Saturday, 1 August 2020

Tech and A.I - replicates the mind of its expression

Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji, Zach Vorhies and Maryam Heinen

The pattern of tech and A.I - replicates the mind of its expression - but is experienced as if an evil hijacker or alien agenda.
The plausible deniability of a split mind whose compartmentalisations can shift into and out of focus extremely rapidly - under a masking narrative 'continuity' is the fundamental pattern of a 'social distancing', lockdown into a masked private agenda of weaponised lockstep or coercive 'incentive' as the escape or power of temporary ongoing protection against fear of disclosure brought to tipping point - ie survive or die. Unlike a human appreciation of a qualitative wholeness, an artificial mind - whether our own dissociated thinking or its technological explication can only deal in quanta or raw data. The interpretive layer is both output AND input.
As ye sow/code/give, so shall ye reap/result/receive.
The Garbage in; garbage out inherency or nature of consciousness can be obfuscated by plausible deniability - where the denial can be heavily and even aggressively set or cast under shifting masks of sympathy and concern, beneath which is rage or hate - that is itself covering pain in the heart.
The capacity to discern and identify self-betrayal as a need to re-align to the heart instead of running on legacy logic is itself a recognition of the total situation as valid feedback - instead of persisting in an algorithmed cherry pick that supports and reinforces a narrative identity set as non-editable and mapped out as a no-go area by dragons of a different order to those on old maps - but serving the same function.
I suggest that willingness to open our own mind to a true feedback from the total situation is in effect looking within and without - as one. Initially we may introspect as abiding in active self awareness - but this quality of spacious awareness is never truly absent our relational engagement so much as effectively mapped out or substituted for under a virtual representation.
The evil that seems or is deemed necessary in comparison to a greater fear is reframed - and the identity in focus adjusts to accept it and thus overrides a sense of self-dissonance - not least by ramping up the mask of assertion that demands reinforcement -by giving priority to a filter that evaluates all things in terms of whether they support the narrative or expose it to question - and thus to the underlying great fear AND the dissonance of a sense of self and other betrayal (and retribution). And so the lockdown into an ideological or psychic-emotional defence that may have seemed socially acceptable or worthy can quickly become a lock-in to a negatively reinforcing loop that calls on either a release from a higher source (upstream intelligence of the Field) or a force quit - excepting in life, such triggered domains can operate only on triggering and then recall nothing of it - like a bot-net of hacked nodes of access.

the evil-tag is very easy to react to in like kind under a sense of moral identity gotten from it and therefore framed by it.
Feedback is feedback and what we hate to acknowledge in ourself we will flag to 'other'. This does not mean others may not be acting insanely or on a conflicting set of premises and definitions - but that our communication will be distorted by a personal realm of conflicts that we are not ready or willing to look at yet.
Self-betrayal is also a sense of evil that can no longer be escaped by masking over and yet the key is to self-damnation, but a willingness despite guilted fear to be restored or realigned in a self-honesty - as an expression and responsive participant in an un-manufactured or prior quality of presence that we are now learning not to get in our own way within its guidance to our unique signature vibration.

Fear and Control as a Polarising Hysteresis

A not untypical comment:


.. and a moment of noticing...

Or see it as a captured and proxy mindshare - of false framed (hypnotised) identity?

Who notices the use of Trump as 'bad cop' to work the 'bot-net'. Just as using 'Russia'.

The Economy is rigged. Insider insiders crash the system because it is inevitably crashing and as insiders seek to surf the wave and stay on top - but in human terms this means claiming insider privilege and using it to deny or exclude, and thus dump, on others. King o' the castle.

Part of the control agenda is surely an insider technocratic intent to eradicate or smooth out all shocks to the system so as to eradicate the boom-bust of a war economy - which means eradicating human behaviour that expresses a 'fallen or inadequate and unworthy' human nature - which means undermining traditional values judges as part of the problem. Which means setting the mind against itself and setting up conflicts or polarity by which to cancel the bathwater of a perceived and believed threat, while of course throwing out the baby.

All of which is in the domain of fear and control, masking as power or virtue. Those who convince themselves they are on the right side of history believe in a masking identity-reality as IF IT WORKS. But what works is belief and intention fuelled by intensity of desire. When we let fear filter and mask our dire and set our intention, we become purposed by the application of fear AS control under conviction of right taken from the wrong that we have identified against or allowed ourselves to be negatively framed by and in effect LOST Identity to.

That phishing works the mind is within the mind's capacity to operate on form based meanings that no longer apply, and so we react to conditioned associations AS Reality. In this sense phishing is not an evil intent so much as an UNWATCHED MIND - or lack of free awareness now - as a result of over-reaching into sideshow that adulterates and dilutes a true presence to substitute a management of perceptions and control by discarding presence or current reality, so as to force 'balance' or counter or suppress or eradicate perceptual conflict that is NOT IN the symptoms, but is a result of persistent misalignment in effects whose cause is no longer active.

So polarised minds would rather see the wrongness, invalidity or seeming power of what they hate - as a self-vindicating 'heaven' set over sending others to 'hell' (denial and exclusion) - than release and be released of hate (hell) as the restoration to a 'Heaven' in which the baby in every bathwater is redeemed and the old 'bathwater'. The attempt to rip out the tares - destroys the crop. The Holy Spirit is the Idea and Recognition of truth that perceptual appearances mask over and deny. The word-term doesn't matter so much as the grace of noticing... given welcome and acceptance.

I cannot know the timing of your willingness to listen, but I can trust my own, just because.
I don't find inspiration in any of the means and leverages of control - that operate as coercive deceit, but is it not driven by a sense of wrongness that it flags here there and everywhere to then defend against by attacking? A sense of wrongness that would rather bring everything down than yield to transparency and truth in the heart of a true presence.

Friday, 31 July 2020

Computer modelling is taking over from empirical science 

The power to discover, define and set parameters for treatment without transparency and accountability can understandably operate a 'god-complex' - not that I see God as coercive - but historically, lording it over is part of demanding sacrifice of the people so as to persist in the role of 'protecting' them. But the free and willing gift is completely different from an exacted coercion.

So yes, 'coming out' in a willingness to question the 'god and the protected' is likely to illicit the 'Herodian response' - whether of stamping on the movement before it can become a threat or of acceding power to the persistent and vocal lobby and it mob.

Dr Andrew Kaufman comes out in a calm and relational willingness and anyone listening would at least be moved to a curiosity to re-evaluate what is presumed 'settled science' but may be more of an institutionally systemic consensus around reputation, funding and career.

Some after listening to him and others who challenge the mainstream virological narratives, become polarised in reaction so as to then shout 'there is no virus' or some such - as if that contributes or serves anything but an equally polarised reaction in response.

So I appreciate that you addressed a core issue and that is of definitively identifying the agent - and establishing it is THE cause. Computer modelling is taking over from empirical science - and humanity is largely willing - so far - to downgrade itself to run with a managed computer model.

The mind - with or without computing power - is not all it is cracked up to be. But logic can run on false premises such as to crack up under conflicting and incoherent results.

