Friday, 4 June 2021

James Corbett on the Delingpod

 James Corbett on the Delingpod

JC still sees his own consciousness in terms of personal control and his identity as between his ears.

But he also refers to the 'Human Spirit'.

Spirit is aligned purpose.

Control is always a private agenda set over and against life as Other - and can never get enough.

Pathogenic seed/germ theory is the diversion into the ditch that James warns us and yet also predictively predicts. It follows directly from psycho-pathic dissociation that in effect hijacks the mind and replicates itself in all that it thinks, sees and responds to.

So at that point in the conversation I saw how true witness has no place in Jame's foxhole. But that is how truth is put on hold for an overriding threat that must be dealt with first. While every attempt to 'deal with it' only repackages it to repeat the same pattern.

Before this I was watching videos on the actual helical anatomy of the heart that pictured something of life in a way that goes beyond linear processes - and that as a result of Tom Cowan recent interview with Manel Ballister (hang in its worth it).

The light that comes in is not an Angel on a while horse to kill the evil threat, but an underlying and embracing perspective that so undoes its basis as to dispel it. Those who identify in war the most or are invested most deeply in their narrative control identities, will persist a bipolar focus in a conflicted being rather than appreciate the polarised play of One expressing through the many as the true being of each.

True witness shines a quality of inspiration. That can be called meta-communication, but really, without it, the information is at best a derivative code waiting true recognition in context.

Cowan's take on what gain of function actually is - chimes with my own.

I sense that there is a timing and a time for the unveiling of life unto Itself that cannot be manipulated. To choose not to take the long cut is a short cut to what is already the case, but until truth is accepted because it is true, it has to compete with illusions that offer more ammo, better cover, more impact, less vulnerability to attack, more leeway to prevaricate, obfuscate and evade while seeing to be 'correct' and on message.

Breaking of our 'reality' reveals it is not and never was reality.

If truly undone, this would waken curiosity as to what truly is, by simple and direct observation and capacity to form questions that invite and allow answer in life, rather than the seeking and finding of reinforcement for what we are trained to think we see.

The heart compresses and expands as a double helical spiral. Its electrical impulse is within the terrain of all that embraces it. As result of shock, this alignment can be lost.

The answer is not a private mind control fed by sacrifice of life set in bot-nets of identity groupthink, but realignment at the heart. But those who are lost, cannot remember for themselves.

The rabbit hole is the realm of diversionary illusions, being applied to the search for truth that meets a maze or thicket of diversionary illusions.

For the mind will not show you who you are, but will take all the time you give it to think some more.

All the labels are coming off.

To some this is their freedom to act out denied sub personalities, for others the freedom to recognise the human Spirit in others whatever their background or packaging.

Focus IN the reality you would unfold as future, for focusing in what you do NOT want operates the same fixation of fear under mask of control or evasion. What underlies fear is conflicted self, not the representation of projected conflicts seen, outside. Those who need the 'mask' can thus escape the fear within, under a dictate set without. For a time.

Mob Vengeance? 

Tim Dreyton:

We should be welcoming them to our side, to sanity, not tarring and feathering them.

Yes. The re-wakening to a shared humanity is the only basis from which renewal can rise from the stamped mind of corruption of thought, word and deed.

The reaction set in vengeance is a direct contagion of the same energy hated in the ‘other’. Regardless the ‘other’s’ actual belief or intentions, consciousness or state of dispossession.

The hates that arise are not the best guide for decision or action, but for many, they know nothing else and protect their grievance as their treasure and their life.

Hence I feel there is a lot more compression to come in terms of the cost of clinging to self-illusions – IF – as I see it – this is a process of releasing all that doesn’t serve, belong or truly share meaning.

Considering life in concept is capable of callous indifference or heartless cruelty as a result of the experience that concepts raised as gods brings forth. As is evident.

Poohbah of Doodah

Maybe, but I say we shave their heads & frog march them down the street- just in case you’re wrong

Nothing quite like a mob permission slip to bring out that hidden sadist!

We all have all components, but take different roles (at different times).

The mob vengeance is a protected and identified fear set in hate and seeking a target for vengeance. It must find a target or the hate stays home. (Where it never really leaves).

Scapegoat magic is Ancient.

