Saturday, 30 January 2021

The wish to BE manipulated

The desire to BE manipulated is the other side of the balance sheet 



The real manipulation is that the population is interpreting honest reporting of ‘deaths with CoVID-19‘ and as ‘deaths from CoVID-19‘ . From that, everything else follows on naturally because we‘re already lying to ourselves.

If you honestly looked at the provenance of the definitions on which both tests and the genetically defined RNA protein 'pathogen' arise from, you might find a deeper basis for lying to ourselves. But you are right, everything is being propagandised to push narratives that are baseless or grossly distorted.

The desire to BE manipulated is the other side of the balance sheet.

Do I get something I believe I need from these narrative identifictions?

I appreciate your bringing to awareness the nature of a flow of consequence from a 'false' cause. Unless people wake up to the nature of cause and effect they blindly assign 'cause' to effects, and consent to be subjected by what they have given meaning to, as if a wholly external set of circumstances.

Thus I see a deep lesson in cause and effect underway in practical terms. Manipulation of meaning is also a form of magical appeal by which what we WANT to hide or hide from can SEEM to be escaped or overcome.

That this 'new world' comes with a heavy burden of sacrifice and denial COULD be obvious. Protected fear will blind the mind such as to not know what it does - for it is dissociating as the re-enacting of a past set in conflict, pain and loss, as strategies of survival in the terms set by the conditioning.

Without awareness of trauma and dissociative reaction the attempt to render this in rational terms is merely part of the masking. So living through fear as the willingness or indeed determination to uncover truth, is the aligning of a deeper integrity of our being - rather than attempt to present a masking of 'integrity' as if we had it as our persona. Reintegration and alignment to living principle is NOT mere contraction of an Economy nor 'resetting' of narrative controls set over and apart from life and the living, as a masking over fear set in hiding.

A mistake uncorrected can generate a lie to cover over, can generate more lies to protect the lie - and a world of lies that winds to its inevitable conclusion - which is the disclosure of the original error as the release to wholeness and freedom of being.


Biological engineering news:

A Criminal Mafia may unite to make the world 'safe' but that does not mean there are not turf wars.

The Xi-Op will run a redistribution of wealth and power as the levelling down of the willingness to suck it up. Narrative identity operates within a framework of beliefs that are set to mask and defend against truth. Self-illusion becomes a destructive lie when it is given priority over truth, or open relational communication under pretext of being too big to fail - and therefore to be propped up and aggressively protected by any and all means available. That it runs a death cult, is hidden by projecting its accusation of itself onto others, crying Foul! - attacking it externally and claiming virtue. The pattern is deep set in self-hatred and fear.

A death spiral assigned to technocratic systems of control can redistribute the toxicity of lovelessness more fairly across 99.99% of the population. By the willingness to consent to lovelessness as currency of exchange. The lie and the father of it are masking as a delivery system to 'safety'. Who has eyes to see - let them see.


Deaths from all causes per million is the only way, in my view, that the impact this virus is having can truly be measured.

If indeed that presumption is correct. For the disease symptoms and the reactive treatments and social measures and prophylactic intervention are all lumped as if the 'virus'.

As far as I am aware the virus exists as a computer modelling recombination or 'alignment' of many short strands of RNA discovered in a sampling of tissue fluid that holds a mixture of many different organic particles and detritus. Such discovery was not claimed or investigated as the cause of any disease. But the linkage of 'virus' and disease is strongly established in our belief systems - regards there are trillions of such particles pervading our world, our body our breath, and our mask.

If nearly all of this was a form of cold and flu with a relabelling and escalation of perceived and believed threat and resulting responses, then that would be supported by comparing 2020 with previous years and factoring in deaths due to mistreatment along with deaths arising from the 'side effects' of lockdown and in the first instance to shutdown of normal medical support and for many a fear or aversion to engaging with a covid health service.

