Saturday, 15 May 2021

Seed Time - How to align in our True Nature, Guidance and Support for Life in a Living Universe?

 End Game - The Coming Collapse and How To Survive It. Now, more than ever, we need to understand how to take charge of our own lives. Our goal is to share ideas, reveal the truth, and build communities that thrive in our new reality. End Game is a multi-faced docuseries that provides answers to many of the questions we have today. Experts from around the world have come together to openly reveal their expertise on many topics for surviving and thriving in today's new world, such as money, education, censorship, and health. This docuseries will include multiple episodes that will be released over time.  

Click the link below to register to save your seat and watch the docuseries for free. I hope you enjoy the series!

I read the above on Tom Cowan's membership site info page.

I commented:

I sigh at the weaponised language used by most everyone who thinks they are in opposition to a weaponised mindset.

How about "Seed Time - How to align in our True Nature, Guidance and Support for Life in a Living Universe"?

Survival is not the goal of life, but of a fear of death specific to the physical sense of needs and drive where it serves a greater purpose.

Taking charge - if not a control agenda - is accepting responsibility.

If we have already taken on or presume powers over life we do not have, we not only set up to conflict and to fail, but undermine or block the simple awareness of what is truly our individual responsibility and no one else's.

Fear runs narrative identity as object continuity and the face of control. But a true joy and appreciation in life is an expression and extension of the presence of life shared, which is the expansion of now as the continuity of the qualities of being, within with the tangibility of a world of image and form serves to reveal, reflect, and unfold a living Creation - for Meaning is never the imposition of a dead thinking or alien will, being the Nature of The heart to call forth and unfold answer - as one.

How can we find our way out of an impossible situation?

Recognise how the mind frames and defines who we truly are in impossible and conflicting double bind, and choose NOT to choose to persist a 'model' or thinking that runs self denial and sacrifice as the survival of dissociation acted out on the body

Fantasy acted out on the body as if to resolve a repackaged conflict externally. From which it sets identity in conflict that it knows not its 'maker' does. Because what we make of ourselves is not as God creates - yet what we made for getting or in attempt to get back, can be brought to truth, and thus serve healing and awakening to a whole mind, from a mis-taken identity based on false inheritances/presumptions. 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Artefacts of the Model can keep us in the dark

 The Mystery Of Dark Energy

Published on May 11, 2021

Written by

An invested Model becomes the unwillingness to question, or see - except as it dictates.

The modelling of science as a mathematically modelled 'realignment' of fragments and partialities, becomes the protected disease - set in seeking 'solutions' that are locked down and distanced from empirical fact and relational honesty in masking models that can be constantly mutated or extended to variants that keep the funding and support for a too big to fail invested self-illusion.

That the dark energy fudge is dark is curiously revealing.

Anything withheld from or denied light will take on a dark aspect that then runs the mind unseen.

If the Physical Universe is - as often stated - anything near 99% plasma - then the self-organising plasma of charge separations and discharge events is fudged over in the same way as if what we call seasonal flu isn't there because a super nova virus is modelled to replace it as a birth of a new theoretical platform for biotech modelling solutions ™ .

The photo of a full spectrum representation of the neural net of our Cosmos offers integral insight.

But artefacts of the Model or Narrative can keep us in the dark.

Light can undermine our face set in understanding as knowledge and control.

But resonant alignment is a basis for Field Coherence as a whole in all its parts.

The 'private controller' or Covert ID, is then released from service. Thankyou.

To an openly anti Jewish diatribe 

To an openly anti Jewish diatribe:

In using a racial characteristic for the machinations and deceits of elitist power structure, you set everyone of that group as a target for hate and attack or denial by association. regardless that the Jewish Identity has long been international, and often but by no means always in conflict with the nation states they live in. The use of fear by leaders to control and maintain an identity against integration or subjugation is not unique to Jews, but has unique facets.

Whether you mean to or not, your resort to the good v evil narrative of assigning the latter to Jews, undermines anything else you write or teaches a blanket prejudice that no longer has to question, because it believes it is right.

Open anti Jewish diatribe is sometimes found to come from Jewish people, either from the 'self-hating Jew' - so called, or as a strategy of keeping the herd aware of the fears by which they are induced to support, sympathise, comply, or at least not openly criticise. This device is not unique to Jewish controllers, but as you say, to Criminal Mafia of organised crime that is recognisable across time and space in human history.

