Friday, 5 February 2021

You never know

'Don't know' mind is open enough for life to feel and move.

'Think we know works' active ignorance.

Discernment feels with beginner's mind.

Always ready to begin now with where we are.

We we think we are has the stamp of a past seeking a future like itself.

Narrative continuity sets filters and rules; terms and conditions.

Thinking, like computer modelling, is only as fitting as relates truly to what is truly moving.

We have become backwards.

As if life must fit the rules and systems and narratives.

If this is so, and I see it is so, the way we have become normalised to thinking is of giving 'cause' to the effects and symptoms of conflict and disease, grievance or fear, as if causal agents in and of themselves.

But we don't have to understand so much to recognise that our aligning in truth of life as we each feel and recognise it, needs us present and awake to where our centre is peace and where we can so easily lose it or throw it away to what is not helpful and gets in our own way and leaves us open to self-conflict, that undermines and is dispiriting and depressing.

The inner life is of the non physical as psychic emotional 'territory' that is always part of our experience, but often masked out of direct awareness.

The demand to keep a lid on our feeling being is its own kind of lockdown, distancing and masking over - because there is unfinished or unresolved issues within our life and mind that may be covered over but have not really gone away.

Being with deeply disturbing thought and feeling can become psychotic or dissociative without a connected sense of relational presence.

That we can extend love to another is not in doubt to the giving and receiving, and yet doubt of our own being leads to the masking in virtue to cover the fear we have none or deserve less. The very young may take on the 'stuff' of their family and world, to adopt all kinds of unspoken patterns of unresolved exclusions and denials. In this sense there are patterns that come down the generations. But recognising what is truly ours and what is not, is the basis to release futility set in impossible burdens.

Self-evasion is the pattern of addiction to external diversion and displacement.

But there is a world we meet from a wholeness brought TO relationships, rather than using them for the presenting and reinforcing of a masking over our true feeling being - though on other levels that does 'communicate' anyway as some sense of withholding or judgemental distance.

The attraction of fear and guilt is its capacity to get identity reinforcement against the evil, the threat, the outsider, the denier, the hate target.

Masking identity seeks more control and reinforcement for the mask, to make you safe - in the terms it was invoked and set. That is does not actually work shall become a basis to release it to a willingness to re-evaluate what we thought we knew and who we thought we were and took our world to be.

When we tried all that doesn't work and couldn't work, we may come at last to what we didn't want to have have to look at, as a willingness to look with new eyes.

The Lie that Dispossesses the Mind Set in Fear 

The underlying truth is paradoxically the experience of a lie given power of priority over honesty of true relationship and communication. Thus it is not merely hiding from a true disclosure of transparency and just account but actively set in attack of the movement of life toward coherence, integration and health.

This may originally have started off  (in principle) as hiding from truth, but a lie can only be protected by more lies, and this must than seek and find the narrative evasions by which to operate a plausible deniability within narratives into which others are induced or deceived into sharing personal investment in.

That the tares multiply to overrun the crop, is to say the lies become a death cult in the name of a personal survival set in a masking over fears and hates that are seemingly treated or managed by various methods, rules and procedures that started out as 'solution's but become the arena of all the psychic-emotional conflicts that are in a sense dumped there in hope of magical or wishful escape.

Displaced fears grow in their repackaging narratives of their seeming solutions to take on monstrous and demonic proportion - yet the core fears are still truly addressed in the 'separation trauma' of our formative experience of our life in the world as the adaptation to a world we learn as both a sensory extension and a human modelling of rules, procedures and behaviours. Which is to say a conflict mind under mask of social and personal control.

I see this 'conflict mind' is being disclosed as its masking disintegrates of the capacity to pass off as truly present and alive, and so is seen as obviously self-dissociation in those who currently double down in the narrative led lie for their own sense of safety in the frame the narrative sets.

It is disturbing and disgusting and yet truly needs to be recognised as a mask of meaninglessness, so as NOT to be given permission to operate our mind by reaction and induction to a false frame of thinking - that is always a mask of seeming unity over self-contradictions - such a Orwellian double-think.

Fear of truth makes sense only as fear of what fear makes truth seem to be.

