Yes, Virginia, there is a Covid virus. In more sane times it was referred to as a flu virus. The Covid brand was used as a marketing tool to sell the lockdown and masking fiasco to the masses.
While yours is a practical offering to those who have yet to realise that the virus theory itself stands on shaky ground, it is worth noting that flu has been weaponised and marketised for years as part of drilling and conditioning society. Flu stats are gross amplifications of various conditions attributed to flue, that are used to leverage vaccine drives - against the flow of known science on efficacy in suppressing the current seasonal expression.
There have also been exposed frauds with H1N1 'swine flu' being an easy one to research.
There's a whole lot more can be said on flu. The use of a word operates the mind.
This particular site gives credence to cosmic influences or influenza with regard to atmospheric and energetic events, fluctuations or alignments that are associated with toxic exposures to which the life on Earth, learns to eliminate and adapt, so the electrical has a role perhaps directly, (cosmic weather) as well as indirectly in the flow of ionic materials to Earth and drawn from Earth via electrically induced volcanic action. The 'transmission' of supposed contagion can be recognised as detoxification or adaptive 'upgrades' that are the healing phase or 'immune response' to the challenge, and as such contain psychic emotional or 'growth' components.
I agree about 'branding', but I would see the branding of the masses by a tooling of fear. The captivity is not brought about by the roundup so much as harvested from the crop that has been long tended.
What goes around, comes around.
The virus as a narrative of parasitic pathogenicity is an aspect of our psycho-pathy or self-dissociating 'mind-looping' replication of a state of dispossession that arises from the attempt to define and control (grasp) Life.
Mind does not 'become physical' but can filter and distort the tangible definitions, perception and responses to Thought given power, as a means to add to a sense of 'self-imaged' or modelled on its own spin.
The attempt to solve internalised conflict, externally, brings all the psychic emotional energy of the conflict pattern, to the wishful or magical 'solution'. In this way every natural synchronicity of recognised wholeness and healing can become subverted to a 'means' to GET (or get rid of) for a pathological sense of self-imaged conflict running as the 'normal'.
Insofar as bio-coding operates biotic symbiosis, it is the embodiment of the Life Principle.
But by the projection of pathological narrative, we demonise the Life as a sense of masking and distancing recoil from our own Life, as an identity given to fear set in hiding from, that then operates as hiding or masking in a self-protective defence.
The Lesson is Out There on The Big Screen of the World of our Collective Projection.
When an addict truly SEES the pattern of a looping mis-identification as nothing else, it is no longer an impossible situation into which they are scripted, defined, trapped and compelled to escape or overcome.
I cannot tell you that the World of 'meanings' that support a separated sense of self in image is not real, while you are living the fruit or reward of such a focus as your chosen reality. Strange fruits make us strangers to ourselves and each other. There is a limit to tolerance of isolation and meaninglessness - no matter how ingeniously masked or repackaged as some shred of moral salvage.
SOTT had at times republished articles that are propaganda that can be assigned some benefit of doubt for bias or blindness under which things slip through. But this is actively taking the 'fact checker' role of assuming the right to SETTLE THE SCIENCE! and to dictate the narrative using the tricks of such a mind to obfuscate, divert, smear, insinuate and invalidate communication itself.
It may be that it has a staked identity in the 'war against lockdowns' that believes it must generate a counter narrative by which to disinfect or recapture the minds of many - such as to leverage, impact of win a 'changed world'.
There IS another way to see all of this, than through the lens of a dis-owned psycho-pathic fragmentation.
It comes from a willingness to notice or observe our own patterns in act of desire, definition and differentiation.
The Mind is the creative defining act or Word that goes forth.
The mind represents an adaptation to the results of fruits of our own giving.
Nothing really leaves Mind, to actually become something 'different than it Is, while a mind can be-live the results of the exploration of AS IF.
The motif of modelling, based on fear and control, as the replacement for a truly felt and coherent discernment, is offering a recognition point, now, for re-wakening as the freedom to choose whether to persist in the use of fear and guilt as the leveraging of a private reality experience within a 'socially masking' reinforcement.
Truth remains free of our 'definitions' as the Source of the capacity to define and know all things one.
