Thursday 10 November 2022

Mis-taking illusion true & defending it

in response to the themes in: 

 To fail to discriminate an imagined model and the reality to which and in which it is applied is to mistake illusion for truth. To persist in self-illusion in place of truth and set over against it, is the lie and the father of it, for a wish is held that reality be different than it is and the mind is set to react as if such were in fact true.
Truth is no more the domain of science, than health the domain of medicine.
Yet logic serves any experience of accepted active self identification and release of false or limiting perspectives, as the developing consciousness. Sowing and reaping is no less a logic than garbage in; garbage out.

That we can sow and reap misery is in our capacity to turn a blind eye to an act of withholding or withdrawal from a true relational communication, to engage in private or self-adjusted 'realities' of social and personal masking, set over and against our reality, framed by masking beliefs as threat and enemy to deeply invested and defended identity. For the miser gives not of himself but grudgingly from a mind set in grievance over fears of pain of loss.

So what of our philosophical and scientific models, that have consolidated to  utilitarian technologism by which the 'user' becomes the utility to its own system, and the model the basis from which living sacrifice is exacted to 'save' its appearance as the asserted and necessary reality - instead of a true feedback or appearances or symptoms by which to address and undo fallacies that set conflict, pain, sickness and loss as defaults from which to 'build back from'?

The truth of anything is not in itself, but in the purpose to which it is being used or serving. Clearly we say one thing while doing another and so the honest evaluation of our current results, is our check against self-deceptions set in mutually reinforcing emotion or identity-backed reactions,

The notion of infinity particles aligning to love has to recognise Infinity as Self-extending, and love as unifying coherence of integral resonance or wave function' - such as was held to be the nature of the aether.

At the heart is our focus in and of infinity. Awareness as existence un-thinged or un-thought. But the movie of a masking mind runs as if a reality-experience to which we are subjected, thrilled and killed by. The psychic-emotional underpinnings of our experience-results are kept hidden by the driven intent to resolve deeper conflict in a surface of symptoms flagged as 'powers' unto themselves. As reflecting a wish or belief to be a power unto our self.
There Is true Context of which we are integrally in and of.

There is freedom to create or think experience of, excepting this, what we are actively accepting, sets the basis and range for what can unfold therefrom.
But while we focus in our appearances as fact, we are not aware of the thought that literally creates our perceptions and responses.

I generally write to bridge this apparent divide - bringing in psychic/spiritual responsibility as well as philosophical perspective. The cult I see growing is base on 'you are being lied to!' or 'Everything is a lie!" - as if THAT in itself confers some kind of virtue of moral superiority!.
A lie passes OFF as true. There are no counterfeit 11 dollar bills. Love of truth is not shared by gnawing on a bone of lies, or endless rabbit holes that arrive where they began but as illusions of being more 'awake' because we have studied the 'arts of the enemy'. Yet only love of true CAN in truth share anything. So regardless all evidences, the truth of love reveals beneath appearances through the undoing of what temporarily passes off as true to a limited and limiting understanding and appreciation.

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Mis-taken inheritance as template. The undoing of genetic dogma

in response to the themes in: 

Glad to see this here!

The foundation of science was in a sense hijacked way back before it globalised.

I say in a sense, because a true foundation is only obscured and substituted for by a false.

That there IS a true foundation for awareness and appreciation of life is always distorted filtered or ruled out - ie denied - by the wish that something else by true because we think to WANT it so. Or from such an invested stake want NOT to be true if it 'threatens' our possessive controls under permission of the false.

This is not to automatically assert that Torsten or Stefan are necessarily true in all they say, but that they witness to truth by their willingness to question and seek verification of funded and securitised narratives running protection for stakeholders to vested interests that would set communication out of boundsso as to rule from a black box, a dark op, a Notional Security Interest, a Private Keep Out!, a no user access sealed unit.

The stamping out of a templated 'mind' or reality is a way of seeing acquired inheritance, where fear set controls boot up to replicate an operating system that resets itself whenever the light starts to come into the mind, so as to run on gaslight.