A focus on clinical disease that poses threat to life or function COULD seek for causes instead of aggressively asserting a causation that then acquires almost all cold and flu to its 'diagnosis' while extending a diagnosis of deadly contagion to healthy people (asymptomatic) on the basis of 'testing' that is wide open to every kind of error or abuse and based on Drostren's miracle (sic) Paper.

Disappearing in computer modelling is on 'offer' as a transhuman agenda - or is it a mask over a deeper self-evasion from a relational self-honesty - that reflects as empirical science rather than 'Protect the Model' at any and all cost. 




They are still labouring under the illusion that they can defeat a virus. If they continue to do this they can never un-lockdown so the 2 beliefs are in fact mutually incompatible.

One would have thought that the psychologists in the Psi-B team having done such a good job in terrorising the population would have similar ‘reversal strategies’ to un-frighten them. It seems there is no desire to try this.

Imposing lockdown was easy – they did indeed ‘get away with it’ (what did Prof Pantsdown really mean by that?). There is no incentive to un-lockdown – it would only bring into sharp relief the catastrophic damage that has been done to all aspects of our lives.

I don't believe that 'they' believe that - any more that War on terror, War on whatever.

China leads the way in lockdown as the normal. Once structured in the technology, social structure and enforcement agencies, it can allow permissible movement, or business to emerge.

I can assure you that if the furlough or food supply was cut off, the people would come out and apply themselves to survival.

Underneath all this is a simple fact that if the Banking sector didnt support all this, they could starve it of funding and bring it to a halt. Evidence shows the opposite is true and so they are at least co-driving it as a part of restructuring a corrupted, crashed and broken economy.

I would like to believe that the lockdowns are a form of medical restraint while the surgery is undertaken. But where is there any sign of love of life in the 'Surgery'? It is all fear and control masking in PR virtue signalling.

Prove me wrong if you can.

As for exit strategy it is this 'builderberg better!' (excuse the wordplay). Iraq as an example was more destroyed and undermined in life, function and wealth by the post war 'rebuilding' than by the overt kinetic war - though the war prised open the way to unregulated plunder and built in denial of function.

There IS no exit strategy for non stakeholders excepting as you can uncover, grow, share and discover in your life and times - such as these.

Mandatory Good? 

Left out of reflecting on Sweden’s death toll is the role of immigrants wit darker skin Esp victim to covid19 due to low vitamin D
Mandating vitamin D would lower the death toll everywhere

While mandating Vit D supps in winter would indeed significantly support resilience against respiratory illness and complications arising from it, I would MUCH prefer and align with an open honest education of the facts.

The resort to state mandates to organise and direct human being is anathema to a culture of freedom, responsibility and cultural flowering. This childlike dependency on and resort to state legislature is the underlying lack of resilience or immunity to attack by deceit that uses fear and threat to bring in regulatory schemes that turn the Law into a support for legal fictions or contractual obligations into which living beings are induced to consent to by the working of such narratives of fear and threat into social norms.

The current trend is for a sealed social system of control  with no real user access and thus no requirement for user education and responsibility beyond task compliance to social utility. Thus no SAY in what is mandated to be added to water, food, medical and biological interventions, prophylactics, or genetic controls - along with psychological requirements for 'active compliance' as the maintaining of credits set against disposal as a social debit.

Nothing personal to your desire to help - but in one sentence you illustrated something that underlies a the public demand for its own slavery under a corporately captured state.



There is also a dissociated childlike naiveté in the need to NOT believe in loveless or hateful intentions operating against the public good and the lives of others, under mask of virtue.

An abusive 'parent' or parental substitute can thus inculcate a childish irresponsibility as an intentional arrested development.

Competing rivalry will ally and conspire to 'win' by resort to trickery. This is self-evident.

What is NOT helpful is the contagion of a dissociated paranoia. In this I am attempting to be specific to observed and experienced reality, and not fitted to narrative leverages that operate ways to deny and distort genuine communication. 'They' are very adept at setting such baited traps to a sleepwalking 'blind trust' - or blank cheque to set and execute agenda in an arena of which you cannot even see because you are fitted to a version of reality that is akin to a playpen. 