Warring over which truth is 'real' is a mind-trap that costs awareness of the extension of the truth of love as the recognition of its appreciation in each other. That we can give love to a mind-trap is to say we can sacrifice our life to idol and illusion of the power or protection that we seek from OUTSIDE a sense of self-lack.
The self or mind has never been isolated. And so the be-life in its existence operates without foundation in Fact.
But what you have made can serve love because You made it in error and can just as easily allow it to serve the correction or undoing of error. Thus the released 'addict' is not out of the pattern of conditioned or triggered reaction, but is out of the compulsive possession by which to have no free awareness and attention for making a new choice as the establishing of a conscious acceptance or worth and connection from which to live - instead of its reversal in a mind and world set 'backwards'. While the 'separating' recoil to lockdown, distance and mask is seen as salvation from Overwhelm, it limits the self-harming expression of hate, but at cost of the inhibition and suppression of the impulse of receiving and extending the movement of being that is love's gift, and the true anointing and crowning of Creation in gratitude for being.
Disinhibiting the suppression of love while strengthening the inhibition of hate given harmful expression, is not something that can be forced on another living one without their willing acceptance, as if for their own 'good'!
But we can grow the means and conditions by which to discern one from the other so as to have a clear basis for choosing. Who hates to love, must 'love' to hate. Joining in socially masked hate, as if a claim to virtue is not really joining at all. Even the hate is really the hurt that is not finding true acceptance and embrace, as a sense of love lost, abandoned, denied, rejected, betrayed, defiled and broken. If that is ALL that is believed to lie beneath the Mask, why would anyone not cling to ANY illusion that shuts a limiting mind from losing the only 'face' that remains?
@Tsidkenu We take on board what researchers have been finding and reporting about the complex interplay of viruses, exosomes, retroviruses, etc, and their relation to disease, genetics, 'evolution', etc, but we draw the line at 'SARS-CoV-2 is not real'.
The 'No SARS-CoV-2 Virus Theory' is harmful not just because it's a false premise on which to (correctly) describe the Covid pandemic as a sham, but because behind it is some push to convince people that viruses 'in the wild' don't exist, period.
This contention is wilful avoidance of reality, and its proponents typically display quasi-religious fervor in their conviction that 'all science is wrong, and I - not a scientist - know better'.
Niall Planetary epicycles are real? Phlogesten is real? Dark Matter is real?
The narrative for SARS-Cov-2 is real enough, as are the code definitions of the short fragments pulled out of a sample of indeterminate (not isolated) matters that were 'aligned' or rather combined to make up a 'whole virus definition' using parts of other coronavirus definitions, to then declare the theoretical virus as a novel discovery - and to be 'isolated'.
The 24hr miracle study published by Drostren et al with the definitions of primers for the main RT-PCR test as the basis of determining the (redefined meaning of) pandemic, is stated as 'theoretical definitions' and not derived from any actual sample.
Because a High Priest Class determines the definitions, tests and diagnostic parameters of an umbrella disease condition that no study has demonstrated to be caused by SARS-Cov-2, no one in the scientific establishment can question it.
Germ theory of disease is a protected narrative since WW2. That alone ought to make it worthy of investigation.
The wilful avoidance of reality lies with the polluters whose toxicity, degradation and pain to others is offset by profits by which to generate cover stories that flag cause falsely to a natural process that is associated with sickness as an expression OF immune function. The cover story is then used to found an industrial 'solution' that persists the problem in repackaged narratives that further engage allegiance of the self-protective trust of the fearfully misguided.
Science is the means, and not the end. This has nothing to do with anti-science or irrational or magical thinking, but the corporately invested technologism of a marketised and weaponised 'science' is so deeply corrupted as to serve and anti-life agenda under the mask of 'science'.
The methods of 'debunking' valid critical questions are deceitful and discrediting to those who engage in them.
Protected narratives are DOGMA, serving a control agenda.
Science that is worthy can bear any critical evaluation.
The fact is that this virus has not been proven to exist as an isolated specimen and nor has such a culture been grown that has been shown to cause disease. Nor have any of the EM photos of particles been proven to be that specific whole viral entity or the cause of disease.
That most people are heavily invested in the need and belief for infectious pathogens is partly in the defences raised against them and more deeply as the externalising of denied conflict out and away from the mind of the thinker.