Hate demands a target. But hate is a reaction of vengeance against being hurt, which is associated with being unfairly denied, attacked.or deprived. That you hold grievance is evident. That anyone or everyone Jewish is the cause of it is false, and perpetuates the cycle of denial.

The Mafia run on the perpetuation of polarised identities set in fear and grievance. It is their battery source. Perhaps they don't need to DO much to find an energy supply when people are set in identities that DO it for them.

To what degree to people WANT their grievance and protect it against introspection and healing? To the degree that they seek power for themselves from an underlying sense of threat, lack and drive to defy it?

The deceit runs deeper, but must ultimately come home to roost.

Or in the world's thinking, a deep state of deceit must be protected against disclosure of both lack of substance, and its alienating of truth.

All protected or securitised narrative indicates  a limiting and controlling of mind that then attracts the projection of fear into what is held outside and apart from  transparency and account. What is actual agenda and what is projected motives from our own minds? And how do they interact to in some sense feed the unconscious fear of the one being assigned 'control' to believe they have it?

You may not choose to relate to what I write. But i am not complicit or supportive of your assignment to race as pathogenic. And so I offer another view - and not simply an anti anti reaction.

To become the thing you hate under self-righteousness is the problem, not the solution. Those who feed off the problem want to set up insoluble problems. Do you consent to feed such a mindset - which could as well be an alien agenda running through anyone hijacked by fear.

Psycho-Physical Contagion

in response to the themes in:

Frequency Change: A Deeper Look at COVID Vax Transmission Phenomenon

May 4, 2021

By Makia Freeman 

The 'experiences' of 'covid infection' or 'vaccination shedding' are repackaged fear narratives.

The key to a real choice is always from a love that is the power to dispel, heal or undo fear, and the fear that promises to protect you IF you DO THIS NOW!

There are openings in your article to the nature of resonant communication, but you are still fitting that into the old wine paradigm of an object model - where objects are pathologically defined in terms of bodies impacting and impacted.

Fear is a whole package. Or rather a repackaging of conflict for the sake of a sense of masking protection that usurps the living will as an experience of an alien Reality set as threat.

I write on this - but also a bit on this theme of shedding.


What we share, we strengthen in ourselves, and teach others who are already aligned to learn it.

ANY fear defined narrative needs brackets that stop it running without a pause by which to automatically run. You may note that a large number of those not afraid of virus are afraid of vaccine agenda and WANT reinforcement in the identity set against the fear.

There is invested identity in fear and guilt and self hate that is like the tuning dial being stuck because the results obliterate awareness of having the choice to retune. We experience it as our world!

Response #1

Makia Freeman

Powerful words. Thanks for sharing. On an ultimate level I agree with you, that every person is in charge of his/her own health, and that if we stay in a place of firm belief in love and our own power, we could transmute poison. As always, it's a matter of converting fear to awareness.

What is fear kept secret, covered over, protected or controlled and denied by distancing, locking down and masking narratives of ever shifting attempt to manage it?

The transmutation of fear to the awareness from the conflict that it represents or masks over, is owning fear rather than 'casting it out'. In freedom to release narrative dictate as a sense of self, set over and against a world that reflects and reinforces the conditions of lack driven need, separateness in struggle and fear under threat.

The gifts of our Spirit are true and beyond our capacity to believe from any other point than alignment. So looking at active beliefs rather than trying to boost or bolster them will recognise where fear has interjected to limit and manage the power of Life as a usurping attempt to DO what in truth is already given.

If you can get it that we run of with a mistaken identity from which all else seems to crash into a chaotic struggle cast out to our world, then the key is in accepting and receiving true alignment, rather than persisting from a mistake seeking to become worthy, justified, validated or real.

So there is not a 'living up to' what we belief from faith and inspiration, so much as remaining in alignment of faith given in resonance of wholeness and coherency of being. The ego always sets up to fail. So don't play the game - even if the habit persists while new choices are lived that become new pathways of natural response.

Could you have as well said, 'on an intimate level we are in resonance and gratitude?'

Our language can code or mask or it can reveal to a directness. So noticing our own words becomes a willingness to undo or release the inhibition of a love we did not make or do, along with an awareness that more consciously inhibits leaking or indulging in personal grievances, judgements and accusations or put-downs that are part of an old pattern of letting off steam or mitigating pain by dumping some of it out away from a sense of temporary relief.

Thanks for the 'touch'.

In a sense we have chosen or generated a curriculum of fear, that is now our path of re-integrative healing, as a result of the 'touch' or noticing of fear and its progeny, from a grace of free awareness that we may at first lose, by attempt to bring it into fear so as to 'Do' it in our own terms and conditions.

