Thursday, 16 December 2021

Three Comments into Facets of Germ Theory


Why polarise to 'anti-germ theory' when the theory is a belief without rigorous scientific -empiric validation?
Terrain theory is simply contextual or field understanding to replace or dispel magical attributes of externally locked down, distanced & masked meanings, such as then operate a like reaction in those who succumb to using their 'protection'.

Egocentricity 'sees' itself everywhere and in every thing - and is thereby validated and reinforced as a separate autonomous creator or cause of magical outcomes (the illusion of private control) and dreams turned nightmare as the experience of subjection to such controls.

You can validate for yourself, the meaning you are giving your experience by uncovering it from its signature effects, and by releasing that which give a result of pain of conflict (and a tyrannous impulse to override or eradicate it), give a new meaning aligned with who you accept yourself to be. Conflicted 'meanings' give conflicting results.
The world running on 'doublethink' protects conflicts from exposure and healing as a result of being adapted, habituated or normalised to an invested identity in conflict as a means to GET from or to use to GET RID OF.

The underlying pattern is simple. The complex defences arising from it are impenetrable, while running. Hence to put down the 'weaponised thinking' as the opportunity to observe it rather than be tooled by its 'protection racket'.

Insofar as we believe we can catch anything from another without conscious consent, we are unconsciously masking over fears that haven't yet been fully dispelled. Psychic contagion is so obviously active as to need no experiment. Just look!
Our susceptibility is what applied psychology/social engineering, targets, profiles and cultivates. Not least by false narratives of 'solutions' that carry payload as a 'problem masked and protected' AS IF solved, cured, mitigated, managed, forfended.

Of course this reply goes far beyond my initial noticing of an anti-germ theory 'identity' posit. ;-)


In Loewen's 'Lies my Teacher Told Me', the accounts of earliest settlements in what later became known as North America, indicated a pre colonist plague of such fatality (95%) in the indigenous peoples as to leave many cultivated and settled lands open and available to be taken over.
The idea of plague as toxins, and malnutrition along with fear, conflict and undermining of spirit, can be associated with what we might call Earth Changes that include cosmic rays/particles along with associated volcanic activity that can both pollute, or toxify, and block sunlight, leading to famines.

Along with this I feel cultural coherence plays a part, for when our world-view becomes stuck or resistant to ongoing change amidst challenges, it becomes a death cult instead of a renewal of spirit to the needs pressing.

As we can readily observe.

The past cannot be 'saved' as an object continuity, but that we stamp its image on our present, in possession and control.
In this sense the ground of our assumptions is always being pulled out from under us, whether we like it or not.
A spiritual or qualitative appreciation is more in the nature of a gift of presence that reveals its nature by sharing itself. But when we experience such a love, we can associate it with image and forms that have already shifted to be a way of grasping or possessing that initiates a psychic dissociation, through which drama or struggle unfolds a sense of self-lack set in seeking.

I sense that many protect the devil they know while dramatising its drama as a way to mask against a greater fear for which they are not yet ready to own or face. And so nothing but nothing will change their mind until they re-evaluate their choices that mask as habits, that mask as if self-evident reality.


The posit of a virus has had different stages of expression - for originally it was simply invisible toxin - riding on deeper superstitions  (fears). This shifted when microscopy discovered the germs of life, that were then flagged as the now physically revealed agents once associated with mere superstitions. The idea germs were threat went with the notion that a heathy body should be sterile.
Viruses were then imagined to be much smaller versions of germs - waiting to be discovered...
The advent of gene theory (another extremely limited reductionist narrative) gave nwe 'life' to a germ theory that could not actually be conclusively proven - even while its value to governments and drug companies had become too big to fail. But now a virus was posited to be a genetic code that 'hijacked' living cells and made then replicate it (like unto some parasitic entities in nature) - for then spread contagion in the body - and from the body to other bodies - held back only by an 'immune system' (there's another artefact of a pathologised biology).
The shift to genetics set up a novel basis for the determining and defining of 'viruses' - not unlike a sealed black box that only The High Priest can enter to make the determinations that then cascade through a corporate-institutional coupling to direct all that follows on like a cytokine storm.
No empirical verification is even sought or required. Its all modelling.
Tests that are invalid in principle and unverified in practice, assign disease or 'contagion' status, from arbitrary biomarkers that have no specificity to a media hyped 'disease threat'.

