Thursday, 25 June 2020

Horror, Disgust and Damnation

Covid-19 Has Turned Public Health Into a Patient-Killing Experiment
(This is an Offguardian article I found first on SOTT)

Totally disgusting and merits the perpetrators to an eternity in hell. Turning the other cheek is not proving to be a wise philosophy and in fact encourages the "sinners" to continue targeting the helpless without impunity. 

They are already in hell, and denied eternity by their own attempt to cover over hell with masking cover stories.
Be mindful of what you wish for another, for it represents your evaluation of what you would do you yourself if exposed in such a blind hate.
There are many ways to interpret 'turning the other cheek'. One of them is to live an equality of being regardless masking presentations of being set over or under another. Jesus was not a doormat, nor did he encourage sin, sickness and death or torment as worthy choices.

What you may be equating with Jesus' saying REGARDING THE TEMPTATION TO TAKE OFFENCE AND PLAY OUT THE VICTIM AND RIGHTEOUS AVENGER - is passive compliance.

You live in the era of the psyop - as deceits cunningly targeted to your fears, and to your hope of escaping them, and so If I were to seek to deceive you, you have already given me a profile by which to induce you to sell your integrity for a 'sword' by which you can want to kill and therefore give consent to being killed.

The 'helpless' in your casting may indeed be so in the frame of the social and cultural constructs of our adaptation to a human world. Indeed the belief and fear of helplessness drives the whole CONTROL AGENDA in all its blinding deceit.

Your concept of Eternity is for everlasting torment and yet you put "sinners" in quotes as if to suggest there is no sin.
I appreciate the feeling of disgust - which cannot be altogether without some element of self-disgust - for human minds are clearly capable of unimaginable callousness, cruelty and cynical disregard for life. In face they are so able to compartmentalise a self-exception of judgement of others as unworthy of love and life, as to be willing to give them hell, so as to be more comfortable in their own bubble.

There is no real escape from our thought and intention - regardless how ingeniously the mind can limit and conflict itself into complex instruments for the masking of toxic debt. But the accounting to which we are each and together responsible is where our own sin has denied love's reality in favour of its own judgements - and resulting experience of self-illusion given value over and at expense of truth.

The toxic debts of a long period of human expansion and development are increasing rendering and revealing insanity - over which controls are increasing seeking to mask, so as to demand increasing sacrifices to the god of control - that is the flipside to a god of terror-seeking-protection in limitation, separation, distancing and masking over. The victim and the victimiser. You can cast your life in these terms and see everything in the frame of murder and deceit - but it will come home because YOU gave these meanings and so they return to you as faithful witnesses to the devotion you accept in your heart.

There IS a human dilemma in being split between the movement of our love, and the demands of social duty, law or demanded compliances to rules, rulers and structured society. Jesus also spoke to this in terms of giving to Caesar what is due or needful to do in order to function in the world, and giving to the Living (God), the love that is due to the giver of the awareness and experience of being love - which is most clearly revealed in loving our 'enemy' because there is no personal manipulative 'getting' in the extending of embrace and awareness of one who does not support or reinforce your 'identity'' or 'worldview'.

That such a practice is merely 'thought about' rather than resonant as a tuning truth - NOW! - is the result of "sinners" persisting in targetting and reinforcing their helplessness, without ANY recognition that this is the principle device BY which to render ourselves 'locked down' in fear-defined defences that DO the very thing we invoke or accept them to defend against - but behind a masking filter of judgement. We are now being shown the nature of the MASK, such as we are willing to step FROM its bubble and look at it - and at the fear symbol that it represents.

Try to tell anyone a truth they are not yet ready to hear and you find they are NOT helpless, for they can always find a way NOT to hear or something ELSE to attend, or a way to misrepresent and subvert what you say to serve their own defences - and attack you with.
Truth is not a possession to be acquired and controlled. That is judgemental self-illusion. Truth is in your heart, wordless and still, and yet holding the centre as embrace for all that spirals and radiates and expands as the movement of reflection. FEAR of truth is the result of invested illusion - and the 'tenant farmers' taking their tenure as possession in their own right, kill the messengers of truth as their survival set in threat. And so to fear of truth, anything true is a 'contagion'. This operates a reversal of consciousness - running upon the body of life. Uncovering and releasing such an error without triggering psychotic fragmentation and dissociation is the function of the 'Holy Spirit' or the purpose and spirit of reintegrating to wholeness of being - that remains available as your Help - beneath the mask of terror - and therefore misperceived, distrusted and denied by a 'self-control' seeking reinforcement - as well as scapegoats on which to dump the consequence of its actions, and narratives by which to redefine sin as our 'normal'. And remember, I am using sin for the willingness to persist in self-illusion at COST of truth, and as an error that can be corrected by releasing the investment in the beliefs and fears that drives such an identity in lack.

