Thursday, 23 July 2020

Coronavirus is the Common Cold

Four comments: 

I am not at all at odds with the overall message you share.

If a vaccine can be demonstrated safe and effective, by all means don't deny anyone the freedom to choose to pay others to provide them. But official 'top-down' assertions that are intentionally crafted to frame (deny) any dialogue, posture and mask as 'The Science’ that MUST be followed or else! Mind-capture leverages guilt and fear to take its power from the heart's allegiance. Plausible ‘protections’ can be weighted as salvation when set against terrible and dreadful fear.

1 - Well one was at least one such was created and was very 'successful' in generating antibodies - which is what 'effective' means in vaccination terminology. But when the 'immunised' lab otters were then exposed to the virus in the wild, they all died. Antibodies can - as I understand it - cross react in unexpected ways. I think the other known trial was on some people in the Philippines and resulted in ongoing criminal proceedings.

2. The ‘discovery’ of HIV initiated an era where suddenly the presence of (sometimes associated) antibodies signified infection instead of immunity. HIV is now recognised not to be ‘The Cause’ of A.I.D.S which is now recognised not be be a highly (or even) infectious condition. But don't let truth get in the way of a good story - though for so many it was an is a terrible nightmare. Fear can substitute for truth.

3. You are not counting the first pioneers then. How long did it take to gather cow pus and insert into an open wound? (Vacca = cow).

4. The belief that vaccines are a boon or safe or effective protection against disease is more of a masking cover story to save the fearful from their fears, (including polluters), and is protected as sacrosanct - or beyond scientific evaluation.

Vaccines are NOT categorised as medical products - but as b’iologicals’ and there is no public record or transparency of rCoronaviigorous long term testing for biologicals. Assumption can replace fact.

I thought corona viral respiratory infection already was the common cold - along with rhino-viral infections. How many who are at end of life die from complications rising from catching any kind of cold (or flu)?

If that sum was extended to include all who died WITH cold viruses - or as suspected to have any of the symptoms of a cold - what sort of statistics would we get? But also look at all the ongoing exposures and internetions that undermine or block immune function, along with disproportionate and inhumane 'treatments' that are applied instead of officially suppressed factors that are known to be effective. Inverse correlation with vitamin D is so overwhelming a factor as to reinstate something once known and accepted.

The intent to generate or discover 'medical' narrative definitions and test parameters as a means to trump all other institutional functions has nothing to do with the health or the wealth of nations or peoples, but works a control agenda set over fear of chaos - or rather, set in fear of pain of loss. Howbeit we are deceived must therefore provide an education.

An insane distribution of wealth and influence operates an insane society.
Paul Boizot:
Wow! So the Illuminati are funding both sides! :-)


Taking a considered point from a moment of levity...

 If the generation of conflict in the mind is the primary means to unsettle, divide and frame the mind in a solution that serves a third party agenda, then you have finally woken up to the nature of the phished mind of conflict - that reacts against a feared outcome as if the projected, insinuated or modelled fear will otherwise inevitably occur. 'ACT NOW OR ELSE!' is a common frame for the setting of baited hook - as a leveraging of existing fears to break out the herd from its innate immunity.

As we can readily observe this in our own mind, it should be no surprise that we do it to each other as part of leveraging what we want by masking in narratives that reinforce polarised and polarising conflict - and thus block resolutions that are feared or deemed unprofitable - or simply as giving ammunition to enemies or rivals.

The term Illuminati can mean anything and nothing according to context. But if the means to engineer society is harnessed to the shared intent to make a world in our own image, then we can put our best minds to work on anticipated problems or obstacles to our solutions and one such is to work to fund, subvert or compromise any movement of opposition.

'We have all your bases' could be a shorthand checkmate for a global coup - via subversion and capture of all key institutions of leverage.
While a hollow parody of life can indeed be made to dance a masque macabre, it cannot actually functionally replace what life is and does.

The idea of micro managing life via even an A.I guided system of regulatory controls is at best, an unfeeling robot. The choice to align in robotic conditionings as a normalised lockstep of reality-adjustment is served by the provision of a narrative identity. Re-education then becomes the alignment to the narrative dictates - that cannot be questioned - even if they shift and change to their opposites as a matter of course. For how else can obedience be effected in the rank and file system of a dataset?


The 'solution' to Deep Fear works the basis for a gold rush (which is itself a feeding frenzy on those who rush to get a piece of the action), and and a general bandwagon effect (following The Money - but lets call it The Science!) But more insidiously, an engineered solution to a false-flagged problem serves the basis for setting up a framework for a captured Economy under a denied and masked over fear.