My fundamental freedom from fear of psychic contagions is in a vigilance against reaction to fear as a call to arms or armouring, but if there is a belief in fear running as reaction in myself or others with whom I share this world, then that is something to bring to light rather than use to allow to usurp the light of presence.

In regard to toxic exposures from those who are choosing to armour against fear, I give priority to the 'Field of relational honesty' not to narratives that operate to shut it down. But the Guidance within relational being is not oppositional, and so nor do I pretend to act from any personal immunity or power by which to demonstrate the false is false.

We cannot rip off the masks of others without losing truth to the worth-ship of fear as a power unto itself. And so another's freedom to choose to mask in limitation, sickness and death is one with my own freedom to release these to the simple presence of life shared now. I didn't say I don't open all kinds of experience in myself in accepting the world as choice - albeit chosen in ways that hides its own hand - which is an ongoing practice of willingness rather than wishfulness given power to run unchecked.

Once my Brother and Sister have taken the vaccine pact, I hardly feel to persist in warning them not to - as if that made any difference to deeper fears claiming their mind. But even here, even this, is an opportunity to release and be released.

We are part of a Bottomming Out' for control (fear) addiction.

Whoever can hold the gift of simple presence amidst a collective or 'contagious' disturbance, is part of the gift by which sane choices and perspective arise in place of self-reinforcing and self-destructive negative loops.

Living the moment of little willingness is the key. Not an perfected self will. Yet is not perfection the Gift of aligned will with Spirit?

"It's Life, Jim, but not as we know it!"


Response #2

Tim Kennedy

Yeah, all fear is paranoia. Ego plays a double game(good-cop/bad-cop).

It kinda looks like english isn't your 1st language, but to anyone passing by with an open mind, this poster has a clue and is tuned into the Solution.(The Truth).

Love is indigenous language.

English is my verbal-mental structure through which weaponised language is redeemed to Felt Meaning - that shares in the heart.

While the mind works to translate everything into its assumed role of Defence or Protection, it interprets everything in terms of possession and control, or weaponising and marketising, or 'What's in it for Me?'

The world 'understands' this way of 'thinking'.

I would reveal it is un-understandable - or 'doublethink' set in codes of meanings that stamp down on the face of a living love, so as to impose the face of control over fear set in hatred within.

I appreciate where you recognise the double game of deceit.

Fear can be healthy. If you are at all tempted to engage in deceit and it brings up a deep sense of self-dissonance that portends disaster - get out of there! ;-)

To override fears is not necessarily wise.

Paranoia speaks more to the projection of loveless intent to the world around us - such that we see shadows and plots and deceit everywhere. This can shoot the Messenger of help and healing.

There is another way to see the world than fear set in paranoid projections - which may also hold valid information - for some are looking to take what is yours under their own sense of lack-driven identity.

If anything loveless boosts a sense of identity so as to give meaning to my life, it is revealing a sense of meaninglessness within , gaining a 'reset' from being triggered - IF - I am paying attention and want to know.

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Spiked on a Fear Driven Fake Immunity

Dylan Jones

This existing/non-existing Shrodinger’s cat , conflated with other viruses and modes of death, is being used as symbol by the witchdoctors, to represent all manifestations of the plague. Even if it was bioengineered, which I believe it was, it was done to exemplify the germ that humanity most fears. They have even distilled its essence, the spike protein and found a way to compel our bodies to create it on mass, simultaneously compelling our societies to create their greatest fears on mass, all the time eroding our biological and informational immune systems.

But its all voodoo,  or the repackaging and redistribution of fear, guilt and penalty - as sacrifice. The 'engineering' of toxic interventions to natural or lawful function is not a true act of creation, so much as an expression of denial, masked as virtue.

That the protein is called 'spike' is a point from which to run the mind.