The Science must follow the evidence and reformulate real questions to account for it. But who wants to be crucified by the mob or the authorities for witnessing to truth that they don't want to hear, accept or embrace? The compliance under fear and control agenda seems to be the wide and easy way... but to what does it deliver us?

I suggest there are other equally unsettling disclosures in the wash - and that the attempt to stuff Jack back in the box will painfully fail.


(General agreement with your comment) but the use of the term ‘crystallised is interesting because even the BEST current means of identification – electron microscopy, effectively crytalises a living process and may very well introduce artefacts that confound the results.

But you were talking of genetic sequencing. This field was very heavily invested in as the inauguration of a new era of medicine, and pre touted as part of attracting funding and support, but failed to bring forth its expected returns. However that does not mean a 4th Industrial Biotech Revolution (Reich?) is not being rolled out regardless – in the self-same way virology persisted regardless of solidly established science as a trained way to see the Emperor’s New Clothes.

The use of computer modelling in ‘reconstituting’ fragments that as your infer could be anything is preset to what makes sense to the researcher or those who set the parameters of the research.

A living body is not stuff randomly floating about in an inert medium but an intelligent field of recognition, communication and exchange. All structuring of form and function includes the breaking down and reconstitution of form and function – including the elimination or ‘storing and encapsulating of what has no belonging and cant currently be eliminated. While miraculous in its capacity to function as it does, the body itself is clearly not invulnerable – and itself breaks down to its constituents within a larger context. There are a few who made forms of microscopy that could observe life in vivo but discovery and full acceptance can be separated by decades or more. Ignaz Semmelweis got a statue and a college, but long after being debarred and shoved into an asylum and beaten up to die of his injuries.

The belief there is no escape and that we are all 'infected' 

I would like you to consider what you assigned to a pathogen to an addiction or to a hateful and fearful thought that you try to cover over or escape or eradicate - but it keeps coming back.

I hold that your freedom is inviolable, an that what you seek to deny in yourself is actually fed and empowered by the very attempt to get rid of it. But as a hidden agenda or unconscious and unresolved conflict that can indeed be masked over and managed up to a tipping point.

The two principles that most practically apply here - in my view - are:

1. What you resist, persists.

2. What you neglect or choose not to use fades from no use.

If you see 1. as a version of trying not to think of an elephant - then you see that in one way of another it will fill the room that you CAN construct as a diversionary strategy so as not to deal with what you are unready or unwilling to deal with at this time. We do this all the time and it is readily observable as the priority to give attention to. But while wholeness of being gives fully and freely, a conflicted sense of self justifies and measures or indeed leverages a narrative of evasion or overriding as an expression of conflict that picks on anything else to focus on.

Recognising where we have made poor or mistake and partial choices that bring negative results is the capacity to withdraw support from the old normal or conditioned habit - so as to more wholly align in who you are. This does not demonise what you were or thought before but recognises a valid feedback and moves on.

While the idea is deeply cherished and protected, I challenge the idea of pathogen and replace it with toxic influence. Any healthy cell is attracted to nutrient and moves away from toxin.

The idea of a malign hijacking intent is overlaid upon a symbiosis. 

The capacity to receive and replicate in your own domain is the way life extends and shares, but if that capacity is filtered or distorted or blocked, a breakdown of communication operates as a 'rogue process' until the communication and balance is restored.

The attempt to demonise the rogue process at any level of our experience, sets up a self-reinforcing loop from which there is no logical escape, but every reason to question the premise upon which the mind is operating.

The belief there is no escape and that we are all 'infected' viruses on the 'Living Planet' denies our integral Expression within the Living and when we receive and replicate that we become part of denying a true recognition and worth in others. Once we blank others, all and any judgements can seem real according to our own sense of fearfully protected 'identity' and we effectively teach or demonstrate this mind by acting from it.

The novel discovery of germs and later viruses as the 'cause' of disease was the naive new scientific belief that evil didn't really exist and that germs that science could kill - would inaugurate a new world order of human rationality. Panacea attracts every kind of denied conflict to seek magical solution - and can be manipulated as a carrot on a stick for those whose fear can be activated to seek anything to cover it over again and make the bad stuff go away.

Bacteria can generate toxic waste that can sicken and kill. Yet the Biome of bacterial and fungal life is now recognised and accepted as the matrix of support for life on Earth - such that we attack and deny our own 'Mother' as a mistaken identity in self-isolating lockdown of a coercive private agenda.

The true nature of the what we gave the Latin name for poison to, that is a natural function of living cells exposed to stress of lack of nutrient and toxicity is 'little understood' and cannot be allowed to be uncovered while  a pathological framing of biology frames and directs funding, research, education and interpretation. However Biology can and does uncover much that medical virology chooses not to address, accept or apply - because it would undermine their existence. The same holds for a pharmaceutical psychiatry. When something is deemed too big to fail it simply means we are too heavily invested in it to risk any real change. 

Resisting necessary change grows a crisis and manipulating and exploiting crises instead of truly addressing them grows a cultural extinction event.

Resisting temptation to save face by masking over truth is simply standing in an integrity by not choosing to knowingly engage a disintegrity - and that is how we restore and grow trust in integrity. Not by masking in the forms or rituals of virtue.

Losing face of facing our fear?

The disease conditions that effect about 0.1% of the population in terms of fatality - and that as primarily of the very old with co-morbidities - may not be caused by virus, but the assumption that all threat that is propagandised and attributed to the 'novel virus' becomes implanted in the public mind. 

The intent to use overall death count as a meaningful statistic without comparison to the average of normal deaths in other years is blatant manipulation by deceit.
The above link uses official data and professional and expert testimony to set out a sane and proportionate account of an epidemic called covid19 - that is in overall terms comparable to a normal or bad flu season - yet many much worse years have been recorded that did not attract or be given such media focus or martial laws under medical mandates.

The principle danger of masks is of compounding a false narrative as an illusion of safety while the actual threat persists unseen and unaddressed. While you may claim little or no damage results from mandating fear of life, relationship and conviviality, you can only do as as the voice for mandatory control that takes it authority from such fear.

The precautionary principle - properly applied - is NOT to introduce novel products, protocols or procedures until it can be clearly demonstrated that they do no harm - or that the good far exceed the harm. Where there is risk there needs to be freedom of information and informed decision - not mandatory compliance.

The regulatory capture by which to lock down and deny human beings our essential human right and freedom of association,  as if the make them safe while choking a global economy of life support such as to put millions if not billions into poverty, chaos, degradation and dependency under totalitarian conditions - is an extension of the corporate and financial capture of regulatory institutions - including media, politicians and  scientific institutions such as to effect a private coup of governance as a whole system under pretence of public -private partnership.

Coercing face covering as a mandate of socially shamed obligation LOCKS IN the fear that is manufactured by design to a profiled and targeted population. But the fear OF the population must belong to those who choose to deceive so as to subject or discard your fellow human beings for a sense of control over the living.