Medical (physical) transference of psychic emotional conflicts operates on the wish for panacea. When some promise of leverage over negative consequence appears or is publicised to 'sell itself', the many flock to take it as a way of fixing their life, or bolstering their ability to control and leverage life without penalty, and so they bring ALL the psychic elements that properly belong to their own relational being - into a drug culture - and industry that in willingness to play the role of 'saviour' takes on and becomes trapped in these densities of demonic entanglement - of hates, shames, and terrors set under rage.

You could say we ARE locked into hell or self-torment - as if at the hand of Others who we gave power to, and lost self-awareness to a reactive defence the perpetuates the very conditions of conflict as the idols and ideals of 'order'. But as order imposed upon life, others and self. Fear begets tyranny, but identity made in fear is the last one to re-cognize the error by which they 'live'.

It is sometimes suggested that our politicians cannot find a way out of 'lockdown' without losing face. But they are no longer operating Sumption's gumption in terms of evaluating all views and using common sense, but are handled, guided and told what to think, what to say and ways to say it that bypass or trick the unwary into giving allegiance to, or inhibiting the ability to openly challenge.
The 'tenant pharmas' are not just operating to avoid losing any face of credibility, but are desperate to make a new face of biotech as 'security' in a life normalised as latent infection. For your 'sins' are now viruses that can be defined and tested for by rules and regulations that you have NO VOICE in overseeing or participating in as decisions. Nor in UK as of new laws only yesterday, by any process of democratic oversight other than a minister's decision (instructions).

It is the HELP that is being targeted, which in medical terms is your immune systems - for they are the dynamic and living relational being over which a masking persona operates - with less and less alignment in true function. The 'ego' of self (and world) imaged thinks to order and control all things - including our genetic encodings. But then that was its job description as substitute for the active extension of love.

Perhaps, 'waking' to hell, is opening the conditions in which the true prayer of the heart is recognised and aligned in. False desires cannot extend joy in life. Hollow lives cannot 'add' truth or make a silk purse of a sow's ear. How do you know the true from the false? Well do you truly WANT to know?

#2commented on the off-guardian article page

'Virus' is used for a false (fear-based) religion - perhaps to be soon upgraded to 'faulty genes'. You can assign viruses pathological agency, and so justify yourself in isolating and attacking the body of their 'contagion' but none of that is anywhere but in the mind of its believers. 'Virus' originally (and correctly) denoted toxin or poison.

Viral expression to environmental challenge is fact.
Even those who claim to have 'discovered' a novel mutation of the ubiquitous coronavirus did NOT claim any proof that it was THE CAUSE of the clinical conditions of those (few) who were used to sample genetic materials from.

It isnt true to say 'there is no virus' without qualifying what 'virus' is intended to mean. Because the 'religion' of salvation from virus is so invisibly structured in a pharmaceutically medicated and trained mind.
The idea of contagion pre-dates the idea of pathogens, as a psychic or demonic corruption or attack. When the mind is locked down into a fight flight response, the reptilian brain dominates, and shuts down all unnecessary functions until the danger is passed. The 'lizard' motif serves well enough for the fear-captured defence (attack) response - operating as a blind dissociation under masking strategy.

Your post drips with derision, and hardly merits a response, but is this not because you defend the 'facts' that serve your religion - or 'ideology'.
I do not speak against your freedom to evaluate all relevant and resonant views, so as to arrive at your own current sense of life and world and how to be it. Nor need you trash or deride others to make a positive point - if you have one.

Iatrogenic disease - and death - is a Medical Nemesis - and in my view the primary method, route or framework of belief by which disease and death operate in industrially developed populations as captured revenue streams. Denial of development along with 'medical 'aid' operates on those who have no resistance to a global technocratic monopolism.
I understand these are emotionally triggering times. But if you come here only to raid or score points or sow discord, then are you fully willing to reap in the reward of your own sowing? For that is how life works. You want to lump OG readers into your own narrative definitions, but what are narrative definitions other than invisible frameworks that align visible identifications of allegiance.