Friday, 29 January 2021

Fear of the Invisible, set in 'Mystery'

 "purified pieces of the spike protein that are administered with an adjuvant, a molecule that enhances the immune response."

I wonder what that means to the ordinary reader!

(Book recommendation and an enjoyable read - is Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts).

"Genetic recombinant segments of a genetically defined toxic 'molecule' which has no known existence as an isolation and identification of a pathogen in pre-genetic modelling scientific terms, are injected through the natural immune barriers of our skin, into our blood. As an antigen, they are toxic elements provoking the body to neutralise and or eliminate. The adjuvant is a much stronger poison. The idea that this enhances the body's call to contain and deal with shock, is all based in the idea of conditioning a body to better controls or masking defences by attacking it, shocking it and degrading it to normalise to a toxic social environment.

That health comes from 'within' is to say it is innate to being. The generating of projections of fear and attack 'without' generates a masked defence that covers over and hides true being under a mis-taken identity set in fear and confusion. This 'identity' runs as long as the conditions are triggered, as a dissociated sense of past trauma reiterating.

We come 'back to our senses' that is to a centred and balanced appreciation of our relational being - when the shock subsides and the fear is released. But if the underlying patterns and associations are not also released, then the 'conflict shock' remains latent within the body or indeed the body corporate - as a persistent source of 're-triggering' both the original conflict and its suppression. This can deny specific symptoms, but at cost to the capacity of the body to function as a whole, because shock operates the fight flight diversion of all functions to what is core or essential to dealing with an acute need to act. It shuts down a true Economy to a very specific acute focus. It does not 'enhance' or boost the Economy, so much as feed a negatively reinforcing feedback loop that is parasitic and destructive to its host. A short term and specific 'gain' can then seem to be assigned to controls that depend on shock, or fear and dissociation, to operate - and yet they deplete and conflict or toxify true function - or more simply put they are unable to function as Life Support except on a 'ventilator' - or externally applied system of manually managed 'life functions'

The capacity of a mind to externalise its own conflict - as if to get rid of it. Is mirrored in the body or the body corporate, as the ability to encapsulate conflict imbalance and toxins to forms that are peripheral as a storage strategy when rebalancing and elimination or release cannot be effected. Of course this is simply sketch a very complex entanglement of conflicts that would equate to the human condition - or more accurately, the human conditioning.

the phrase, sufficient be the evil unto the day thereof' relates to being with what is as it arises - rather than setting self-agrandisement in Crusades against Evils - as if to eradicate disease or perceive and believed threats in its symptoms and effects as a way of protecting the underlying conflict from being truly addressed.

That the underlying problem is nigh - that is reiterating in the moment, the situation and the relationships of the day thereof, is the opportunity to see it in act, as a complex of self-defence running in our mane - but without our true and conscious recognition and acceptance. The patterning is of a reactive conditioning set to mask out and hide in. The decision to wake or 'return to our full Sense' is an inside job. It will not be socially manipulated into compliance, but that attempt may generate the conditions in which the whole basis of such a sense of self and world is brought to question, and a new and true conscious relationship opens from that willingness.

Setting Life in Impossible and unsolvable problem

 "The saddest part is they still think they can “control” the virus."

I could be 'sad' that the writer takes the bait of such a narrative leverage of the public mind. The control is being contractually set out by government and entered into by the public under legal fictions.

'Controlling the virus' can mean anything and nothing - as 'in the naming and definition of the virus' can all else be framed and subordinated.

As long as you swallow the virus narrative or meme, you are mind captured to the frame of reaction and response - which can be argued, shifted, turned on and off and set in tiers until Kingdom or Biotech security state comes online.

The WANTING to believe in the virus narrative is exactly as mad to see as the WANTING to believe in lockdowns. It is believed to offer salvation from fear - or indeed from fear of fear that mounts to terror.

