Friday, 22 October 2021

Reflections on the artefacts of our modelling of biology, life & world

Malcolm Kendrick pens a witty foray into the complex realms of biological 'mechanisms'.



How do the elements involved know their part in a whole? - or the Inuit?
Pathogenic theory (Theos) posits fragmentation and conflict as its 'normal' such that All the king’s horses and all the king’s men fight for the narrative by which to officially model 'wholeness or function' under their Say So!
Wizards of Oz have ways to shout out any other fitting thought that of itself would rise to restore wholeness to a state of functional expression of a wholeness that of course precedes any attempt to fix it.
The complex of biology in chemical terms is a modelling of states that are always in flux. Its very difficult to find what you are not looking for, and so fitting fragmentary flux together again is firstly an artefact of the modelling by which it is identified as parts, each unto itself to play many parts in an ungraspable  but already living organ that is itself assumed to a part in a larger puzzle set in mortal consequence.
Electrical activity underlies all things as charge domains, patterns of order and resonance that align instantly as a whole field of fluctuating information and energy exchange. Blood and cell gel is living water. But what then is the breakdown of the capacity to support and carry the felt function of life?
Grasping from a sense of lack, as a claim to possession, defended as a face set in Say So!. Even this is a relationship of charged domain - excepting to seek completion by getting from others, while cannibalising itself as a stuck cycle of lack-driven compulsion. Closed systems deplete as non living nodes unless reintegrating to the terrain of which they of course cannot be truly apart from.

As for vitamin supps, synthetic or naturally derived, bioavailability, or fittingness is part of wholeness in function. When we take out what we call active ingredients we leave out the 'junk' which eventually is discovered to have informational qualities hitherto unrecognised. Seeking magic health from outside will reflect an unowned or 'faced' away from sense of self and life, perhaps in regard to relational conflicts in our formative years that set recognisable patterns of strategy for survival - but we are not there now.

I'm not sure about ascorbic as a persistent oral intake in regard to our gut biome - which is so active in adaptive transmutations but given little room in our mousetrap models, except to sell probiotics. Perhaps buffered C is better in that regard?
Some say supping D depletes A and needs K2. Imbalances may be adaptively worked around so as not to show up immediate symptoms. By the time things 'fall apart' the actual cause is forgotten amidst the drama at the crime scene.

To persist in a dead end is to become deadened.
But to recognise a futile or self-defeating pattern of thought and behaviour and release it is to suddenly reconnect with a greater life that was here already but diversioned from in what we call wilful, but which actually represents a loss of true willingness to a set mind.
Inuit or I knew it! is our innate or indigenous being.
Why journey into dead ends only to come home?
To arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Love or control, human or machine?

in response to the themes in:


The mind - that we are not - but which we acquired via a splitting or separation trauma - is a mythic or narrative lens or construct through which a filtered experience of All That Is, runs as a result of its rules and filters.
A Course in Miracles does not focus in the mind that 'makes a world' in its own image, but in the course for its recognition and release gives a comprehensive illumination of its devices.
Its fundamental premise is an ego-alien encounter.
While we seek within the self-separate distanced and masked covert ID we find our shadows or denials as if out there and as source of fear threat and justification to attack now or hide so as to attack later. This operates a self-reinforcing loop in which the Law of Mind operates a negative result. Ie to go forth and multiply lack, conflict, debt and toxic outcomes - because a mis-taken identity operates as an interjection in the Temple or template of filters that block recognition and alignment with who and what we simply are.
So all the assignations to 'Them', are versions of psycho-pathogenic theory that invert a Terrain Condition we can call 'non local' and yet with specific and recognisable characteristics.

Thinking that we made that was not extending One in All - or God - is loveless and though symbolic, is not the truth it seeks to possess in image - and so is a machine thinking or reactive programming that takes all the life it seems to have from our focus of allegiance and compliance to its voice as our own private thinking as a realm of possession and control, cast in the image and forms of virtues bolstered by setting against fears or evils.

Hence it cannot gain such allegiance or employment without enemies and threats, by which we invoke control for protection and displace guilt for loveless self denials by projecting guilt as blame, as attack and as manipulative inducements to eat yet again of the tree of judgements, such that a discernment at the heart is prevented from rising as the Obvious, and as the recognition and reintegration of denied self-experience, and release of others and world from locked down judgements defended against light of healing - feared as light of loss of face, of control and of self.

I didn't get on to the gene modelling and now the biotech interface for external control, but I note the dance of victim and victimiser operate to 'explore' experience set in conflict, limitation and denial. We cant pretend our way out of an already running pattern, but must release the blocks to recognising and releasing it to align in a wholeness that underlies all masking in mutually reinforcing definitions/reality distortion.