Do you really believe that the 'government' and its lockstepped agencies has YOUR safety as its paramount concern? Is not everyone's actual safety being sacrificed to a collectivised abstraction?

Pharma represents one critical facet of a broad spectrum dominance - or subjection if you prefer. But yes the mask in medical science is our cultural 'trojan horse'.

If you researched AIDS or polio - as a willingness to look beneath the cover story, you would find that the ruse is tried and tested - but the sheer scale of this one is partly the result of the effective capture of all vectors of influence - not least the Media and political classes - along with a vertical restructuring of thought that divides function from its relational context.

So yes a covert power is being revealed as overt power - but it can only run on darkness and so darkness is to be the new normal. We are to comply in the lockdown and denial of our own consciousness.The means by which we are induced to do so is guilted fear.
Therefore the bringing of such fear to our own consciousness is the releasing of a hidden correspondence or back door though which 'control' mentality' substitutes for relational being. The one activated or triggered into 'control mentality' cannot be woken by a response of like kind. And the attempt to do so becomes our own triggering identification in control mentality - or polarised reaction.

If the mask of quarantined earth is deconstructing - which may have some parallel in the weakening magnetosphere that allows more cosmic rays to enter - then we have to get our House in order - that is we have to address and account for baggage of conflicts that represent dysfunctional self-protections - in our own lives. What else is a mask for but some kind of shield or hiding from fear and threat? We think our world is solid until the ground moves or disappears from under our feet. The attempt to move to lower ground in contraction, limitation and sacrifice is itself mindless blindness of 'control mentality'.

Let's say we are all dying to the self and world we (thought we) knew and our freedom is in how we choose to live this moment. We never had any other freedom - but in large part gave this over to learned, acquired or inherited habits.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Fear and Self Interest Rule Men - Napoleon

in response to the comments and themes in: 

Fear operates as belief to which the heart is hostage and sacrificed to deceit.
Because we react FROM it, instead of bringing it to the heart.
Willingness FOR the truth of the heart, amidst the confusions of the mind in fear, is the refusal to mask in false virtue as a personal contract of private self-protection. But those who do not recognise the choice by which they took a fear identity as their living will, defend it as their only life.
Predatory and parasitical minds are adapted opportunistically to seek out and leverage fear. When virtue can no longer be masked in - and passed off as real, vice is postured belligerently in bold and terrorising bullying, so as to intimidate and undermine the target to compliance.

Murray Krause
Like Napolean said 'Fear & self interest rule men"

This is a a partial truth. What mind did Napoleon see with? Fear and self-interest?
It takes one to know one - and once we see and believe we respond automatically as if what we see is truth.

Love of what fear and self-interest seem to give us, overrules our true appreciation or recognition of shared being.
Rule is thus coercive - but if we fit into the filters of compliance and conformity, we can believe such a bubble is righteous and deny or subject to unworthy' to exclusions, deprivations and denials. This is the archetype of order set over chaos, as distinct from discerning the true will of One within apparent chaos that we react to as the call to war, defence, lockdown of withdrawal and withholding and masking.

I see the willingness to NOTICE our mind of masking defence as the preparing of the way to the releasing it from usefulness.
Therefore noticing our fear and self interest rather than judging and hiding it, is the first self-honesty of acceptance for what is currently so, without locking into it as irrevocably or unchangeably so.

The concept of releasing separate self interest is of course abhorrent or meaningless to separate self interest, and so the qualities of a love that has been covered over stir as curiosity and desire to truly know. This is where the 'Christ-child' of a renewal of mind is activated or seeded as a different purpose for the mind and developed abilities, and world - than fear and self-interest.
Whereas fear and control divide and rule out so as to seem to rule over, but struggle within a world divided, love is. And is the communication of a field or frequency of alignment and attunement to wholeness that embraces by expansion.
Fear of change is the invested identity in forms of self-by-association, but the movement of life is not in the forms but through the generation of its own expression. When we recognise a quality of worth or value from which to live and in which to meet, share and exchange, we give it embodiment. But fear and self-interest are locked in habituated forms of possession and control as IF an autonomous and independent entity and reality. All the focus on the particle - as a thing - and none on the wave-field as the call or impulse to move as expression of the whole. The idea of self will and Universal will as being one is the idea of true Self-acceptance - rather than self-Self conflicts or split-levels and compartments seeking narrative cover and defence. 

