Action & Reaction?
in response to the themes in:
YouTube Accidentally Made Ad Blockers More Powerful
For every action there is an equal & opposite reaction, allowing for dampening effects within the situational context - -(NB I also appreciated not using the cybernetic term 'system' there).
The 'users' of systems are contextual in terms of shifting or flipping polarities - as in being used while ostensibly identifying as a user. Such shifts are interesting moments or momentum shifts of perspective but the dependency & complementarity of polarities runs beneath the cat & mouse driven development of strategies for control or domination - as distinct from symbiotic functional resonance - the 'win-win' of unfolding coherence as contrasting with 'win-lose' of polarising exclusive identity- the cyclic boom & bust of a rotational torque of a cancel 'culture'.
What we resist, persists.
I appreciate your expansion to underlying principles.
War on 'whatever' is THE way to feed and grow the thing ostensibly being cancelled.
The lure of a fake virtue as gain of function is 'follow the credits' or in the same arena of charge - escape the debit - to someone somewhere else.
The fear of loss can drive an insanity just as can a magical wish to gain.
It's the human ego-thing given permission to run in our name.
The use of tech or the identity of Technos seeks & is possessed by technical 'solutions' to relational conflicts whose inner conflict are thus projected out as weighted judgements setting forced inclusion & exclusions externally. As a result the resort to narrative control as the distribution of blame/exclusion & credit/inclusion. "Permission to associate, move, buy or sell (live)" according to 'WHO says?'
Does such a structurally programmed tyranny induce a shift of consciousness by which consciousness can feel & know itself conscious - because the winding up of 'control' is robotising a 'screen' dissociation of 'selfie-ism' as a fragmented id in its own (externally derived) movie adaptation?
What we choose to leave un-used fades by non use.