That decomposing dead cells generate DNA and RNA code fragments is known, and that there is an extracellular communication that operate through these exosomes is known, but that these are pathogenic is a belief or theory awaiting proof.
The need for a narrative to fill in to support a model is the signature of our times. The model is broken, and yet is too big to fail and so everyone and everything else must be broken and sacrifice to save the system - as if the system forfends the end of the World. Like the Aztecs.
Science and Logic operate on premises, that can be wrong.
Under scientific idealism, this is constantly self-correcting.
In practice, darkness is declared as the new standard - or indeed 'normal'.
The correct expression is that this so called novel virus has yet to be proven to exist or to cause a disease condition (a disease which extends to include health by the way).
There is a huge amount of bollox in all of this that is only matched by the huge financial leverage and huge mainstream compliance.
Invested identities are protected as 'self'.
But operate as a dissociative dispossession.
# 3
Virology is demonology is a psuedo-religion.
The externalisation of a (psycho)pathogenic intent is the projection of that same pattern of thought onto the body.
As for isolating - the use of this term in the weaponisation of medical science is not what we usually mean by it - just as pandemic has been adjusted under WHO to mean nothing very significant while still operating as Terror threat in the minds of mainstreamed mass hypnosis. Just as testing is used to imply something that is does not and cannot test for, just as cases have been separated from clinical disease, just as health has been redefined as asymptomatic disease.
Word magic works a kind of hypnosis on the unwary - just as repeated images do - because the images evoked by the words are NOT true witnessing to the facts. Any more than computer modelled predictions provide facts on which to base our action or response.
The ability to name and frame narrative definitions is the mind capture of all that is dependent on them, and the ability to select computer assisted 'genomic sequences of short coded fragments back into Humpty Dumpty using an existing database of similar code constructions is the biotechnical monopoly of the means to define 'new' or variant 'viruses', diagnostic and testing parameters, and treatments or 'preventative' immune busting interventions. All with variable sliders such as to generate the outcomes as required on top of a relatively predictable respiratory sickness seasonality.
The INVESTMENT in the virus theory as factual is so immense in both milking captive revenue streams and the demand for magical means to mask against the natural processes of life in the body, that most of us are acculturated to think in its terms as an unquestionable invisible structure.
Conflict evasion and denial masks in cover story, that is built upon as the basis for protection from the very thing it protects.
And so the war on sickness or War on anything else always DOES the thing is presents to defend against.
Fear is being protected from healing. By projecting it to externals where it is attacked.
The externalising of toxic debt into complex repackaged narratives is the private gain set against the whole.
This is the pattern of deceit running through our world as its most fundamental corruption.
What can come from a false foundation, but that it must attack the true witness?
I agree that merely stating the virus is unreal can be misused and unhelpful.
The belief in the virus is real enough to support the lockdown and destruction or rather - destructive redistribution - of life support - by those who are most seeking to gain from the increase of wealth and control.
Trillion dollar interests seeking to clinch such a restructure instead of disclosure to systemic corruption have a lot of means in persuading the minds of many to act against their own true interests. But they haven't a love of truth or the truth of love. They will thus seek to infect everyone with an inoculation against truth as the basis upon which to set up another 'cycle' of lies on top of the old.
Thus is cultivated in people's minds an unawareness of Stockholm Syndrome spell that they are under!!!
Yes there is a knowledge of 'mind capture' using terror and shock, as the expression and reinforcement of control.
While we can see victim and victimiser, there is also an underlying pattern of replication of its own themes.
There are many perspectives on this. One of which is ancient human shock that set us in our current 'world' as a dissociated or split mind that Jesus called (among other things) a house divided against itself and referred to those who live on a masking denial of Spirit as those who know not what they do.
But to see the negative capacity of the mind in its attempt to love and serve one's own captor and abuser, as the only life it has or can accept possible, is to see that our word (self-definition) has all the power we give it, over the world we then perceive and experience in response.
That thoughts can blind us to truth is not something we can recognise while in the triggered blindness of their identifiction.
But noticing this pattern in others offers a Spiritual prompt to being more aware and vigilant to our true peace, as distinct from a mask over a mind in pieces.