Sketches of the felt meanings beneath and beyond appearances.
in response to the themes in:
Consider the shift from clinical sickness requiring empirical facts to 'syndromes' set in biomarkers setting diagnosis by adjustable 'tests' rigged to definitions that spin out of a black box science of a self-regulating elitism.
In other words question the veracity of 'the science' ESPECIALLY when funded by huge investments that not only seek a profit, but a platform through which to operate.
From 'virology/immunology' to 'genetic modifications' to biofield hacks.
The ability to use biomarkers is set in narratives based on heavily funded and often dark science - ie spun out of defence research to corporate 'application'.
Perhaps you believe viruses have been found to operate as sold, but even so you must be able to see that belief generates an ideological capture.
So there may be something in cellular debris that 'spike'-protein can be assigned to, but it didn't come from a whole virus as purported. It preceded the construct of the gene sequence from which it is suppose to have derived. So how can mRNA 'work' to make 's-protein' - for example.
I am suggesting a deeply set series of fallacies on which a framework of experienced meanings are be-lived real, by reactions that 'deliver to the physician'. That is 'Luciferian' in terms of guilting or gaslighting as a means to possess and control the living as a source of vengeance on life.
How many see the lie on which the world of control set in fear and conflict operates?
But then to truly see is release, but to set the lie as a mystery cloaked in terror, is to believe it the source of life; the way it works, the stamp of a mind by hate. In other words a self-reinforcement of what we are looking WITH.
Well done for picking the strands out and honouring each for its contribution.
Both the religious and the scientific mind can serve the masking of truth even while seeming to seek it. But deep dissonance needs to be brought to light, rather than used to invoke light as a weapon. For when we would make truth a weapon, we run off with a false light, that reveals only to conceal - as endless hoops or rabbit holes by which to 'seek truth' but never find.
The mind of defence is ingeniously evasive to capture the belief we have eradicated it.
But only love is truly creative. Fear makes shifting illusions by which to 'keep us in the game'.
That illusions have only the power we give them, is hardly powerless to the mind made by believing.
in response to the themes in:
Any specific expression is of a field or total environment.
We have a 'reality adjuster' of a mind that creates a model of its reality to 'contract into'.
Reality is 'one' - (the one is redundant).
But our imaging projections - given priority as a self-creation generate a 'choice' between imaged meanings of truth and acceptance of truth.
Why do I go 'deeper' than our world?
Because there is a sense in which we 'made a world' to hide in & hide from by contracting to mask a split mind in mutually agreed definitions. Not by bits of paper but by mutually reinforcing self-illusion. So in that sense we are deeply invested stakeholders in an underlying 'war' on reality-feared' and protected by projection of denial cast out to 'others' and to 'world'.
But thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker, and so there is nowhere 'else' to get rid of denied or ignored Self but unconsciousness that is nested IN the arena of its denial as its filters of experience, and running as if 'conscious'.
But thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker, and so you never did and never did and never could 'leave' or be rejected from the Mind of your Creator, of which your true expression as a true heart, waits only on welcome and not on time.
There is a meme that we only use a tiny percent of our 'brain/mind', but the reality is we use 100% to create the experience of being tiny, limited, vulnerable and bio-insecure in need of constant boosting via sacrifice to fear masking control as Protector and Guide.
The disempowering of Mind is an 'attack' on reality, but if looked at directly it reveals our power in its ability to set up defence against (our own) reality, as if at the hand of an other.
The pathogen is but one specific representation of the 'reversal of cause and effect' of a virtual image or model running the minds that made it!
So at this level 'terrain' is Context - not just of associated symptoms or effects - but of of an embracing reality denied by the focus on selected effects as causes to the masking or denial of our own participation.
So every experience has an element of usually unconscious participations that can be revealed by willingness to let curiosity move us past the rules and filters of a masking strategy for surviving lovelessness set in fear and guarded by guilt. Likewise abiding through the appearances of lovelessness to the uncovering of a true appreciation, removes support for a gaslighting around an apparent security set in substitutes for a real relationship. Love and science area truly grounded reality. Both are used to mask in - but then our experience of reality is false, hollow and demanding sacrifice to maintain 'control' or save the face of our ego from a real relationship (Reality).
