Saturday, 10 October 2020

A Clockwork Orange

You watch the news?!*!?

George Mc

Oh believe me – I don’t want to but….
    •    first, it’s impossible to avoid at least some exposure – the occasional line that flies at me as I beat a hasty retreat when my wife switches on. Ah – those lines! “…unprecedented death rate …second (third/fourth/fifth?) wave …even younger people dying…health systems collapsing…crazy conspiracist denialists…” etc.
    •    second, as a care worker I have been redeployed to residential work where I have the pleasure of viewing day time TV and it’s like a constant mind fuck: COVID alternating with soaps and quiz shows. It’s like: “fun fun fun/you’re all gonna die/fun fun fun/you’re all gonna die” etc.

My commiserations.

If you can resist the temptation to engage in emotional reaction, you can choose to generate a new pattern of response. You have to want this and persist in being consistent.

Others have the freedom to make choices that you don't have to join with or share. Even insane choices. This is also your freedom to live your own.

You are right - its a mind fuck. But the next thing is if you cannot always say no by turning it off or leaving the room, then you have to become unavailable to it by other means - ie; living your own choice rather than being framed in reaction to someone else's. (Rather than consent to undermine the integrity of your being as the basis for who you live to yourself and others).

Yes. Whatever death actually is - assuming it is an 'is' - is built into the experience of a born identity. Nothing new there, but what a story!
What we use life for - or the purpose we give it - is part of this mystery called 'freedom' - for if we give our freedom to ideas that limit and deny us, then we become self-contradicted in such experience as a willing subjection or a 'living death'.

If love, life and consciousness are being attacked or wilfully undermined, my sense is to full-willingly choose to align in love, life and consciousness - in whatever ways work for me - as a way of being engaged in the living rather than framed in fear, which can be deeply insidious.

Whatever the 'controllers' and their assets think about themselves, they look hollow , desperate and locked into their own madness. This may be different for the insider insiders - I don't know. Fantasy gratification seems good in its moment  but there's no room in it for anyone else. That's the core social distancing operative - whether overriding all else to get what you think you want or overriding all else to escape fear of total loss of all that you thought you have (left).

Bringing what we think or thought we wanted to what we truly want is the key - in my experience. But some conditions seem to say you cannot be who you truly are - which is where our conditioning operates old habits that seem to be locked in.

Friday, 9 October 2020

As for toxifying or undermining support for life in earth 

Taking a leaf out of the reptilian playbook - consider a UVB basking light for winter - and or supplements.

Just be aware of the eyes and UVB. There may be some vibrational thing with mercury vapour lighting - but everything in this world is an alloy of risk-benefit - and then there's what we make of it.

I don't know of stats for UVB levels of exposure but my sense is that the 'magnetosphere' is weak during very low Solar activity allowing more cosmic 'ray/particles'. On different days I sense different conditions and act out of a sense of relationship with body and with Sun.

The second link is effectively a hit-piece against vit D supplementation. The phrse 'synthetic' vit D is a strange one. Innumerable studies and experience with supplementation have not supported the insinuation of toxicity. While I could go into that the fear-porn of such messages is not equally focused on pharmaceutical interventions.

So it has worth in terms of stress and receptivity but food will not come close to what the Sun can give even in a few minutes. Avoiding rickets is not an optimal level.

Stress is inverse to Heart connected life.

The change and challenge of stress is part of life, but a stress-based sense of self is a stuck record or a dead end.

Actual benefit of sunlight may be more than Vit D - ie cholesterol sulphate - and charge - re Pollack's EZ water effect. The first link is good to note that there may be adaptations for receptivity in winter, but generally there is less light and more indoors toward polar latitudes in winter.

As for toxifying or undermining support for life in earth - the solution has to be in the roots, and soil and yielding back to root cause may be the only way of becoming a true seed from which to extend a truly creative basis for life. The toxicity has a psychic counterpart that is within our 'psycho-genetic' template or it would not be manifesting. Possession and control rise from fear of loss of face or masking control over a private locked down world.