The Greek pharmakoi, singular pharmakos, refers to victims who were ritually beaten, driven out of cities, and killed, for example, by being forced over the edge of a precipice. The word pharmakos, designating a person who is selected as a ritual victim, is related to pharmakon, which means both "remedy" and "poison," depending on the context. In the story of the horrible miracle of Apollonius, the beggar is a pharmakos, a kind of ritual victim. Apollonius points to him as the demon causing the plague (he is the source of pollution or poison), but his lynching restores the well being of Ephesus (he becomes the remedy for the crisis). — Trans.”

 ~ RenĂ© Girard, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning

This is of course scapegoat magic.

Offering 'medical' frameworks to relieve us of our responsibilities can seem attractive - but then we become victim to demons we cannot dispel because they have hidden them in falsely flagged symptoms and toxic 'remedies' or in modern terms 'sickness management'.

Twit thread relates:

The 'ego' of self in image is then running as a protected narrative against Disclosure to fear of pain and loss of undoing as face of self control. It must then seek allies to join in hate/blame as mutual reinforcement in claiming self-justification on basis of ...

... framing all communication to support its masking agenda, as the weaponising of communication that communicates only to undermine communication apart from the filtered 'witnesses'.

This is the OLD NORMAL revealed.

It seeks to reset in shifted narrative rather than lose ...

...possession & control as the only life it knows. Yet this is all the life we give it under subjection to an alien will, where we operate under coercions set as conditioned/autonomous habit reaction.

Whatever world is, we each live our own part in its...

.. masking narrative-reaction, and its release from a false-framed deceit to a true appreciation of freedom in awakened response-ability to being truly moved, free of hijack of loveless or alien thinking.

#SeeThePattern opens intuitive awareness outside the frame of fear/reaction

Where I give attention is my heart's choice - not a mind-trap

I wrote this into a comment under a video from

The Crowhouse (Max Igan)

But from a movement not to persist in giving attention to the drama. 

Acceptance of the Prodigal Son is the Gift of the Father Creator.

We too have denials that seem to come back and attack us.

The world is not the framework for healing, but is gifted anew to the willingness of release and be released.

This makes no sense in the framework of a mind set in its own judgement/

This is what we are the capacity to both own, and thus release.

Judgement splits the mind. not in truth but in concept, be-lived.

Identity is not our to take in vain or project in a cave - unless of course we INSIST!

Who chooses to 'leave' their Right Mind, forgets wholeness to open experience within the focus of its own themes - meshed in all those who share the choice to forget love in seeking from a sense of lack.

But WHO told you you were naked? - said the Lord.

I'm not so interested in predictive programming that by seeking to understand the error or the enemy, becomes entrained to expect and bring it on. The mind does all this like a faithful servant, and so we need to give it a basis for future Unlike the past of recycling conflict.

The basis for standing in our integrity is not fighting evil.

Jesus warned against this way of being deceived or framed in what you identify against.

To have no time for actors, is not to attack them.

Unless you put deceit behind you, you will use all the time you give it to think some more.

The usurping mind would lord over as the Teller to reality Itself.

But the nature of a true word is to be truly spoken, truly moved, as a wave of resonant coherence.

The drama of conflict can become addictive.

The fascination in horror can compel attention.

The attraction to guilt can induce denial and forgetting of the love of truth as the truth of love.

How can love be in such a world?

The sacrifice of love to a world predicated in forgetting, denial and death is a closed system of covert narrative identity. The re-enactment of the Separation (in concept) is in every moment of Narrative dictate that runs AS IF at the hand of another, of circumstance, of righteous and necessary defence.

The opening I reach to by sharing is from a shift of Purpose for a life based on a 'lie' or self-illusion masked over and heavily defended under terror symbols running as archetypal gods around a treasure by whose secret our world depends.

Are you in fear defined narratives?

Can you release your story, your world, even for a moment to let what all depends on to be, even if as a denial or forgetting taken as attack made real?

That we 'attack ourselves' seen as such would soon fall away as folly. 

So we do not see it.

A bridge for this from 'biology' is Stefan Lanka's work

I added a coupe of other comments on the same page

The Show must go on!

The saying, don't let truth get in the way of a good story, is indicative of a story having 'payoff' for those who invest in it.

This can become a bandwagon effect such that anti-story becomes a story.