I was about to watch the above but it premised its outset in the modelling of scientific ‘dark fudge’ to support its model and save the appearances claimed real – as the Emperor’s new clothes.
So I wrote this instead.
Separation trauma sets symbolic archetypal patterns as primary conditioning to a split or dissociation from Mind.
Such symbols are the architecture of our sense of meaning, identity and culture - that after its catastrophic past set the steady state cosmos and consciousness of world that generated rational and organisational capacities to the shift from a mythic sense shaped by religion, to an object model of predictive control shaped by science.
Plasma physics and electric universe paradigm offers a re integrative path to a science set in active ignorance as the investment of identity in material manipulations, by which to marketise and weaponise discoveries, as well as to distort or conceal discoveries that were seen as threat to possession and control as an inherently private agenda, regardless its social or political organisation, for control is set over life, others and world and so at its root it separates and conflicts to a pathological model requiring sacrifice and fudge as 'too big to fail'.
And so even as the first recorded impressions of pre antiquity onwards became mutating stories and themes that could no longer be linked to lived experience of peoples around the Earth, yet reveal psychic or psychological patterns that replicate in always morphing arenas of thought and endeavour, so also do scientific models become cultural identity complexes that seek to maintain a unity against fundamental revision by an active ignorance of 'discovering' new iterations that reflect and reinforce the original premises - regardless lack of empirical validation - excepting where technological applications require ever more complex ad-hoc mathematical extensions - expressed not as human science, but as a recipe or formula for manipulating objects or matter.
There are various aspects to the Lucifer in mythic or symbolic themes, but in scientific terms I venture 'gaslighting' as the true nature of the Promethean theft, or indeed the mis-taken inheritance of the Prodigal Son - as the nature of a dissociation defended against truth of a relational being that cannot be brought INTO dissociation - excepting as symbolic substitutions that are then 'objectified' or taken out of living Context.
Fear set in shock can trigger recoil to contraction - along with distancing as denial, masking in a basis for control from which to set a focus in NOT KNOWING, as the basis of becoming something in our own right; a self in itself, surrounded by thing-in itself, whose Source is so distanced as to allow the developing consciousness of a world and universe in its own terms.
What is the basis for control but guilt that stamps the boot of its past grievance onto the rising of a present into a future like itself? It doesn't see itself as anything but justified or compelled by externally driven necessity - which is its 'dark father'.
The Saturnian era became a lost Golden Age, an old normal that a hateful and unworthy chaos has deprived or denied a self-reality set in image and form.
A projection, cast from Heaven seeks to regain what it took as its right, in image upon the body of the world to serve fantasy gratifications that set a mind for getting.
And within this is the hate that was cast out as by denial of the loss of love and power - to an Other.
Self-vindicated by vengeance running as false god or 'dark father'.
There is no peace in it.
It knows not of love, but to manipulate the masks of virtue.
Be mindful when tempted to join in or give identity to hate - regardless the offset of a 'greater evil'.
An abusive 'relationship' uses the relationship to Get from, manipulate, and take possession of, regardless whether as victim or victimiser, for the dark and the light set in symbol are both a mask over a true awareness that is light and knows light by extension, not by sacrifice.
The contagion or communication of fear operates a break or breakdown of natural communication to pre-emptively defend a position under attack against a postulated threat.
The mental aspect is not more than a story of asserted differentiations assigned as causal relationships to a potential outcome of impending pain of loss, that itself becomes causal in the mind that then takes the story in by acting from its premise to avoid or mitigate expected attack.
The emotional aspect is of a looping intensification of attention given to the modelling of strategies set from the perspective of the negative outcome as a reality, along with the story that models it.
Thus the self-conditioning investment of identity by which to become a stakeholder and subscriber to such an interpretation as an accepted imposing reality against which to think and act to limit loss, and attack or overcome the threat, to survive in the terms and conditions set by the modelling of the story.
True relationships partake of one. That is, one extends to another as a relationship in which order arises as the nature of the one through the many.