The adaptation to such a world is dependent on its conditions such that disclosing Full Communication would merely be destructive to such consciousness.

The body is not an end in itself - or else it sets a dead end.

That which creates, or arises as life through the body is whole, but the use to which it is put can become so identified in as to lockdown, mask in and defend appearances within the always changing, as if setting the mask against a life that becomes 'death'.

Without fear of death in the body, continuity and development would not have the focus of protection. But when fear of death becomes raised to an effective worship of death in desperation to mask over a bubbled sense of life as if a self-existing separateness driven by threat of death, we become the means to attack and undermine ourselves through the very thinking that sought to mask in hiding from fear that could not at the time be faced.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

If it is coercion, is is not guidance

Tony Heller - on youtube banning and disappearing anything questioning Dr WHO (and its vertical dictates to locally mandated and enforced guidance).

It is not authority but invested and assigned authority and if out of its true jurisdiction, usurping true authority.

If it is coercion, is is not guidance.

I don't have the right to tell anyone what they don't want to hear, in any mind but my own.

I have the right to speak or act as I am moved - and to live the consequences.

A false authority seeks to make life move into its systems and controls by idolising its own narratives of self justification or aggrandisement, as as the opposer of freedom to live, must then set itself up as the enemy of truth while asserting to be its judge and enforcer.

What could be an enemy of Is - but a wish to operate from a hidden and false foundation?

Jesus often showed how each is like unto its own kind, drawing on seeds and plants but talking of true and false authority.

The fruits reveal the seed ideas and if these are looked at and revealed as self-contradiction under narrative masking, then there is a split decision or mind.

But is there a real choice between what truly moves you as desire and what you might wish for yourself alone?

The interplay of a segregative and integrative consciousness is  heart and mind.

If we give the illusions of the mind the allegiance and support of our heart, we put our treasure in vanity that for all its moment, pops, or rots and corrupts to hollow out and lay waste.

The Buddhist notion of the hungry ghost is of an appetite that only swells with a tiny mouth - that I will suggest is always shrinking and so it is insatiably and insanely driven to 'Get' for itself, and subordinates all else.

Such is a thumbnail sketch for a sense of lack given priority and therefore power in our heart for the instant of the intensity of fear-driven override and resulting lockdown in our own defences.

And WHO told you you were naked?

Why then persist in listening to the thinking or 'guide' to fear of pain and loss?

Is it to cover over the sense of lack with fig leaf thinking (I associate with the priest class of ancient times), or self - aggrandize in a fine new set of robes?

Do lies cover and kill truth?

or are they what we adapt or are trained to 'see' instead of truth as if our lives depend on it?

Life framed in and under terror can explore anything excepting the basis for authority set in fear and control.

Control, by rules and conditions, can open a seeming abundance, only to choke back as the reinstitution of fear, scarcity and lack or insufficiency as a capture of its dependencies.

The patterning of this is not merely complex, but shifts even as we think we think about it.

No one will see or accept what they are unwilling to hear, and so they will see or know something else.

They may 'learn' to present to mask or even the mask of the knee, to win favour or mitigate pain as a cover story that must run unquestioned else it will leak and reveal what fear believes truth shall destroy.

Why would fear-believed hold truth as The Destroyer?

Because illusions strut and mask as true.

Until a fear has been brought to question and into awareness, its reactive strategies operate as programs of beliefs that are taken on BY reaction.

Hence the psyop seeks emotional investment by reaction to catch and frame attention.

But where we give energy and attention remains our freedom and the measure of our giving and receiving.

So youtube has jurisdiction over 'my account' in their proprietary system of lures and controls?

Or those who authorise and implement such a purpose and policy as if to get for themselves - with disregard for the lives of others and indeed for life itself.

It is as if the Man are in process of climbing into the screen and the computer modelling.

Isn't this where we came in?