There is a belief that is heavily invested in and defended,

And a world being suckled in its payoff.

If we do not have awareness and appreciation for the terrain, then the denial seems to be a self-existing pathogen. Terrain here is Psycho-physical - there is no separate self, in a body autonomous unto itself.

But this can be told anyone living the payoff of its wish and belife.

A true Communication is already the Fact, but aligning in it rather than locking down and distancing in masked reality, magnifies and shares of shines to the minds of 'others' as willingness allows.

If there is willingness to struggle and limit in conflict, sacrifice and death, then your will is done - until you release its sacrifice in false allegiance to re-cognise or know anew from a truly aligned willing.

If you are forced against your will, you are of the same opinion still, but masked or armoured over. Denials are temporary.


SO - yes?

I see a Living Electric Universe as illuminating the orbit of our Sun star around its Galactic centre along a Birkeland current which is its Life force, The current is characterised in cross section as counter rotating helical forces, not unlike those that operate our own physical heart.

Our Sun experiences fluctuations as a result of multiple influences that can also be seen as resonance points.

Sudden shifts of energetic potential can and do result in fundamental transformations.

The association of the nadir of a Cycle with death and destruction is part of the invested illusion of that Cycle.

A Living Universe is not destructive, but seen through dead concept - what could we expect?

Refining the seed essence of who and what we are is the willingness of alignment to 'zero-point' as the Unity or balance point of embracing apparently conflicted or exclusive realities.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Milking fear? 

I don't align in the article's premise BUT:

Some good comments.

Loaded article.

Remember that a name is not a thing in and of itself.

Raw grass fed milk is not pasteurised is not fat skimmed from factory farmed cattle milk.

Then we have different metabolisms.

Some digest it fine.

Other do not.

Pasteurised milk does not have the bacterial and enzymatic context for life.

You can take things out of context and run with them, but that has qualitative differences.

Now days - why not ignore claim to authority and see is it fear and guilt inducing?

If so then it is not a wise decision to swallow it.

If there may be truths woven into the narrative, keep them in brackets so as not to run as code/opinion/currency of belief unless and until more has been made clear as more perspective comes in.

Claims to authority include association with terror symbols such as cancer.

This site is often a mix of bunk and actual information.

The current drive to MAXIMISE FEAR operates via any and every willingness to feed it as a source of power or authority.

If you suckle on fear narratives you are pathologically primed for an enhanced fear response that means to passively accept toxshit as inevitable and adapt your normal before it ever hit the fan.

Fighting or flight from fear is not choosing what you love or truly supports and renews you. Mudslinging smear can also wear a white coat, and key proponents can earnestly believe their cause as a mission to save others.

We have to watch out for that!

Regulatory Capture of the Mind

Regulation Kills Innovation - Kate Wand

in response to some of the themes above:

"What for?" is the motivating force.

We can be motivated by love as inspiration and unfolding fulfilment.
To be truly moved is freedom to be (ourselves).
Lack, deprivation and denial set in fear drives an overriding possession and control motivation that translates into getting and keeping, or marketisation and weaponisation.
The movement to bring forth or make a better world may seed itself according to conditions of support, but anything coming into the realm of a leverage for wealth or control will be subverted to such agenda while masking as a gift of progress, or be bought out and shut down.
Captured regulation is where the regulatory protections set as law are so designed or subverted as to effectively protect the social predation from transparency and account that would hold in check both morally and legally. The result is a PPP or private public partnership in which the public is the prey or asset base that a corporately owned and directed government and associated public institutions and service feeds upon as effectively regulated out of having a voice or a right by which to move or change anything. Not least by the generation of 'laws' by which to seem to give rights, that are actively using grievance and perceived victimhood to turn society against itself rather than recognise and articulate the nature of such deceits and coercions as masks of concern.
Innovation is a buzz word in that it is a 'virtue' to be perceived as having or supporting.
PR itself is considered innovative in finding new ways to make deceit sustainable or persist in the unsustainable under the buzzwords of the very opposite to being claimed.
The nature of fear is a self-fulfilling script because we will always arrive at where we are coming from no matter how ingeniously we externalise problems to repackaged 'solutions'.
Self-evasion relative to false and conflicted self-identity drives a masking agenda.
But as a sense of self and world set in some adapted and normalised reality, we can run on belief, filters and rules that effectively regulate love's creative freedom to a trickle of permitted compliances.
The recognition of a false sense of self and world can be deeply conflicting excepting this; the point from which such a recognition rises and is welcomed or not rejected, is freedom of Spirit, as distinct from freedom of a body set in' 'distances or 'love and chains and things we cant untie'.
Aligning to - or letting our life be aligned by such a freedom is of a different order to the attempt to become free under terms and conditions of a drive to escape, overcome or redefine life from a self made in fear as a mask of control.
So as to use everything in our mind and world to serve a revealed purpose that is not coercive and does not have to be hyped up or guilted into compliance.
We think, say or do because that is who we are and accept ourselves to be in relation to whatever situation. Then we are not in conflict with ourself and have a basis to meet others from such freedom as part of function restored, instead of usurped.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

