Sunday, 12 March 2023

The nature (or anti-nature) of a deceit is to reverse the order of life

The nature (or anti-nature) of a deceit is to reverse the order of life

in response to the themes in:

I remain interested in the physiological and psychic effects of the lie and the father of it, but aware that none of them are true cause.
The nature (or anti-nature) of a deceit is to reverse the order of life - such that illusion is held true while truth is framed false, treacherous and threatening fear, pain and loss.

Looking at the basis of beliefs that reinforce seemingly benign or protective defences against perceived evils, opens them to question. For example I have just followed the documented trail of the assumption, use and protection of the LNT - Low No-Threshold model for risk of 'bio-damage'*

Firstly radiation was studied at huge overdose on fruit flies hoping to find mutation as the proof of evolution and was falsely claimed (chromosome damage was misinterpreted within a race for a Nobel prize). Within this was the claim of no safe dose - and of the the model of a piggybank effect of cumulative damage over time. (The fruit flies were subjected to 100 million times background radiation levels on the lower dosage experiments). This set the basis for a genetic assumption of zero tolerance approach to disproportionately modelled risk that was hyped by Media to set fear of radiation as a terror narrative in popular concerns that led to prioritising regulatory control or capture, over nuclear tests, but specifically nuclear energy. To the fear-convicted investment in defence this is being made safe and little can reach such a conditioned mind to allow questioning the fear-threat-evil that sets the narrative.

Many other steps to the story but suffice that mammalian study showing a dose threshold and even hormetic response was simply ignored - as was the 10 year study of Japanese WW2 Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors - that found zero evidence of mutations.
The Model - guided and protected by Rockefeller philanthropy was further undermined by the discovery of genetic repair - running against the dogma of fixed genes that only degrade over time.
That work was still falsified to hide a hormetic response (later uncovered) but forced the model to shift from mutative genetic fear to carcinogenic fear. (Cancer is another protected 'industry').
Cancer models are securitised 'science', such that regardless any discovery of real benefit, cure or upstream understanding of the psycho-biological process - no real changes are allowed to undermine the market capture and mindshare. The model - resets, the past forgotten or smeared to remake as backstory for bio-insecurity in need of a fix or weakness over which to wield power by controls set in mask of defences.

The reduction of life to risk modelled management under experts standing within the 'genesis' of biology was intended as a means to regain control in a world where new physics such as quantum effects were seen as threatening the established order. Biology - particularly genetics was identified as the fulcrum by which to reclaim a basis for priority over the expression or movement of any other area or endeavour of life.

This is not to polarise in claiming radiation and other exposures is 'safe' or that inheritances don't have some aspect of expression via proteins - but that partial views overlaid by partiality of private or persona bias sets a scientism of bent or bought 'facts' to base a proprietary technologism claiming to run for a progressive human good, need or salvation from manufactured 'evils' by which to target blame, denial or sacrifice for those who have taken and been given the means to set the narratives or meaning-structure on which to base laws, contracts and enforcements that protect the deceit from disclosure. Not unlike the mutating shifting 'virus' that reflects our own repackaged fears, conflicts and masking denial.

What then is a technologised bio-tech but a nocebo effect set into the populace as emotion-led thinking under systemic and pervasive lockstepped regulatory system - persistently reset by Media feed that astroturfs 'movements' to demand protection for selective 'victims' solely  to vent and expression of targeted blame or hate as an expression of right over others and life.

On surface 'LNT theory is not exciting' but I sought to sketch something to prompt a willingness to give attention to what it has set into global regulatory capture that can run a Flu'Detat via Hypedemic set over a populace whose communication media has been spiked.

*The full series I watched is on
(you tube channel only shows the first half - the latter are the most revealing of corruption by design)
But I first watched one of Calabrese's interviews and was able to discern wide ranging implications that he understates until near the end - not least as an institutional but honest scientist setting a case to his peers.

The basis of an integrative understanding is recognising patterns - within as without - as a basis for releasing them to an embracing perspective.
The attempt to reconstruct wholeness from a life in pieces is 'according to whose plan'.
A fundamental peace runs beneath the mind of a dissociation set in grievance.
When we put aside what is no longer taken to be true, we resume from where we are.
It seems to be awakening because the 'dream' is not here!

Without a fundamental peace or connected life, the mind shifts between 'dreams' of escape that entrap and entangle a masking evasion set as if to become a self-vindication.