Chemical compounds interact. Biology is the study of the interaction of chemistry as self-organising and self-balancing homeostasis relative to the living energy system we call organism that is an expression of and within its total environment, which has subtler energetic support guidance and communication matrix, than our biological modelling allows, not least because the loss of Symbiotic Relation within the Field sets the mind in territorial conflicts, by which all functions are subordinated to serve. Thus Biology is weaponised and marketised for the war of private agenda set at expense of Host or Wholeness of being and subverts our attempt to understand and appreciate Reality, to a leveraging that we are 'tooled' to think is how Life Works, and suffer and die in, when it is how we are collectively thinking, or rather accepting thoughts that are leveraging conflict agenda as narrative truths or currency of substitution for communication and exchange.

immune (adj.)

mid-15c., "free, exempt" (from taxes, tithes, sin, etc.), from Latin immunis "exempt from public service, untaxed; unburdened, not tributary," literally "not paying a share," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + munis "performing services" 

The ideal of ego autonomy is immunity from relational responsibility - specifically in regard to obligations of honesty, debts or sins. A war-mind operates a lockdown-thinking by which to limit loss, by externalising or distancing its effects to others, by masking it as a power of protection and 'selling it' to others.

Masking AS the priest or expert of greater or hidden knowledge presents as if closer to God or to Truth, so as to become assigned as 'authority'. The ideal of ego autonomy is to usurp our Authoring so as to run our own reality and get what we want in terms we set, as the ego-centric assertion of a private or 'control-mind'.

Overriding our Nature is really blocking our awareness of function and living our result as our use of freedom to choose to deny (awareness) under conflicts set by learned fear or conditioning.

The Nature of Life is such that what does not serve innate function, cuts off its own source of support and is released from service. When we experience loss of connection and support, we identify in competing or predatory mode of GETTING from 'others' as a substitution for Life. The process is parasitic or depleting of Life for the sake of self-illusion or substitute connection in shared symbolic substitution - given power by fears mis-taken as truth.

To realign in functional being is an un-emotive way of affirming wholeness, connection, relational appreciation and honesty of being. It is also workability in terms of all that is her - in any situation, rather than for a split off sense of separate, threatened and competing agenda. Finding the balance point of self and others is not difficult where there is honesty of relational communication. But under the dictate of fear set as self-immunity in lockdown, distance and masking, there is no awareness of self and others as living beings - but only as the masking narrative systemically dictates in terms of a shifting model of 'systemic' immunity from threat, conflict, change and loss.

Possession BY our own thinking is a mind trapped in its own thoughts.

One can rage or scream in vain - or smile at the absurdity of such a confusion taken seriously. But freedom to look at the thinking means releasing the grip on the belief it is our protection, immunity or self-advantage over 'others' seen as threat.

The mind of a true immunity from fear and conflict is not concretised in the nature or cause of conflicted fear, but receiving and giving in connected presence. At this time, for many I am suggesting a miracle of love's connection replace the system of laws and rules and filters by which we have learned to make a 'normal' of masked over lack and fear, set in guilt and conflict. Any such moment or instant has a quality to change our day, our outlook and demeanour, such that one step leads to another in the releasing of an insanity. Meeting the evils of the day thereof in living terms is a process of owning what is truly ours and releasing what does not belong, which is also coming back into a Right mind, instead of getting in our own way from attempts to control Life from an alienated and alienating sense of judgement.

Reflections on Cancer, Carbon Guilt & Psycho-Pathogenesis

 in response to the themes in:

Deadly Prion Brain Diseases & Experimental MRNA Jabs (by Green Med Info)

Narratives operate as covers stories for an ongoing persistence of protected or covert identifications. And so the primary fact of identity conflict can be covered and externalised to a model of attack or Separation Trauma seeking escape, or vengeance and of course both at once. Toxic shock is in our current time recognised as both psychic and physical, and the repackaging of psychic energies as a means to persist a ‘self-advantage’ set over and against others seen as assets, or threats, operates the combination of toxic results (debts, conflicts and poisons) with toxic intent (fear, guilt and hate set as self-defence).

The pathogenic theory of germs as contagion is a reversal in which the seed or germ of life is demonised and feared, attacked and rendered ‘toxic’ to a defence system that cannot abide Life, except as its filters and rules dictate and enforce as the Face of control.

Fear given imaginative power is ‘contagious’ on levels that are generally subconscious or already ‘owned or contractually invested in.

The invitation to invest as fear in ‘mRNA’ gene therapy ‘shedding’ is the same invitation to give away a Soul connected discernment for an invocation of external power.

in response to the themes in:

Why A Low-Carbon Economy Is Further Off Than We Think

Deficit capitalisation as a parasitic alien or artificial and inhuman intelligence operates by guilt and fear. So before you suck up the toxic sins of the hollow ones who would overlord this Earth, recognise and accept your own responsibility so as to release what does not belong to you back to its owner.