The addiction to the Big Lie is a terrible affliction that cannot be contained or limited but destroys All Family from within.
Exclusions and denials are energetically ACTIVE regardless being filtered, censored or masked out to a strategic of limitation as 'control'.


The panic response to upset, embarrassment and alarm, is fundamentally a matter of buyer beware! But when its seller is masking as a trusted source or authority there is a basis for crying foul for malfeasance - not for causing likely upset, embarrassment and alarm.

This comment is after reading the one jarring condition in the unherd comment policy statement.

12 Be likely to upset, embarrass and alarm any other person

All power to the claim to grievance then?
And the cultivators thereof?

I take great offence and have experienced major upset and alarm as a result of the compliance to the dictated reaction to what is packaged as 'Covid-19' - but clearly only  just beginning to reveal the redistribution of toxic debts. Nevertheless I own my experience, and don't buy the problem as packaged, and so am not compelled to seek salvation or escape in the shoehorned 'solution' by leveraging of guilt and fear.

But as an individual witness, I am unherded and unheard from officially sanctioned human rights and freedoms - or blanked of humanity by the use of conflict, alarm and shame to manipulate the mind.


Flu stats are PR. The vast majority of those who are assigned to have died of flu are not virologically tested. Complications as a result of respiratory infection - often resulting in pneumonia is a broad category that as we see includes 'co-morbidities' and a weak or undermined and unable to function immune response.

Human lifetimes end in the tens of millions every year as a matter of simple fact, and their circumstances of dying are unique but have generally identifiable conditions.

'Cause of death' is an extremely arbitrary and subjective judgement. And even if a cause was found, it would itself have contributory factors. The power to define and direct a narrative is the 'official say'. To the degree this embodies a consensual willingness is the degreed of freedom to explore, discover and expand the cultural richness of human consciousness.
But a dictate of 'settled science' posing as scientific consensus (sic) is simply a masking denial - but holding the means of control as the carrot and the stick of 'incentivisation'.
We all have invested identity in the 'establishment' or status quo.

But back to you point - what happened to flu deaths in the year of covid-19?
CV19 has the powers of a 'Jehovah' - not surprisingly.
And the CHS has replaced the NHS even while the hapless clapped.
Captive revenue streams are usually protected - but in shifting to a new bio-tech system, the pharma-suckled are to a great extent abandoned from above.

The idea of boosting 'immunity' is the vector of its undermining. This is an old folly in new clothes.
The more controls are added, the more chaos in the system - is a self-reinforcing loop. Life doesn't work as a mechanism of  fear and control - excepting a very specific physical reflex for the temporary overriding of the consciousness for the protection of the body.
The use of fear as leverage of manipulative control is a split mind of victim and victimiser that can shift and change in unexpected ways.
Fear, distrust and hatred of the body, operates as a disembodied 'mind' that seeks to escape its limitations, take over its functions, and yet assert it as a separator and distancing device against the minds (judged sin or threat) of others. There are inherent and fundamental contradictions in using the mind and by extension the body for conflicting purposes that are self-defeating fro the outset, but may only become apparently so when the enemy is at the gate - or rising up from trojan deceits within.

Perhaps the body needs the symptoms as a regenerative detoxification and the 'sickness' is the cure.

Virology is where the Money is and toxicology is pushed to the sidelines or airbrushed away and covered over by dramatic diversion.

I have seen studies that acknowledge the increase in other respiratory disease including coronavirus, as a result of flu vaccination. There are also some indications of antibody cross reactions in 'covid cases' that escalate to life threatening conditions, in those who had flu inoculations - PERHAPS as a result of canine coronaviral antibodies in the serum. As far as I am aware the industry uses the term 'isolated and purified' as a ritual observance rather than rigorous science.

I also say a report at one time that some districts in Wuhan and N Italy had a double round of flu vaccinations in 2019 season.

Perhaps the Collective Mind and Body of Humankind generates crises from denied and unresolved conflicts of influences that necessitate a 'Reset' which for the first time is to be orchestrated by private human agenda - so as to build a new world order on controls and denials so as to eradicate fear and consciousness along with it.

The idea that the virus is THE cause of disease is unquestionably structured as the frame from which we then think or react. That any adopted, funded and invested idea should become too big to fail reveals the measure of our fear of testing for truth when the results don't fit or support our current active agenda.

The tenant farmers killed the messengers of the Master in fear of dispossession. But as in the prodigal, the result of reintegration is peace, wholeness and restored function or health. regardless the complexity of biology, the frame of its investigative focus as pathological aberrations to be eradicated or cancelled, remains clearly in the mind of human thinking.