Truth reveals freedom - but we cannot see this while we identify in fear that leads us to hide from or attack the messengers of healing and wholeness. In scientific terms, this is to admit the empirical evidences or witnesses as valid feedback by which to truly evaluate our model from which we think or question, so as to correct errors and ask more truly aligned questions, that allow coherent and reintegrative answers. Unless we live this, we don't have the basis to meet and join in the movement of this. So first to accept healing and be moved and guided accordingly, rather than evade true healing under the banner of saving everyone else. When the isolation is broken to let love and life in, there is a synchronicity of its extension as relationship, that we need be open to allowing and extending rather than inhibiting or denying. The light of life is not to be hidden in secret bubbles or bodies masked in sickness and death. Unless of course you insist!

Thursday, 4 February 2021

How can we ever trust again?



Ed Phillips:

Did you know there are people out there who actually believe that the government are doing the right thing?

Did you know that there are people out there who have done no independent research and believe everything the government says?

I think that is one of the worst things about this. We have to live in a society with people who think this is all a reasonable response.

How can we trust anyone again?

 Did you know there are governments out there who trust that their people will not (can not) independently research?

Infantilism demands and parental prison provides.

This arrested development has deeper causes that rational thinking in either its fearful 'children' or controlling 'parents'. Fear and control are two sides of one coin or false currency.

That you cant join with lies is an honesty of being that is made clear to your awareness of such in others as a deeply disturbing experience.

Fear - if not faced and lived through - splits the mind.

I regard this observation as spiritual or integrative awareness - because it is not merely thinking about, but directly present as the willingness to be with what is to the recognition of what is true, rather than mask in 'protections' from what is truly going on under narrative illusion seeking reinforcement.

I hold that learning to trust ourselves, rather than think ourselves into narrative identity, is what spirituality is and does, and nothing to do with 'spouting beliefs' or wearing our heart on our sleeve as signalling for social virtue or indeed for anti-anything virtue.

The capacity to accept our self where we are now with what is here - is the natural extension of a like quality to another, regardless the mask of their appearances. For it does not demand or manipulate or seek for itself.

The world - our relationships - can be read as faithful feedback to where I am coming from. But not from a set of terms and conditions that demand it be something else. If others are not ready or willing to look where a mind set over fear denies, then there is no forcing of another that can do anything but set equal and opposite reaction.

But whatever willingness is here can be given freedom to be itself, if we are present, aware and open to the prompt of a recognition of a shared appreciation instead of a world set in grievance. For why should the fearful trust you or anyone but as fear dictates? You can witness to another basis for choice than as fear dictates without making it a matter of 'telling them they are wrong' or confirming them in their sense of self-lack.

Rationality divorced from the heart - by whatever name - is a dissociated machine thinking that trusts its own modelling above empirical facts revealed. Trust cannot be or become a set of rules, algorithm, or system. That is 'control' set as structure in place of trust in ongoing relational communication. Within the structure, whatever it determines can seem reasonable if the function of such a system is to keep you safe from overwhelm. But the word is 'seem' and the fear is operating as if FACT.

#2 (RE: Moral ethical dilemma).

The belief and perception that pushing the fat man to save others from the 'collective' or lesser evil, will operate as IF a quantitative easement of moral dilemma.

So abstracted 'what if' modelling can always generate scenarios where NOT doing as the framing of the model suggests can be itself framed as weak, wrong, impractical, ineffective and dangerous even heretical!

Mind-framing is something that 'normality' runs unaware of.

Beliefs and perceptions can run as if they are actually true.

Vicarious gratifications and mitigations or compensations can run as overlayering social masking realities that never were true - but for being mainstreamed as acceptable currency of exchange.

Nice illusions can mask over nightmare illusions. Seeking to save our self from our nightmares can sacrifice anything and everything in the framing of a refusal to see and know. In this sense a false sense of 'individuality' is asserted as a false context from which to relate to anyone and everyone.

That this false sense of self then develops a society of collective sacrifice is hardly surprising - and under the frame of sacrificing true individuality to a collective 'safety'.

The false sense of safety under a collectivism of cognitive dissonance is desperate to maintain the 'system' by which its persona-reinforcement is 'made safe' and delivers itself unto evil under the belief that the only life is within its protection.

For the reliving of the terror or pain of loss from which it flees is unthinkable, and always the greater evil. Until the willingness to question reality - our own thinking, moves within us and finds allowance instead of rejection and denial.

The fear of something can destroy us without ever actually finding out what it was or whether it was so, And fears can be set about us as fences against which change is denied to a locked down or petrified defence.The systemic operation of fear as control can hardly live! But will seem to have all the life we give it as our chosen way to limit, conflict and die.