Our minds have learned & developed the ability to dissociate reality in exactly the pattern of thinking described above. A preferred & persisted imagination of a negative or lack, threat and attack basis, from which to seek and find validation and reinforcement for the justifictions set to gain a covert dysfunction, over natural relational order of wholeness as unified symbiosis or synchronicity in the purpose of one through the many.
To the self-conditioned reflex, the realm of attack or threat based reality, is without rest of abiding connection, relational integrity, direction or functional support, and so what is innate to one, has to be substituted for by the use of the mind as a command and control function, to make safe within an impossible situation that has only happened in the polarising identification of a mindset in dissociative denial of integral wholeness for the focus in a specific but shifting modelling of arbitrary judgemental selections, that operate as temporary basis for experience of a personal mask of self set by fear to seek substitution for life in collectivised or socially reinforcing narrative distributions of fear, pain & loss in sacrifice to a masking control as the saviour from total loss of face, of self control, to a life feared for what we project onto and attack. Thus our expectation is in like kind, of being projected into, and killed from a reality outside and alien to a tiny fragment of love that is defended and protected against total loss within its complex of masking defences against real and natural relationship and communication by guilt driven fears of retaliation and guilting manipulations of defence.
However, the nature of true relational being is not broken in truth but in concept, as a mis-taken identity in private creation, that can be represented by "I Want It Thus!". Which usurps relational recognition by the pre-emptive set of terms and conditions for reality in which it will permit relationships to conform.
The development of personal and social checks and balances on overriding dictates, becomes the masking arena through which it operates by stealth and guile as a systemic expression of defence against the life it depends on to subvert & deny, as its claim to your existence in its terms.
A segregative movement within life is part of its whole expression. But without life runs blind, loveless and self-limiting, to the point of incapacity to serve or support life.
That we live in life is not a body of imaged thoughts and beliefs running as subconscious conditioned reaction, but that there is no other to life, we have not become other, or set power in other - but by our persistence of invested identification in such a use of freedom to think as an oppositional substitution for Integral Creative, for wholeness is not an in-silico Humpty Dumpty stitched together by all the king’s horses and all the king’s men. Even if that is the driven need of a mindset in limit and loss, seeking wholeness in a 'world' set outside and other by an image that can never by fulfilled or vindicated, but that the dream shifts to nightmare.
It shall run its course, but at any moment of true relational appreciation, it is undone to natural order in which we learn to choose to accept what we are because we want it instead of wanting what we are not and learning to choose for it to gain a normalised or internalised inversion of cause and effect.
“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality". Michael Ellner
in response to the themes in: Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?
When an issue is framed in such terms, I feel disinterested in participating in its terms.
Mass formation is a coined term for emotionally driven mind-capture as narrative framed identity.
Conflict in the mind are never in one alone, but expressions of a shared field of unconscious resonance.
That I can articulate some of this does not reveal it nor enable me to claim freedom for myself alone or apart.
Truth reveals only to an honesty of relationship, which in our terms will involve a release of a masking dishonesty set in defences that are for the most part internalised, invisible and running subconscious as habit strategies.
So where is our self and world in what I said so far?
As inherited and acquired conditioning its split runs as causal but masked over.
As an experience its result reflects and reinforces its cause.
Yet within our lives run conflicted and conflicting thoughts, beliefs and purposes - including attempts of All the king’s horses and all the king’s men to maintain a mask of control, continuity and unity. And such is the overhead in unconsciousness and taxes as to leave little free attention for receiving and sharing in anything outside the terms and conditionings of personally nested social rules and filters of security or support relative to an arena of conflict whose core holds archetypal patterns of separation trauma, that can be now articulated as forms of rejection, abandonment, treachery, betrayal, shame, and corresponding defences or coping substitution, but were laid down prior to the development of a mind that is predicated in and by such defences.
So where in this is agency or freedom of will to align in truth that heals and corrects error in ourselves and others? In our present and our past, such as to release the stamp of a past set in grievance to receive future of unbounded potential as our true inherence of being?