Protect your Peace regardless the noise

Within its framework the article invites a protective and conservative defence against stress.
I see that persistent stress - as strain - is itself a cause of disease - including viral immune response! But I did not say ‘caused’ by viruses.

But my point is to call for the renewing of our mind - and warn against equating your mind - and the field of awareness that it expresses (transparently or opaquely) - with the brain.

The anthropomorphising of a control mindset to biological function is the opacifying of Native Field Awareness to a closed system of thinking. It cannot REALLY close off and disconnect or be sundered from its embracing and supporting Field or Context, but can generate structures of filtering limitation that effect the defining of perspective as experience of limiting, conflict, and strategy of persistence or survival as a narrative identification or 'self-imaged and mapped to its reality definition'.

Neuroplasticity is now accepted. The brain can generate new pathways, but the underlying 'paths' are in many ways the conditioned habit of associated triggered response - such that our 'reality' runs itself without seeming to have to think it - because the thinking is acquired, inherited or learned as a structural internalisation of actions - in the context of a field of relations - that has an extra layer or levels of initiation or birthing into the human experience. IE: Nature and Nurture.

I equate health with functional wholeness - and wholeness with presence of freedom from conflict that is positively expressed as unselfconscious joy in being. So I suggest protecting your peace - and not a prop or representation of limitation and frail vulnerability for your peace. It remains true that where we invest our heart is where our treasure is and in functional terms this is our innate and inviable responsibility for the giving of attention, the setting of value and the identification of meaning.
Part of what is 'going on' is that old subconscious patterns of sleep walking through life are no longer working. This breaks the bubble of identity in adaptation to what are both individual and collective organising and identifying principles, and this triggers 'separation trauma' as the split from a unified or unconflicted flow or presence of life, to a split mind of conflicting purposes that underlies our experience of world as a discrete physical or external context that substitutes for a direct intuitive resonant recognition of being. But we are NEVER really looking OUT but that we are also looking through the filters of psychic-emotional experience that to some degree can be mapped onto the brain or really the body-mind as a whole system of filtering Infinity. Where else could we be?
The heart (is not a pump!) is the focus of the whole in all its parts and the receiving of all parts in the whole. Symbiotic is a limited but helpful pointer to more than the sum of its parts - as qualitative expression of existing.
But we do not need a complex understanding to be.
Nor more than a willingness for peace given active acceptance in place of compulsive mind-habits.
There is a 'still point' within a storm. There is also a resonant communication through stillness that is felt as guidance and support or functional wholeness in expression.
Bring the mind back into server-ship after having assigned it  the lead role in possession of control means navigating a 'chaos' instead of automatically locking down in a masking denial. That the latter operates 'automatically' is a habit that is being made aware and therefore brought to the arena of choice or responsibility.
Infinity is not a relative term and so is not bigger than or smaller than - and so the mind CANNOT but fold up or fall away.
That the mind can become lost in its own spin - and convicted of its own judgement is not to say that this mind truly represents You - for minding is a verb and not a noun - excepting as an association of thoughts and feelings given such identification  (for your own reasons).

Regardless of WHO or why the rug has been pulled out from us - we are in a process of rehabilitation. And regardless of the SHOUT of the voice for fear, we are responsible for our thoughts in that what we accept and act from will be our response. (No blame in assessing a true feedback from which to learn).

When is protection the holding of an integrity for true being - and when is it a protection racket that masks over a disintegrity that we are not yet ready or willing or to address?
A process of willingness is a form of dialogue between what we think or fear to be, and the being of who we truly are.
If Reality can seem to attack us, we need to look at our own tempe or tempate of thought and response.
Garbage in; garbage out.
Or fear thinking must perceive fearfully. And fear can block or substitute awareness of a true relational reality.
Transparency of self-honesty is an owning acknowledgement - and needs to be free from guilting and blaming leverage to become the key that all true noticing offers.
In a confusion of untruths - the great and overriding call is for restoring a foundation, grounded-ness or centring of being. And the intensity of the emotional reaction needs releasing from its old masking 'normal' to serve truly felt purpose. But the 'choice' to double down in the mask of fear denied, remains available as a 'default' that may seem to be the easier way - excepting the increasing dissonance of a self-betrayal within.

Feeling being aligns and informs thought.

in response to ANH news roundup

Overall death rates may be reduced by a scaling back of iatrogenic disease.
I note that this has been seen in particular for the very very young (at least in US) and may correlate with a lapse in vaccine schedules.
Some are recognising that there is a betrayal from 'above' and that services (for better and for worse) are being withdrawn. This can further shock some while waking self-responsibility in others.
In UK the Covid Health Service is being reconfigured while applause and support is elicited for the already subverted remains of a private -public 'partnership' - that applies across all sectors of the use of corporate and financial leverages to marketize everything - as a getting mechanism.