The word individual was once like to indivisible. 'What If' the capacity to select out and give focus to a modelling of ideas based on rules established as past experience, running invisibly and operating as a matrix for virtual experience through which to persist the identity of the modelling or cultural parameters.

A true currency is truly current - not 'as if' or merely symbolic representation. When cultural constructs disintegrate, it reveals a loss of integrity in functional terms. to double down in further masking of derivatives of derivatives is the sacrifice of life known and lived for an illusion of control over it. What else is that but death?


The mainstream version of anything is not the only account.
The generation of a false history is itself a history that repeats.
Mind control is the means, and the end.

But I recall Dubya Bush fluffing the quote:
“Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!”

But he got it backwards for the mainstreaming of a President everyone could feel superior to. Mind control, narrative control, take the ride while the music plays.
But every time it stops, there are less and less chairs to sit on.


One of my favourite quotes with relation to microbiota:

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities.

Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely.

Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua – Glenda Green)

I may add that the ‘Jeshua’ parts of the book offer a condensed wisdom and integrity of being that speak to the heart of our human condition but particularly to the underlying conditioning that plagues and bedevils our current sense of life, self and world. Regardless of the contextual framing of the author of the book. Whoever and whatever the messenger may be, coherence and integrity resonate. But will ‘intellectual’ snobbery ever allow looking where its sense of self-specialness over life is not supported?

The deceit by which a mind is set against itself and all else

Dispatches from the Front: The Psychological Attack on UK - UK Column

 I started writing a comment and realise I write to underlying principles for any who cares to read and consider in their own heart.

Deceits will either undo a man of his (or her) mind or bring him to his Right mind in service of the heart of true desire. Recognising that they have occurred and are running is the first step to vigilance on behalf of a true peace, no matter how grievous or upsetting. if we only see the fault and sin of others we should know this is the device for casting out our own and thereby leaving it hidden and unhealed in our own heart, to work against us in ways that lie hidden, because wanting to see and hate and attack guilt in others is the mask by which to distance from our fear, and lock into by our hate given moral justification. To say it is a war of principalities is to say that Principle is set out of order and needs to be restored such that what is first is first that all comes after in its right relationship.

The false desire will work deceit because it seeks for something instead of truth as if a symbol or a wishful experience or a magical solution will resolve conflicts that are rooted in relationships with our Life - that are revealed in our true relationship but covered over in the attempt to use others to get for ourself on the denial of others. This temptation needs to be understood as a bait NOT to take or we will be induced by such emotional reaction to be to tool of grievance that can be recognised and targeted by those who falsely see their 'salvation' in denying or using you.

But in the first instance we need simply recognise that self-honesty is our must fundamental basis for trust that extends a true witness and aligns a true outcome.
That we are all already compromised in this is evident in our capacity to deceive and be deceived under frame of thinking that justifies itself as morally entitled to except from principle because the 'cause' justifies the means in its end. This is how the effect is given status as cause and everything in such a mind is turned against its true nature.

The deceit that effects denial and distancing and masking in the life in the world is not ultimately the attack of aliens or others so much as an alienation within our self has set it so. We talk now of cognitive dissonance and this can be evidenced in many we know and love in the revealing of what lies beneath by which we are undone of our illusions or doubled down in them as one who knows not who he is and cannot then know what he does - being in a displaced sense of self and world that does not recognise or greatly fears to recognise, truth. But as I said it is not just Them who must be woke up or Them who must be checked from harming us, and so the attack must always be recognised as fundamentally rooted in deceit and coercions arising from fear's denial that we call 'control' but is a mind split from the heart of discernment, set to protect against reliving separation trauma, under the sense of disconnection from Life, Love and true direction.
Therefore aligning first in the love that reveals itself to the willingness for true relationship, is the most fundamental defence against the deceits arising from a sense of self-lack, given power by a mind that gives focus there.
"And WHO told you you were naked?", said the Lord.
Question where our guidance and thinking and direction comes from within our own active purpose, regardless where or who it seems to come from in our world or from our experience of our past.
This is to be still an instant and listen in the heart, and if you have not cultivated self-honesty then you take the thinking of the moment as if it is your own and have already reacted as if it tells you who and what you are.

There are patterns to the devices of deceit and self-illusion that once recognised will show up in other kinds of situation that would seem different. So look not just for the persons and the agencies and methods in the world but for the patterns of susceptibility and hidden correspondences of our own involvement in ways we could not recognise or resolve because at some point we masked over and cast out to get rid of or escape what we at that time could not address. Errors call for correction. Persisting in error against the call for correction grows sin as an intent to attack and deny truth revealing for what we at some part of our mind fear will damn or overwhelm or take our life from us.

