in response to the themes in:
Genetic Command set genetic dogma in place - which started out as claim of one way transcription of one gene per protein (not unlike virus dogma of one virus per disease). Reverse transcription modified that gene theory, as must the realm of unique human proteins being vastly greater than our genetic signature.
My point is that theories are adopted or even adapted to weaponised and marketised technological applications that included mainstreaming the basis for life in 'scientific' or materially caused & determined terms , into the minds of the many who suckle at the teat of their idol.
That the sequences can be transcribed to proteins or reverted to RNA is a kind of coding layer through and by which to design, define and store as data, the specs by which to 'download and print out RNA that is theorised or intended to interact with living cellular processes in such a way as to produce a 'desired effect'.
So there is the realm of highly specialised experts framing back doors for non-consenting agenda to operate under pretext of 'treating' or mitigating diseases merely hyped or asserted to be 'contagion' - when no science has ever shown the contagious agent or the methods of the cycle of hijack, propagation, and transport, within bodies and to bodies around the world. But the story is well embedded.
Investment in genetics is/was global & huge in expectation of a gold mine of returns. That di not pan out. Stakeholders deem themselves too big to fail, so narratives are protected at cost of truth and life.
New arenas of huge investment are now active globally in nanotech - particularly the 'medical' applications of graphene oxide, that are ubiquitous and pervasive as a stealth agenda that looks to me to be part of the underlying mass injections, masked as vaccines, ostensibly a gene therapy, but 'installing an operating system'.
Man made thinking does not share life, but seeks to substitute for and replace it as a means of possession and control - or marketising and weaponising of life rendered into 'code' meanings, that must shift and 'mutate' to serve the dominant narrative - that 'tells' reality what it is - or how we must 'see' and respond to it, to others and to our self.