Saturday, 8 May 2021

Is mRNA so novel as to rewrite the physics that biology rests on? 


Thanks for your thoughts.I know all this, and there is no virus of course!

But this m*RNA injection is something different.

They had unlimited time and unlimited money to develop whatever they wanted, and because it’s not against the virus, for what GOOD could it be?

Do you think this whole new “spike protein transmission” thing does not exist?

There are so many experiencing it… what is it then?

Is mRNA so novel as to rewrite the physics that biology rests on?

But in the story unfolding - Yes, what could possibly go right?

I do not accept transmission of disease in the sense that fear interprets as virology. Psyop or deceit is a core condition of war and weapons.

But I do accept that terror itself can be a transmission, not just in terms of verbal and imaged PR, but at a level of the mind of which most are actively in denial of, distanced from, and set in the determination to deny awareness of by projection and masking evasion.

Mind is Creative.

Defences DO the thing they set to defend from.

These are not casual noticings.

What we react to as FACT becomes our invested reality.

Fear is given consent as Guide and Protector and you have the world you have chosen while remaining anonymous.

I see this time as the Time of Choice.

Love or fear. Truth of illusion.

Fear calls its harvest by resonance given acceptance or consent.

The capacity to KNOW the choice you are making is the freedom of the Spirit you are Created in and of. If you KNOW the basis of choosing is dissonant, misguided or conflicting, you can choose NOT to choose by yourself, and leave open for a quality of KNOWING that fear can only usurp.

Unwillingness to choose fear is willingness to listen in Life - despite fear.

You ask what is it?

It is the result of collective choices in which we have invested.

Investments are protected as our self until they are re-evaluated, but core identity is deemed too big to fail, and its predicates masked over, denied and protected against exposure.

I cannot interfere with your freedom without choosing against freedom.

But I can join with your freedom to ask and refine your question so as to release definitions and assumptions that were invoked or acquired to protect you from feared exposure.

There is a quote I have used that sketches a coherent 'Biology for Life'.

“It may shock you to know that all the world’s bacteria have access to a single gene pool, which has provided an immense resource for adaptation, manifesting an array of breathtaking combinations and re-combinations for three billion years! Any bacterium—at any time—has the ability to use accessory genes, provided by other strains, which permits it to function in ways its own DNA may not cover. The global trading of genes through DNA re-combinations provides for almost endless adaptation possibilities. Therefore, what has been done to one has been done to all. Widespread use of antibacterial agents is both futile and disastrous. Future life sciences and medicine will comprehend the more effective use of agents to stimulate positive adaptation of bacteria resulting in chains of supportive symbiosis. In the presence of love, these positive adaptations naturally occur. In the presence of hatred and fear, negative and resistant strains of bacteria are more likely. Life forms are ever changing, and yet the basic chemistry of life remains the same. Do not cling to forms that are passing, but seek for an understanding of life that embraces and includes all possibilities. This is accomplished through integrating and expanding patterns and relationships. In this way, you will see God as the creative power of life. When I asked that you love one another, I was not just giving you a recipe for human fellowship. This is the doorway to life eternal.” (The Keys of Jeshua - Glenda Green)

A fear driven mind seeks protection against awareness of its true predicament - for it 'sees' only threat or a means of getting. It is then easily led by promise of power and protection as a means to disempower itself to subjection under an alien will. Is that not another ways of saying Fear calls in its own?

Stories are stories. I remain interested to consider anything grounded in truth that can be verified. Announcements at a big stadium warned of sickness from the cola being sold at the game, that resulted in mass vomiting - but then it was discovered not to be the cola but someone's sandwiches.

Whatever 'They' are doing or thinking to do or stop doing, I see invested idols falling, yet also a doubling down in lies as if to be supported by their own bootstraps.

What we give focus to is our freedom. When vomiting, we need get out of the way of a functional clearout. Resistance to a functional re-alignment is Self denial. Resistance to mind's temptation to recoil, contract or collapse to fear is life and Self-affirming. The former is not really a battle but the process of arriving at a decision of true self-acceptance. The difference is all the difference. But who can choose without the means to consider each options? Fear denies this so its devices are revealed to show it is a choice and not a subjected violation by a greater power. When fear is revealed in truth, will it be any kind of choice you would WANT? Hence being out of your Right mind is the conflict of false 'choices'. Will you die from the virus - or from the vaccine & etc. But all are framed in fear, sickness and death.

As Bill Gates marketing said - 'Where do you want to go today?'

Fear is a bot-net and a battery source.

Friday, 7 May 2021

The Covidian Climax to an Old World Order


in response to the themes in:

If the v@x is the ‘weapon’  - then it doesn’t have to ‘go wrong’. The preparations for the the operation is of such an order that I don’t see it being a mistake – but I am open to that events can transpire to bring an agenda forward.

In a way the ‘genetically defined virus’ is the capacity to generate a model from which to leverage the reactions of testing, diagnosis and treatments, that are all fundamentally hidden in a dark room overseen by the Wizard of Oz – who can adjust the parameters of the model and reactive measures such as to – in a false sense – control reality.

The model gives control of funding, and securitised access to experimentations running under cover of treatments.

The idea of ‘virus in the wild’ may refer to a detoxification/healing crisis in which the process assigned as disease occurs, and some cross reaction of antibodies provokes overreaction – ‘immune enhancement’. But you may be right and its easy to suspect v@x along with other synergies of toxic exposure. However if there are significant examples of non vaxxed clinical cases, then it cant be THE factor.

Your recent republish of failed contagion experiments can also extend to animal trials – where the means to make it seem as if contagion has occurred are another dark room and similar to the preparation of a cell culture – as Lanka is currently showing is the cause of what is assigned to infected cells.

Invested belief in an ‘answer’ can persist against all reason, by interpreting all results through the conviction the problem is more complex and so the ‘answer’ has to extended, mutated or added to with dark fudge to protect the invested identity in its model. Its as if all our psychic conflicts are poured into a panacea that seemed to work but became the new arena for all the unhealed relational of conflicted identity trauma. I see this process of externalised projection as the driver of a world of lies, debt and conflicts that can only be truly resolved when truly addressed. This means releasing what is NOT ours as well as owning and healing or reintegrating what is ours.

Lies invoked to cover up unowned mistakes become active in attacking true awareness, to protect a mask that only demands more sacrifice. A negatively self reinforcing loop*.

The nanoparticle interface to Biotech hack and control is part of its latest iteration.

In order for fear to hack the mind it has to first be induced to disconnect from its Source-Nature for what seems to be extended powers, greater freedoms, protections or novel excitements. The ‘KGB leaker’ video on Normalisation fits the facts.

* Circular reasoning is apt to indicate its futility and vanity - but a a vicious spiral might be more apt for the resulting experience!

My writing is dense-packed - but there's no call to struggle - but a freedom to alight in what resonates to our own recognition - and so thank you.

In computing - its processing can be crashed by conflicting code, hung in self-repeating looping, or by being set in insoluble problems. I don't equate our whole mind with computing or logical processing - but we have made such technology as an extension of our logical thinking.

The covidian climax to an old world order is the attempt to become code to run in or entrance ourself to a computer modelling system. This is where we become so identified in our tool as to think and see only as it tools us!

While Hamer sees the expression of psychic shock through the biological adaption, I have a sense of a greater species shock that serves both a segregative conflict of dissociation to control, and a reintegrative healing to Communication restored. 

Virology reveals a picture of an 'ego' hack and hijack of fear

Arby (in relation to discovering viruses and their components)

You can’t sequence nothing.

 Take a scrabble set and sequence its contents.

What you discover?

Is what you are looking for.

Heidegger discovered 'kzomil'.

(He made it up to make a point regarding the prevalent emptiness and evanescence of the word 'being').

A failed virology resets itself or makes up the basis for its seeming to be, by substituting mathematical modelling - (computer assisted models of predictive outcomes relative to the input definitions and parameters) - for empirical verification and relational honesty.

That virology has failed to validate its basis empirically since it began should not surprise when its remit is the false flagging of fear (of pain and loss) to 'scientific' authority of explanation, intervention and control - as conflict management set under authoritative dictate, but masked as Enlightened Progress against evils. The process of self reinforcing loops of interpretive ingenuity, extend the model to protect the model against question - because its foundations are in error and from the invested identity are deemed too big to fail. So we are all told to degrade and contract to something that a bio-tech leveraging believes it CAN control - free from empirical or relational accountability, as a monopoly 'science' (sic).

The indeterminate matters that are sequenced are all short fragments - thousands or millions of them. We can only 'realign' them with software to reverse engineer variations of a posited Humpty, without which all the king’s horses and all the king’s men would be released from service!

Once you learn to 'see' an invested masking narrative dictate, you will no longer be able to recognise or accept what is beneath the masking.

Do you WANT this?

For in simple terms - and no matter how they bark - it is your Choice to accept truth or self-illusion set in fear of truth - when fear is reacted to AS true.

Virology offers a picture of the 'ego' of hack and hijack of Self - within the idea of being set in and subject to the body, as a result of what the mind elects to use the body for. (lockdown, distance and mask - or as a vehicle of communication embracing all levels of sensing - as a whole).

That we project our deepest fear onto the 'unknown' is a dead giveaway of the active capture of a fearful imagination. Where is the media coverage of a 'novel virus' that restores health, inspiration and sanity as the intuition and awareness of shared being!

It's everywhere as the lie by which to recognise and release what we are not.

PCR sequencing uses primers (short strings) to seek a match. If you start with a real world example - as say a whole and definitively characterised example of an specific entity - then you can use sequences that are unique to that identity to see if there is meat in your burger from species that you might not want to eat. But without real world empirical standards, you have a circular reference of arbitrarily set 'definitions' set in the template from which all else proceeds.

This is not specific to virology - but to a bought or captured 'science', tooled to only operate in the lines of its own institutional reinforcement.

We are sacrificing the Living for the Model of structural identity set over Relational Communication or 'being' - not least by the attempt to save such identity as if it IS our being.

The practical of this is simply to open the awareness from which to question by uncovering an honest question. Most of what we take as questions are identity reinforcements masking in the form of a question.

Innocent perception does not pre-empt what shall reveal itself to the willingness and desire to see, know or appreciate and be the experience of.

Spiked by Voodoo

Dylan Jones

This existing/non-existing Shrodinger’s cat , conflated with other viruses and modes of death, is being used as symbol by the witchdoctors, to represent all manifestations of the plague. Even if it was bioengineered, which I believe it was, it was done to exemplify the germ that humanity most fears. They have even distilled its essence, the spike protein and found a way to compel our bodies to create it on mass, simultaneously compelling our societies to create their greatest fears on mass, all the time eroding our biological and informational immune systems.

 But its all voodoo, or the repackaging and redistribution of fear, guilt and penalty - as sacrifice. The 'engineering' of toxic interventions to natural or lawful function is not a true act of creation, so much as an expression of denial, masked as virtue.

That the protein is called 'spike' is a point from which to run the mind.

Chemical compounds interact. Biology is the study of the interaction of chemistry as self-organising and self-balancing homeostasis relative to the living energy system we call organism that is an expression of and within its total environment, which has subtler energetic support guidance and communication matrix, than our biological modelling allows, not least because the loss of Symbiotic Relation within the Field sets the mind in territorial conflicts, by which all functions are subordinated to serve. Thus Biology is weaponised and marketised for the war of private agenda set at expense of Host or Wholeness of being and subverts our attempt to understand and appreciate Reality, to a leveraging that we are 'tooled' to think is how Life Works, and suffer and die in, when it is how we are collectively thinking, or rather accepting thoughts that are leveraging conflict agenda as narrative truths or currency of substitution for communication and exchange.

immune (adj.)

mid-15c., "free, exempt" (from taxes, tithes, sin, etc.), from Latin immunis "exempt from public service, untaxed; unburdened, not tributary," literally "not paying a share," from assimilated form of in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + munis "performing services" 

The ideal of ego autonomy is immunity from relational responsibility - specifically in regard to obligations of honesty, debts or sins. A war-mind operates a lockdown-thinking by which to limit loss, by externalising or distancing its effects to others, by masking it as a power of protection and 'selling it' to others.

Masking AS the priest or expert of greater or hidden knowledge presents as if closer to God or to Truth, so as to become assigned as 'authority'. The ideal of ego autonomy is to usurp our Authoring so as to run our own reality and get what we want in terms we set, as the ego-centric assertion of a private or 'control-mind'.

Overriding our Nature is really blocking our awareness of function and living our result as our use of freedom to choose to deny (awareness) under conflicts set by learned fear or conditioning.

The Nature of Life is such that what does not serve innate function, cuts off its own source of support and is released from service. When we experience loss of connection and support, we identify in competing or predatory mode of GETTING from 'others' as a substitution for Life. The process is parasitic or depleting of Life for the sake of self-illusion or substitute connection in shared symbolic substitution - given power by fears mis-taken as truth.

To realign in functional being is an un-emotive way of affirming wholeness, connection, relational appreciation and honesty of being. It is also workability in terms of all that is her - in any situation, rather than for a split off sense of separate, threatened and competing agenda. Finding the balance point of self and others is not difficult where there is honesty of relational communication. But under the dictate of fear set as self-immunity in lockdown, distance and masking, there is no awareness of self and others as living beings - but only as the masking narrative systemically dictates in terms of a shifting model of 'systemic' immunity from threat, conflict, change and loss.

Possession BY our own thinking is a mind trapped in its own thoughts.

One can rage or scream in vain - or smile at the absurdity of such a confusion taken seriously. But freedom to look at the thinking means releasing the grip on the belief it is our protection, immunity or self-advantage over 'others' seen as threat.

The mind of a true immunity from fear and conflict is not concretised in the nature or cause of conflicted fear, but receiving and giving in connected presence. At this time, for many I am suggesting a miracle of love's connection replace the system of laws and rules and filters by which we have learned to make a 'normal' of masked over lack and fear, set in guilt and conflict. Any such moment or instant has a quality to change our day, our outlook and demeanour, such that one step leads to another in the releasing of an insanity. Meeting the evils of the day thereof in living terms is a process of owning what is truly ours and releasing what does not belong, which is also coming back into a Right mind, instead of getting in our own way from attempts to control Life from an alienated and alienating sense of judgement.

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Experimental refutation of a Virological Tenet

Commenting into to the German full video page comments at:

An English subtitled highlight is at

There is a dubbed version of this highlight somewhere that I have seen.

The control tests, which Dr. Stefan Lanka commissioned in a laboratory, confirm that the claimed cytopatic effect, which is regarded by all virologists as evidence for SARS-CoV-2, is refuted.

The laboratory confirmed that this effect is not VIRUS-SPECIFIC and therefore cannot and must not be claimed as evidence of a disease-causing virus.

The central effect, the death of tissue cells in the test tube, is achieved in the same way without any infected material."


Thank you for these wonderful talks and all the educational work including experiments ect. I am touched again and again in my heart as it only happens through the truth. I would also like to hear from the confidence of Dr. Let Stefan Lankas infected that we are about to "burst the balloon *, but my previous experience of honor is unfortunately somewhat different. It is true that there are always people who really want to understand and then" personal responsibility and health ", ( For me it is related), choose. However, this is mostly a minority. For many people illness fulfills a purpose, namely to satisfy an inner emptiness and the need for attention

In the work A Course in Miracles is the statement, 'Sickness is a defence against the truth'.

This aligns with your comment but offers illumination beneath the 'persona' level of judged appearances.