The waking to 'psychological attack' is a way into looking at our own responsibilities for our own and our share wholeness and sanity of being. Reinforcing the fear is never the way to its undoing, but nor is underestimating anything we have given power to as a Child of God. The Creative, given to fear does not truly create an evil at the Level of being, so much as multiply limitation, division, depletion, conflict and pain of loss - along with a mind set to frame all such as power over life feared. What we give unto worldly power is due unto the true. Not to be contested as to who shall set the narrative for what is good and what is ill. Hence truth is the first casualty of war set in deceit. But in defence against being made war on, take no joy in hatred, but resolve to only take up such defence in order to bring the situation back to a condition where communication and relationship can operate to undo a hatred of rejection and denial by which a mind is locked down as if no other reality can be, than it own conviction.

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Self-illusion seeks Immunity Against Truth

 Sputnik is a tweak of a relatively known entity in terms of it damage. Also an escape from WHO imposed inoculation by vectors of an intent to undermine the 'regime' that is in some ways NOT aligning to global stakeholder fronting monopolism - or so it would seem.

Most of what is being 'argued' in the article is not science or reason but Pharma turf wars that also have geopolitical dimensions - along with the 'medical' tyranny of a perpetual war model disease model for health. Follow the Science Money!

The trials of the new so called vaccines many of which are NOT really entitled to the same name and association as they are being given my media and KOL PR, are live human experimentation. There is no other term that fits.

In the good of Nuclear Fear days, a friend of mine had a badge that ran the slogan "Mutate Now - Avoid the Rush!"

Lies will shift and squirm and change into ANYTHING rather than allow disclosure to a true account and invested identity in them is a narrative or mind capture at a level which rational thinking cannot conceive, because it is part of the device of self-justified concealment.

Truth holds intuitive recognition in the heart of wholeness - that can be tangibly felt in our bones, our gut, our chest or head. Invested illusions protected against truth, are dissonant and disturbing to hold and so the capacity to persist in them is the development of ways to immunise a split off awareness against the Messengers of Truth. One means of which is to demonise them and define them as sickness or evil and calling for eradication. THAT our mind can choose to accept this is self-evident. Do we truly WANT this is a real question that calls on truth for a real answer.

Reflections on Support for Being Truly Human


I feel various responses meeting reaction to social lock-downing of mind and body, and feel for aligning in support for being truly human - which includes our fears but is not defined by fears. This makes me a not very 'political' candidate to go out and change the world, wake everyone up, stop the madness, or save the world.

I write to this situation in my own way, in my own willingness, and have been writing for years as part of who I am - or perhaps as the releasing of who I am NOT to a reintegration of wholeness in being. 

So I feel and participate in the spirit of any meeting, which is what we bring of ourselves and share in, as a sense of worth or value, some of which is called forth by the anti-life agenda that is currently 'infecting' the minds of the susceptible, which includes our own liability to become fear-defined and fear-directed when triggered. 

This to me is a re-education. The choice NOT to choose fear, leaves the way open for Life itself to move through us, though the situation, as a synchronicity or revealing of what fear hides or denies of a shared or connected quality of being. To call it love-in action is already to bring it into the mind of rules, and should's and correctnesses, instead of abiding in the freedom to be who we are the revealing and unfolding of. As Life.

As always I start out thinking to say something simple and find a fundamental difference that prevents language working simply, and that is that the mind in its world is already locked into a complex of rules, that distance from and mask over as if to validate self *over and against* a feared and negatively charged outcome. 

Our current world is reflecting the regulatory capture of Living to a 'control agenda' claiming every kind of pretext - not just the virus story. I see this as fear of Life and Living, running in multiple shifting disguises of competing 'normals' that are narratives setting rules for narrative identities operating in polarised and polarising fragmentation and paralysis toward a systemic 'control system' - that has no life or joy in it! And so masks as a robotising or reducing the consciousness that remains, to a computer modelled 'reality' management system in which the will of true desire cannot be felt or move or recognise being alive, where a thinking substitution runs on algorithmed rules and parameters of system control. Cognitive dissociation.

But connection and support in Life is where I am, and my trust is that what rises from this has an alignment in wholeness, that communicates not just locally to the perceived situation, but within a Mind we are for the most part 'distanced' and masked off from, BY the attempt to control Life - as distinct from discerning our way within Life. 