The cartel of corporately directed state mandate extends into every area of life such as to make us cover our faces in preparation to state mandate to override any freedoms as to what is put into or done to our bodies. This in itself is a form of terrorism.

The freedom to wear a mask as an informed decision is not contested - any more than to wear an amulet. The capacity to distort the sharing of information is the lockstepping of the muzzled media and a muppet political class who deliver absurd scripts as post truth manipulative deceit!

Cognitive dissonance set in fear of exposure must seek to censor and ban a freedom to question.
It is you who and who scripts you that are trapped or locked into your own masking agenda and your claim to moral superiority is a sham.

Cherry picking 'covid' while ignoring and subsuming all else is a desperate attempt to persist a focus in false flagged fear. Don't mask your fear. Face and own what is yours so as to release what doesn't belong to you - and that includes the arrogant ignorance of the intent to possess and control life. But by providing such a transparent example, you serve to make informed choice   more obvious.
It is up to you what you accept and replicate as your own belief and experience. No one can 'hijack' or change your mind without your agreement at some level. But that you choose is your full consequence. You are not just 'following orders'.

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Everything is going on at once and all is rebalancing all of it parts

in response to the themes in:

Biological interactions operate a symbiotic homeostasis of which the blind watchmaker knows not. Everything is going on at once and all is rebalancing all of it parts in all ways as the functional expression of the organism within its living or life supporting context.
'It's Life Jim, but not as we conceptualise it'.
Human being includes a complex internal 'self-imaging' feedback of perception-response that as a filtering interpretation can be at odds with current reality - so as to seek to defend the model or image, set at odds with the true interaction or exchange. This posits and inertial fulcrum of eccentric imbalance upon centred or functional wholeness so as to protect a posture of defence or protection that effectively reiterates a self-identification set in conflict, lack, imbalance that drives the need to manage and control - or manually rebalance the system from a blind spot set in 'as if' apart from life. Sometimes it presumes to be set over life, and at other times subjected to lack, limitation, conflict, fear and pain of loss.

But that wasn't the point - but the context to my point.
The concept of evolution can be misused - but the idea of adaptations arising from change and challenge is valid. The body can be seen in many ways, but as biological function living cells operate symbiotically - except when communication is broken.

Our sense of communication is linear or cause and effect - call and response - or input and result but our thinking is binary and tends to assign specific functional identities according to our inbuilt bias - such as to impose our sense of control onto a biology that is more akin to a field effect that balances and aligns all the facets of its expression.

When we introduce substances that are not part of our evolutionary symbiosis, or generate toxic exposures - we interject a blind leverage or suppressor into a wholeness that may check a target box but fails in all other functional requirements because it is not of life and in life. Ultimately we can say change and challenge is occurring by our own choices or ruled defaults that can be integrated and grown from, but we could also say that millions of autistically effected lives might serve the recognition of the contextual priority of the gut biome to core cellular development and function (life, immunity and consciousness). Autism came out in the moment of writing - there is a long list of toxic effects concealed by 'syndromes, infectious and idiopathic diseases and of course treatments'.
Natural does not mean good - for poisons are what does not belong and what we do not belong in - under our current adaptation. But man-made, or synthetic leverages are never only leveraging the diagnosed or theorised problem but act upon the whole as unintended consequences, that become profitable to conceal to the inertial fulcrum or identity complex of a medical management state.

So vitamins - in the sense of naturally derived rather than industrially synthesised - are extremely  low risk - within a common sense of responsibility and balance - ie: checking in with reality.
Whereas iatrogenic disease may be the globally populist movement of our times if the full account were truly available. Anything set up and given belief as panacea will bring with it, all of the false and toxic conflicts and complexes that seek a magic answer instead of checking in with reality for a true resolution. The same principe operates for a magic terror-threat that attracts all false and toxic conflicts to hide and ride its bandwagon effect.

The capacity to direct almost all attention to a possibility of an adverse reaction to - say - vitamin D - while human beings are being deceived and literally poisoned and degraded by their own wilful ignorance is an amazing achievement by which to demonstrate the power of thought, intention and desire - albeit negatively.
Doubt is appropriate to challenge by enquiry as the sense of dissonance - ie - something doesn't feel right or ring true. But is hardly of service to engaging in inspired or creative endeavour (living our lives!). The key is the willingness and capacity to check in at the heart of honesty - rather than take inspiration and direction from a war against evil - that is framed in private agenda seeking reinforcement against exposure to lack of substance. Aligning in and of wholeness is simply checking in as distinct from running on defaults of conditioned identity.

Identifying a sense of lack that is a fear rather than a full fact, is the opportunity NOT to persist in using it as the basis from which to decide or act. Any pause of reaction allows some free attention of awareness by which to notice what the mind had kept hidden. Science has the merit of testing out and reading the feedback, but is only as honest as the question. If we look only for pathogenic or indeed genetic 'causes' we will 'find them' and adjust the model until we can 'see it'. Modelling is 'as if'. This is uniquely developed in our human consciousness - as a virtual space or domain in which to reconstruct and anticipate outcomes. In essence the function is imaging your true desire as part of aligning within it. But if this is replaced with a fearful imagination of what we DON'T WANT - and we align everything so as - for example - NOT to think of an elephant - then what is then always in the room but invisibly mapped out?

The field effect of unified or true desire cannot be leveraged by fear and guilt to actually unify - but only seem to make a unity while the threat is maintained. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men...
The other side of this coin is that wholeness in expression is miraculously resilient or adaptive - and so all kinds of fears, poisons, threats and negative outcomes have not occurred - that if we were all equally 'susceptible' we would not exist. Covid fear illuminates - regardless the medical arguments as to what it is or is not - that a large selection of people are effectively hypnotised by the activation trigger. My overall sense of this is to bring our own activation triggers back into conscious responsibility. So it is easy to sow doubt and fear into love and life if we are already subscribed to the underlying beliefs targeted by the message and therefore do not see any call to check in. Confirmation bias feeds a mindset. But recognition of truth grows an alignment of our thought and perception as a result of checking in. The mind is capable of mimicking the form of anything. Targets and checkboxes do not signify the virtue that extends a quality of life. Rather, they signify obsession with appearances given priority over real relationships or post truth descent into stark (obvious) insanity.
'Checking in' may be helped by dialogue - by sharing or bouncing ideas - but specifically by listening to the point of hearing, and seeing past the presenting symptoms. But also and perhaps more so by immersing or abiding and engaging in the natural world - and in what truly comes naturally as joy in being you. The gut releases its tension when we are grounded and centred - which could sound like 'locked down' and lockstepped - but absence of coercion is the key characteristic of a true centre - and who would want to block and suppress joy in life to be cross examined by doubt. False certainty is simply weaponised doubt seeking reinforcement.
Certainty might better be addressed as unconflicted - or not getting in our own way - because the mind seeks to interject and impose its logic on what it cannot comprehend - and to our willingness to mask over chaos rather than abide through it as a transformative adaptation.
Faith in life requires no more than noticing life in expression in place of a sense of thinking, made god - or given priority.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Crying Foul - Crying Fake - Crying Inside - Masked Over

in response to the themes in:

Woke may be an un unnecessarily pejorative instead of claim to truth by which to deny others. So perhaps I could restate that I have always found you taking a polarised position that shuts down debate rather than opens it. However, I respect your freedom to speak or write as you choose.