I hold that all our denials come home for release in a true light

 There is a way of seeing this in which identity in control, needs something like 97% identification in fear, to 'achieve infinity' at the time of Harvest (Ra Materials).

I could say it in my own terms terms that when masking against Infinity can no longer be kept in the dark as a result of inevitable consequence to contradictory premises coming to light, then the will to control, or strictly speaking; acceptance, sacrifice and allegiance of will to the mindset of control, requires a 'resetting' of its original trauma as a basis for terror to split the mind to another cycle of fear, denial, distancing and control - as a masking or covert ID running beneath a split off subject attention of filtered and ruled awareness.

Its remit is to reset Fear as the Master by all and any means, under conviction love has become hate, and only the mind of protection set over fear, can hold order over chaos, such as to distance from, demonise and deny its origins to 'escape' the past made in terror as the world set by rules over the living, for its own survival, in your name.

Thus it doesn't matter what the narratives are that incite to identify in fear, the responsibility to love that you intuit and share to be true, is to NOT let them override or hijack a mind set in the Living heart, but to abide there in willingness to release 'rules of seeing' that are set in a mind made darkness or 'dissociative' thinking - as persistence or survival of such thinking as your lord.

The order uncovered within life is not coercive or resting on fear and attack given belief and protection. There is a peace to 'being' that is its quality as Self-awareness of embrace that as we abide with, opens compassion as a recognition of truth rather than a modelling of strategic outcomes given power to replace reality-based decision.

The ability to be with apparent contradictions, is the release of fear and the judgements that elicit or generate fear, to the perspective of experience as a whole and not as a distribution of agency and blame. Yet within the world we make by be-living it are duties and responsibilities to self, other and to the whole, as our part in completing our part in releasing what we took in error, to the recognition and free willing acceptance to That we are, as an integrality of a shared existence that the mind we made cannot separate from to grasp, define or control, but in its own concept given lordship, as a mind locked down in distance, set forever apart with no way home yet forever driven to seek it where it is not.

Stupid has been defined as the capacity to persist in a futility as if THIS time it will be different. Shifting narratives can serve to maintain a mind capture to the reactions that persist the problem they are set in solving. The mind stolen from Creator has lost Creation as it true function, but is no less ingenious for being set in a closed system of conflicts, depletions and power struggle set in musical chairs.

To be the love that you are is not at all to mask in virtues of the appearances or social acceptances of 'meanings' set as weapons of manipulation. These merely mask a self-judgement with another, and another. The end of conflict is not set in time, but in the decision to use time to serve a recognition of true appreciation that cannot but extend or shine of itself, because it is unselfconsciously conflicted.

Releasing 'my story' to transparency of awareness may seem like death approaching, but to be revealed in awareness of truly shared being is no seeming, but knowing.

That which truly informs is the recognition of living qualities of energies in motion as the gift of alignment and connection at the heart. Decision is an acceptance from which all that is needed unfolds accordingly. The old habit can and will interpret as if to interject self-conflict as a mind-capture by which the heart is forgotten or redefined to fear and struggle. It is only necessary to lean into willingness here and so even 51% alignment to love is enough to release the mindset of fear as a consciousness that grows by discipline to always lean out of the habit of fear to a willingness to listen and feel for the prompts and resonances of a recognition of alignment in living presence.

Fear seeks control as if the answer must be understood and applied.