A spiral is not really a circle but is open as expansion and contraction. Resonance points communicate from an instant connection rather than a process of becoming or getting there by getting leverage by which to lock into a masking illusion set about with fears.

Will Newtube buy more time?

Underneath his fantasy cover story, Tolkien hit a key archetype of technos as the god of control.

If the system itself is rigged, then there is no freedom IN its world excepting to come in and partake of the free sweeties that become dependencies or some sort of consenting contract as the car door closes and the nice stranger starts  the car.

Where do you want to go today?

Said our Bill of Gated governments.

Though the pattern goes way back.

But without the internet, lockdown would be impossible.

With enough processing power, everyone could have their own unique bubble - such as to self-regulate their own private managed experience.

After a while in fantasy, such a loop is found to be lifeless and hollow. Insanity uncovered, reveals a game unworthy of its candle.

Where is 'outside' to a nightmare given power but to release the mind that made it, in exchange for a mind of the heart of presence renewed.

Releasing the game is not destroying it so as to make a new one. But re-aligning in living purpose as distinct from sacrifice to dead ideals, idols, models or imagery by which we set our self in "I WANT IT THUS!", and get off on grievance as a source of power.

Who exactly is brandnew tube?

Why ban Tom Cowan's new book?

Will the power to make reality actually disempower us to always greater fear, pain and sacrifice.

Was the Original and true as bad as the history paints to support the active narrative?


Ricardo Juliet

YouTube is going the way of M$M, Money $tream Media. 

Its the other way around.

The redefining by new technological infrastructues of invested identity, makes MSM obsolete in the terms it grew by.

Branded identities still give authority there because they have always looked there and are not open to looking anywhere else.

But the internet is increasing weaponised and marketised to feed upon us.

Unless you own and can protect the infrastructures, hard and soft, on which it operates, you  are investing in 'communities of focus and exchange that have no place' and can be un-placed or disappeared and shut down when new rules are set to 'make us safe' - or ELSE!


Rochelle Lorito

When the people at YouTube ban videos like yours, we have to believe they’re complete mind controlled zombies. 

hey cultivate our beliefs like pharma cultivates sickness.

And as profiled identities we can be statistically programmed and predicted to react as mind controlled zombies.

The science or truth that is accepted is marketised and weaponised to become our focus, our funding and our values - or lack of value.

Looking at a mechanism through a mechanism has resulted in a mechanical substitution for life.

the mindset of control - invoked by fear, seeks to override and take over what life is and as a whole does.

We would never do this for more than a limited local bubble of self-illusion until the lure of technology extended a systems approach wielded by its owner/controllers.

Heart commanded people love life and use the mind as a servant, for alignment in the Heart is freely and willingly accepted truth. ('Heart' is used NOT for the emotional substitutions or masking virtue, but as self-honesty to our being - not just to thinking). Mind controlled people are fear driven, but masked. Under conditional supports the mask seems to be kind, caring or concerned, but if those conditions are not met, the deeper fear overrides all else to assert a new masking of conditioned identity. Obviously simplified here - but mind control is where the Man becomes the tool or possessed and framed by his tool.

We are fast becoming our computer modelled evasion of reality )including of course our own).

Monday, 5 October 2020

Damage from Bad Science, not the Virus? Why are they doing this?

Societal Damage from Bad Science, not the Virus? Why are they doing this?

The Emperor with no clothes is a masking over lack of substance.

The use of a presentation or illusion to cover a fear of lack or shame calls for defence so as to protect against threat to the narrative for the cover story.

Every lie will call for further reinforcements and its own masking narratives so as to construct such a defended and charged sense of masked survival.

Last of all to recognise is the one seeking to believe what they actually believe the need to believe - not because it is true, but because they truly feel threatened and act from the emotional rather than question too deeply anything that would expose and perhaps bring down a 'house of cards'.

Scientists paint themselves as standing on the shoulders of giants.