Control takes many different forms, but is part and parcel of the fear that feeds it. Narrative or mind control has been increased with the idea of managing bubbled 'freedom and democracy' to reveal itself as post truth politics - or simply manipulation and deceit.

I have written persistently questioning the mind-capture to the virus - as the virus (or cellular biological communication) is false flagged as pathogenic cause. In exactly the same way you flag 'Them' as your pathological cause. But there IS a symbiotic communication of all life on Earth that is starting to come into our scientific awareness as the Biome, and as field physics of resonant frequency interactions that are not just applicable to 'subatomic' particles but relate to life as communication that patterns its own paths of reference and relation.

I am suggesting there are psychic-emotional complexities that underlie our experience that have valuable feedback to each our own recognition of self-illusion given priority over truth. Note I did not say such feedback is necessarily to read in order to tell others what to think or do.

Evidences that do not fit the model can be distorted to fit the model or airbrushed out, pushed into long grass and hidden by smear, diversionary tactic and flat out wilful denial. In this case the model is the masking identity-worldview that we have for the most part deeply invested in as normal in place of natural - and its 'reality-experience' was maintained by all kinds of magical and tragic redistribution of toxic consequence that increasing became too interconnected a corrupt and false foundation to be allowed to disclose. The necessary lie is then the defence against disclosure of what we have made of life, love, truth, power etc

But under lies running as true, nothing is actually allowed to function - except as prioritised for survival in managing the mind so as to delay the Inevitable. And so life is sacrificed to protect a false sense of control set over terror from being brought out into the open. Not so different from heavy painkillers that limit both sensing and consciousness so as to mitigate the fear that the pain carries as a narrative of great burden, overwhelm, dispiriting and despair. However - addiction to means of limiting consciousness is not any more than a stopgap in which to regroup and recover purpose, connection and inspiration as active choices that transform the context or terrain of which the symptoms are an expression.

Now we almost all here may have moved to wish to warn and wake others to find either they do not want to know or cannot actually hear anything we say. Not surprising if it is the Bad News we carry under the illusion we become a saviour to spread it.

Just as music is a communication and patterns, tones and textures within music are communicable within the domain of sharing musically, so with biological expression. I appreciate the meanings in the following quote:

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

A key here is the patterns of fragmentation of fear, conflict and denial that set the personality in its themes of experience and exploration - and thepathways of reintegration. Insofar as there is a negative harvest - Fear calls its own. And yet in order to accept this as our choice we have to knowingly override our love - as an expression of unreadiness and unwillingness to embrace transformational change from within. And so it is a choice for delay and evasion along with the 'overheads' of maintaining overcontrol at cost of freedom. This manifests as a 'collective' contraction to a regressive 'reptilian brain' that diminishes the social and personal capacities in favour of protecting the group bubble from 'threat' at cost of loss of the Creative in terms of both child-bearing and Cultural or Consciousness development. It may believe it can usurp and control these functions - and that is simply the pattern OF the self-exclusive mind - whether as a lockstepped group-think or in any moment of joining with others as a group expression of active self-exclusivity - or judgement - masked or openly attacking.

I seek to open and share perspective from beneath or if you prefer 'above' or upstream to the personality matrix of identification in reaction to separation trauma or conflicts that are invisible and deeply protected - regardless they are repeating blindly and tragically as the human condition (ing). We might think we can find out who 'THEY' are and eradicate them - as if they were a pathological virus...

'They' easily operates a shortcut that suddenly removes us from a specific to an abstracted generality that is used whenever its suits our moment.

That you recognise an intention to reveal a hoax to those who investigate can be interpreted in many ways - depending on your intention and desire.

'They' may be or do whatever 'They' will, but you are responsibly to your will. If it is automatically given in reaction, you are will-less under a fixed or stuck mind and need a reset - which I recognise in Life and not as a manual systemic attempt to usurp Life. I sometimes misspell reset as rest - and that is a hidden source of regeneration, renewal and refreshment.

Regardless our ego or 'control-mind' having a limited and limiting sense of control, the overall process of reintegration unfolds or rather refolds to its Seed. The idea of Compression as a positive alignment to qualitative being is the need and inspiration to reintegrate in unified purpose by releasing the baggage of unnecessary contradictions. However this is NOT something all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can DO or achieve - even with A.I, and relatively harmless Threat Incentives.

But I accept the drive to try and DO it is fuelled by the belief we MUST DO SOMETHING NOW - which operated the replacement of the presence of Now by a masked agenda to 'FIX life' rather than Listen and let life stir, move and abide in us - unmarketised, unweaponised and welcome just because. Joy - which can be deep and quiet and unselfconsiously one with its moment is a signature quality of wholeness. Fake joy is marketable and weaponisable. So we come back to self-honesty and self-trust - and therefore meeting all the fear-derived obstacles we have brought from our past as to why we cannot open at the Heart of life - rather than associate in a lost love seeking substitution.

Identity or 'Worldview' breakdown

Reading between your lines I recognise an identity or 'worldview' breakdown. (as a collective event).
Part of this is our presumption of being 'the good guys' or 'decent human beings' etc.
Identity constructs are both personal and social adaptation to change and challenge, they can also be seen as masking narratives.

I see that which identifies (us) truly as transparency to the qualities and resonances of life - that are pointed towards by terms such as God, truth, love - and many more.
But the grasping and masking of private agenda in the images and forms of association with these 'identities' generates structures of opacity and self-contradictory thought, that is in effect compartmentalised and shifted between as a sort of timeshare under a narrative continuity manager. The mind that is legion or many can operate under a narrative dictate to present the face of strategic adaptation as a learned or acquired habit or 'normal' that - like society- runs as if an autonomy when it is more of an automaton.

The split of mind is somewhat reminiscent of the mapping out of a magnetic medium as a hard disk for storage and recovery of information. There is one medium utilised as a realm of specific addresses serving a virtual model that interfaces as inputs that are processed to bring forth outputs, or results. The computer facet of our mind is a complex of programs and routines - but is a tool - regardless whether we 'become identified with our tool'. So a mind - our mind - can run on the 'tool-mind' as if it is IN its own model or imaged reality, rather than participant in defining or extending value and meaning to its relational expression and fruits.

The 'higher mind' - and I use higher in terms of a functional sense of inclusive and upstream to the results, is qualitative - and they two facets are not unlike the wave and particle paradox in that the 'Field' is only tangible through resonant interaction. To say that a field pervades space is redundant, but wherever and whenever there is interaction within the Field of vibrational qualities, a particular expression generates as effects. I am perhaps speaking abstractly - but this exactly applies to all specifics. Not all thoughts register with you - but those that do include some that you prefer not to notice right now and others you attract and are attracted to. Your freedom to give and receive the gift of life is in a sense - 'what you make of it' - but we don't make life or love, so much as conduct or resist its movement of extension as our own and paradoxically, the only way to truly own qualities of being is to extend of give them. While the attempt to get rid of, operates to keep them, while putting them out of (a split off) mind. And so 'denials' may be airbrushed or redefined as part of personal and collective reality (paradox alert - we are always an individual express of a relational whole and never really a thing in itself - and in the qualities of inner expression are each a unique expression within a wholeness that is in all its parts.

