This is one of the videos of a conference around Peter C Gøtzsche's book and movement:
my comment:
Definitions are primary to all that then follows - so look at everything with new eyes so as not to run 'habit-choices' that do not really serve you. The power to assert and define has been given to - and taken by - corporately captured state power as a development of the idea of power and protection. Marketshare is 'mindshare' and that what we take to be our mind needs to be paused and challenged to its veracity - if we accept our true humanity. Be vigilant for your peace. (Regardless any symptoms to the contrary).
We learn to fit and adapt to the world as part of our survival but it is a world defined by lovelessness or else we would not have needed to mask in defence - a mask that then becomes 'offensive' as part of a loveless world set over and against our Feeling being - without which no amount of scientific 'knowledge' has any basis in truth. A re-integrated unified heart and mind is free of the need to use the energy of denied Feeling being to maintain the emotional block against knowing as an emotion backed pretence to judge over.
To see the expression and communication of Feeling as manipulation is to have no capacity to abide one's own being and to resort to projection onto the other as a means of asserting a pretence of self that gets all its energy from the truth it denies.
The use of science - or the form of any purposed intent - as a mask or indeed a trojan by which to pass off the false and get from wholeness by deceit , is a Faustian pact. But the recognition of such act - IF NOT USED for guilt - allows the release of a false foundation. But guilt compels the mind (or is a tyrannous mind) that does not allow seeing or listening for only punishment is due to guilt - and if that is equated with a loveless or threatening 'other' or world - it will be fought against and resisted at any price.
So rage is needed to activate a clearing within me of what has no belonging - now that I have recognized it is illegitimate or false or not representative of who I feel, know and prefer to be. Thanks but NO thanks! This is part of releasing our part in a lovelesness that becomes a point of true witness - for love is the abiding with what is true - and not a special form of doing to validate ourself at expense of anyone.
Your mind is not your friend - if you let it lead you. It is not enough to SAY it serves the good of humanity or some war against evil or sickness or whatever. Resting the mind is finding renewal - naturally. But a restless mind demand something be done - that only adds to confusion even if it seems to buy some time. The Feeling of Being is the knowing of existence. But aligning in this is a re-training that is a different way of living - and yet uncovering that is uncovering our lives and not something to do before we can resume our lives.
There is much that is hidden and while it is hidden we see a fragmented and incoherent picture. But in any moment of willingness, any part of the whole will Speak of Wholeness. Aligning in joy of wholeness is the state in which the problem either does not exist or resolves to practical steps. So where is joy when the mind, emotion and physical is a torment? It is in the choice to not act from these (in any significant sense), but to (in whatever way works or can be found) abide in a state of yielding to being - rather than surrendering to the mind. Being in this sense is what CANNOT BE FELT while the mind is thus triggered - and so the unconditional willingness or desire for the truth of our being is the release of conflict - and not the attempt to get rid of it. No one can release what first they have not - at least momentarily - owned.
A sense of self-specialness is always associated with a 'fall' into conflict with truth - that truth does not partake of. But the unique signature vibration of your being is not better or worse, more or less than anything or anyone - and that is recognisably and tangibly felt. A true sense of worth, lived from, appreciates or grows. It also naturally extends and recognizes in others.
That the tares have grown amidst the wheat is what brings to the time of harvest... of a true discernment. Living from and within being is not the same as living from a sense of lack that calls on power to regain itself as an act of further dis-empowerment. But if you cannot feel your existence without a sense of a guiding and embracing power - then let than be a way of growing permission to feel your being rather than a giving up of sovereignty to a wish to escape responsibility as if it was blame - and as if you could - or want to - in your right mind.
The capacity of recognition and response is the embodying of experience and so awakened response is a stirring of the true. I'm using a lot of words - but only to invite a wordless and felt stirring within. Everything is always the foundation. Get first things first and all else follows. Feeling and desire became manipulative in reaction to being overridden, abused and denied by an assertive quickness of a guilting mind- for all things need the light of acceptance to play their part in wholeness of being. The acceptance of guilted being is disempowerment. Remorse of an act in error corrects and humbles to a deeper honesty. But guilt draws penalty unto itself as a hidden sense of unworthiness - that then projects to its world. The collective entanglement in guilt and fear-manipulation has an ancient past - but has it any true presence? A world of symptoms that seem to prove it - yes - but are we forever attacking and displacing symptoms in evasion of our cause?
Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
Wednesday, 31 May 2017
Tuesday, 30 May 2017
Systems of control usurp relational being (Pharmed fear and sickness)
Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Health Care
By Peter Gøtzsche, MD
I have much appreciated Peter Gøtzsche's witness in regard to Open Dialogue therapy and psychotherapy violence and now a more open witness to the deceits and coercions of corporate sickness management.
So I commented to Peter's reply on the above page's comments but as it is an article in itself I put only the first part of this there - and the whole here.
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Thankyou for your willingness in honest witness and in rage - which I see in terms of sweeping out the Template and not in the frame of blame and sacrifice. Awakening responsibility cannot be putting the guilt of shame I feel - onto others who I might want or feel compelled to target and make them feel it. Loveless behaviour is psychologically defended against exposure and damnation or pain of penalty - often under guise of forms of benevolence. However relational honesty does not mean sympathy with false or hurtful choices and the law is all we have as a way to grow a culture of shared worth at the level of being.
The link to the free chapter no longer works. Can it be set to work again?
Anti-vitamin bias is part of the pharmed medical paradigm - and anti-nature and anti psyche too - though all framed in definitions that seem to rescue or protect.
I have seen credible reports that vitamin K2 (mk7?) sufficiency is a key with regard to the functional delivery of calcium TO bones, teeth and innate cell function - and removal FROM plaques, arteries, soft-tissue, brain etc. But the integrative and positive synergies of nutrition are much more complex than the pharmed medical model that sees separate parts acting on separate parts and its separate manual intervention as 'heroic'. There are no separations - so much as energetic relations within and of a wholeness that includes - and embodies the psyche of relational being - which is a constellation rather than a conceptual fragmentation seeking validation in its own terms.
Re: Industrial collectivised diet:
Yes Big Ag/Food cannot be separated from Pharma - even our 'healthy veg' may be mineral or nutritionally deficient - and contain man-made toxins. I see a negative synergy of a falsely segregative mind -in the idea of 'power over' rather than power shared. Imposed system rather than relational balance of a genuine dialogue.
So you wrote in your books introduction:
"If you don’t think the system is out of control, please email me and explain why drugs are the third leading cause of death in the part of the world that uses most drugs".
I felt the way you define it is illuminating the problem which I would say is understated - for I believe if one sees the root cause AS the 'system of control' (Embodying the definitional structure of our currency of thought) - then this also is the key factor beneath heart disease and cancers - because a relational balance is both the stress AND its naturally embracing or clearing accompaniment. But a systematic or rule based and conditioned assertion or imposition locks the stress in place by means of defending against it - and sets up a negative of fear-based rigidity in the fear of re-lived pain of loss as IF a positive idea of survival under threat - or maintaining function under duress. This switches our chemistry and consciousness to run on stress and lose relational awareness; the feeling of being. Felt presence. Health in wholeness.
Protected fear, structures our mind and society, in defence against such awareness.
I did not find your email address but expand this response to the idea 'system out of control' to consider that corruption of true is not a blame-shame perpetuity, so much as loss of true currency of thought and communication to adulterations, subverted meanings and derivative impressions and associations that usurp or 'capture' our mind. The sacrifice of joy in life under false pretences brings dissonance and false or misguided attempts to block, eradicate or overcome dissonance. But true correction uncovers the underlying error of mis-taken identity to a current re-connection and recognition of shared or extending presence.
Releasing 'old' and no longer serving systems of control upon which we have become psycho-emotionally dependent (with physically experienced reinforcements), is the same patterning as releasing drug addictions or even relational patterns of support that change. I hold that the true movement of our being is NOT dependent upon joining in fear, hate or rage against perceived evils, and so the evils of our 'day thereof' must become the basis of a deeper undefended honesty of being - within ourself as with each other. But that must is my own acceptance - and not a basis to 'correct' another in evasion of my true acceptance.
I feel that the mechanistic anti-relational paradigm (mind-in act) is an evasion of attempted escape from psychic emotional conflict that is in a sense vowed NEVER to be relived or allowed back into a 'walled off' system of control based upon it. This makes for 'kill the Messenger'. It also makes for the sacrifice of truth and life to maintain a sense of private control as the structural belief out of which we seem compelled to operate. In your discipline, you have become aware of a part of how this 'works'. I do not see it is really about money in itself - but it is about power for its own sake and yet that idea of power is itself corrupted.
I see our identities have been 'phished' to run on false or wishful pretenses. "Coming off them" has to be a 'coming out' - not as an identity seeking validation - but as an extension of worth in true witness.
Open Dialogue will not be allowed to fruit healing under fear-framed or blame thinking - which is more structurally pervasive than at first we see. In living FROM its terms, we do not notice it for that is part of its invoked purpose; not to know. Nor then do we notice that it generates a biased and distorted experience of the life that we cannot successfully NOT be. But denial can and does lose awareness within masking personae, over undercurrents of dissonance in mutually defined and packaged and 'outsourced' or re-packaged guilt. This runs as normal social adaptation within a world in 'power struggle' under threat, to excludes to protect a segregative sense of self separateness - subjecting or in power over, and subjected or victim - both. But this is joyless self sacrifice to what doesn't and cannot work - except - as a denial or invalidation of existence in the guise of acting out fantasy gratifications of false association. Joy is of a true foundation or truly Felt currency of being. Perhaps we must 'choose' what we truly are and feel to be, to displace the habit of an old choice to be something 'else' that does not work or make sense to who we discover ourselves to be.
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