But may stand on the shoulders - or in the framework of giant mistakes - considered too big to fail because they are so heavily invested in and used as foundations from which to build.

It is more than possible for a mind driven by self-evasion or indeed evasion of true disclosure, to paint and present itself as at the threshold of discovery, and this in its own terms heroic or justified - even if its course of action overrides or denies the truth of others - as well as masking over their own unacknowledged or unrecognised disturbance.

This kind of dissociation was referred to once as 'those who know not what they do'. Not because they are without basic faculties, but because of identifying in a masking strategy of personal or mutual 'survival' relative to subjective fears that generate a seeking of leverage and control at cost of actually connecting with what is here - excepting under the priority of defining or using it to  protect an 'old normal' or conditioning, that has yet to be brought to question.

The mind is ingenious in the matter of self-justifying narrative evasions - as well as a capacity to reverse engineer such insight to frame and manipulate the thoughts and reactions of others.

I don't write this in the usual sense of Them, because regardless what anyone else says or does, my own responsibility is within being deceived more than once, for once is feedback by which to learn, but repeated susceptibility indicates some sort of payoff or hidden correspondence that can be uncovered to an honest observation of our mind in action.

So while i concur with extending a real question to those who are acting in ways that are dissociated from any obvious or known reason or justifications for doing so, I also point to the inner science of a self-honesty and responsibility that aligns in a love of truth for its own sake, and thus shares in a truth of love in the broadest possible sense of all that recognises, values and supports life.

Thankyou Ivor.


# whyaretheydoingthis

The question is not asked for our need to see, but for others called to give an answer to being asked.

the other question is to ourselves in terms of why we each and together are buying into and supporting the racket as if buying real protection.

And again it is not to come up with plausible reasons, but to honestly address our own part in every aspect of our involvement in this.

from my point of view, the uncovering of fears in me that inhibit or deny my voice or movement need to be reevaluated as to whether I am masking over fear or honestly addressing it.

It can be seen that masking over fear, operates an attempt to mitigate the effect by hiding it in some narrative diversion - that 'becomes us' as an identity set in a sense of self-justified or righteous shutdown of communication - and etc.

Note that I don't seek an internal witch hunt or blaming - but simply the curiosity of a child as to why am I doing this? 

The capacity to release an old habit that doesn't really fit the current situation as I am willing to see it, is the opening to new questions and new ways of seeong that open choices or pathways that were not available until such a willingness found movement as awareness, attention and recognition.

While we Are Alive - such capacity is within us - not matter how much diversion and obfuscation may seem to lock us down and mask over as 'protector'.

# whyamidoingthis?

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Truth resonates as communication shared 

The sharing is where truth resonates.

Resonance is the point of recognition.

Awareness of truth is Self-Awareness and has no necessary object, condition or perception.

I commented above that the phrase 'weapons of truth' is an oxymoron - but in the sense of holding firm against any residual or unowned temptation to be taken in by emotion-backed socially pressured untruth, is our willingness for freedom in truth, as distinct from freedom set in illusion.

Your fiction of religion is a current and popular social construct but I say to you that nothing can ever come between you and the truth of Who and What you are - regardless the factions of a split mind set against itself and seeking reinforcement externally.

The attempt to possess and control operates a 'self' consciousness within the world of expression and experience. If you are musical you may know that intimacy of being is both fully present and getting out of the way. The ego cannot get out of the way but it can go through the motions of life so as to claim to be right or tick all the boxes and yet have no life, love or presence of healing or inspiration. Recognising that this is not who we are is the point of resonant self-awareness from which to yield our self-illusion in exchange for the restoring of Self-Awareness through you. Such is the death and resurrection or releasing the invested illusion, to the gift of truth whose nature is shared being - and remembered in any truly shared moment, act or exchange.

