem as our self we tried to use the world as an answer for it. We have set the whole world in the frame of our problem, excepting we release it of our demands, terms and conditions and bring awareness present to learn anew of what we have learned NOT to see as anything but threat, weapons, ammunition, allies, armour, hiding place, diversionary false flag.
So yes, we are a 'built in problem' looking everywhere ELSE for solutions.
I see the psyoperative deceits as a means of revealing us to ourselves. But hooked to the bait is the experience of being played and reeled in as the belief one is freely acting. But as I said we can and do set ourselves up.
When you can bear to be sober, you can meet me half way.
Because the 'normal' is so dysfunctional, the natural can induce psychosis to the sense of mind in lockdown under masking control.
You live as if you are deprived, denied or lacking connection to Infinity. How did you manage that?
Ah! You've been thinking again haven't you!
Why would you make a stash when everything is here for you already?
The supply for you is 'hidden' in not indulging what you take as your thinking. Let the mind rest. Your true thought connects you with everything alive. Live your own Q, and listen for your own A.
No point in trying to comprehend answers to a question you have not asked. No experiences are going to give you anything more than the receptive you open to receive them.
contd response to query on use of dysfunctional normal
The 'normal' is being memed as if natural - I use it to mean conditioned 'reality'.
In a world where :
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality".(Michael Ellner).
I restate that because this is accepted normal does not mean it is not dysfunctional. the quote is back from the AIDS reset to a failing virology platform.
The dysfunctional human world is largely invisible, internalised and normal. Its structure is reflected in our technologism ( I could have called it culture, but its destructive to any real culturally shared appreciation of worth).
In the context above the presumed norm offered was that a distorted or drug altered conscious is necessary or appropriate for understanding. I invite you to consider that what is considered normal is already a dissociated and fragmented evasion of reality seeking to escape itself.
Associating another;s writing with mock humour and drug use can also be a subtle means of invalidating and distancing without actually engaging at all.
I appreciate your question. I hope that you now see it was discordant to your current expectation of meaning and usage for 'normal' - which can mean anything - for anything can become 'normal' is persisted in or under. So in the terms of the narrative setters it means 'conditioned' pattern of behavioural adaptation and response'. But to those being played it is being taken as reality, or natural.
The dissociation of words from the territory of what they signify is a result of using them as weapons of deceit and leverage on our self and others. Dysfunction as normal is self-evident. Not least as a result of imposing functions to life that kill it, or sacrificing life to false profits, false narratives and life denying systems of control under fear and guilting.