An unhealthy pursuit
of magical health
Written into the themes of
(Various Q&A on health in the context of re-evaluation after global medical fraud).
Whatever we seek and use to magically relieve or 'scape us from unhealed, unowned/denied fears, shames, relational guilt-conflicts &etc
(which can also run collectively in families and cultures)
is used to mask over as a controlled, ruled fear of life running 'out of control' - resulting in the reliving the pain or terror of past trauma or separation conflicts.
Loss of a felt connectedness is a dissociating fragmentation reframed under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men - (a modelling of externally ruled life as core survival set to regain a lost golden age or pre-separation state).
BUT- this casting out of the unwanted, hated or feared as if to GET RID of it, runs the casting director of its unconscious projection Out and Away from a core sense of masking control - presenting both to ourself and to others for reinforcement - to run invisibly as sense of pre-emptive self protection to a life & world framed by fear & threat.
The honeymoon effect is a temporary hit of release and relief from underlying issues until they resurface as conflicts within the arenal of the 'solution'.
This pattern of self-evasion runs to the core of our current sense of self, life and world, and can be seen as a compounding of debts that become toxic conflicts of polarised charge, that operate polarising separations of psychic identity running out of control - in both senses of that meaning. Running out of time and space by which to prevaricate, procrastinate or evade the power of decision as a mind-masking conflict set in a frame of guilting judgements or grievance.
Losing face or presentation of self-control runs as humiliation. This can represent in various symbolic functional associations (that pertain to pre-verbal-rational structures of meaning), such as loss of structural support (integrality of being) in bones, teeth or muscular functions. Even dreams of spitting out crumbling teeth!
But don't rationalise this as an 'explanation' when the pattern gave rise to poor posture, unbalanced dietary choices, socially masked habits of intended un-consciousness in whatever patterns of 'self-adjustments or self-medications' aligned to mask over pain (in the heart - not merely to the body image).
Alignment with integraity/integrity of being is with joy or enthusiasm that extends, radiates or flows of itself BECAUSE we release the inhibitions of a (self) judgemental block of filters and rules that HAD their place in arriving at a point of true willingness to love.
Unselfconscious joy is most effectively blocked by the attempt to DO the mask of its presentation as virtue credits set against a sense of self-hate or denial and exclusion from love & life (That we all carry or we would not be able to maintain a focus in the world that we are in a sense co-creating as effects OF invested judgements given priority over truth-discarded or pushed back and down from an active focus in experience.
Shifting perspective creates fresh experience without demonisation of the past stamping onto our future (of unfolding potential).
The meanings we give set the measure of what we receive. This is completely overlooked in a "physically determined" mind set in manipulating its world, others and self so as to gain 'function' as a covertly aligned sense of protection & control (which includes the use of subjection & victimisation as mitigator, appeaser or basis for 'justifying' retributive vengeance as a self vindicating 'hit' of 'winning').
Blessings on your day!