Loss of trust...
When deceits and coercions operate. people do not have to understand how it has worked their subjection to know they are being used or denied, but they may not be ready to let that into full awareness because social duties  and requirements operate the world they have to survive in.
And so trust in the 'medical expert' may be polarised into fear driven necessity that allows no real reflection or thinking,  or recognition of wilful ignorances, heartless corruptions, and gross incompetences.
But the systemic version of trust is really that of a captured and directed mindshare - and not a two way relational dialogue.
 This recognition of life as relational is absent to post-truth dissonance. Vaccine hesitancy is word-magic to cover the fact that there are many who do not agree with or want what is being coercively framed by guilted fear and social shame as any kind of true or proportionate or trusted response to the lack of health in a toxic world.
Brexit was not what we hoped or feared, but a prelude to a 4th Bio-technical industrial 'revolution'.
Biotech Boris showed his intentions at his first UN speech - which was scripted from him as a crisis actor.
many feel they have to take work where they can find it these days.
'Trusted hands' in a corrupt system, are those who can be reined in or relied on to toe the line when necessary.
But this hardly serves functional efficiency or inspired and aligned initiative.
Hollow puppets represent masked agenda.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Fear is the 'Othered'


Fear of Other is denied or masked over fear by casting out or projection away from a self now associated with a bubble of control within a world made Other by the very act of withholding presence to assert a masking presentation.
We mask over to hide from ourselves, we mask in to hide in by passing off to others who we seek as allies to reinforce our defences - or as Others onto whom to dump our judgements - that really reveal more about ourselves that the other.
The virus is a special Other - assigned all kinds of motives and agency that are in fact our own.
The mind has the capacity to blind and limit itself so as to mask in limitation and subjection as the means to leverage controls that can be plausibly denied as an act of will. That is to say, the mind can set up to deny the living will, by operating a masking and filtered distortion of reality that is given willing acceptance under a conditions of fear of pain of loss - where the fear is reacted from as FACT believed rather than the act of a mind-framed or coercively controlled imagination.

Recognition of another as ourself and of our self in the other is a horizontal extension of the vertical or always dimension of recognising Self as All That Is. The words and symbols used here are arbitrary - but pointing to a quality of resonance that IS Communication and Relationship. Where there is an Other - fear arises. Where conflict is held onto rather than released, dissonance generates a loss of Self-Awareness to a sense of limited and limiting focus - that selects to identify and 'others' what is discarded or denied. That which is Othered is thus the More of You seeking to come back into its true Inherence.
The tenant farmers who identify in possession and control as the substitution for true stewardship, kill the messengers of the Master as expression of a fear of dispossession by feared truth. But truth puts all things back in right context of both place and timing.
When we other or alienate our self, we lose awareness of wholeness and are left with a body-limit masking as frail and temporary - but the body is not the generator of the meanings we give  its, and receive and strengthen by sharing.
The mind is a pretence of power that is neither weak nor strong - but passing off as yours while you seek power in things cast or set outside yourself - from a presumption of lack or disconnection and separation within.


in response to the themes in:

You state the obvious, and yet to those who are invested in 'protection' rackets it is not obvious. While I can see the Mafia offers an appropriate model for a captured and controlled society and once you see it - you cannot really UN-see it - the other side of that equation is of the many who actively WANT to seek protection in such forms as relieve them or escape them from core responsibilities - associated in fear with guilt, lack, shame and blame - in pain and penalty of loss.

The mind of fear is split - and yet it seeks to protect the split by projecting its away from self as the positing of externalised fears, threats, enemies and evils. This is the redefining of split into terms of framing thought and perception that divert energy and attention of response to not only 'save' the split from exposure to loss of face, loss of self and loss of control, but to feed the split as the hidden basis or energy source for assuming and acting out the role of special knowing or elitism set in proprietary 'solutions' that protect the sickness from healing by defining it in terms of lack, inadequacy, invalidity, guilt and unworthiness in the 'other'.

The pattern of a 'god' of judgement set over life and world, others AND self, is that of usurping a true command or authorship by presentation of an authoritative mask (or set of robes) that must NOT be questioned, challenged or brought into open awareness - but is rendered to a an idol of power that operates in the dark, beneath the surface of a masking social reality.

Health is movement or expression of life as wholeness. At our root is a truly felt and recognisable resonance. The idea of persisting in self-illusion that generate toxic outcomes - by means of mutual agreements to all turn a blind eye to what underlying fear says MUST be hidden, denied, that sacrifice of life be paid under narratives of coercion, presenting as narratives of virtue.

The hateful nature of what runs beneath is too disturbing to open to from a bubble of a seeming world of control, and yet this is not least because the mind is fixated in control rather than service to life or wholeness of purpose and being.

Control and fear mutually reinforce each other as the 'matrix-mind' or modelling of substitution reality, that runs upon a life set in dreams of displacement, so as to collectivise energy in narratives by which to protect the dream from awareness of its function of adjusting reality - even as it fades of any hope into the same underlying nightmare as can never truly be addressed by casting out as if to escape.

But in such moments of unselfconscious flow, coherence, joy and synchronicity of life  where love, appreciation and gratitude for being are wordless, effortless and already shared - there is no call on the mind to interject within a quality of all things working together as one - even though everything is uniquely recognisable as part of rather than apart from wholeness or what is'. Until a sense of lack arises  as perhaps the thought of not losing such a sense of life - and in the thought is the mind brought in as attempt to grasp on, possess and define to control. Perhaps a moment of seeming to actually have it - before a hollow masking form seeks for what it 'lost', was 'denied' or deprived of - and betrayed by. Separation trauma is part OF the mind of the attempt to possess and control - and its drive to regain, or restore such a 'self' is our will to survive in the human world - that we make or model by our assigned meanings and adaptive strategies of identification.

Fear is the 'Othered'. But the miracle of the extension of love - and I will qualify my use of 'love' to signify the extension of recognition and appreciation for being - is the mystery of a true relationship. In which nothing is hidden or denied or demanded of - so as to allow what is to shine through the whole situation.

The idea of being still so as to truly know - is also to be truly moved. The attempt to hold an out of true presentation against the flow of being is a great burden of 'death and taxes' - as the demand for sacrifice by which to save the little that is left against a fear of nothingness, but also of humiliation, invalidation indeed of sin - or 'self-wrongness' and despair that breeds cynical and blind adaptation to a world where fear is given power and love is but a pretty lie.

No one can reach the unwilling, but willingness can extend as invitation through which communication of a higher order spontaneously arises - as distinct from the social mores of narrative compliance under identities of polarised reaction. For much of our mind is a conditioned response that operates as a sense of continuity for who we THINK we are - and for all the seeming simplicity of a self-evident 'world' - we are nonetheless operating as a surface 'reality' - AND the thoughts, beliefs, definitions and underlying Movement for being that is filtered and distorted or blocked by incoherent, contradictory or split thinking.

Regardless the struggle for 'control' of narrative by which to Order a New World - as if fear and control can behold ANYTHING made new! - is our willingness to re-evaluate our experience.


in response to the themes in:

No one should be made to wear a mask in lieu of a mandatory Certificate OVaccinated ID. But what does ‘should‘ actually mean? Does it mean ‘I think that you should’ or it is the Voice for God?

I don’t pretend to dictate what anyone else should do or not do.
I take responsibility for my life, my thought and the responses or choices and outcomes from which growing and learning develop character and cultural values. Actions have consequences and it is right that those who choose to act or indeed react from unwatched and inherited or acquired conditioning MEET their consequences as valid feedback from which to refine or make better choices.

Polluters and fraudsters therefore should MEET their own toxic debt – rather than repackage and sell it to the ‘others’ as if an asset, protection of virtue.
However, while you actively align as a ‘sin eater’ in exchange for false profits on unfounded premises, you should MEET the toxic debt of complicity and support – but in the instant of recognising the error, you are free to repent and release what can no longer pass off and be masked in as true.

Response to #1


Fear of Other is denied or masked over fear by casting out or projection away from a self now associated with a bubble of control within a world made Other by the very act of withholding presence to assert a masking presentation.
We mask over to hide from ourselves, we mask in to hide in by passing off to others who we seek as allies to reinforce our defences - or as Others onto whom to dump our judgements - that really reveal more about ourselves that the other.
The virus is a special Other - assigned all kinds of motives and agency that are in fact our own.
The mind has the capacity to blind and limit itself so as to mask in limitation and subjection as the means to leverage controls that can be plausibly denied as an act of will. That is to say, the mind can set up to deny the living will, by operating a masking and filtered distortion of reality that is given willing acceptance under a conditions of fear of pain of loss - where the fear is reacted from as FACT believed rather than the act of a mind-framed or coercively controlled imagination.