It then tries to 'love' and experiences itself denied.

The idea of an Already Present Guidance and Support is thus masked out and distanced by trauma of 'denials' by which we feel vindicated in defending the masking identity with all the force OF such fear and pain of denial.

What goes around, comes around.

I hold that all our denials come home for release in a true light.

But the attempt to dump or dupe others into taking our shadow set in hate and fear is the 'externalisation of costs' by means of narrative redistribution or 'psychic-war' that must enact upon the body to maintain a split mind.There is a way of seeing this in which identity in control, needs something like 97% identification in fear, to 'achieve infinity' at the time of Harvest (Ra Materials).

I could say it in my own terms terms that when masking against Infinity can no longer be kept in the dark as a result of inevitable consequence to contradictory premises coming to light, then the will to control, or strictly speaking; acceptance, sacrifice and allegiance of will to the mindset of control, requires a 'resetting' of its original trauma as a basis for terror to split the mind to another cycle of fear, denial, distancing and control - as a masking or covert ID running beneath a split off subject attention of filtered and ruled awareness.

Its remit is to reset Fear as the Master by all and any means, under conviction love has become hate, and only the mind of protection set over fear, can hold order over chaos, such as to distance from, demonise and deny its origins to 'escape' the past made in terror as the world set by rules over the living, for its own survival, in your name.

Thus it doesn't matter what the narratives are that incite to identify in fear, the responsibility to love that you intuit and share to be true, is to NOT let them override or hijack a mind set in the Living heart, but to abide there in willingness to release 'rules of seeing' that are set in a mind made darkness or 'dissociative' thinking - as persistence or survival of such thinking as your lord.

The order uncovered within life is not coercive or resting on fear and attack given belief and protection. There is a peace to 'being' that is its quality as Self-awareness of embrace that as we abide with, opens compassion as a recognition of truth rather than a modelling of strategic outcomes given power to replace reality-based decision.

The ability to be with apparent contradictions, is the release of fear and the judgements that elicit or generate fear, to the perspective of experience as a whole and not as a distribution of agency and blame. Yet within the world we make by be-living it are duties and responsibilities to self, other and to the whole, as our part in completing our part in releasing what we took in error, to the recognition and free willing acceptance to That we are, as an integrality of a shared existence that the mind we made cannot separate from to grasp, define or control, but in its own concept given lordship, as a mind locked down in distance, set forever apart with no way home yet forever driven to seek it where it is not.

Stupid has been defined as the capacity to persist in a futility as if THIS time it will be different. Shifting narratives can serve to maintain a mind capture to the reactions that persist the problem they are set in solving. The mind stolen from Creator has lost Creation as it true function, but is no less ingenious for being set in a closed system of conflicts, depletions and power struggle set in musical chairs.

To be the love that you are is not at all to mask in virtues of the appearances or social acceptances of 'meanings' set as weapons of manipulation. These merely mask a self-judgement with another, and another. The end of conflict is not set in time, but in the decision to use time to serve a recognition of true appreciation that cannot but extend or shine of itself, because it is unselfconsciously conflicted.

Releasing 'my story' to transparency of awareness may seem like death approaching, but to be revealed in awareness of truly shared being is no seeming, but knowing.

That which truly informs is the recognition of living qualities of energies in motion as the gift of alignment and connection at the heart. Decision is an acceptance from which all that is needed unfolds accordingly. The old habit can and will interpret as if to interject self-conflict as a mind-capture by which the heart is forgotten or redefined to fear and struggle. It is only necessary to lean into willingness here and so even 51% alignment to love is enough to release the mindset of fear as a consciousness that grows by discipline to always lean out of the habit of fear to a willingness to listen and feel for the prompts and resonances of a recognition of alignment in living presence.

Fear seeks control as if the answer must be understood and applied.

It then tries to 'love' and experiences itself denied.

The idea of an Already Present Guidance and Support is thus masked out and distanced by trauma of 'denials' by which we feel vindicated in defending the masking identity with all the force OF such fear and pain of denial.

What goes around, comes around.

I hold that all our denials come home for release in a true light.

But the attempt to dump or dupe others into taking our shadow set in hate and fear is the 'externalisation of costs' by means of narrative redistribution or 'psychic-war' that must enact upon the body to maintain a split mind.