Thursday, 6 October 2022

Self-Parody running as a face for power set in lies

Self-Parody running as a face for power set in lies
in response to the themes in:

The phrase; "You couldn't make this up!" is redundant when 'they' obviously did & do. But also 'they' send themselves up as such a grotesque and absurd parody of life as to almost monopolise it's use. 'They" don't even try to seriously pass off a fakery as real, for whatever reasons we may infer.
A discernment of the living from the dead is a basis to release what has no belonging so as to wholly engage with what does and is here to be and share in.
I use 'they' in quotes, but also use 'it', for it runs the minds of all who would give power to a lie of a self and life, as basis for an attack on life and lives of others no longer recognised, but subordinated and sacrificed to the lie and the father of it. We can readily observe our own mind for a proclivity to protect invested identity rather than listen and receive a basis for that which identifies truly - or as I put it, a discernment of living truth.
Archetypal themes recycle the generations. Pattern recognition can serve expansion of perspective to a shift of  realignment of the whole. Terms may change but Garbage in; garbage out applies the same as sowing and reaping. The result is determined in the predicates. A dim awareness of this excites the hacker that would engage sorcery in our Source Code, but I put it to you, did Prometheus run off with a mis-taken copy to gas-light his own project onto some Cave wall?
Is it not evident that no external enemy could achieve the destruction we do unto ourself  unless at some level we joined or contracted so?
I met a phrase recently that I resonate with and so I accept as worthy currency; "Sovereign Integral".
Just a the Prodigal Son ran off with a mis-taken inheritance or identity, so can a mind be phished by its own image, symbol, concepts, perception & response, as a fundamental Self-dissociation set in seeking external validation.
'Psychological' concepts may not connect directly to psychic-emotional conflict because they are already a mind set over and apart from itself as distanced masked and with intent to predictively control according to its modelling of order set over against chaos or indeed terror of exposure to pain and loss.
A spotlight conceals more than it reveals. What we think to know may run an active ignorance relative to deeper patterns of conflict evasion or pre-emptive attack.
Life is a relational exchange within fields that cannot be quantified or predictively controlled, though we can and do effectively block communication selectively via rules and filters of value set by persistent focus rather than what we tell ourself or others. If the cost of 'control' is not only death in life but a persistent futility in pain, conflict and meaninglessness or joylessness– then there is a basis to question it as the true source or nature of power in life or arbiter of reality despite and because of an addictive fascination with horror and the 'dynamics' of conflict.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Then We Finally Broke Into The Prison

in response to the themes in:

A question rises for me is that our 'Media' (Including the sowing of memes on social media) is effectively an arm of a corporately captured state. IE: Covid hype to establish an invested population of stakeholders from global interests to masking & injecting as 'protection' from hyped fear.
So is there an intent to use a predictable backlash to fears rising from a coercive biological 'experiment' to set a mass belief in a 'genetic damage' by 'Bad Actors' in Pharma et al, as the basis for a reset into 'original sin' under a new 'Church' of biotech security™?
While this may sound an extreme possibility, it aligns with a core feature of the underlying corruption of weaponised communication–best described as gaslighting - that is the insinuation or injection of guilt as a means of mind-capture and control.
This is also systemic with a 'woke' agenda set in selected victim-driven grievance given overriding priority. as a weapon of social 'restructuring', or the insane but effective 'carbon' association for environmental guilt repackaged as sacrifice of life as green 'virtue' nurtured by decades of hyping  climate 'modelling' scenarios with false parameters and skewed data. But backed up with global regulatory capture at all levels of business or institutional interaction.

Very few are able or willing to remain free of the conditionings or of the social penalty assigned to anyone openly questioning such protected or securitised narratives, as the acceleration of the process of mind capture is continuous with the leverage of industrial, financial and technological agenda of market capture, to mindshare of dependency or 'captive revenue streams' as managed identities within a profiling and manipulation of psychological and emotional liabilities - principally targeting a sense of self-lack with false self-inflations such as free or cheap access to extended abilities subject always to being choked back so as to use scarcity or fear of pain of loss to milk its prey or control behaviour - all masked under plausible but false PR, such as  feeding or generating 'Problem' to serve the predetermined 'solution' whereby apparent protections reveal a racket, or indeed the farming and engineering of other human beings as assets, tools or lab specimens for biotech in all its branches as a means to act out loveless fantasies of dissociative thinking over the lives and bodies of others, and of the Biome of our world.

Whether or not such an 'offer' pact or 'contract' is  bought into by a mass unconsciousness doubling down in masking lie as a 'survival' split off from underlying and compounded conflicts, is  our individual responsibility to resist by choosing NOT to react from emotionally triggered manipulations, but to live from a grounded reference point.

The heading for this post is borrowed from "The Old Revolution' by Leonard Cohen:

I finally broke into the prison,
I found my place in the chain.
Even damnation is poisoned with rainbows,
all the brave young men
they're waiting now to see a signal
which some killer will be lighting for pay.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Aliens R Us!