Without belief, the religion built on the viral pathogen theory is undone, because it is not true. The interpreting of the process of human rebalancing and regeneration that is health of immune function through our own psychic projections, becomes a model to which all else must be sacrificed so that the system 'survives'. The investment in an established system of belief is a currency of control. People may think that they do not want to be managed, but free to exercise responsibility for their own discernment of life, relationship and shared endeavour. But they 'think' in the frame of a managed mind that is already operating on 'locked down' meanings - as a locked down mind!

Science follows the evidence, as a willingness to uncover the truth in, on and from which to relate truly. Institutional ego, seeks only from a frame of self-reinforcement.

Invested identities are defended against truth and evidences of honest enquiry that undo fear, superstition and control, to a true basis from which to live. Attacking such identities is no less mad than believing them. They are investments of defended belief set against disclosure. Withdrawing invested support and allegiance to beliefs that make no sense or undermine all sense is the recognition of a contract that you do not have to consent to, or enact as your own currency of thought, speech and behaviour. But until you accept your own responsibility for your own experience you will always align in thought that seems to offer an escape clause, that then frames you and your world in terms that cannot be escaped.

Yes, something is happening. But the structure of our interpretation and belief is what we each and together derive our experience from. The intent to control our experience of reality by redefining, masking out, false flagging and diversionary conflict is all part of an unwillingness to re-evaluate our foundations, under a sense of conflicted and corrupted investments deemed 'too big to fail'. Hence everyone and everything ELSE must take the fail, and the collective expression of this game of musical chairs is self-destructive contraction and degradation to fit the demands of 'control' set against fear of Disclosure.

Limiting life and consciousness so as to be able to persist the face of control over a fear of life and love masked in humiliation, death and terror. A 'lockdown and distancing' from who and what Life Is being as 'salvation' assigned to control. That Life is already a quality of self-organising, healing, balancing and reintegrating intelligence, is unrecognisable or inconceivable to a fearfully dissociated and split off mind set against Its Self and its World.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Polarised Reaction and Fidelity to True Principle 


Polarised reaction would be 'anti vax' - just as polarised reaction to enforced lockdowns and degrading impoverishment would be anti-lockdown.

The true way to frame this is never in the terms of those who seek to claim a moral high ground from which to frame NOT joining their war as a a betrayal in 'anti', 'denialist' or 'terrorist' terms.

Very very few take responsibility for their own thought and speech, and so they effectively 'think' in programmed terms. The lockdown of the mind is achieved with locked in meanings - taken and used as currency. Orwell pointed out the use of language as a weapon and a denial of consciousness.

The 'creation' of the 'anti-thing' is the generation of the hate and threat as falsely flagged out AWAY from self onto others - who can then be attacked, degraded, denied.

I could tell you all about how this runs as an 'unconscious bias' - but this has already been taken as a weapon of the Inquisitor for evil hates and blames - so as to deny the territory of uncovering to an honest open communication of responsibility and choice.

But this reveals the 'enemy' for what it is; hate, fear and control - (read that as attack and denial). An anti Life agenda or identity, is set against feared and hated evils, perceived and believed, that it is unwilling or unable to face, to own and to release unto healing.

It is for the proponent of an intervention, protocol or system, to demonstrate its worth or value in terms of cost and benefit - but also at the level of it teaching. For 'protections' that teach and condition us to identify as weak and helpless may then appear to save us from the fear, that the proponents of the 'protection' target, feed and leverage to induce the fearful to give consent to.

If you chose to enter into such an abusive and tyrannous relationship, then it will be framing your thought, perception, and range of response AS IF your survival on one or more levels of your sense of self and life. To truly think, is to consciously live from and give the worth and vale of your thinking an embodiment in act. Most of what is called thinking is a program for defence set over a sense of nakedness against threat seeking cover.

But WHO told you you were naked?

Spiritual responsibility is reintegrative as the willingness and desire to heal, rather than cast out onto others and world as if to 'save' yourself or your identified group' alone. A split and dissociated mind cannot SEE anything but as fear dictates. The way out of an impossible situation is the recognition that you are not in it. This is to say our current definitions have painted us into a fearful and hateful 'reality' - and yet many here can now SEE these definitions are being manipulated in forms of naming magic dressed up in opaque and impenetrable mysteries of 'science' as the appeal to authority, yet invoking 'moral' outrage as religious fervour against open questioning or revealing of a lack of substance, under a false god of hate and fear given priority and therefore power in our minds.

