Thanks for your civil comment. My response is to the themes and not just to your person.
All thinking proceeds from premises.
Conflicted premises are masked over and distanced from, as a lockdown into a private or covert identity. That this is normalised does not make it our nature.
I trust that you alight in what you DO resonate with, and find relevant to what you accept as true of you and the themes you are exploring. I do likewise.
Invested illusions are by definition not true and must conflict with reality. This conflict is at the root of our masking persona or adaptation to and learning of our human world.
I do not speak to what is at the level of awareness of the world as we generally model it, but to what runs beneath. The words I use can be fearfully interpreted as support for fearful conflicted identity held apart from wholeness of being.
Our current general world experience is reflecting an intent to block inherent or natural communication so as to run a private sense of narrative identity of control set in and over fear.
Examples include pathological agents, genetic susceptibility to weakness and damage, and the imposition of protection and control of biotech EM control and surveillance.
The pattern these act out are within us - expressing as technology that extends conflict thinking. You can have such thinking if it resonates true of you!
I speak for a different basis from which to live and know and share in being.
Recognition is not thinking. Discernment is not thinking. Most of what we call thinking operates a blocking signal to intimacy of being that is unconflicted. This is readily observed, if first thinking is released so as to notice it instead of being taken in by the train of what we take to be our own thought.
The mind can mistake its own modelling in image and thought AS reality, such as to identify in a masking reality set against relational or empirical self-honesty. Dissociated from inner or underlying self-conflicts that unconsciously project to relationships and world - as if to get rid of them.
Peace in your own heart is the basis from which anything true can reveal and be shared. Try solving your problems externally and see how that works out!
I see that as why the world is as it is.
Relational honesty to our experience embraces the unthinkable or intolerable that the mind was invoked to mask over and hide. As we open willingness to love as communication and relationship.
The mind of war is a choice we rarely own, but run as if being MADE to react by circumstance, and so cannot release it to allow another way of seeing.
There's no way to educate those set in destructive patterns of thought but that first a relational appreciation is shared. Then there may be opportunity to respond within relationship instead of seeking to change them to fit an idealised 'relationship' that reflects terms and conditions of worth.
In this sense we are already under a 'matrix' of a masking control reality, and in process of a resetting of its premise. Those who love to hate - as if it saves the self they WANT, have chosen to hate reality for failing their terms and conditions, by making a substitution to die in, rather than wake from self-illusion.
Its all about fear and control ... because its all about love set in lack, loss, violation, rejection abandonment, treachery and deceit. A fake world MUST deny and pass off as true. Thus truth is behind or beneath masking appearances set in conflicts of diversion and delay.