So 'lower mind' cannot and is not designed or capable or intended to 'compute' how to create - in the sense of the sudden shifts within infinite potentials to new results - for it is identity in 'results' or 'effects' as if they are causal - as a direct result of the wish to make reality in its own image.
The result of 'interfering with Reality' is an interference pattern of thought that believes it has actually done so, and equates the dissonance of conflicting realities (split mind), as a conflict of private guilt that persists the 'judgement' as a self-isolating lockdown and masking defence against Infinite Potentials (or our own being) that are now interpreted from within the bubble mind as threat to a separate self sense in both disclosure and retribution - when in truth the 'lie' is no longer operative as the chosen identity or parameters of our own reality-testing, such that a more aligned or transparent recognition replaces a split sense of self-world conflict seeking ever more ways to hide.

I found that I sketched this out instead of what I thought I was going to say. Perhaps because without some awareness of a greater Context, we are compelled to enact the current 'meanings' as if our life and world depended on them. In a sense it does - but not in the sense of power struggle for narrative control. Rather the freedom to question the mind of meanings that results a meaningless world driven to war and sickness because such are the inputs that are protected from questioning by our fundamental sense of masking survival.

Becoming aware of the tightness or confinement and pain of self-betrayl in our masking, is the call to re-align in the truth of the heart and mind as one. But it seems to be the call to war, sacrifice and doubling down in denial so as to hold control against fear of pain of loss of control.

So we have a mind that interprets from within its bubble that is part of lockstepping a sort of consensus reality that is our human world, and we also have innate capacity to notice the nature of the cost and benefit of such experience within living (infinite) potentials - that our mind is trained to filter and limit as 'thing in itself' - because we are operating or active in the idea of 'alone-apart', as an object model for a subjective experience.

The only way to release a habit is to make a new choice in the moment of awareness that we are choosing - even if as a result of inherited and acquired beliefs that ran invisibly or unconsciously until we notice them - perhaps as a result of a willingness to question our very experience - but also as a spontaneous moment of transcendence - but either way we cannot solve a problem within the frame it sets us, but only from the willingness to bring it to free (unconflicted) awareness in which our use of it is released to allow a shift to reflect a currently accepted desire.

The 'choice' between true desire and a masking sense of self, is not a battle between good and evil, so much as true and false - and even this is not a matter of judgement but of workability, fitting and resonance. A key recognition is that the nature of Relationship is fundamentally obscured (masked) by attempt to use another or demand they be what or who you want them to be. Willingness for and of relationship is not at all about waking anyone up - but the very nature of love is the condition of acceptance for what is as a basis for uncovering love. If 'love' seems a degraded word because of its use for manipulative masking - then let willingness for truth and the peace of its unconflicted being - seek and find a like willingness in every situation - such that what can be shared is honoured instead of giving priority to identity in narrative drama.

Key here is that we do not DO the sharing - or we will get in our own way by masking in the attempt to 'wield' virtue as if we had it as a specialness set apart from others.
If we want freedom, we have to give it to the whole situation so as to receive what is truly ours. If you are still reading you can see that this is yielding what you think to what you truly are and this is the basis of 'correction' or undoing of error.

In the 'world' we have already judged the situation and are already engaged strategically in seeking our private interest under the mask of justifications and necessities. Taking a step back from reactive identity is allowing a gift of a true movement to register not just to our thinking - but as the gift of the whole situation, aligned in tangible presence that cannot and need not be defined - for it is the quality that defines everything truly or perhaps 'wholly' - which can be spelt as it is said.

The mind of guilt's conviction is set in active denial of innocence of being 'hateful blasphemy'. Not least from experience of treachery and betrayal by which trust is broken and given to a broken but masked over reality, armoured against reliving pain.
Trauma is all about love lost, attacked, broken, abandoned, denied and persecuted.
But in the light of Prometheus and the Prodigal Son - did we run off with a private copy of something indivisible, inviable and of infinite potential?

The more fundamental the error, the more total its effects.
'Steal a kingdom and they call you king'.
But stealing rules out the quality and nature of a true possession.

A stolen mind lives in fear of dispossession as of intimacy that undoes its defences.

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Expanding on the view - 'there is no virus!'

Carey in Reply to  Petra Liverani
You and a couple of others here keep making the claim that there is no virus (to the discredit of this site, IMO) – please provide some direct evidence for your extraordinary claim.
You might seek direct evidence for the extraordinary claims being made and set into structures of global regulatory controls by the subversion of trusted authorities and institutions and in particular, the Medical Industrial Complex - that is both blatantly out in the open and yet concealed in the narrative of the captured mindshare. False religion feeds upon and nurtures lack, fear and dependency as control masking as progress and protection from the hateful - which is its self-appointed function to cancel or eradicate. It hates (what it made of) life - and is driven to manipulate, usurp and replace it.
The covid pretext is set to inaugurate a 4th Industrial (Biotech) revolution. The cover story is used to set the ground upon which to make a new self (or Social and Economic Order).
If you don't aggressively defend the cover story it simply will not 'survive' or operate the leverage to consolidate control by contractual limitation (inducing willingness to sacrifice life to the 'narrative dictate' given god-like priority.

Petra historically makes blanket claims (Its all a hoax!) that in my view can undermine communication rather than serve it. Her claims come across as an ultimate yet personal stance on 'O God when are you all going to wake up!' - with the insinuation of being herself awake.

This is a variation of 'woke' to see the evil or false in others and world - therefore presuming to know what is true and by extension right as if being right is the vindication or our person rather than rightly aligned in a true appreciation for life.

While I don't claim 'there is no virus' - I could - with the qualification that I see a virus within an extracellular communication that we call 'symbiotic' - except that still presumes separateness operating in lockstep. I see life as a whole. But I also learned to see life in pieces as a result of judgement, attack and masking defence. (Our human conditioning!).
However, I choose to align and see in wholeness rather than as a hijacker of a lost or broken wholeness set in action and reaction.

So my appreciation of 'viruses' is not false flagged to a product and projection of our own psycho-pathology - ie the alien attack or demonic hijack of the Other - set on dispossessing us - or ripping off our mask. However the narrative definitions belief and invested identity in contagious infection as a cover story for toxic debts or consequences denied, concealed and cunningly redistributed via such framing as to replace the natural with a conditioned normal that has 'learned to see' and interpret in fear of otherwise being exposed to illegitimacy.

The history of science - which provides the dominant current and active narrative - is told by the 'winners', and until love of truth wakes the hearts of those whose minds are captured by lovelessness, such masking in lovelessness operates as possession and control - as competing private agenda or power struggle to assert a masking identity as true and therefore over the truth of others - or of a whole truth 'othered'. Thus the narrative seeks to weaponise and marketise for its own masked agenda and in terms of virology this really can be patently obvious.

Weaponisation of biology begins with using the body-mind lovelessly but has developed to biological warfare - not just on our own and other's bodies but on the biosphere. As an overt intent this is of course backwards, destructive or evil, but as a by product of a self-protective bubble it is framed in a mind of survival AS a private, separate and necessarily conflicting agenda - for its root is in the idea of opposition to what is, as a denial protected. Perhaps you are seeing that our current situation is replicating externally the inner terrain of our own structures of thought in definition and belief given power?
The body mind - and its World of relational expression and experience is a vehicle of communication whether we recognise this or not. Using communication (mind) as a weapon has to posit some special part to be above question and protected or kept hidden by fear and attack or indeed control, so as to set apart from and set over in judgements of a private or masked mind posited and hidden in the body or identifying in image and form.
Communication operates as resonant recognition, but our conscious acceptance of communication or true being can be blocked or delayed by a conflicted or split mind given priority so as to engage attention (identify) in conflict as a dissociation within cognitive dissonance.

Survival set against feared loss of face, self or control by exposure is a mind of ingenuity and cunning that buys time against the feared Inevitable - associated with pain and death and loss that actually operates as the fruit or result of identity drawn from conflict.

As for a 'novel' discovery, that was narratively pre-set to frame us in 'nakedness' or lack of any immunity and therefore helplessness, and yet even in terms of mainstream virology, behold the 'cells make all things new!' - that is the virus of itself doesn't mutate for it is created by living cells to perform function according to the specifics of the terrain or context in which communication (information, transformation and exchange) is operating. Whereas the novel virus is what we are told, and what our minds are framed to interpret according to the same voice WHO told us we were naked'. Fear sharpens awareness within the focus of its attention. What was originally assigned to be associated with but not the cause of a cluster of respiratory disease symptoms in (toxic) Wuhan became THE fear-magnet for any and every slight fever, cold or flu, and assigned itself by inversion of precautionary principle to subvert and co-opt almost every death - while weaponising reactions that isolated, ventilated and toxified people in place of nursing sickness as the developing of the novel as the basis for 'asymptomatic infection' as a subjection to biological guilt or unfitness for social inclusion regardless any clinical disease.
The virus has not been truly isolated nor do virologists see any need to do so. The serum or extracted material from a handful of Wuhan sick is a bunch of fragments of proteins and RNA or DNA that are Rorschach blots or goats entrails for the priesthood of computer modelling - by which to reconstitute what the virus 'must have been' and establish the definitions by which to test, and therefore diagnose and treat - regardless clinical conditions. What does RT-PCR test for? signature fragments of genetic code that are supposedly unique to only the designated virus definition - excepting it does not seek 100% match nor does it find a proven identified and causal virus. It can basically find a close (perhaps 80%) match with the wuhan sampled fragments - which could be anything. (Humans have something just under 100% match with chimps. our ideas about genetics are marketised and weaponised as if our modelling offers possession and control of nature)

Note that to algorithmically enhanced thinking, fragments are put back together by all the kings horses and all the kings men, as an idea or model reality. But within a living cellular matrix of life, cells not only create and express functional messaging or transport and service, but themselves break down to building blocks of life that are not in a vacuum or inert medium, but within a field of intelligence or self organising structural function.

The mind of the many has long been captured by a false religion of the body as 'The real' - but the body as a dead mechanism under analysis from an already pathological mindset. Biology can and does uncover more about the body as part of life but virology is founded and funded to seek and destroy a pathogenic chaos monster. Order set over chaos is a different beast than order discerned within apparent chaos. But it takes one to know one, and the virus mind seeks and attack its shadow everywhere and yet nowhere, because that which blocks or denies the light is directing the mind that thinks to see.

By the fruits, rewards, results, evidences, can we know the underlying idea in act.
All feedback can serve learning, but to persist in garbage in; garbage out, is to delay and block any real learning or transformational perspective, so as to lockdown into self-imaged reality substitution - which lays a mask over what we are unready or unwilling to face.

An entity operates an inner and outer balance. The interface itself is where intelligence operates. In compartmentalising a split attention that literally knows not what it does, a surface attention is set over and from a reactive sense of disconnection, lack and separateness instead of opening and aligning in dialogue. The transcendence of mechanically polarised reactive loops of self-reinforcing negative result is 'relational being'. Mechanical mimicry of virtue or power is hollow. To be truly moved is to know the life that not only moves you, but is within all that is. The mind may shout to reinstate 'control' but balance is discerned within - and not imposed and coerced from a sense of being without'.

Balance and imbalance are both necessary for awareness of existence in form and motion. And the freedom to explore and experience imbalance as a result of giving rules lordship in place of the life, serves a self-blinding death wish, because life is not IN the model, or the rules.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

How much of control is a psyop?

What is going on?
If you want some sense of who - then have a look at World Economic Forum
Somewhere in that lot are multi-level plans for every segment of the covid constellation that each open as sub constellations. 

The intent is a global reset to a new 'order'. Look at Boris's inaugural UN speech, and the idea of the 4th Industrial Revolution (Reich?).

How much of control is in fact a psyop or capture and manipulation by deceit?
I posted a link but it is not where I would seek for truth or understanding.
There is an aspect of human consciousness that is psycho-pathological or cognitively dissonant. It cannot see or recognise or share in the truth of life but only operates within the realm or range of fear and control.

We all respond to this global event in different ways and many are still in deep denial. Not of the 'virus' but of the global Coup - which is through our minds as well as our institutions.
Put it another way and see that without such a retrenching in fear and control, the whole house of cards could not be kept under control, and part of that control is the mainstreamed media feed that really does work like a 'matrix' or virtual displacement reality for being effectively predated upon, or milked as captive revenue streams and proxy support under false pretences.

Undoing deceit is fundamentally engaging in self-honesty. We mask not only to others, but to ourselves - but WHO told you you were naked?
There is a realm of inner responsibility to our lives regardless the conditions we meet.
The mind capture of deceit depends on emotionally invested reaction to its baited framing.

If you love truth, remember the truth of love is a coherent sense of shared recognition in worth. Not masking in virtue - or in the posturing of coercive control as power.

What is going on? (Beneath the narrative shenanigans)

NOTE - I was unable to post this via whatever route I tried.

in response to the themes in the comment:

Indeed. But does the 'necessary' lie exist?
In the 'necessary' mind?

What is going on in strictly medical terms is a not unusual cold and flu season that has been weaponised in reaction to levels of fear that have taken many to their tipping point - such that they no longer care or dare to think or see for themselves but do whatever they are told in hope to 'make it go away'! So as to mask over fear-threat in themselves and mask a split off sense of self from projected fear-threat in others.

Some are aware of deceit and manipulation in play - if not how, why or for what end, and navigate the capacity to still think - and yet be persistently and repeatedly horrified at the further unfolding of unreason in terms of laws, regulations and mores of shaming, blaming, denials and exclusions - that draw  us toward a dystopian nightmare of fear and distrust coagulating to a mandated groupthink seen in pogroms, 'cultural revolutions' and genocides of the past. Perhaps it does not seem so for those who operate the ruling 'class' nor for those who see their survival in fitting to serve the power and the means to wield it by actively bringing in the new normal as a self-righteous identity - for they could hardly do it in open shame. And so the 'narrative' provides the cover story for fears given protection from disclosure - where disclosure is deeply associated with pain, fear and loss - and so the narrative is the 'necessary' lie for survival in terms of private self isolating, socially distanced, but lock-stepped bubble of frailty or defencelessness that demands everyone else be sacrificed, vaccinated, tagged, or masked so as to be safe from narrative exposure in the lie that refuses to release control.

In their own way billionaire's clubs operate as do all social and institutional self-interests. Likewise cartels of corporate and financial interest. Our human World is winding up because it is fragmented, dissociated, and increasingly running on models that have no direct relation with the truth of who we are OR the reality of our World. The more control is imposed, the more chaotic the system - even if that conflict is medicated, regulated out,or suppressed and effectively denied any expression other than narrative dictate. The mind-blinded cannot see that they will not see. Nor can they be told what they are unready to receive. We live our current willingness.

The 'Great Victory' or fantasy of control over reality is also a 'computer model' running in 'private minds' masked off from the light that would reveal the folly and its fallacy. No matter how it runs, it doesn't 'take' or hold. The Imagination is a set of clothes for infinite potentials that inspire and bring forth reality as we experience it. But when a sense of self-lack, fear and conflict is given power, a negative imagination locks down the mind in terror of loss of control, loss of face, and loss of self and life - and this fuels rage - which runs both hot in anger and cold in calculated and unfeeling vengeance.

Competing 'narratives' can divert me from attending the living needs and prompts of my own heart and mind as one. But when they do, I need be vigilant for truth of self-honesty and a centred peace that is the life beneath the lies.

'What is going on?', is not just OUT in our 'World' as we model it - in physics, biology or even social, political and corporate technologism. 'What is going on' includes how I choose to see it, and what I choose give give attention - and therefore value and priority to. Most of this was running as subconscious 'learned habit' as the old normal - but even if a counter coup should throw off the regulatory capture of our minds and social institutions, we shall not 'go back' to what we took to be our reality before the 'covered' revealed itself. And the urge to hide what we have now experienced will not serve an integration of deep or shadow fear that operates in us all but for the most part put out of sight.

I am not privy to insider dealings that restructure society to set disproportionate advantage over others' loss. But the sense of future that has been envisioned by such control and management systems has been as a shrinking pie or depleting returns, not lease because the economic and social model is non negotiably corporately and financially controlled and the true source of creative expansion is thus feared, subverted and weaponised to serve the 'market' of a controlled economy.
Cummings was recently heard to say 'only the very paranoid can survive'.
Fear can and does replace or 'possess' the mind of our being with a model and resulting narrative - reacted from AS IF true. The ability of the human imagination to use 'AS IF' is a wonderful tool, but certainly not an infallible tool! Garbage in; garbage out. Fear distorts the mind to seek and see what it is framed in as self-reinforcement. We literally seek and see a self-reinforcing 'reality' as if it were actually true - rather than a currently operating interpretation.

If enough people lose their 'heads' at the same time, China can catch a cold ...and the whole World falls apart to order! Whether All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can really make ANYTHING whole and therefore New, is to be revealed. The belief that we actually have control or security against fear, pain and loss, is our blind spot through which we are delivered to what we thought to have overcome or escaped.

The alternate or rather the original to which fear and control interjected and covered over is command or true decision. Hence confusion in the heart is the seed bed for a sense of control to gain power (of allegiance) over the heart's knowing - such that it consents to support untruth under false sympathies and pain of ongoing denial. I only sketch facets of the human condition, but in trust of releasing the human conditioning or fear-driven sense of masking denial that became our 'normal'.

in response to the themes in:

Steve-R: I am not in a position to agree or disagree with you, but something is maiming and/or killing people in unusual ways – just read back through what the good Doctor has written of his own experiences with quite lucid oxygen insufficient elderly patients dying in front of him, ok one minute, gone the next.

The specific parameters of these very few extreme cases are needed to begin to address the situation specifically. A big hoodwink is the labelling or defining of almost all disease symptoms and deaths under a  NOVEL category. As if only ONE fearful threat is suddenly happening while everything else takes a furlough. Have you any flu figures for this year? So of course SOMETHING is going on and if you look hard enough you can locate a cluster of cases to send a team of virologists and 'find' what you are looking for - or at least enough genetic fragments to remodel in computer programs to determine what the actual virus must be - because the models 'work'.
Note the 'discoverer's' of sars-cov-2 explicitly stated that they had NOT established causality.

Toxicity and an undermined immune system - including medications - along with lack of nutritients - and then add in great fear and stress/strain - which has GREATLY affected communication and treatments -  and you can have all kinds of viral and bacterial events - that may then aggravate a situation but is not the primary or only 'cause' and is more likely part OF immune functioning rather than a pathological hijacker.
Other specific candidates are adverse results in those who have recently had flu vaccinations. Vaccinations are - as far as I am aware - NEVER truly purified as ONLY isolated virus and contain all kinds of additional toxic preservatives, adjuvants and material picked up from animals or foetal cells through which the serum is 'passaged' including canine coronavirus  antibodies- which may be interacting with human antibodies to bring on the 'cytokine storm' and inability to function or death.

The virus assertion is a jehova-like god that denies all other causes and focuses fear and funding on specifically lucrative treatments that follow Golmann-Sachs rules for a good business model.
So of course we have experience that is in a sense unarguable, but the interpretation or definition and diagnosis of that, can be completely wrong and result in treatments that have their own toxic effects that are then interpreted as an escalation of the 'disease'.

Andrew Kaufman MD is a sane man who can speak the truth as he can discern it and not worry about being kicked out of practice or wakefielded. You wont find a willingness to OPENLY or publicly question virus theory since the Nazis were eradicated - except as you can now see the same mindset is simply operating under bio-genetic control.

If something is truly helpful it does not need forcing on people. When questions cannot be asked and assertions cannot be challenged or held to any transparency of account - there's a cover-up being aggressively asserted and defended.  When a cover-up is coercively imposed it is because those most needing to hide have gained  or been given the power to do so.


"We already seem to know" - there's the rub!