To be ourself is then our freedom to truly share in, but to seek a self in fictions and factions is to make an identity of lack driven need, of an addictive or compulsive survival drive set in fear of losing such 'controls' as seem to hold. Invested illusion is real to the one who made it by belief that then mutates and unfolds its logical consequence as the theme or framework of experience - while the belief operates as unquestionable reality.

For truth needs nothing to be itself, while illusions require persistent sacrifice of truth to pass off and find reinforcement as 'shared fiction'.

Joining in hate can seem to unite but any seeming love is entirely contingent on the conditions being met and so is not love but the social agreement to withhold hate or exclusion on the basis of aligned social agreements - which are rarely conscious but are imbibed inductively - by demonstration and behavioural adaptation and response.

The idea that all is social fiction is being marketed and weaponised by those who seek to shape the narrative as the means to control human behaviour and reprogram their thinking - as tools or experiments for tooling their own sense of freedom to create their own fiction and make it so. This pattern of thought is the temptation to seek power over life so as to form it and give meaning to the forms. But that is backwards to what Life is and does.

The movement is an expression of the whole in the parts as one, and not a part set apart and over anything. The latter is available as experience through an object model but only through the willingness to share the objection or projection of meanings that differentiate from what is, as it is.

When we give meanings by which we identify a personal sense of control, they become the means of an inflation or self-aggrandisement, as well as setting up the limits of a subjection that is the just measure of a mind we wanted and gave focus, priority and worthiness to. When conditions no longer fulfil our dream, it turns to nightmare and we acquire further conditioning of association of betrayal or denial and deprivation to what we set our heart on as the object of our desire.

Fear of rejection or repeating trauma of conflict limits to groupthink of a bubble identity, in which a conditional sense of safety is maintained by active socially masking rules.

The group will then interpret breaking of rules as alignment with the threat of fear and chaos - or the undermining of the order that the group holds as its validation and protection.

Releasing personal and social identity to uncover and align in truth is thus associated with fear of rejection from others as well as fear of denial and deprivation or betrayal and lack of support from our very life. This generates a force field or spell that cannot be forced open or countered without tightening the net of entanglement. Such that power set in illusion generates powerlessness  as a result of mutually cancelling polarised conflicts and  the resulting blocking of communication within being. For to an alienated sense of self, our being may seem to be at first separate and out of reach - as a result of the nature of acquired self-convictions.

Yet are we whole in being - if not in a mind of invested identity set in emotional and psychic reaction. I realise this may be beyond belief TO such a mind, and yet believing is not required; only to ensure there is no currently active belief against the possibility of a communication or perspective from outside the frame of our current focus.


Yes that's the simple way. Wisdom is willingness to discern rather than react to judgements that may not apply. So that also is simple. Human thinking is not so simple - in its attempt to work both sides of the fence and mask over the cracks.

if your idea of Spirit is war then all war is spiritual.

I hold love as unified purpose and not serving two masters - so therefore not conflicted in self nor with anything true.

Do you need to fight deceits and illusions - or simply 'put them behind you by attending wholly to the living and letting what has no true life 'bury itself'?

I don't seek to deprive anyone of their freedom to choose, but the division of Creation into God and Satan is exactly what you say - working both sides of a substitution for - or model of - truth.

Lies cannot be an opposite to truth EXCEPT to the freedom to NOT accept and this delay or oppose truth. Free will is truth by acceptance - not coercion. The act of acceptance is then the extension of a true with-ness rather than the self-assertion of a false.

To set our mind in polarised identity is not the extension of a unified and unifying will, (the Gift of Life), but the fantasy of self-will set in fear - seeking control.

Jesus demonstrated and shared the condition in which fear is undone, so as to step out of a masking in deceit that is fear's progeny.

He didn't force this on anyone. Love cannot be forcibly or coercively 'shared' - and still be love. Love cannot be masked in or mimicked and still be love. Nor can fighting evil make good, or make worthy of love. 

The willingness to receive love has to be unconditional or you merely seek to make bargains for your self as you say, rather than realign in who you already are, but forgot in a love brought to war.