It is not in understanding about, taken as knowledge, and applied as a narrative as if to nudge or frame life into order - but in this specific situation given in faith to an awareness that is not our manufacture, but the source of life as one through the whole. In practice this can be likened to pause reaction, so as to listen at the heart in a moment of stillness for connection at a level of knowing that is entirely qualitative - or directly felt or known yet through the situation and to it, so as to run prior to conditioned reactions of a mindset of distancing, masking and attack.
When a masking 'reality' breaks down, it becomes increasing unworkable even in its own terms, such that what was kept hidden or 'cast out' and attacked in the other, can no longer be redefined in a continuity of supplied unconscious for the identity within 'control'. This implicitly offers an opportunity for healing, awakening and reintegration, even while presenting as breakdown to defencelessness against rising threat as loss of control and therefore loss of face to ourselves within deeply unsettling inability to regain or re-assert 'control' without sacrifice of consciousness of integrity or self-honesty. HERE is the choice to NOT choose to deny the life we have and know despite our fear, and this is the release of a groupthink or stake in 'mass formational identity', as a freedom to give attention to the movement of our being, as innate curiosity or freedom to question the questionable. while partaking of a love we have chosen not to deny.
That what we accept we extend is the nature of mind, such that we no longer accept the mask of socially reinforced denials or projective hates as true of us. Or find the habit deeply distressing to allow to run for the sake of 'peace'.
Do the extension in the doings of our lives of a qualitative connection goes forth to gather witnesses and align outcomes, just as did the teaching and learning of a split mind set in evasion or distancing as its 'salvation' from a deeper fear that shall not be known, but masked and attacked in complex defences that teach 'love' demands sacrifice as the means to keep the little that ye hath from the whole of total loss.
There is no substitute for love, nor can All the king’s horses and all the king’s men regain or remake a Golden Age set in and by trauma of loss to seek vindication in vengeance for being denied.
But there is a freedom within being to release the mind of its own mis-creative self-reinforcement, that is ours but for the giving.
But of ourselves alone we cannot give life or even recognise another in life, but must 'join' in substitutions, coded ritual behaviour, wishful acting out of symbols set in mysteries kept obscure.
Eyes to see are not denied us but by an inner dictate running under a blind eye. For believing is seeing, while what we say we believe seeks to mask over what we hate, fear or are ashamed to look on.
Law is rooted in being, by true with-ness given true worth-ship.
False premises set false profits to align as false witness to protect its invested stakeholders.
Attacking the lie and the father of it, is its means of contagion and replication as a 'mind -virus'.
Undoing the basis for the lie to pass off as real, is the result of seeking and loving truth.
Who would make truth a weapon must frame a life in vanity.
But defending awareness of truth is the basis for our sanity.
For without a grounded reference point, a mind spins in its own tale to reap as it sows.
Reflections on the root of technocracy
in response to the themes in:
The mind of predictive control is our capacity to model in imagination as a means to both define and navigate a world that we then adapt to or ‘inhabit mutual agreements running beneath our focus of consciousness in the world as we then perceive it.
With the explication of such consciousness to technological infrastructures and computer processing, we are increasing inhabiting our own explicated mind, as a prison that once operates a means to ‘make safe’ by evading, working round or overcoming conflicts. But like a military Industrial habit, ratcheted only tighter for it has its own identity complex, and generates the results that serve its persistence.
The interesting thing about a model or image of reality is that it is a kind of copy or representation in parts but never can be reality – even if it can be of service to a coherent or practical outcome in life. Yet by it we have collectively displaced or alienated our consciousness from a flowing connected presence -EXCEPT when in alignment with service to a coherent or practical outcome in life – ie joy in purpose.
Whys sketch out such observations?
I feel the territory of our unfolding world changes is not just externalised subjection to systems of our own making, but a result of a default persistence or loop of mis-taken identity, within a humanity that is not as we mask and perceive it to be but as an invested collectivised identity dictates. What might this be but what a predictive control was made to substitute for? That is to say, an original basis from which to live that was lost or covered over by separation trauma – from which a fragmented sense of self developed abilities to adapt to and define or normalise brokenness as a becoming in our own right – or at least in rights under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.
The attempt to manually usurp what life already is, makes us into daleks 😉