Archie Bald

Pompeo said we're in a live exercise and people keep talking about it like it's real....amazing how even the "experts" can be fooled.

The drill is really being carried out, but this time the full toxicities are not being deployed - so its like using blanks while framing almost all deaths in a media blitzkrieg. Conditioning to obedience as a lockstepping compliance while testing out the system for refinement. BTW experts generally know an awful lot about an awful little. To see the world or life through a very specialised lens is to not see life at all. The exceptions to this are those who break the frame or masking framework of compartmentalised separateness by honesty to empirical evidences that reveal a falsely invested model.


Angela Rasmussen

What about Dr. Andrew Kaufman's hypothesis that viruses are not a real thing.
Nice overview of those questioning the idea of virus vs no viruses.

You mean - 'not a real cause. That has not really been isolated and uniquely identified, and so it a filtering or framing belief through which we are perceiving and responding to toxic biological immune responses - that includes fear (cortisol) poisoning and all the undermining and disregulation of immune function resulting from every kind of injection, intervention and toxic exposure.
So the virus works the cover story as the invisible enemy by which fear is leveraged to fund war and sacrifice of life and liberty to coercive and tyrannous agenda - that self-justify as necessary evils, set against a greater evil.
Kaufman offers a very good example of willingness to question and communicate sanely - which is anathema to the NEED for cover stories to maintain function as coverings over feared or shameful truth. But to be sure, truth itself is not fearful when you at one with it.

"General opinion is the least proof of Truth, for men in general are ignorant. Then, too, the Law decrees that the surroundings and circumstances of man shall be more condusive to deception than to Truth." - The Kolbrin, Wisdom Of The Ages, Truth.
“Nevertheless, to strive for Truth must be one of the main aims of life. Therefore, Earth, the wise instructress, teaches man the nature of deceit and places it all about him, that he may observe its ways and learn to distinguish its illusions. It is in the nature of a game wherein man tries to discover what is reality, so far with little success. For the road to Truth lies through the thick forests of illusion and across the wide wastelands of deceit.” – The Kolbrin

We are born into this world alone - could be restated as we are born of Oneness to a conceit of aloneness. The concept of self imaged, is a symbol and form of a Field in Expression that we each and together run with as independent facts, or things born of thinks - held in place by an intensity of love set in fear.
But yes, what we believe, we perceive, and are then defined and conditioned by as framing or causing our being. Nothing could be further from truth - excepting what we accept into our hearts is given power to run as our mind.
The introduction of self-doubt was the gap through which self-conflict, self-judgement and self hating damnation operates a shadow or denial agenda. To be certain, is not to overcome doubt by force, but to align wholly in trust of being truly moved.

Motersickle Bum
we now must decide if we want to live on our knees or die fighting for freedom.


@Motersickle Bum Or simply live from a true heart instead of fucked up mind. No need to frame it in hate of tyranny - though I understand the feeling!

Is Our World a Computer Simulation?

Is Our World a Computer Simulation?

How we frame a question may be a statement in disguise.
Firstly 'our world' - Is this the model through which we experience and interact an externalisation or 'explication' of an implicate realm that is formless yet gives rise to forms - as like the idea of vibrational qualities or frequency domains - that are essentially patterning and not in and of themselves concrete structure - such as can be readily observed as interference patterns?

Our model is fundamental or founded mental - and is in and of the realm we call thought, imaginary or creative. We can have a experience of a mistaken identity as if the rope were in fact a snake - but if we abide long enough, the 'snake' reveals itself a rope.
Our model is thus different from 'my private imagination of wish or fear' but group wish and fear can and does operate distortions to the model - so as to operate a virtual alternative to a true and innocent perception.

But what would such a perception be, or see?
Is there a 'world' a unified externality of existence? And what are its essential characteristics? Because data cannot be gathered without interpretation, selection and differentiations of assigned scales and values. And so I see the 'Ancient of Days' as the laying down of the lines, points, angels and measurements, from which organised and stable or persistent patterns of predictability can establish a fundamental structure though which life unfolds or evolves its own postulates. Go forth and multiply - does not specify WHAT is formed as a vibrational identification to participate in the whole as integral and yet unique - each to its kind. And in human terms, our predicate identifications determine all that derives or unfolds in response to our relational counterpart - for nothing exists in and of itself but always in relation to its relational field - as a whole, but as interacting specifically in part-iculars. We meet the world that we call forth, and at the level of physics, we meet a core existence of the will or desire to live - as an unfolding persistent and somewhat predictable experience of relational recognitions.