Thanks - but no thanks!


I appreciate the sentiment, but data is meaningless without interpreting structure of consciousness which is a mind of values and meaning.

The adage Garbage in; garbage out - comes to mind as a modern 'take' on as you sow so shall you reap. So first principles are the predicate or premise that sets the parameters for all that follows.

A garbage result properly addressed does not attack and deny the 'garbage' or reframe the 'model' to SEEM to make the garbage disappear while of course the corruption at the level of cause will show up somewhere else - as a redistribution of blame and penalty - that is reflected into social terms as wealth and control.

The recoil of a split off and dissociated mind, desperate for its own survival at all and any cost is judged evil, denied and 'cast out' onto others and world.

We are being denied by such a pattern or programming of denial that is 'contagious' as hate and fear interpreted as attack and triggering a like response.

Triggered moral outrage can thus so easily give consent to worship hate as righteous in casting out blame hate and attack as if to get rid of it and feel better. THAT we feel what we feel is part of a valid feedback, and to abide it is to open relationship in which the underlying beliefs and past conditioning can be noticed, recognised or brought to question - with the result of releasing deep shit from our own mind to a quality and clarity of presence that had been covered over and masked in as our strategy for surviving our past.

To resist the temptation to evil is a totally different principle than resisting evil in the frame it presents. Where, what and who we choose to come FROM sets the alignment to principle for what we then receive and share in, as our life. This is our inviolable freedom of conscious being, but if given to self contradictory 'code' of garbage 'meanings' fed back into our mind, we use freedom to achieve the experience of bondage and slavery under tyrannous dictate - or a 'mind' that cannot be looked at - let alone held to question.

Clearly this is not just in 'psychic-paths' but in a sense installed in the population at large as our 'normal' or human conditioning - set as the parameters to live and die in. Except that there's no life or love or peace in it. Only hollow parody of substitute illusions set in narrative dictate. Breaking the isolation is letting love in, and the condition for such a reconnection with our very being, is the willingness to extend it, for such is the nature of love, not a systemic correctness by which to 'save our face' in a realm of appearances given 'locked down' meanings that render life meaningless.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Assigning Fear of Death and Contagion to the Healthy

Sebastian Rushworth M.D.

Health and medical information grounded in science

Here’s a graph they don’t want you to see


This is naive haha. 100% of people with HIV create antibodies to HIV. Doesn’t mean they work and effectively suppress the virus or stop it transmitting – hence the epidemic and lack of effective vaccines lol

 I suggest that naivety if that is the right term, applies to the acceptance of the HIV=AIDS industry.

This is another can of worms, but one which holds a rich resource or questioning that has no less relevance to this particular can of worms.

In both cases and umbrella term is used for multiple disease inputs, initially assigned to a 'cluster' that was then assigned to the discovery of an un-isolated virus - asserted to be THE CAUSE of AIDS as if it is one disease - and as a result of science-by-media, both fear and funding were directed away from actual needs to generate the industry of plague protection.

You are right in one thing however, and that is that under the AIDS paradigm, antibodies were assigned an opposite function to what they had always had before. This led to AIDS diagnosis by 'testing' such that the fear of death was assigned to asymptomatic (healthy) people along with treatments to retard cell growth.

The Aztec people were more out in the open in waging persistent war to collect living sacrifices by which to forfend Catastrophe - and whether the rulers believed it or so profited by the belief as to WANT to protect the narrative - I don't know. But underlying archetypes are rarely uncovered so as to be truly released for we are 'cast out' in their dramatic expression.

Eradicating evils thus turns out to be a way of masking over and hiding them as a way of buying time or 'delay' by which to seem to escape by redefining reality to a new normal. I see it in part as a sort of musical chairs game of diminishing returns.

Insofar as Sebastian is dealing with clinical cases of respiratory disease, he is assessing the gathered data.