Recognition of another as ourself and of our self in the other is a horizontal extension of the vertical or always dimension of recognising Self as All That Is. The words and symbols used here are arbitrary - but pointing to a quality of resonance that IS Communication and Relationship. Where there is an Other - fear arises. Where conflict is held onto rather than released, dissonance generates a loss of Self-Awareness to a sense of limited and limiting focus - that selects to identify and 'others' what is discarded or denied. That which is Othered is thus the More of You seeking to come back into its true Inherence.
The tenant farmers who identify in possession and control as the substitution for true stewardship, kill the messengers of the Master as expression of a fear of dispossession by feared truth. But truth puts all things back in right context of both place and timing.
When we other or alienate our self, we lose awareness of wholeness and are left with a body-limit masking as frail and temporary - but the body is not the generator of the meanings we give  its, and receive and strengthen by sharing.

The mind is a pretence of power that is neither weak nor strong - but passing off as yours while you seek power in things cast or set outside yourself - from a presumption of lack or disconnection and separation within.


in response to the themes in:

You state the obvious, and yet to those who are invested in 'protection' rackets it is not obvious. While I can see the Mafia offers an appropriate model for a captured and controlled society and once you see it - you cannot really UN-see it - the other side of that equation is of the many who actively WANT to seek protection in such forms as relieve them or escape them from core responsibilities - associated in fear with guilt, lack, shame and blame - in pain and penalty of loss.

The mind of fear is split - and yet it seeks to protect the split by projecting its away from self as the positing of externalised fears, threats, enemies and evils. This is the redefining of split into terms of framing thought and perception that divert energy and attention of response to not only 'save' the split from exposure to loss of face, loss of self and loss of control, but to feed the split as the hidden basis or energy source for assuming and acting out the role of special knowing or elitism set in proprietary 'solutions' that protect the sickness from healing by defining it in terms of lack, inadequacy, invalidity, guilt and unworthiness in the 'other'.

The pattern of a 'god' of judgement set over life and world, others AND self, is that of usurping a true command or authorship by presentation of an authoritative mask (or set of robes) that must NOT be questioned, challenged or brought into open awareness - but is rendered to a an idol of power that operates in the dark, beneath the surface of a masking social reality.

Health is movement or expression of life as wholeness. At our root is a truly felt and recognisable resonance. The idea of persisting in self-illusion that generate toxic outcomes - by means of mutual agreements to all turn a blind eye to what underlying fear says MUST be hidden, denied, that sacrifice of life be paid under narratives of coercion, presenting as narratives of virtue.

The hateful nature of what runs beneath is too disturbing to open to from a bubble of a seeming world of control, and yet this is not least because the mind is fixated in control rather than service to life or wholeness of purpose and being.

Control and fear mutually reinforce each other as the 'matrix-mind' or modelling of substitution reality, that runs upon a life set in dreams of displacement, so as to collectivise energy in narratives by which to protect the dream from awareness of its function of adjusting reality - even as it fades of any hope into the same underlying nightmare as can never truly be addressed by casting out as if to escape.

But in such moments of unselfconscious flow, coherence, joy and synchronicity of life  where love, appreciation and gratitude for being are wordless, effortless and already shared - there is no call on the mind to interject within a quality of all things working together as one - even though everything is uniquely recognisable as part of rather than apart from wholeness or what is'. Until a sense of lack arises  as perhaps the thought of not losing such a sense of life - and in the thought is the mind brought in as attempt to grasp on, possess and define to control. Perhaps a moment of seeming to actually have it - before a hollow masking form seeks for what it 'lost', was 'denied' or deprived of - and betrayed by. Separation trauma is part OF the mind of the attempt to possess and control - and its drive to regain, or restore such a 'self' is our will to survive in the human world - that we make or model by our assigned meanings and adaptive strategies of identification.

Fear is the 'Othered'. But the miracle of the extension of love - and I will qualify my use of 'love' to signify the extension of recognition and appreciation for being - is the mystery of a true relationship. In which nothing is hidden or denied or demanded of - so as to allow what is to shine through the whole situation.

The idea of being still so as to truly know - is also to be truly moved. The attempt to hold an out of true presentation against the flow of being is a great burden of 'death and taxes' - as the demand for sacrifice by which to save the little that is left against a fear of nothingness, but also of humiliation, invalidation indeed of sin - or 'self-wrongness' and despair that breeds cynical and blind adaptation to a world where fear is given power and love is but a pretty lie.

No one can reach the unwilling, but willingness can extend as invitation through which communication of a higher order spontaneously arises - as distinct from the social mores of narrative compliance under identities of polarised reaction. For much of our mind is a conditioned response that operates as a sense of continuity for who we THINK we are - and for all the seeming simplicity of a self-evident 'world' - we are nonetheless operating as a surface 'reality' - AND the thoughts, beliefs, definitions and underlying Movement for being that is filtered and distorted or blocked by incoherent, contradictory or split thinking.

Regardless the struggle for 'control' of narrative by which to Order a New World - as if fear and control can behold ANYTHING made new! - is our willingness to re-evaluate our experience.


in response to the themes in:

No one should be made to wear a mask in lieu of a mandatory Certificate Of Vaccinated ID. But what does ‘should‘ actually mean? Does it mean ‘I think that you should’ or it is the Voice for God?

I don’t pretend to dictate what anyone else should do or not do.
I take responsibility for my life, my thought and the responses or choices and outcomes from which growing and learning develop character and cultural values. Actions have consequences and it is right that those who choose to act or indeed react from unwatched and inherited or acquired conditioning MEET their consequences as valid feedback from which to refine or make better choices.

Polluters and fraudsters therefore should MEET their own toxic debt – rather than repackage and sell it to the ‘others’ as if an asset, protection of virtue.
However, while you actively align as a ‘sin eater’ in exchange for false profits on unfounded premises, you should MEET the toxic debt of complicity and support – but in the instant of recognising the error, you are free to repent and release what can no longer pass off and be masked in as true.

Nick - in Reply to #1 above
But what should we do when persecuted or made redundant for such thought crimes as ‘all lives matter’, or training pugs to do offensive salutes? The plod and judges aren’t a ‘pretence of power’, you know.

If you know - then you are set in your convictions.
When you are open to that what you think you know may not only be wrong, but setting you up for negative, fearful, conflicted and divisive experience, you have a basis to be curious and to question what your narrative identity dictates you must not question - buy it only has the power you give it.

Power in the world is clearly all powerful if the world is all there is - and a self existing external reality of which you are thus some 'effect' and therefore TOTALLY subject or determined by external conditions over which you have no influence or participation - any more than a puppet its strings.

In fact the wish to manipulate or control the world and others is exactly the mindset that reduces a living universe to mere mechanism - to be judged, defined, diagnosed or discovered for the purpose of private agenda of possession and control. If you live by the sword of judgement, then you are bound by your own measure in the rules you set. That your thoughts filter and distort or frame and limit your perception-response of experience is not obvious when they are invisibly structured as your socialised masking persona or adaptation to the human world OF masked or denied feeling, communication, experience and freedom to be the love you are - not least by the leveraging of fears and guilts by which such a simple and direct quality of being is associated with rejection, exclusion and ridicule or vilification and attack.

So let those who believe in thought crimes give their measure out of their own mouths and don't be a relay for self censoring in their terms.
What 'matters' to who?
There are ways of thinking behind the accusation of sin in the other that 'know not what they do' - because they are set in the conviction that they MUST defend their sense of self-conflicted fear of pain and loss from exposure by whatever means and at all cost. Fear has the capacity to override all else when given power.

What shall you do - but live from the truth that you are accepting now as true of you? or it will be YOU who deny yourself while assigning blame to others, to plod, to power set over you.

If the truth shall set you free, means - as I hold - that truth reveals you ARE free - then a mistaken sense of self and world shall subject you and frame you in lack, self-doubt, conflict, limitation, weakness, susceptibility and vulnerability the threat and pain of loss. The human condition can be seen as terror hidden under a mask that learns to NOT see it - except in dilution - and then under narratives of justification that reinforce the conditioning such that no light of truth gets in to reveal us to ourselves, nor can such a locked down mind get out!.
Ego defences DO the thing they promise to protect against - and this is becoming more and more evident in an 'ego' or image and form-driven mind and world.

But only to the willingness to invoke them and give them priority over truth as the necessary lie by which to evade feared truth - or which you may be completely unaware EXCEPTING a great fear is upon you and would seem to compel the mind to lockstep with its dictate so as to mitigate or limit the fear.

Fear and conflict or risk management is not the truth that shows you you are free.
While I have never found a 'Christian' institution or identity in the world that was not fearfully alloyed in seeking to possess, define and control the disease so as to patent the cure, the Christ teaching remains a clear example to follow. But not if you have no inner resonance or recognition of the underlying truth that love is freedom from fear and division, but is NOT of our own making and all and any attempts to mask in or mimic love take forms of truth into vain fulities - that nonetheless set the baited lure and catch by reaction of a self-protective reflex.

If you are defined by your adversary, you are already lost. But if you recognise you are lost you are open to the desire to ask and find answer to who and what you are.

"But no Doc, I just want something to make the bad stuff go away, so I can get back to normal".
Well we can give you a new identity and passport, but there's no going back from your infected status - and so you must become normalised to medical management so as to earn some limited restoration of some of your own freedoms - as long as you are compliant in denying yourself to 'save lies'.

It is easy to hate the lie in the other, and requires great willingness to uncover the lie in ourself so as to undo it as a source of fear-drive, guilt-convicted self hate - or self-attack that seeks any means to limit, hide or mitigate its pain.

In what have you invested faith - and how is that working out?
I can feel the humiliating and hateful sense of powerlessness - but where is Consciousness when we are polarised in reaction?
So choose what you shall do in the moment of response - but know that your every thought is part of ongoing choices as to where you give attention and value to and what you thereby value and become identified in.

Power struggle is not the only way to see, and indeed is a way of seeing through a glass darkly - for a sense of lack will always drive the need for more - no matter how much. To go forth and multiply a sense of lack is to generate a world of toxic debt - under power struggle to set the narrative so as to land it on someone ELSE when the music stops. And no matter how ingeniously the continuity manager works the script - it remains a masking narrative that kneels upon others in order to demonstrate compliance, in hope to avert being choked off from the life it can kill or 'save'.

While 'non violent' is still framed in terms of violence, the idea that we can turn on honesty at the last minute so as to be free of lies, distortions and blocks to seeing - so as to know how to be or what to do in any given situation, is at best a crash course in transformational willingness to recognise and release the false from oneself - which a blame culture will actively deny.

Release and be released. Look at your thought, emotion and reaction and see if it is truly your accepted witness for yourself and your world. Curiosity is native to being - and to unfolding of who we are to ourselves and each other - but loveless curiosity is a fascination with what seems like power, but delivers powerlessness.

Do you think for a moment that 'plod and the judges' rest in power?
Fear seems to run a world that chooses fear as guide and protector from its own denied conflicts. We lie to ourself to hide what we are unwilling or unready to face or to own, and we do so in ways that are self-justifiable or plausibly deniable, as a reflex that tools the mind to serve the purpose of masking, limiting and filtering and Infinity of which we are a living expression - but unaware of our true inherence - having taken for ourselves alone a life set in struggle, pain and loss.

Thinking makes its so - when given allegiance and support - not least through the experience of intense dramatic tension. We would not be human without forming deep attachments, and yet we cannot hold on to the forms of life even in the living - much less when the life has moved on and we are left clinging to hollow parodies and increasingly grotesque masks of the attempt to give life to the lifeless!

Consider if you will, that fear is not the power its seems and cannot NOT serve a whole of which it is completely blind to. In what way does your situation or experience serve you - truly? Are you active in being on purpose or scattered in conflicting purpose? What is the priority of purpose that unifies your heart and mind? Can any manufactured strategy substitute for being truly moved as a wholeness of being - which is recognisable by absence of coercion.

Many leave receiving the recognition of the power of love to their dying moments - and yet we gave our love to all that we lived - albeit through a glass darkly.

To a commenter on the article who said
Killing the smile and replacing it with an emoji. Face masks are a scourge on humanity.

Humanity has the mental ability to substitute short-cuts and symbolic images for truth - as derivative and false currencies of fragmented dissociation.
The Reckoning calls in to a true account and everyone becomes aware that what they took for assets is full of toxic debts they had thought to eradicate, cast out, flag onto others, or conceal forever.

The face itself can be used as a mask.
The persona is a mask.
The old normal was a social mask.

Adam and Eve used fig leaves for a mask.
The Emperor of the 'new robes' sought to mask in grandiose self specialness and locked him in a naked sham covering fear of illegitimacy (and dis-inheritance of power).

Lets give fear or the adversary its due and say it has its own sowing and reaping, and yet why not also allow the Holy Spirit of a true discernment to also cultivate a harvest of truth recognised despite and regardless the baiting of a mind set in conflict with itself?

I am not suggesting that you should like the experience of subjection to the mind of a loveless intent, but that the masking locks in the fear as control, by the ruse of falsely flagging to others, and yet in one way or another our gifts come back to us with interest.

That human minds seek to enslave nature - both their own, others and the natural world - is then hardly surprising to find a factory farmed humanity being denied even a human consciousness. But if garbage in; garbage out holds true - then you, me, we - hold the mind programming that can give of a different measure - and in the case of garbage culture - give it no attention or support.

I don't suggest that you be persuaded that you will impact or change 'the world' but you will be the presence in the world that you would be glad to meet - and in that you will not be alone - even if the forms of communication are masked over by every attempt to deny the light of honest and yet blame it on Them.

The smile that meets in the eyes as a synchronicity is truly free. How often do we smile as a mask of disarming intent? We did not suddenly become mad, but have been practising and developing the abilities for millennia.

I have worn a mask when working in very dusty conditions!

Context is everything.