 Sparked by

Of all the perspectives revealing the human conditioning as an ego-alien encounter, A Course in Miracles stands clear as a witness to its lack of true substance - regardless our invested identity by reaction.

But an alien will is in this case assigned to 'Other' seen as threat to be masked and distanced from or denied–and attacked as a means to maintain the split of a private mindset of control from fear, guilt and hate cast out or projected away – as if to get rid of or limit it. Such is the mind set against itself unknowing. Such is a mind driven for getting, pun intended.

We receive life miraculously - that is by no means of our own laws of cause or effect. That we are, is prior to any thought or experience by which we recognise or accept a sense of self and world. Yet our mind is a capacity to think or imagine its own creations as a going forth of ideas given value, priority, significance and identification, such as to 'Fall' into vanity and self-conflicted limitation - AS IF at the hand of an Other.

Sovereign integral recognises 'Brother' as all creation within one life we both are and share in. An alien thinking sees 'other' as witness to separate sense of self-autonomy locked down to a body. An 'alien' world of bodies and things reflecting a fragmented and dissociated fear over which a drive to get fulfilment 'externally', runs as shifting narratives for 'continuity' or unified sense of self set over masked or manipulated conflict.

'The Men in Black' serve a believed need for unconsciousness within a 'Matrix' of manipulated or machined predictive controls.

It remains evident that our narrative or mythic archetypes run beneath and within all unfolding drama, and yet are not Divine Platonic templates, so much as entanglement of victim and perpetrator arising from a split mind of Separation Trauma - by which a covert identity THINKS to have taken itself from God (As in Prodigal Son) or from the Gods (as in Prometheus). A mis-taken identity runs guilt as its primary directive against Disclosure.

Yet what is truly Revealed is far deeper than any ego-alien encounter rendered as grandiose, for the lack of substance to the basis for 'Separating' reveals a lie that was but is not. Awakened responsibility for thought is no longer compelled to victimhood or perpetration of coercive judgemental self-convictions. But true freedom is not at the level of the body, the self-automata of its mindset; however intensely or ingeniously we may seek, demand or take it for 'ourself alone' - regardless such self hides in collective mythic or ideological symbols of virtue or war against vice.

What is 'bottoming out' in terms of recognising and releasing and addictive dispossession we could not really see because it 'saw' for us?

It is a tipping point of tolerance for entangled complicity in pain to a recognition of primary connection within our being, but outside our sense of control.

The nature of a real relationship is a contextual alignment regardless the form it takes.

The nature of assigning fixed meanings of past associations to perceived forms or behaviours runs a predictive control that was invoked to 'make you safe' from an experience of conflict you could not or would not resolve, and so it made time and space for elements held apart in concept through which a mindset in reaction runs as if in reversal of effect driven causes – normalised to social masking to a 'prison planet' locked down in 'solitary' running on dreams of its own self-imaged reflection for a 'special love' that for a moment seemed within grasp to be snatched, broken or betrayed.

So the Pharaoh/King was set to restore the Golden Age, to assume the power of divine vengeance as both Terror, and sacrificial obeisance and appeasement to limit its dictates.

Assignment of destructive intent to life 'puts it there' rather than own a mis-guided attempt to fulfil a true need falsely framed. To a guilting mindset, owning error attracts damnation of social rejection and exclusion, but to the desire to release and be released, it is where a poor choice can be replaced by a better one, in terms of its true fruits lived and felt.

What is the nature of a recognising and releasing of an ideological capture perceived only in Others, but restored awareness and responsibility for judgements by which we want to give to 'others' to get rid of in our self?

But giving – at the level of thought given acceptance as our own - is the way to KEEP.

What we give we share and strengthen. Everyone demonstrates or embodies their thinking by teaching it and learning it - as a self-reinforcement for what is given value now.

The shift is of an awareness of a true desire to learn a better way than a mind set in its own spin. Opportunities to learn were never withheld, but we could not see them while we sought what we thought would 'make us safe' or powerful in a world of 'others' who do not see or recognise us.

By what we bring TO relationship is what we draw forth. As we sow, so shall we reap applies a blind justice. But a releasing of time and space is given in our true created nature as an innocence of being - prior to and beyond the world we think to know by 'thinking' set in robes of knowledge against fear of disclosure.

It is this Innocence that guilt would destroy or deny to mask in 'representation' of grievance given power. Gaslighting our own mind attracts or becomes a ritual ab-use of relationship to mutual manipulations set in darkness. Lest light reveal hollow, false and sacrificial of all that is true.

Denial projected out has never really left the mind, but the insinuation of a reintegrating wholeness will seem to be an invasive violator, a seeming enemy of shifting shadows kept from light by gaslight or guilting blame setting blame as a social debit system of covert ID masking as power struggle for survival in its own im-pacted terms & conditions.

Beware fascination with horror and addictive compulsive identity in the 'dynamics' of conflict. I don't say this or anything from anything but a willingness to share in what it invites or reveals worthy of acceptance as a renewal of living presence rather than the stamp of a past made in anger. This world holds both as if to join them.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again!

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.

~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland