Monday, 16 August 2021

Is there a New Disease?

I'm sure Andrew Kaufman would be open to feedback.

I don't see him ruling out multiple toxic exposures as our 'disease' burden - which takes different forms as with different toxic synergies. His criticism of one virus as cause of one specific disease stands in my view. Can you state the distinct profile of your new disease such as to clearly differentiate it from all other causes?

 Death by all causes reveals no new pandemic disease.

The attribution of deaths is hugely distorted.

The global media focus on a very particular set of clinical conditions in the frame of a novel virus, is also confused by often extreme medication and interventions - such as midazolam and ventilators.

The deaths are also almost all for those with multiple ongoing clinical disease.

While covid was inflated out of all proportion, flu 'disappeared'.

While studying the science is worthy as empiric validation or not, and the means to open new perspective, the fact of this is rooted in the narrative identity of human social interaction.

Identifications in narrative or indeed manipulations of narrative can be called mind control - for the wish that a particular narrative assertion be true or not true is where the global investor-stakeholders actively shape social and regulatory mores and behaviours, and where ego in opposition seeks to feed on opportunity for self-reinforcement.

The lack of grounded or current communication and connection in life is a mind set in its own image of adjustments and substitutes for reality. This mind is set in conflict, fear and struggle such as to lock down, distance and mask in persona that equates with the body as a symbol of a fragmented and conflicted world, masking in social 'virtues' as a means to hide denied conflict as well as to mask a 'getting' agenda. The role of sickness to such an identity is like unto that of war, as innate and necessary to the maintaining of the mask that in turn protects the fear.

Mankind in Amnesia can be seen as Mankind in psychotic dissociation, masked over by heavy denials, but re-triggered by conditions of association. The recognition of the covid phenomena as a mass dissociation is a terrain condition to any or all of its interpretation and reaction as 'symptoms' of sickness, response, reporting and reframing.

As an individual, I testify that fear of chaos is not merely of conflict overwhelming, but that deep conflict rises from a loss of recognising existence as any sense of self as control - that starts with thinking or making the world we THINK to know. In the experience of losing 'solidity' of self/world as  fear of death or non existence, the mind is invoked to seek any means at hand to re-normalise or reframe realty to a self-definition of distance and mask from Infinity. Projected fear as evil, sets the self guilt of inadequacy or self-lack into a relative 'credit' or mitigation against the judged 'other'

The complex nature of electrical fields and charge relation in plasma of self-organising structures offers another way to appreciate the nature of psychic-emotional charge relations, rather than the masking suppression of materialist reduction, or the mythic and symbolic representation of the pre-scientific mind (which are nonetheless the active archetypal patterning of its narrative assumptions).

The graphene or nanoparticle investment as applications includes bio-medical and bio-neural surveillance and controls - however crude to start with. This is a direct blocking and undermining of function within an electrical Universe that extends continuously at all scales through matter and biology as one and is mirrored in our psychic reflections - which have a global focus as the expression of Humanity - both integrative, and segregative as well as disintegrative in terms of a self-attacking or self-denying 'death wish'. For victory in the ego framework is death as triumph over life set in psychic reversal.

"We lost the patient, but we got the cancer', being an example.

Attempt to eradicate evil are the means by which evils operate as a virtue-masking agenda.

Such a mind will seek for and focus in the one thing it can attack, and frame the other in such terms as a distancing marker for social masking, by which the repackaging of reality as narrative identity conflict can persist as substitution for recognising and sharing in what is truly here.

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Propaganda - All is Phoney?