I use a capital L for Life here, because the current idea of life is a body-bagged bubble kept from death by the 'laws that become their own systemic structure' as a degraded world in which;

 “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". (Michael Ellner). 

Law serves Man (Humankind) - not the other way around. And this relates to the current rediscovering of the difference between legal fictions of often tacit contractual agreements with lawful being of act and communication.

I see this is my morning meditation!
And is one with the meditation my Companion in Life and I read together as daily inspiration.

In Peace

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Quick sketch on virus and testing definitions


I wish I knew more about this subject but you seem to be pointing out that it was going to be reasonably easy for the pcr to find something that occurs in humans?

Andrew Kaufman MD is a calm clear and kind educator on this and similar matters. He does not TELL what to believe but what he has discovered from study, and his own clinical medical experience to share in ways translated out of 'medical obfuscation'. IE: Idiopathic means 'unknown cause'.

Youtube deleted some of his vids - he is partly on

but others have uploaded to various video sites so just search.

The nutshell as I would put it without getting technical is that without an actual physical isolate of the original whole particle - presumed to cause infectious disease - the short samples of RNA code or definable organic matter, looked for and 'discovered' in the soup of centrifuged sputum (such that only very very small particles are taken as the sample) - do not constitute a 'virus'.

But by collecting a few of such short strings and referring back to already defined 'viruses' in terms of their code, researchers can use computer modelling fill in, align or combine these into a novel corona type 'virus' - but they could have looked for an found other 'viruses'. They claimed no investigation of cause of disease when they 'defined' this discovery in terms of its RNA. (And the other 'viruses' to which they referred and used to fill in the blanks, were also 'discovered in the same way).

This amounts to being in control of a dictionary or definitive scientific authoritative definition or patent from which tests are derived. The PCR test uses a few short strings of RNA as selected 'primers' seeking a match in the tested sample that are supposed to be unique to the specific and novel (?) virus. It has been found they are not. And that a positive can be derived from matching other things as well as very likely when the 'count of cycles of replication of the sample is set high. (So the test can be made to find or not find by adjusting parameters).

The postulated virus may or may not have any causal role or perhaps immune function support role in clinical conditions

New ones are looked for in disease outbreaks or clusters in which to go and seek and find the 'virus'.

The clinical cases for Sars-Cov-2 started in one of the most polluted regions in China - likewise Italy and a region of Spain. But once a 'virus' is shouted no funding or research goes anywhere else. This happens every time Dr WHO shouts Wolf! And is not just collecting money but consolidating control by bringing in all other agencies and institutions to 'lockstep' in emergency preparedness. THIS time the response plan was switched at the last minute from something similar to the Barrington proposal (what we always did in the past) to the lockdown of the healthy and of the Economy and of the Media messaging etc to a Chinafication of rulers and ruled.

i jumped a bit there; the PCR test that Dr Drostren miraculously formulated and published in less than a day after receiving NO actual sample of isolated virus, but from viral definitions, is flawed, as well as its contributors not revealing extreme conflicts of influence.

Like Ferguson, the man has a previous record of singularly un-qualifying characteristics.

Who defines the Word and the narrative thereof, can generate 'reality' and mutate or shift its parameters and diagnosis to suit. And this is not new, but the old normal for Pharma, and for all who are brought up and conditioned to react and respond to it as believed or self-evident reality.

Questioning conditioning (reality) seeks our true nature - not another normal.

The simplified gist of actual method of the PCR testing is best to go to Kaufman's videos or indeed Tom Cowan.

NOTE: Deconstructing the false is for the freedom to restore appreciation for what is true!

Sketching out a sense of context to the current situation 


“Once governments have tasted absolute power and begun spending without limit, it is difficult to reverse course.”

This statement poses governments as the source of finance. This is entirely wrong.

If the Banks (private corporation) and other ‘stakeholder’ leverage does not support the political activity, it is starved of the basis to persist. QE - so called is the example of inflating money supply to support the Banking sector under the premise that the tares are so intertwined with the Economy that to pull them out (let them fail) would destroy the whole system - hence anything in the core corruption that includes financial deceit is deemed too big to fail and has to be kept out of court by all and any means.