I write out something to sketch the context because the 'There is no virus' assertion does more to limit the release of a false or illegitimate lockdown of consciousness than do those who hype it up. No blame, because initially the right/wrong mind reacts in judgements that have already gone forth and multiplied as an invested reality, until at some point we recognise by our result that we short circuit our own healing - and the basis from which to share it.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Three comments into the theme

I am mostly crafting short response to the living themes as


But here i visited OG and read some comments, and joined with them.

Three comments into the theme


Investment in the virus is too big to fail as its stakeholder base is the 90%+

Pathological resistance operates the enemy.

Some options include:

1.Give up and die.

2.Never give up and die in polarized ID.

3.Transcend conflict by embrace of polarities within an expanded perspective.

Each of these has a different outcome.

i don't think our current model of reality can recognise more than a dalek's eye view  - in a rear view mirror.

However, I feel we seek fulfillment or reintegration from our current terms, and by such honesty, will come to refine or redeem our thought, such that what aligns true is revealed more clearly and that which masks over is released.

Arguing the virus is a waste of time, but seeking proof of claim - when such claims are the basis of ALL the measures enacted - is all the difference between Renewal or Reset.

Ego seeks ANY kind of normal to restore continuity and 'solidity of self/world'

For it is our imaged sense of self/world.

Renewal is the natural result of releasing resistances/inner conflicts, to yielding UP to our being rather than surrendering to death as power set against fear of total loss.

If you get your reset, you will not have the opportunity to question the reality that you are now reset into and AS.

I use the idea of reset as a repackaging of conflicts in such a way as to leave the

core functions operating - of possession and control.

Principalities that forget their true Inherence assume sovereign right as automatons.

Nothing personal here Wardropper. But Joining in my perspective of 'cosmic ' or Soul issue. The Choice is our freedom to deny or accept reality as it is.

A living reality extends through acceptance. A dead image, idol or model holds like captive in sacrificial futility.

We are always 'choosing' but can only KNOW our purpose whole in aligned acceptance. Hence the split mind, dissociation and adversity of conflict, associated with masked denials running as 'virtue'.

Everyone participates from where they are. There is no call to judge another, and no capacity to know them BUT through our own mind, conscious or otherwise.


No you have it backwards - to start with.

It is the lesser evil or diversionary displacement that leads to the preference for external pathogens, threats and enemies instead of inner conflict that undermines the current narrative identity.

Forget the genetic and recognise both true Inherence along with false or mis-taken inheritances. The latter is indeed associated with death and taxes - not merely in societal form but as the very physics and psychics of limitation to imaged reality - or 'judgement'.

The body is a symbol for solidity and continuity to the mind engaged in such focus. This is to say the 'More of You' may be discarded or denied awareness as part of your current development of the consciousness within your experience. But of course has never left you, and can be recognised as the transformation of your experience from fear in contract, to masking separation and distance, to love's awareness now.

The mask does not need saving because it is not created - but a construct we made for a purpose that can be changed.

Your Soul does not need saving because God created you eternal.

Using the mask to re-cognise the timeless, 'reads' what it was made to deny or hide, so as to release what cannot truly live and love for a living love already given us to share in.

Fear of separation trauma can of course invoke terrors worse than death, and induce suicide or self / other destruction as an escape. But that's a reset.

There is nothing anyone can do to maintain another moment of their life in truth, but such truth reveals either Grace or a Void depending what you give forth.

The filling or masking of the Void with substitutes for life draws on symbols made opaque - as if self-contained meanings.

You are right - the germ offers an external 'war on threat' as diversion from the core conflict you (and many others) are not yet ready to look on, with new eyes.

there is a deep self hatred in the human heart. It is very destructive, and it operates unseen under masking evasions. So it SEEMS temporarily escaped only to sabotage and undermine everything we endeavor or aspire to.

Words are easy to write.

Such hatred is not easy to abide.

In fact it can render psychotic.

Spiritual discernment is NOT going it alone.

Nor joining in hate born of masked fears as a 'collective bubble'.

But when we align in such we can learn to recognise the habit and bring it to the arena of choice.


Take a fear - but react as if real, and by reaction make it real in your mind as your investment in escaping or overcoming the 'feared whatever'.

That's It!

Insert whatever values novels of variants.

It is mind control or mind capture' and we are quite able to persist in this on our own account as mind-dictate instead of spirit-guided.

You don't need to deconstruct pathogenic models to recognize the pattern, its habit and a revealed freedom to both question and choose accordingly.

BUT investment in illusions is implicitly set by its own defences to protect them. Just as the evil empire MUST sow conflict and generate enemy & threat - to maintain continuity of supply for the management of such illusions. Though they will never deliver true fulfilment, regardless the hit of private gratifications set addictively as if an achievement of power over lives of others.