The 'prison' is a mind capture. To seek to escape it is to reinforce it as a reality.
The first 'false flag' is the assignment of opposition and attack, to 'OTHER' as a means of hiding one's own conflicted thought and purpose under a diversionary displacement that dissociates a split off SENSE of self through the leverage of grievance and vengeance or self-vindication - as a sense of becoming worthy or regaining worth or power at the expense or denial of the OTHER.
I appreciate the article for willingness to look beneath the personality cultism of a 'tv reality'.
Considering 'Giving unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar - and giving unto God what is due unto God (worldly power in frame of conflict or Living Creative) opens a profound meditation or self-honesty - for what you give 'with-ness and worth-ship' to is your acceptance and thus yours to share in.
It should be clear that deceit is the nature of a mind at war with itself - and thus with everyone and everything. But step outside the framing of its illusion and see it is but a sick parody of life. A self-evasion set in a script of seeking OUTSIDE for what its very seeking denies and fears within.
Guilted fear seems to create a hollow and sick or indeed sinful world from which no escape is possible and so 'making the best of a bad or corrupted Job seems the only life and world there is. Thus the power struggle for ascendency and privilege within the prison, and for the fantasy escape in repetitive and addictive private gratifications.
That the 'Emperor is naked' is not a means of getting legitimacy FROM the revealing of sin or invalidity of being in another. It is the condition in which to release the framework of self-lack or self-doubting division to that which embodies or expresses us - regardless the overly or imposition of the scripted fig-leaf thinking of an interjecting priesthood or financial sector.
One definition of 'good tv' from the perspective of the purpose of its broadcasting/suckling is anything that gets attention and keeps it. Thinking operates the same device of keeping attention diverted - until and unless there is an awakening or expanded and 'upstream' perspective that notices and observes and discerns the thoughts and their feelings for their resonance or relevance to the likewise conscious active purpose being lived.
To let thoughts steal our attention and awareness to be fitted or entranced to fictional substitutes for real relationship and communication is to accept insanity while accusing it in our world.
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". ~ Michael Ellner
The release of a reversal in mind is the automatic or spontaneous appreciation of SEEING it.
So it is 'natural' to the attempt to survive in a false (in) vestment to employ division and conflict in any and every guise so as to rule OUT a direct awareness - or indeed a true Intimacy of being.
In this sense the fear of loss of self is framed as the greater 'evil' that the 'devil we know' protects us from. But the nature of a lie given power over truth is the sacrifice of truth as a prodigal journey to nowhere in terms of desecration and depletion set in a script of 'knowing more and more about less and less' - until 'bottomming out' to the direct seeing of the script as it is - and not as its thinking entrances or phishes the intent and a-tempt to USE it as a private agenda set apart from and over Life.
Leaving the bait hanging is freedom to discern a true movement of being instead of thinking you are separate from your Source and Nature - and thus from Life and the Source of Life. Captured thinking 'does' this - but only though attunement and allegiance to its purpose.
I was looking at 'rattlebacks' prior to reading this article. (These go back to ancient cultures). In the light of this response I see an example of being spun against our nature such that the spin sets up a wobble dissonance that sets up an oppositional rotational torque to the spin, which brings to a stop - and then turns to spin the other way than its original impelling force.
A rattleback, also known as an "anagyre", "celt", "Celtic stone", "rebellious celt", "rattlerock", "spin bar", "wobble stone" or "wobblestone"
Dissonance may start out as a 'symptom' to excommunicate or eradicate - but is in fact genuine feedback to the currently accepted 'structure, framework or template' of thinking. An Internment of Things coupled to an energy-guilt driven Economy may seem a way to 'control' or manage conflict, and thus enable an unsustainable 'backwards' thinking to persist in complex devices of delay, but only by embodying the very hate that was originally sought escape from - and as a monopolar 'Victory' over an unworthy and hateful 'life' relative to idolised images of a fantasy seeking to determine truth.
The grace of noticing is a gift of a true Inherence. Honour the gift and let an appreciation, appreciate.
Or use every moment of insight to fuel the mind of judgement - as a marketised and weaponised subversion of Life to possession and control - by which we are dispossessed and powerless but for an illusion of 'security' or 'freedom' under a protection racket of death and taxes.
Find a true communication within - from which - as surely as night follows day, thou canst then be false to no man. That is - what you give, sets the measure of your receiving - and NOT a set of built in meanings assigned to the conditions - although these MAY be deeply habituated by reactive response. Freedom from old habit is freedom to notice it and thereby bring it to the realm of choice. persistent choosing sets the new or currently accepted value FROM which you live. This is backwards to the world that is trying to 'get it' in some other moment under some other circumstance as a mind so full of its own entangled investment - a relational awareness is forgot or rendered 'unconscious' to the active priority.
The Call to joy or wholeness of being is always now. Not 'after you've mended your nets'. Borrowed time is stolen from presence- but aligning in true presence (from thinking to already know) is the growing recognition of a timelessness that cannot be encapsulated or mine and mind-defined but can be aligned in and embodied as a regenerative expression of the truly sustaining.
The personality cult is a casting out of personae in a scripted diversion. But only to the wish NOT to know which is inherent to wanting Reality to be OTHER than (it) Is. Once you assume a PERSONAL possession of control, even through the generation of an experience of chaos that then demands limitation - you are phished. Harmony is the result of listening or receptivity to the 'field' of relation to the point of recognition or discernment of a true 'with-ness' and 'worth-ship'. When you are truly seen or heard, you know it as a quality of relational acceptance. Give as you have then in truth received and don't let 'falling over' be anything other than learning to walk.