As a ‘carbon based expression of living water’, (the medium of Spiritual Communication to Symbiosis that is Life on Earth), you are an integral part OF the Earth – and Cosmos, and the idea that you are special in and of your self has led to separation in concept – never in Fact. Acting out from self-convicted guilt, fear, hate and masking defence, generates the Lesson of its own recognition and release.

The evasive ingenuity of defences against a true Disclosure are held in Common, and only seem to be enacted by perpetrators on victims as a result of pre-existing masks of invested identification. The ‘alien will’ is primarily the self-willed replacement of your own mind by a Fear that makes you stranger to your Self.

True zero-point is the Heart’s Resonance in true alignment of being. Nothing is rejected from the unconditional source of all expression, but is revealed to the truth beneath the framing of a false or partial and conflicted point of identity-reinforcement.

in response to the themes in:

Cancer Rates In Medieval Britain Ten Times Higher Than Thought

The Universal Biology/GNM of Hamer’s understanding of cancers as a process of ‘biologically expressed shocks’ indicates a completely different coherent view and response to cancer.

The current protected narrative for cancer is fear and attack based pathological thinking.

The process of the ‘cancer’ is then not a disease of broken genes or merely ‘spread’ by metastasis, but the expression of core psychic shock through evolutionary biological expression. The modern way of death is undermining the body’s capacity to simply function (Balance and heal) while we suppress and attack the healing phase of a biological shock expression or indeed a detoxification process – as if it is the disease.

The relative absence of cancer in anything premodern is simple feedback to look at what has changed and re-evaluate it. When the modern developments are billion dollar industrial processing of life as food production, processing, medical procedure and toxic pharmacological interventions along with other environmental toxic exposure – all in a realm of chronically suppressed vitality for the sake of social compliance to engineered ‘normals’ what would you expect?

I might add that for cherrypicking psuedo scientific PR – which readily finds copy and paste – the title and opening paragraphs are the sales pitch and meme-worm. So a more honest translation might be “Cancer Rates In Medieval Britain THOUGHT to be Ten Times Higher Than otherwise Thought”. One could put theorised or claimed or believed or considered instead of ‘thought’.

In a time of mind-control – responsibility for thought, word and resulting deed is paramount. The principle of science is an active alignment in self-honesty and relational feedback. If we don’t pick up on our own active ignorances or blind spots, we at least need give an ear and consideration to the responses we meet from others.

If there is a wish to propagate ‘news’ stories in this way, why not do so under a brief caution?

Buyer beware!

You may not realise you are being invited into a contractual exchange in which your mind can be replaced by the suggestions of another.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Look at the thinking operating within your own sphere of responsibility 

Video: 13_Ammended

13,_Amended looks at how the for-profit prison system will be the template for our future as slaves of debt and human capital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We are now being set up to be enslaved prisoners, sentenced for the crime of being human and to work off our crime, we must make a profit for the billionaires and the managerial class. This time they will be able to track us down to the most microscopic levels of our existence, we will be thingified and we won’t be able to escape

in response to the themes above:

Look at the programming operating within your own sphere of responsibility.

NOT just in the world of its front end, or results.

Re-integrational alignment or healing a disintegrity of mis identification is recognising and releasing fear, as a source of self, protection and guidance.

Fear CAN be re-cognised as the Call or Need to align to love. Denied fears seek to mask in the forms of 'love'.
denied self under fear operates under an alien will.
See Lesson 160 of A Course in Miracles.
I am at Home, fear is the stranger here.
(Notice we are normalised to the reverse of this BY fear).
Machine thinking is a defence operating long after its being set in motion.
You wont stop 'The Terminator' with its own mind or means.
What is to be truly Human?
This Gift must shine and share to be Re-Membered.

The video excerpt is a good information - but needs the context of spiritual responsibility, else like Orwell, it merely confirms a 'Crucifiction' without any redemptive Resurrection - and becomes a means to get identity FROM the hated and feared by opposition.
Resisting temptation to the 'baiting suggestions' of alien thinking, is not the same as resisting in the frame of the thinking.

True foundation is priceless,
A lack of truth can only parasitically operate by the willingness to buy into its 'offer' that may seen unrefusable.
Exposing the false is only truly so when our capacity to use it as a basis for our lives is no longer tenable or tolerable.
The market for revealing lies, can always find more, without truly addressing the source.
I see that the nature of the 'deficit-thinking' is revealing a mind set in lack and fear of dispossession that we all have 'shares in'.
Review your active investments (most of which are subconscious habits).
Because you're worth it!
A new place to live from is not within the mindset of fear's masking protection, but of the grace and willingness to notice it.