Memory has a deeper counterpart than our personal recall, that Sheldrake points to - and which hold the idea of inertia - not just as a state of persistence but as a fulcrum for experience. For the nature of any balancing disequilibrium is of balance points - and of a balancing of fluid balance point as a systemic whole within a larger relational field. The persistence of an imbalance or offcentred focal point can then operate as split domains of apparent incongruity that nevertheless depend each on the other.

When the informational system is thus bubbled off in a seemingly separate bubble or entity, there is a 'local' or 'private' experience within a whole that is masked or ruled out by a sense of existence set against 'other' threat or Not Self - and posits the idea of self as a locked down fragment regarding or seeking to 'whole' itself while effectively running as a polarised and polarising sense of control or limiting reaction to a 'world' no longer felt as a unified informational field - but socially distanced, self-isolated and masked - excepting as a set of filters and rules for protection and self-reinforcement determine. Such a 'world' is an identity imposed upon relational expression, by which to maintain 'control' of the model or narrative of allowed expression and behaviour as a 'don't look' or denial command by which to suppress or redefine a rope as a snake - when the snake is serving to purpose of a 'keep out!' or 'access denied!'.

The term computer is a simile with the term simulation. For by representing a situation in quanta, the interactions and results of the quanta can be used to consider alternate realities as simulations - as part of deciding how or whether to act or what parameters to adopt or impose on a situation so as to arrive at a desired outcome - and where the actual outcome can be used to refine the model.
Our imagination can thus simulate realities as if outside of current temporal sequence - but never really outside of its embracing relational field as a form of augmented reality. The self-conditioning of the mind to its own experience is the identifying with a fragmented bias of polarised augmentation of reality that are the 'rabbit holes' of misidentification that operate as inertial fulcrums set against being truly identified in simple relational integrality. Thus a mind of dissociated and fragmented thinking can question its own existence - or that of its world of relational interaction - in frames of thought that mask the recognition of existence as a total state. In simple terms the release of the snake for the rope is a shift from mind-polarised reactivity to a heart centred release. I use the 'heart' to refer to the intuiting or communication of wholeness as  the quality of embracing presence - and not as a symbol for reactive emotional states or lockdowns that mask true relation for private agenda running on past experience as if current.

The role of imagination and creativity in our experience can seem to be locked down, masked off and consigned to fancy or wishful thinking. But the determination as to what we are, what we hold true, or truly value, is the setting of the measure from which our results are then lived. An attempt to control reality can only project such an intention to its world, and to others -  and live from that conviction as a basis that seeks and finds reinforcement. Likewise the decision to accept and understand reality as it is - restores a freedom of communication and interactions to result as synchronicity as conscious and resonant awareness, rather than negative synchronicities in which cause and effect are effectively obscured by filters, and controls of opacity.

"What 'code' or thought of desire and intention is currently active?" is a question not for thinking about, but for an immediate checking in or observation of self-transparency. But only if we want to know. The desire NOT to know what (for whatever reasons) we are not ready of willing to know - operates the 'mind-control of reality - by which we 'escape' to a displacement reality in which the themes of our 'separation trauma' populate and replicate as external conditions - set in time and space as distanced from a 'now' that shifts in focus at such a rate of evasive manoeuvres as to always be ahead of our thinking - as the frame and filtering by which we think. The gift of such an experience of partiality within an obscured wholeness is ultimately to ourself - and therefore to and from each other. The nature of a gift is a synchronicity, a recognition, a resonant match, a shared joy in being. If our 'mind-control' denies all awareness of and movement of inspiration for giving - in favour of a world of controls, set up as a Gated computational system, where or what is the profit? The capacity to destroy (our) life or relational awareness of being, is the capacity to consciously and free willingly choose NOT to. That we do not recognise 'mind-control' as a surrogate and substitute reality, is the persistence of an Ancient Hate - set in guilt (invalidation) and fear (exclusion). As a program or framework of instructions, such a strategy can only arrive at its starting place - after using up or binding up its energy in conflict and depletion. Garbage in; garbage out ;-)
But that this runs invisibly as a 'second nature' is the measure of investment in it as a saving belief in fear as (basis for) power of protection, and guilt as leverage of manipulated control. If we can accept this 'consciousness construct' as a tool or set of abilities - rather than as our identity - it becomes transparent to consciously accepted or inspired purpose - rather than rebreathing our own exhalations and nesting in our own pollutions of toxic debt.

