Mind Control?
Neuralink Does Not Read Minds and Never Will – OffGuardian
#1 Victim-Victimiser Projections set in mutually reinforcing hidden bonds
The wish for externally applied 'solutions' runs a diversionary by-pass from truly addressing inner (relational) conflict. Not only as a seeker, but as a seller.
The seller is then seeking for the opportunity to 'sell' to the extent of profiling targets for the leverage to the approaches that will set false solutions upon the inner narratives or archetypes of self-lack and self-conflict. And so progress to nurturing & cultivating conflict as a captive revenue stream of unwitting sacrifice in exchange for false solutions given identity investment.
This leads to thescience as the 'authority' of accepted models, theories or cybernetic systems of such 'facts' as the arbiter of truth targeted to modelling risk, threat or danger, to propagate or hype via Media, to leverage emotion, attract funding (redistribute or divert funding) as the leverage to shape thescience for exploitative tech 'applications'. All of which operates as 'Insider knowledge' for what became a protected class, by the possession & control of the means to feed or choke off financial, legislative & regulatory support.
PR for investors magnifies claims, stakes out patents and touts for business - always latching onto or incorporating the perceived 'benefits' in terms of a 'social good'. Whether any of its products actually work as stated is questionable as are negative effects -whether stated, concealed or implicit. But when touted to the Public as an investment of faith (in thescience or in wishful or magical thinking is all one) - that investment is no less protected than that of the capital investor, their stake. As if evident to readers who did NOT succumb to the suggestions or commands of a Media Mass Hypnosis set in shock tactics. For those who have taken the bait are set by their own beliefs in certainties of emotional reactivity set beyond question.
So amongst all the biotech 'revolution' of genetic dogma, transfections, nano-tech hack & hijack of biofield, and directed energy weapons of mind control - what can truly be established real - or is found to be operating on bent & bought science as the oracle for the voice of God's-replacement?
I decided to put anything in (brackets) that I cannot directly recognise or appreciate - in the trust that I know what I need to know now and so more will be revealed as it is needed - or released of any need if not.
An alternative is to react emotionally & imaginatively to stories or belief of others as if they are true - and then be framed within such fallacies or imaginations given power - as a basis to escape or overcome them.
The masking (of) reality is what we call our minds - which operate - or have been allowed to run as fallacies or imaginations given power for the development and protection of the masking defence - a gain of fiction - running as a functional ego in a realm of 'imaged self' and 'imaged reality'.
The technology of control modelling pertains to the mind's capacity to project the line of its own thinking - as distinct from extension of the Thought of Creative/Creation - that is associate with felt or experiential qualities of inspiration, appreciation, recognition - that cannot BE quantified or defined but as symbols can represent or point toward. yes also being symbols, can be recontextualised as a 'name taken in vain' - or masked in as presumption of status or qualification.
Self-illusion is not a sin, but identifying in the mask of appearances will attack messengers or witnesses for truth as 'survival against perceived threat'. Thus reversing the Natural Order for a conflict driven, sacrifice demanding control system. In this sense sin is active as a delusional split mind - that cannot know what it does, as it does unto Itself - upon the othered.
If we would know our Purpose we need observe our results, that is, our relationships and our world. Because it is valid feedback in terms of giving and receiving - excepting to a mind that wants to project its denied, hated, feared or shamed unworthiness - out onto others - and believes it has thereby escaped, or by attack, overcome.
The article is great btw. The tooling of the mind by its own thought is where we are phished by our own imaged thinking. Fear can run contagious as victim and victimiser- for shadows can and do align in reciprocal bonds. If it can be imagined, it can be experienced. But regadless of what may be possible on some level to be-live -0 do you WANT it?
That is the question whose honest answer aligns decision and thus undoes conflict.
#2 A Non Physical Basis for Mind as Possession or Control
What exactly is the evidence for left and right brains performing this or that?
According to Crichton, it comes from one small survey of people with brain damage but when tried on the healthy it didn’t repeat (gotta love that scientific method!). Maybe there’s further evidence since he wrote about it? Like him, I’m no specialist in this field but it looked a dubious claim.
We can observe the patterns in our own consciousness - without requiring the neurological model as an authority of explanatory support'.
In UrText of A Course in Miracles, 'possession fallacies' (identity conflicts) underlie perceptual distortions (& behaviours).
Possession limited to bodies. (Body as a getting mechanism or weapon-and separating device).
Possession of and by things.
Possession by 'spirits' (projected denials).
(The belief runs equally as fear of dispossession).
Uncovering or dispelling fallacies releases to awareness of the always already (but obscured) truth.
Attempts to systemically schematise life to maps or models of predefined predictability must extend a predicate decision, guess or assumption.
The usefulness of a tool to break out of a vicious spiral, is not a basis for raising above question- ie making all else subordinate to its worth-ship.
Our ability to mask a sense of self-lack, self-conflict and selfishly blind or loveless & destructive or depleting motivation, to ourselves and others, is also a socially reinforced 'identity' of conditioned 'self-protections' that use external projections for inner evasions and denials.
A scientifically tooled linguistic mind polarises to quantified systems of assigned 'social' value or utility - hence gender as a variation from a neutered abstraction to a scale of identified values, instead of the relational experience of gender as the field and interplay of complimentary exchange.
Robot replacement is an inside job.
If I might jump from job to Job - the Satanic tempt or wager ran the claim that Man (God's Creative Creature) is but a robot.
Satan then 'tested' Job to gaslight Job into denial of living faith for social guilting inclusion, but Job did not accept it.
Jesus exemplifies that same refusal to support socially reinforced moral guilting or 'scapegoating' under a god of loveless dictate masked as the 'moral dictate'.
(Which may well have been a necessary adaptation or accommodation of law under far more brutal or catastrophic conditions). Tribal coherence (Law) was essential for physical survival, underpinning consciousness development.
#3 Crude 'translation' maps of association.
“Besides the huge medical issues of implants and the left brain points made, there’s another huge issue with trying to read thoughts or implant thoughts.
We all code information differently based on our past experience which structures our brain.
We all have a different “language” or format of the way we store and process information in our brains.
Thus, there’s no easy way to read or write memories and thoughts.
The furthest they got is crude. Zapping certain areas to induce or inhibit certain areas can change the way information is processed. It’s sort of like how trauma can wire the brain.
However, this is like banging your computer randomly in order to get it to open up your browser etc…. It’s brute force garbage.
I think this is a key point – we are all unique expression not just of the Creator/Creative – but of the catastrophic breakdown of connected being – ie Separation trauma – by which we acquire, learn and adapt a masking ‘identity’ within a collective social focus of conflict displacement and evasion.
In this way we auto-map our inner conflicts to others as self-protective strategies by association – much of which runs ‘below conscious notice’.
This runs a ‘getting mode’ that can seem loving when each gets what they bargained for – yet turns to hate in an instant if the terms are broken.
The nature (nurture) or tech-man is a replicant – or a replicator of what is already life, into systems of definitions serving predictive control as gain of function.
Thus the model for control needs only map to manipulatable perceptions & behaviours. It doesn’t need to ground in reality to access the experience of ‘making life in its own image’.
In fact it MUST deny reality to access such an experience – and induce another to ‘share in the same fruits’ so as to ‘see reality through virtual eyes – and repel all incoming messengers!
Narcissus as a ‘possession’ of a mind phished by its own image, thought and identity.
The need for a real relationship outweighs temporary discomfort!