Did we believe HIV was infectious? Did we believe it was transmitted sexually? Not only was the AIDS PLAGUE COMING! but even our lovemaking had become 'Russian roulette'. But despite minimal coverage of the emergent facts of all kinds of false assertions and deadly diagnoses and treatments - the AIDS plague is not coming unless of course the lockdown brings 3rd world poverty and disease to level the global playing field - and even then AIDS has a different African definition than anywhere else. Our models for disease are part of an imperialist mentality which has always had a mercenary core. And no I am not blming anyone so much as pointing out that where there is plunder there are guns and other more subtle means of persuasion - like choking off life support rather than let anything choke off the captured revenue stream.
You can set off fear in many and induce them to react in ways that make the fear real to them, but not all are susceptible and so not everyone will 'catch it'.
Insofar as you can make people terrified of a cold, you can catch a lot of people.
The terror is really experienced but by no means justified - as the stats of the 'first wave' reveal.

in response to the themes in:

The SARS-Cov-2 is very very smart - but that doesn't mean it is founded in truth - any more than financial instruments of repackaged toxic debt was/is a true banking asset.
The attributes assigned to viruses ability to mutate and hijack is a similar miasma of obfuscation. and speak of the mind that generates such convoluted theories rather than attend all causes so as to uncover the truth - even if this exposes virology and its trillion dollar investments as a sham.
Too big to fail - means no cures or healing, only conflict management under ever tighter controls and demands for public sacrifice to keep the Sky (canopy of a top-down paralysis) from falling.
It isn't always advisable to drop the meds suddenly. We need a weaning from invested identity reinforcements in error - not a destructive naivete that thinks to inherit a blank canvas.

in response to the themes in:

HIV is not sexually transmitted - much as the belief holds regardless the facts.
Nor is it cause of AIDS - which is a blanket term for a range of immune deficient conditions.
Nor am I suggesting homosexual sex is in itself the cause of the first cluster of identified 'AIDS'.  But extremely frequent use of 'poppers'  and frequent flushing with antibiotics along with (unregulated and impure) street drugs all played a part.

Montagnier's team did NOT make the claim of isolating and identifying the virus itself but their sample of genetic material was used by Gallo who fraudulently and prior to publishing, used the Media to claim to have discovered it as The Cause OF AIDS. Gallo was a USgov employee with 'friends in high places'. The patent involved was immensely profitable - such that a gold rush for vaccines and treatments completely displaced other scientific and effective diagnosis and remedy. The French contested the patent (not the science) and eventually a 'deal was struck'. The generation of new money supply to a false sense of virus-caused terror thus set up a cancerous and parasitic growth 'economy'. Tests that are inherently unfit as diagnostic tools (PCR) and antibody tests that show positive as a result of all kinds of non related conditions - operated as indirect 'evidences' for diagnosis of a terrible and incurable life threatening disease when such antibodies were for the first time ever defined as the disease condition even in completely asymptomatic people, for which no vaccine could be made (for vaccines intend to produce these antibodies) and so the death sentence of AZT was prescribed as a last ditch treatment for hopeless 'infected' - sone of whom chose suicide on being diagnosed positive. This was replaced with a more varied strategy of shifting cellular inhibitors.

It systemically feeds on fear, war and sickness as a false sense of possession and control and does not know the act by which it seems to live. (Cognitive dissonance - or denied fear operates a mindset of denial that then accuses its own 'sins' in others so as to mask and lockdown in narrative assertions defended as life itself.

So the current deceit and its bandwagon of captured mindshare is nothing new. The corporate capture of the public sector re-tooled to operate as a 'partnership' of coercion is nothing new, but its global reach and granular regulation and enforcement is new and does not rest or stop but seeks to capture and retool genetic biology to a privately set and managed agenda.

Cultural epochs wind up in their own self-destructive conflicts - regardless the ingenuity by which toxic debts can be masked within complex narrative instruments of obfuscation. Toxic burdens are active and are paid in human sacrifice that its god demands. The old normal was not natural, but a conditioning to which the many were adapted. Re-conditioning the mind of humanity as a centralised system of narrative controls is playing god as 'lording it' over the living.

'Don't let truth get in the way of a lucrative or deeply face saving narrative'.
And while truth itself is much deeper, more embracing and more specific that anything a man can say, the principle is that of denying communication by smearing invalidation (guilting superiority).
Public -private 'partnership' is the trojan ruse for destroying from within. Guilt and fear does that.


What is being called the virus - hiv or covid - BELONGS to us, and is not an 'alien will' hijacking us while separated, locked down, and lockstepped into doing to ourselves exactly what an actual enemy could never achieve.

You can consider that life is an infection that the mind must recoil from in identification with dead or fixed ideas that allow predictability and control as long as life can be suppressed. It has its 'life' as a private mind of control to which any intimacy of being is dangerous.

Now we are getting close!

The reversal of the mind in recoil from its own Source and Nature is a dissociation set against overwhelming conflict or fear. Waking the mind will reopen what it has been invoked to keep a lid on and look away from at all costs - and so can evoke psychotic reactions in re-triggering an underlying separation trauma.

Reacting against shadow fears does not align us in truth. The willingness to rest the mind of its driven and circular questioning allows truth to align or centre us. the pain and burden of mental and emotional conflict can induce the shutdown of willingness to know anything - excepting not having to meet it - and this is easily led for it is in spirit defeated, or dis-spirited and has no purpose or will of its own except to seek to mask or hide from intolerable fear.

The idea of eradicating evils is the way to give them power, hide and protect them and make a self on their death or banishing - and yet nothing is ever really got rid of that is part of us and will always be seeking to regain light of acceptance. The idea of facing, and owning an error as the freedom to repent of it and realign in truth is not demonising and attacking the error as if to vindicate and persist the self-in-error! But that is what runs as deceit by which we mask in virtue without being intimately one with or connected to the qualities we claim to protect.

And as is evident to many here, virtue masking or signalling is a blind and aggressive assertion that overrides and evades all and any dialogue, relationship or process of growing trust.
The 'evil' forces us to do things that include lesser evils - but for an ultimate good.
The virus forces us... no it doesnt!. Nor does CO2 - excepting we WANT the pretext for such agenda regardless we know it is simply a leverage or expediency. This is the idea that people must be forced to accept their own good. The Eugenicists couldn't understand why we didn't want it openly - and so they have regrouped as a covert or masking of innumerable fronting organisations to effect financial, media and corporate - including global medical - control.
This ratchets up regulatory structures that are pervasive and plausibly operating as trade, health and safety regs that are used to effect a top down canopy that denies life, light and movement to the micro-economy below.

The idea of innate guilt or infected threat, demanding sacrifice of individual rights and freedoms - and therefore a convivial society in free association, is far older than virology/ But it operates the same archetype.


@andy - viruses have no ability to hijack or mutate but are assigned this as a narrative because they are assigned motives and mind (by our own). Viruses are produced by living cells and in generating them, may package them to target only specific receptors in other specific cells, and replicate modified versions of what was received from other cells. the idea that cells are symbiotic cannot get through a lockdown mind in its own skull and cross bones. But like cells, selves have to balance inner and outer conditions to maintain the integrity and function of existence as a cell/self.
Consider the cell's response to toxicity or depleted nutrient supply with the whole body of which it shares functional existence as a detox, or re-routing of needs for vital functions that sacrifice peripheral functions. Consider life as Intelligence and our mind as a liable hijacker or spanner in the works.
We don't have to 'infect' another with invisible germs to induce them to replicate false thinking in their own mind. The importance of our narrative definitions is such that a global monopolism has set itself on the capacity to profile, target and manipulate them.