The ego of self imaged, is not the problem. The problem is when it frames us into some kind of question - that runs unquestioned. To notice our mind-in-act is not to judge or suppress or eradicate what we don't accept - as if to arrive at an ideal answer, but to align wholly in what we do  such as to release what no longer serves without attaching negative charge. For we are Masters in the art of creating what we don't want under the guise of denying or making war upon it as a mask of virtue set over a negatively conditioned imagination. The triggering of which can literally cause us to lose our relational sanity to archetypal and thus apocalyptic terrors.

While we can suggest that such archetypes are imprinted or hardwired as the Human Condition, I hold that the difference between conditions and conditionings is all the difference - where we have the gift of free awareness to observe and own our responses - and thus allow new choices of more truly aligned results. Thus I hold that our true Archetype is neither idealised form nor idols made in awe and terror, but is the Creative Will - of which we share as the awareness of existence - given and received in every thought, word and deed - regardless the overlay of code by which the personal sense operates as social masking realities.

The question on thunderbolts forum linked here
Where I also posted
I hold that the term 'recognise' is the same root meaning as the term 'word'
The sending forth meets a resonant recognition and behold (ie nothing actually leaves Source) It is Good (God).
There is no separation in Meaning but only in concepts of derivative meanings - and so in this sense the Original and Only Currency - is represented in our modelling mind as derivate meanings, and derivatives of derivatives - that adulterate a true or transparent appreciation as a filtering opacity of a bubbled off worldview or identity (both individual and collective or contextual).
All attempts to reassemble or reconstitute Reality - stem from the belief it is broken and also from the guilted fear of a sense of responsibility for breaking it - which is mitigated by assigning agency to others, to world, to god, and to viruses - as a kind of negative pass the parcel game in which guilt-reality is to be repackaged and passed on so as NOT to be caught with it when the music stops.

The idea that Cause was one with its Event is not at all circular but synchronous. The realm of cause and effect as a timeline is arbitrary, but necessary for our current functional consciousness. Orwell's quote on the control of the past as the means to use it to control the future (extend that past seamlessly as the repeating future) id the use of the Presence as a means of control - instead of the extending of presence to both past and future as one. THAT is Creative.
The idea of a god lording it over a (separate) creation is the posit of a separate masked off,  isolated and socially distanced mind - locked down in a body  and set in sickness, struggle and death. (The Fall idea). This can be seen as the inevitable or innate result of using presence as a possessive control for self inflation (boom) and its breakdown or adjustment to reality (bust). A kind of polarised   cycling from a unified 'flow'.

I haven't listened to the whole video - but the timeless is represented by the field  and has no material or physica 'existence' apart from its particular expressions. The vibrational field moves upon the waters and Is the waters as the patterning of expression within the field of resonant recognition - or 'knowing being'. But not as anything apart from or other than being.

The idea of knowledge as a possession and as a means of control is a derivative.And the identification with derivative realities is an experience of being possessed and controlled - or subject to the measure of your own word - and yet unrecognised amidst the reflection of conflicted premises and purposes. - thus leading to the belief that power is in the world of things in themselves and our word or thought is a wishful ghost in a Universal Machine. A fantasy seeking reinforcement or re-enacting upon the body of a world that forever dis-appoints its ideal.


murphIf our universe is computer simulation, coronavirus is hacker's attack.

Do you mean our biological viral responses? or the mind-control of the assignment of pathogenic agency to such processes by protection rackets that are crowdfunding fear as a source of support for illusions of escaping or overcoming fear by limiting consciousness of life?

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Electrical weather and vitality

Electric Seasons and Vitality - A Hypothesis

Electrical effect in and on the body and the biome are increasing in some news as a result of negative assignments to human caused exposures.
But in any larger view I include the body seeking homeostasis as a core functional response to a changing environment.
Sunlight is associated with vitamin D - a hormone that is hugely implicit to immune function - ie resilience to stresses and toxicity often associated with viral response as if virus was the primary cause. S.Seneff's work on sulphates metabolised as a result of sunlight is also in my mind.
Pollack's work on the increasing voltage from light (particularly NIR) on EZ water also must play a role.
Note that accumulated toxicities may be stored in short and longer term workaround if there is not the facility for a full regeneration, and so late winter to early spring would correspond with depletion of resources and or the initiating of a new influx or cycle as a priming and perhaps pruning - for those who are what we call immuno-depressed, or immune-dysfunctional are often brought to death by the onset of respiratory infection - on top of a range of other 'co-morbidities'.

