Without even casting my eye over a single sentence or image I’d bet good money that the mass shooting is fake. In any case I’m certainly not going to cast an eye. I’ve dealt with more than my quota of fake news for the week.
It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
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To the commenter:
Be wrong once and lose any remaining possibility of credibility.
AND discredit anyone and everyone who has sought to challenge the narratives in ways that might have found an ear.
Was not Shakespeare referring to the human drama?
Such as to speak to us all – and not directed by some against others?
Yes, but I used his words in a different way. Perhaps I shouldn’t have.
To the commenter:
I don't know about 'shouldnt' but an education rises from noticing things and such learning is expressed as a clearer perception-response. (Action)
The blame-shame method denies the learning and unfolding for an imposed rule of 'incentivised' behaviour.
Blame-shame is fear and guilt thinking that DOES fear and guilt responses.
In short - it short circuits learning or communication by substituting coercion under fear or threat and is based on a deceit called judgement - as if part of you can separate from and demonise or deny another part of you and 'stamp it out' or eradicate it or at least be SEEN to be conforming in the ritual of doing so.
So perhaps in the light of noticing you would have made a different choice - which in truth means you are FREE to make a different choice and NOT that you were WRONG in your discovery.
Of course this example is not overly contentious and so that can make it easier to use to LOOK at the 'should' mind and see how it pre-empts freedom.
The habit of coercion and deceit sets up the belief it is our power of control, over self and others. But REAL control is the freedom to discern who you are and how you choose to see and respond - to anything, anyone, anywhere.
The mind of judgement upon which narrative assertions 'battle' with reality is indeed an 'idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. But it is not the true being of anyone - but rather a mind trap or psyop of the a-tempt to control Reality rather than be unfolded OF it.
I don't need to wish the past was different when I can align in true presence now.
Mistakes are often a glitch in the 'matrix' or illusion of a masking control that reveal hidden beliefs or conditionings that once brought to light, no longer have status of fact.
The revealing of the 'psyop' or mind-deceit can feed or serve a blame game instead of love of freedom. In this way the mind is very tricky as a 'deceiver' - but all that means is that we are attempting to use it to battle or control reality instead of holding a clear focus of purpose from acceptance of reality.
War on reality - denies our awareness of our own or another's reality.
As if everything SHOULD be as I think or want it to be and when what 'shouldnt' happen does - it is clothed in all kinds of judgements or definitions so as not to be naked and invalidate OUR mental defences.
I take one little example to sketch something of a mind we do not realise is operating in our name. The world at large sketches out some BIG examples in our collective reality that are at root of the same error. The temptation to control reality (rather than unfold real outcomes) is the belief that we WANT TO - and that we CAN. The first is mistaken - for who in their Right Mind wants a fantasy in place of and at expense of true - and the second is delusional. BUT we are habitually 'wrong-minded' or not in our Right Mind under the self-reinforcing loop of the attempt to MAKE RIGHT - which unconsciously carries the conviction of WRONGNESS of being, evil or sin - as if a part of you or of reality SHOULDNT exist. This is also in a sense a death wish or unconscious self-destructive agenda. But it generally runs or presents itself as 'survival, sustainability, power or protection' - bought or leveraged at a cost.
War on reality or war on truth is the attempt to make true and so of course truth is the first 'casualty' - but hasn't GONE anywhere or died - excepting in the mind of the attempt to MAKE true.
"I WANT IT THUS!' is recognisable in the child's tantrum - full of sound and fury - but signifying a wilful set of mind that temporarily dissociates from relational presence.
A broken 'world' or rather sense of self and world as 'worldview' - is the failure of the world we WANTED to be-live under the very world we wanted to deny.
Part of my understanding is that our denials are like negatively charged 'black ops' running beneath appearances as emotional charge or triggered manipulative bias.
Some of it is open self interest but the most of it is hidden or masked.
When we invoke and adopt a mask we don't think it will in a sense 'take over' but this is the nature of a masking mind set in confusion of split or conflicted sense of self as a narrative continuity manager for imaged or modelled 'reality'; lived, suffered and died in as real.
While Shakespeare held up a mirror - the key to reflection as I see it is recognition and resonance in the true and not a basis for a collapse of identity in imaged conclusions.
But such an identity is set IN conflict and compelled to act it out... until we notice it runs in our name but against our true nature and desire, and at cost of our peace or wholeness of connected presence, that is also the unfolding of our life in love - but not in love as the thinking of the world sets it. Freedom to love is love of freedom to be.
We are more than our physical force and density and yet even this takes on a different quality in wholeness - because it is no longer made answer to a mind in fear of conflicted being and can realign in natural function.
Creation is our natural function - but in trying to DO it, we forgot to BE it.
Much Ado holds the surface tension over a voidance - as if without the DO of our Think we are Nothing. And in terms of self-alone and apart this is so because there aint none such. But Everything is 'restored' to Whom it never truly left as we come back into our Right Mind. Of course the 'ego' of the belief you are alone is triggered - but to a willingness to notice and no longer feed allegiance and support.
Transfer of faith from division and denial to acceptance of wholeness is necessarily a process of willingness or accepted freedom.
The grace of noticing becomes the gratitude for being - and gratitude is a joy that shines of itself and so meets a reflection in like kind.
The capacity to discern a deceit without analysing all of its branches back to its roots is freedom to give disregard to what has no legitimate belonging in who and what you are accepting true for your self now.