Under the fearful belief that the system is our only source of structure and protection, we sacrifice the living to the ‘system’ which is hollowing out at an accelerating point (as can be seen in terms of blatant plunder of the people via what was the NHS but has been infected and hijacked by a ‘viral coup’. PPP had hollowed it and taken over most of it in any case and that is the underlying Corporate capture of regulators and institutions of public service to become the tick-box delivery of ‘services’ under corporate constraints. A god of profit in strictly financial terms of assets and liquidity operates the consolidation of control to survival within the framing of the system and monopolist cartels DO combine and conspire to deny real competition while protecting their turf within a Family of organised crime, not least by the capture of politicians as the means to make the laws that protects them against transparency and accountability.

This becomes and has become the means to set and impose weaponised narratives by which to redistribute fear, hate and blame - and therefore flow of funds and diversion of consequence - away from themselves and towards anything deemed obstructive to their further consolidation of control of the means to possess and control - along the lines that the narrative frames - such as a top-down freedom to impose any kind of ‘medically justified’ (sic) procedure or constraint under the Name of Protection against Terror - backed by a social investment in ‘virtue’ (sic) of narrative compliance.

Rational checks and balances are ignored and overridden by the means to operate a blanket persistence of emotional and psychic manipulation through a hollowed, captured and commandeered ‘Media’, a similarly bought or compromised political class, a similarly groomed corporately lockstepping PR, and selected key opinion leaders in the public consciousness. Along with ‘guidelines’ instituted globally by alphabet NGOs that morph by mission creep to regulatory structures that operate locally right down to granular level of shops, trades, nursery schools - as bound by contractual statutes instituted by member states to such ‘deals’.

I sketch this because as long as we let the dissociated set the narratives and frame the conversation, we will forever shout into their kettle as if they or anyone should listen.

Narrative ‘identity’ is an invested sense of self-illusion. A spiritually integrated identity is a capacity to recognise truth in another and extend as appreciation. To see another as ourself is not to see if they fit our terms and conditions as to whether to acknowledge. Freedom of association is the freedom to be ourselves in relation. Not to get a sense of self set apart and over ‘relationships’ as if to use them for a distanced, locked down and masked bubble seeking protection in social reinforcement.

Monday, 1 February 2021

Communication Failure by Design

 When a mind is baited into investing in a narrative deceit, it is similar to assigning and insoluble problem to a computer which results in a crash, loop or a hang such that the engagement operates a loss of function to 'garbage' in as garbage out.

There is NO dialogue or reasoned process of discovery going on between a weaponised narrative assertion and those questioning its veracity. And the narrative operates as an expression of globally orchestrated Banking and Corporate financial leverage, or indeed capture of trusted institutions. This can be obvious. For the whole thing could be snuffed in a few days if it was NOT deemed to be serving their interests.

This suggests that the 'covidian cult' is leveraging as cover story for the management of the public as a sealed system of owned assets to which they are denied access or right to question, challenge or change. In this sense we are being 'made safe' or neutralised, and they - or their mouthpieces - are being honest with us.

The nature of an offer is to engage a contractual consent.

The new social contract on offer is the abnegation of or 'freedom from' responsibility to anything but what the 'State' dictates compliance to, under premise of being made safe from whatever it designates as the threat, at whatever level of always changing threat, and with whatever tiers of permitted freedoms, as the 'State' determines and mandates.

Life taken out of its living context and experimented on so as to engineer outcomes for the purpose of indulging private fantasies, is the contract to inhuman nightmare given permission by subscription. Death is not the worst outcome and survival is not in and of itself purpose for living. For what we call death is part of the temporal nature of our human experience no matter what meanings we give to our experience by which we have our reward.

The world of change does not give us any meaning but what we first give to our world but then suffer as if at the hand of another or circumstance. the weaving of narratives by which to evade, delay and mask over fundamental change reveals itself as 'anti-life - that is as actively undermining and attacking the conditions for life - under the dictate for 'protecting the Model, the System, derived from self-image set in its 'will to power' but cast in its own Net unknowing.

To question what seems to be the reality to which you adapted requires owning and moving through your fears from a true willing acceptance of connection and communication within Life - and not apart and set over it in distance, distrust and active denial masked as virtue.

The Call to Life and joy in being, is as loud as your willingness to hear it. But will not coerce or violate your choice as to what you WANT to hear. And so in a sense its stands at the door and knocks, to your readiness to share it, for that is the nature and condition of living, as distinct from gratifying or seeking life in fantasy that fails and fails and fails to fulfil or recognise and reveal you to yourself - and in fear of Life is why we look everywhere ELSE for answer as a way of NOT finding - while masking as the search for answer in a world where conflicts go forth and multiply as 'solutions'.