Determining what is this new condition and what is no different from our normal cycle of respiratory disease is perhaps impossible.

Respiratory disease likely serves a needed (immune) function relative to accumulated toxic load or an inability to clear as we go. Demonising symptoms is a way of masking and diverting attention for underlying causes. The idea of contagion could be misapplied to our adaptive Biosphere - as a Communication of Life at the level of cells, bacteria, fungi and viral or extracellular communication.

Humanity still has a 'dalek's eye view of its Universe. Willingness to question armoured narratives is part of uncovering more coherent ways to see and be. If a narrative has to be specially protected and its treatments heavily 'incentivised', then that alone is enough to make it questionable and not acceptable, no matter how cleverly presented.

Presumptions of threat made real by reaction 

Quoted from one of the articles on the page linked above.

These uncontentious assumptions are:

1. COVID-19 is a serious new human disease, caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, that can kill people. The disease ‘jumped species’ in Wuhan Province, China and spread globally from there. 

2. Doing nothing in the face of this new disease and the resulting pandemic was not an option because, despite some pre-existing immunity to the disease, in the UK a large proportion of the population was naïve to the infection and as a result even a modest infection fatality rate could have resulted in a significant number of deaths.

Such assumptions as 1 are still awaiting proof of substance - while such reactions from 2 have run amok.

COVID-19 is a new umbrella DIAGNOSIS for a range of already existing disease conditions with the possible exception of the specific post complications sometimes called covid pneumonia - which may be severe or fatal as a result of any number of potential causes including iatrogenic treatments, vitamin and essential mineral deficiency, toxic exposures and collective stress such as to undermine immune function - including that associated with end of life scenarios.

'Doing nothing' is used as an insinuation of lack of care and concern, when it can mean doing only as an ongoing assessment of established facts so as to leverage 'doing the provided solution', which may be opportunistic as leveraging the fears and sympathies of a misguided public as a result of mistaken, misguided or malicious distortion of information.

The attempts at 'damage limitation' and disinformation into the consciousness of those seeking to separate fact from fiction or indeed faction, are as much the top down directives of narrative control, as of those who cannot look on the fact of such a disturbing reality and seek to retain what they assume to be 'rationality'.

The use of rational means to gaslight or deny worth and right to a voice is well known. Rationality can be merely a masking strategy over a fear of exposure in the posture of control. Reason itself is synonymous with sanity. No stretch of imagination can rationalise destroying our global life support network and systems as the basis to save us from a 'disease' almost exclusively generated by the genetic definitions, tests and treatment protocols - including social isolating and fear programming.

The resort to computer modelling is increasingly used as a 'scientific' substitute for empirical science, clinical and professional perspectives and last but not least common sense. No expertise was required to spot the loony in this case, but a normalisation to corporately funded management under 'experts', deferred to 'authority' under the spell of a presumption that as they are all in lockstep they MUST know and cant be questioned.

The Living Currency of the Truly Fitting

I support Corbett with a sub and appreciate it.

But there is a dimension that is as far as I know not opened to in James' work - and not surprisingly so, because the framing of the mind operates its own self-limiting division which rules out awareness of wholeness. Excepting in Humpty Dumpty terms.

The pattern of the psyop or deceit by which mind control operates as the filtering censor to a true freedom of integrative being - is becoming more and more evident - in the 'shenanigans' of our world, but we are still for the most part fixated as the 'mask' set to look OUT as a way of not owning, facing and releasing the underlying cause of the effects and symptoms that we (for our own reasons WANT to) see or 'flag' as causal agents of threat. Nor am I suggesting recognising what lies beneath as a witch hunt, inquisition of leverage of guilt and blame set over fear and division - but of its immediate release.

Psychology as a term contains its own liability of self-reference under the belief in stepping out from Mind as IF to be set over and apart from Life. The use of the mind to generate AS IF is clearly reflected back to us now as the 'computer modelling' taken as the reality itself and protected against empirical evidence or indeed true witness.