My hunch is that changes are where reconfiguring or rebalancing of a system can involve what we interpret as episodes of sickness - and perhaps compound by our general medical interventions.

Cosmological influences are in fact the origin of the term 'influenza' and so our forebears - with no germ theory - had or made associations with comets and confluences that I suggest have past instances but also triggered fearful echoes of association, along with the identity-protective superstitions - of whatever measures are thought, wished or believed to be effective.

Fred Hoyle associated inbound germs as a cosmic phenomena - though if this were inbound toxins - and the biological response to the toxics was believed contagious then fearfully denying and casting out the sick would conflict with tending them and compound sickness with denial and isolation. (NB: Contagion in the pre germ theory would be the nature of an accursed fate, divine retribution or divine affliction - ie psychic that manifests as physic).

Hoyle and another mathematician also did significant research into the epidemiology of 'flu' contagion and deduced meteorological cause as the means or 'transmission'. IF a virus is a packet of information that can run on other bodies and replicate according to coded instructions or executables, then such protein covered RNA simply do not hold their genetic or structural integrity in UV light. This fact may also factor into seasonal and weather variations.

We don't hesitate to associate 'mood' with weather - and often couch weather forecasts in emotional terms, this is not the only factor but there is a LOT more nuance to 'weather' than a few icons on a forecast or a range of sunlight, cloud, wind and rain. So much so that I feel a synchronicity rather than causation - with the latter being more our personal (or collective) reactions to energy shifts and changes that are felt and not just conceptualised. The realm of 'qualities of being' cannot be easily or generally quantified - and yet my sense of Cause and Event is exactly the translation of energetic qualities of a 'Field-effect' to the particulars of interference patterns and 'pinches' we take as self-existing objects.

NOTE: I put 'flu' rather than flu - because statistics for flu are not the result of definite viral testing - or even definitely isolated cause (of death) - but are a general presumption of a process that - when fatal - often leads to pneumonia - whatever the  associated viruses are associated as the respiratory disease. I am also aware that there are other - and to me more plausible - explanations for 'flu' than the mainstream model - which is offers extreme leverage for funding and growing such leverage - along with cover stories for pollution etc. Seasonal conditions come into play for pollution - especially where the land formation holds pockets of bad air that becomes effectively stagnant.

In terms of adapting to environmental and environmental changes - rather than presuming weakness, lack of immunity and susceptibility to real or imagined threats, I see core resonance of the being as a significant image for health. Toxic debts are then all and any baggage or clutter that interferes with clear reception, participation and response within a living currency.  At the level of our physical expression, I see our biome of bacterial and virological and fungal expression as fundamental life support. As a collective psychic or narrative identity running upon this largely invisible realm, we have become anti-biotic or biocidal - as I see it in fear of life as change - and thus in fear set as control by contraction, denial, limitation.

The idea of 'bio-fields' is generally of an underlying energetic of inform-ational patterning that I see as the interface of qualitative information to quanta that express as form and structure of coherent domains within a whole - necessarily including 'chaos' of imbalance - without which balance could not self-recognise as the gyre of constancy within change and the establishing of cycles within cycles of expansion and compression.
Looking at the seasons in those terms is to me very fruitful and indeed the compression cycle is that of seeding from the harvest of the period of growth experience that is brought to compression. A lot of our thinking is concepts seeking validation - with All the king’s horses and all the king’s men - trying to put the puzzle together again. But what if the fragmented mind of its own riddle is a Saturnian false flag? That is an interpretation of a broken and lost imaged perfection, as a breakdown of Communication - to an override of narrative (mythic) assertions, seeking and finding the 'evidences' for the protection of narrative identities - rather than opening to innocent perception - as an idea and practice that science and art share in common. I sense we are in a time of Great Compression - and see this as a call to release conflicts to align in accepting who we truly are. For we outsource or dump collective conflicts as ongoing workarounds of inability, unreadiness or refusal to change - and are then driven by crisis that cannot be addressed while they are set in evasive deceits.  This pattern is pervasive as a world in which “Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health,  Lawyers destroy justice,  Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom,  Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality" (Michael Ellner).
But this suggests looking through the wrong end of the instrument, rather than requiring Apocalyptic Leverage to impact or coerce others into 'waking up' to yet another narrative control