Within the matrix of such thinking, there is no way to communicate to others, because communication has been weaponised or repurposed to prevent moving without permission. But Communication is our true foundation regardless the mind-hijack, and is restored by the willingness to put down such a 'mind', to receive of truth anew. Always anew - lest a template runs the golem blind to the life that can be painfully awake to unresolved fears grievance or conflicts, and so address them truly, instead of repackaging toxic debt to complex instruments to mask as 'virtue' to trade in as outsourcing risk of pain, but also abnegating responsibility for life to such 'systemic ingenuity'.

Inheritance can be mis-taken and run as Garbage in; garbage out.

True Inherence is then seen as threat to the garbage recycling syndrome playing musical chairs while passing the toxic parcel. But truth is not destructive to who and what you are, only the lie is threatened. And truth is thus not IN the world we templated from a mistaken premis - but leads us from our deeply invested reactions in its dogma - which is backwards, for your thinking does not create the creator of thought, even if it can spin out a yarn and buy into its own image.

Uncovering the Biofield offers a living embrace or our world in a new light, but our first reaction is to seek to hack and attack it. Or rather, that is the template that runs without a fresh and current connection to the field of relational communication.

In tangent I read this today:

The view of Carolyn Merchant, in The Death of Nature (1982, p283) was as follows. Leibniz stressed that there was a life and perception animating all things and criticised the new philosophy for ‘maintaining the inertness and deadness of things’. For Leibniz, the world of substance was really organic, with every being in the universe, from living animals down to the simple monad, alive and composed of living parts. ‘Thus there is nothing fallow, sterile or dead in the universe,’ he wrote. ‘All matter,’ he said, ‘must be full of animated, or at least living, substances.’ He could never reconcile himself with the atoms-and-the-void philosophy emanating from England. He coined the word ‘dynamics’, which concept was for him part of a large system of things. His philosophy was a dynamic vitalism, representing a last gasp of vitalistic thinking before the advent of the mechanical, corpuscular philosophy which swept all before it in the eighteenth century.

Thing-based systems are closed. Living systems are an exchange of open and closed. Our thing-king cannot grasp this. There is no thing-in-itself but as a conceptual model of temporary imagination. At the same time we are an unfolding experience of creative thought and feeling made tangible - even if the creative is currently assigned or masked to a template of object continuity or 'space-time.

Got it off my chest?

in response to the themes in:


 A downside of seeing 'conspiracy' of control agenda is becoming defined by reaction. Which could be seen as the most potent aspect of a control agenda!
However, I cant read of the global situation without a sense of a world being 'reconditioned and restructured' by orchestrated applications of fear, guilting, and false solutions, as a complex of carrot and stick running rats in a lab maze.
This winter looks to be a significant turn of the screw in terms of applied torture techniques set onto social scales. Good Cop is waiting in the wings when we are taken to breaking point.
All for our own good of course! Well for human 2.0 if indeed that remains human or some kind of golem.
Funded and securitised narratives operate the minds in which most everyone 'thinks'. Choking sustenance or supply to any other perspective is its 'creative' power by which to make life in image to which the living must sacrifice?
The willingness to sacrifice life for lies is the sustenance and supply to a 'control agenda'. Thus the giving to Caesar will choke dues to God and vice versa. You have to discern my reference to 'God' in a living sense for yourself or run dead thinking and be-live your result! Love cares not our 'belief system' but that it truly serves life and the living in practice.

Have a good day!

All aligns to self interest, but what aligns our currently accepted definition of self?

in response to the themes in:


 All aligns to self interest, but what aligns our currently accepted definition of self, from which our perceptions of other and world is derived?
A mis taken self image must result in conflicted self interests that then mask to unify off as a self presentation set against externalised conflicts - ie projected to scapegoat or blame as justifiction for attack. Accepting false premise, following false profits, to go forth and multiply conflict and debt running toxic, as a negatively polarised sense of survival set in distancing, masking and attack while asserting virtue or moral necessity. Such a mindset runs contagion by reaction in minds already invested as stakeholders to fear set as control over life seen through dead eyes.
The world we perceive & respond is not primary, independent or creative cause to the true nature of a living Universe regardless our capacity to distance, mask and attack our own source and nature in the lockstepping agreement to lockdown to the body in a world of bodies set in conflict, struggle, sickness and death.
When fear is given power to 'create' in our mind, as our power of protection, its thinking is taken as our own. The fundamental poison or contagion is fear, but pretending it is not already active as conditioned, internalised and normalised habit is simply further self-deceit - such as to make cover story for masking over active harms to push conflicts out of awareness by diversion and dissociation.  While fear of fear simply feeds or inflames the dispossession of our true awareness and right mind. So undoing errors set in protective deceits is needful from wherever we currently align integrity of being, but the pattern of such is systemic to all such instances, and so it the root error from which all proceeds.
For many reading here, the covid op reveals the capacity of the collective mind to set itself in an active and protected unreality by reaction to false evidence appearing real. This principle is not limited to covid or any facet of its mutating narrative identities running covert or hidden as masked agenda, dark op or manipulative evil mind.
So WHO told us we were naked? - in the sense of defenceless, susceptible, threatened, attacked, deceived, and set in self-doubt, division, and driven to act out in the shape of our fears?
Questioning our reactions, our  interpretive perceptions, the underlying beliefs and our acquired conditioning or masking survival strategy set to limit and control the life we could not cope with or be equal to in our past, is a decision to open, align and restore our true presence now, as a grounded reference point - without which we are lost in the negative results of our own fear - and perhaps we no longer wish to hide this from ourselves or each other in social masking evasions that distort our relational communications and appreciations of shared worth and value - that is known by living rather than set by social credits to offset guilt-narratives, as 'permission to live' under fear.

Sunday 6 November 2022

The use to which we put our mind

 in response to the themes in a thread on Viroliegy which like millions of others, diverted into personal trading of right over wrong, such as to shift from issues to moral judgements masking as reasoned or righteous claim. Within which was the idea of history as lies, periodically erased or reset...


A lot of this is the way the mind works.
If we understood how mind works we wouldn't need someone else to blame for anything.
Grievance rises from denial and deprivation. But we are unaware for the most part of denials arising from a selective focus.
A spotlight conceals more than it reveals.
While the story 'works' for what we want, we gladly turn a blind eye to witnesses to its nature as a chosen self-illusion.
Like children suckling that which supports their sense of self-autonomy.
Become enraged when it is taken away.
But in human experience I am talking of a sense of fundamental betrayal of the life we wanted or thought to have, and be-lived real.

The virus theory says a lot about our use of the mind, as does all our modelling. In a video of Kastrup and Vernon yesterday it was put that Galileo's 'sin' was not the heliocentric model (which goes back to the Greeks) but asserting it was (THE) Reality, rather than our map or model of representative appearances that reflect our mind - or rather our use of Mind, by which we 'see' through a glass darkly' or in modern terms through a lens of false narrative identity.

Consider the use to which we put the past.
Can you?
A narrative or mythic identity generates its own prequel or backstory as a basis for exploring experience as an unfolding of meanings.
What we then choose to remember or forget is a function of our active focus - which for many, defaults to a subsconscious illusion of self-autonomy.
Is this not the same as a wish to be unconscious rather than address the pain of conflicted predicates? Does this not 'automatically' find pathways and witnesses or proxy conflicts by which to reset some version of 'Private, do not disturb!'.

Deconstructing false narratives in the light of a love of truth, is a world apart from debunking others so as to boost a sense of being right by painting it so.
My sense of the deceiver is that it loves 'You are being lied to' or 'everything you have been told is a lie', because that ensures the reset of gaslighting as the guide. A shift of perspective allows recognising truth is always revealing, but we didn't want to see it, because we wanted to see something else.

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me" is a call to self-responsibility for our OWN. & for our knowing. For false knowledge phishes our mind as a belief thief steals identity - in concept if not in truth. Yet that is part of how we learn to discern in place of identity boosting for a self & world set by sacrifice of wholeness to seek somewhere 'else' and be-live our result.