Keynes and Hayek: Prophets for today
Commentary to article in the Economist
It is so easy to consider men of ideas that gain traction in society as kind or well meaning gentlemen. But the implementations of these ideas within political ideology can become a monstrous event.
Though a bit dated, Adam Curtis's Pandora's box (online view available)offers a gentle perspective on this. Naomi Klein's 'The Shock Doctrine', less so.
My own sense is that as we define ourselves, so will systems of organisation rise that automatically extend such definitions and reflect in society.
We are not really bankrupt in terms of true wealth - but in the paucity of negative, divisive and disconnecting self-definitions that we do not challenge or question but act as if presumed knowledge.
Self interest is primary - but if the self is defined at odds with our true nature, a coercive surrogate mentality operates. Whether that coercion operates via individual or collective coercion is secondary to that coercion is hatefully suffered and seeks justification in application.
True self interest would encourage cooperative movements of free associations within an integrity of being.
To seek answer in any one system of idea is a symptom of identity conflict and not actually a solution to it.
What we invest in with belief and energy of focus of attention, becomes personal, and distorts our perception.
The Global 'West' has made huge investment in a rationality disconnected from wisdom. A Prodigal error.
I see such rationality as the false god of materialism; the playground of the disconnected ego.
I can hear the bell ringing; "time gentlemen please!".