The self-image and Model, protected from truth is the pattern pointed to in the symbol of the Fall or Separation.

As long as you only 'think about' you only bring information into your 'model' or narrative identity, as a means to reinforce possession and control as ITS continuity at expense of the actual field, terrain or energy and information of its sustaining and support.

I am offering a sketch of how an anti-life agenda operates within a dissociation believed real and defended against a reintegration that is all very well to call waking up, but is not at all what the narrative sense of self might project into or wish for as its ideal - in the frame of its own limited and limiting conflicts of thought and purpose.

To say the Universe is not hostile is not at all apparent to the physically limited or locked down, distanced and masked sense of self and life - that then perceives its world and relations through the lens of its own alienation from Universal Awareness - which is not in a body or defined by the form of its expression and is therefore outside the capacity for the locked-down mind of the masking narrative dictate, to conceive or perceive. For it was made or invoked to 'make you safe' from trauma or overwhelm of self-conflict, by a denial that casts out to get rid of - and has been reiterating this 'service' ever since.

You are not limited to or defined by the lockdown of your mind to your body and world, but by your will to persist in taking your identity from its dictate - which is tyrannous even as it 'delivers' a seeming freedom. But every 'solution contains the problem it was seeking to evade, escape or overcome, and these 'denials' grow as instabilities and conflicts requiring always more 'control' or limitation in order to save us' from full Disclosure. To the fear defined sense of life, the 'unknown' is feared with the contents of all that has been pushed down or suppressed and denied and demonised - so as to operate as Winston Smith's Room 101. And so the way to a true solution is to recognise and release investment in fear-defined thinking, so as to free awareness in which to look AT it for the feedback that it yields us when no longer running its script.

Likewise reading our World to re-cognise our own denied Self, Life and true Relation.

Freedom is relational.

the attempt to USE a relationship to GET for a 'separate' self or GET RID of the toxic debts and denials of such denial and dissociation renders our relationships (and world) unrecognisable.

A stranger in a strange land. A split off sense of love under alien will or hostile world.

I sketch out these things to those who are not so addicted and invested in conflict as the frame of their own life or salvation. But the willingness to listen outside the 'locked down judgements' is where the mind can be aligned in the heart of stillness. I say stillness but there is nothing 'static' to the source of all polarity in expression.

If you are not truly apart from Life that Is - then there is an integral inherence of being that is you, that is in a sense within you but by nature of conflicted self and world, discarded, unheeded, overlooked, and rendered 'invisible' not least by a 'control' mind interjecting as if the doer and achiever of a life that is Always a relational expression.

The answer to insanity is not how to overcome it, but how to release it as the focus and basis from which to live. Uncovering a true foundation as our contextual responsibility for our lives, action and endeavours, is yielding a thought of control masking as freedom, to the Thoughts that join us with all that Is. There is no symbol or idea for a wholeness in all its parts one, and one in all its parts. But we recognise the qualities of its expression as true current - and currency of transformational exchange.

Perhaps we cannot help but initially clothe the resonance of our being in symbols and narratives of perfection or ideals set in image and form.

But grasping or masking in the forms of life is a hollow parody of a failure to grasp and possess Life that also seems to despoil our experience and condition us to lack-driven scarcity seeking control.

We have tried to do it 'my way' and have our result. An artist has to learn how to get out of the way to all that truly moves us, so as to become the instrument of a living desire. The art of living is as we are truly moved, called and inspired to be, but the call to a self-gratification set in roles or narratives of self vindication masks over a sense of self-lack that can never truly rest in fulfilment even it is seeming victories. There is no peace in it.

How can we clearly discern or determine what is here going on and how to be with it if we are pushed and pulled from a true presence by the stamp of fear reiterating its past onto the present into the future. A true peace is the centre that embraces and extends all polarised expression.

This is not a person or a mask - but an already Condition to uncover, recognise and align in.

Love is the capacity to be with what is to the point of recognising truth. If we short change ourselves, we generate false currencies and gain a 'world' at cost of a truly lived and shared awareness.