That the mind can 'hijack' and replicate a false sense of self is not to say it has done so, but that the belief it has done so operates as if an alien or usurping will.

Thanks for your comment.


Hello Stefan to us! Thanks for this wonderful video! The sun is shining even brighter now! Still a question about the "vaccinations". Contact with vaccinated persons may in any way pose problems for the unvaccinated. Eg are the nano-particles or other substances transferred via excretions (sweat, breath, faeces, semen)?

Yes, we (many of us) are looking here. The ego of a manipulative intent will always lead us to discover deeper connection. The principles of nanoparticulates include the electrical conditions for their forms of expression.

The idea that fear has concretised to something out there that is attacking us is an archetype of fear itself. The  ability of Life to hold and extend wholeness is innate as distinct from our learned or conditioned sense of self and life. Responsibility for thought and belief is being Called Home. For the invested illusion, its fears and denials are 'coming home' as in barbarians at the gate, or opening the Gates of hell.

GNM or Universal Biology has perspective. Toxic conflict, like toxic debt, is only masked over unless truly released. The Terrain is to be adapted to, but if we take only our model of the terrain, we are not Feeling into Life. If genetic shedding hits you in the place where viral fear hit the pathologically captured, the same pattern operates in different guise, because the fear of weaponised life is still running in our mind and stored in our body. The program triggers, but do we want to reset another cycle of denial, distance, lockdown and masking?

Is the ultimate Substance Spirit? or the alignment of Mattering within the experience of polarities set in charge relational expression?

That many may reactively choose to express the idea of bioweapon-guilt does not mean a Higher Court will not throw out the premise on which it operates. But we all have a learned capacity to weaponise language or mask in the appearances of love and life in order to get something (or get away from something that we believe we lack or believe we must get rid of).


If there are no viruses, how do AIDS, Ebola or SARS spread? AIDS, for example, is transmitted through blood transmission or unprotected sex. So what is it that is in semen and blood that transmits this disease from one person to another?

First, look at your presumptions and check that the belief that this is so is proven fact, rather than heavily invested narrative belief.

The information you seek is not hard to find, but refining our question can release us from looking where a false or partial set of beliefs misdirect us. Willingness to ask real questions is the critical part.

On 'Getting' Colds and Lab Rat Thinking

in response to the themes in:

There certainly is an invested belief in a virus, such that to not support the belief is to be seen as mad by those who have adapted to defences and protections against it as their new normal.

Better to say there is disease with respiratory complications that is actually a disruption of blood function. But disease does not necessarily mean ‘virus’, or ‘contagious’.

Fear of threat CAN spread as contagion.

Toxic exposures or nutritive deficiencies (or both) can manifest as what fear than assigns to invisible malign agency – OR to a Divine Retribution for sins – or both.

Pellagra and scurvy are two of the latter and the diseases of malnutrition are often assigned to infectious disease but are not. Toxic exposure induces diseases. Infectious viruses or bacteria offer a get out of jail free card to polluters, along with a basis to ‘save’ the toxified with toxic ‘medical’ interventions – by which to beat the virus & etc.

The virus remains a theoretical model that has been accepted without rigorous proofs and persists without even needing them! They don’t even try to find actual viruses in sick people. They can test for the biomarkers that are part of the definition that they made up as an always adjustable or mutating model.

Its pointless to assert something is not real without a clear understanding. Mere opinions invested and defended are ‘identity’ polarisation.


I don’t think it is a quantum leap to say that people get colds: that colds are caused by ‘something’. And is it not possible that whatever constitutes a cold could be manipulated in a laboratory to be used as a bioweapon? If the ‘something’ has been manipulated by adding ‘gain-of-function’ to spread the ‘something’ far and wide, so people feel as if they have a ‘cold’ (even if they don’t really have one) and this is reinforced with phony tests and media scare mongering, one has a plandemic.

On 'getting' colds. Where do you get it from? And what is IT?

You are flagging its cause 'out there' as a 'something' that a lab can manipulate, and are aligning to your imagination because you made it by believing it. You CAN continue your thought experiment by challenging its premise or seeking alternate ways to account for the same observed experience. 

For thinking must be engaged with as a relationship, rather than running off a template of 'accepted or presumed currency of thought. If to embody YOUR own voice and choice.

That such thinking can manipulate and be manipulated, is the realm of invested narrative identity, as the perceptions that express and support the narrative definitions. You can believe as you will, while it serves the purpose you are aligned in. There is the key, for if you are aligned in a narrative of attack and defence, you will to 'see' only in such terms.

You may be aware that the lab rat is the new Model for a human existence, along with the virtual nightmare with no escape. Both these are the expressions and results of a way of thinking that is utterly alien to love. What did you expect? To create life in your own image? To control reality?

So while I could offer alternate ways of seeing and thinking, I would much rather invite you to look at your own thinking and ask 'where did you get it', and why did you host it or accept and replicate it as your own? In the Bible it was put in these words; 'And WHO told you you were naked?'.

The biological and physical tangible is overlaid by selectively filtered structural dictate, as what is fundamentally an attempt to separate or distance from the body (as vector of attack) while the body itself is used as a symbol of separation from Life or Existence - such as to possess and control  a private bubble with a public face.

Body is a rebalancing, renewing and regeneration functional adaptation. Much of what we call sickness is the body's self-healing. The psychic hijacker is itself a shock driven reaction of alienated dissociation, and not your true presence, and so the cause of sickness is not in the false flag of symptoms seeking a story, but our fundamental alignment or misalignment of self and mind with heart and body as unified purpose or spirit.

That said, let a cold be a cold, - that is let a functional and grounded or felt sense of practical Body as connection to Life, bring us present, for the mind can spin off into every kind of contortion when allowed to run off with a false or conflicted inheritance.

The BELIEF you are accepting as 'reasonable' is the vector of the 'lab' attack of weaponised thought and language. By that can bioweapons (toxic interventions) be framed as protections and defences.

Most of the psyop runs because we already believe its premise.

The seeding or feeding of false narratives prepares the soil - as in (KGB) 'normalisation', such that when the levers are pulled, no one looks at what the target has already long done unto themselves.

The levering of psycho-pathogenic fear is a revealing of being had, but to any invested fear-in-hiding will effect a doubling down in the underlying deceits as a 'gift that keeps on giving' to the frame of the manipulators - who may be a confusion of aligned self-interests running AS IF unity FOR the 'food source' or against the disclosure in deceit, loss of face, credibility, control and life as they 'know' it. Which is to say survival instinct set in manipulative intent.

Of course there are labs, thinks tanks, and every kind of attempt to manipulate the mind, perceptions and people, when driven by fear's dictate as necessary and masked as morally sanctified.

Having looked at 'germ theory', I find the Wizard of Oz, that is - the presentation of knowledge and abilities that are without substance, though they can and do redistribute attention and energy within a closed system in which 'means to escape' effect ongoing capture-compliance unknowing.

Any closed system thinking should be held knowingly as a 'model'. Life is Open - unless of course you say so. This capacity to misalign and rebalance is part of your freedom to know your being - rather than to be caused by external or alien means and subjected thereby to fear, pain and loss (of love as wholeness in extension).

I realise I dive off the deep end to what seems a simple set of thoughts. But that simple set of thoughts represents the unconscious identification in a residual wish to get rid of judged, rejected or hated self. The fear we mask over to deny is always seeking to get back in. This pattern can also be seen in  pathogen theory. Unless we own our fear, we must sacrifice Life to Mask of Protection that usurps our life and thinking - to run a bot-net or group-think of securitised narrative dictates - lest all hell break in (rises up within).

The Disclosure of what lies beneath has psychotic liabilities when fear feeds upon itself unchecked. I am not seeking to destroy or deny the freedom to mask, but to invite a relationship in which to re-evaluate the cause of fear.

Fear externalises its own cause to then attack and deny it.

What if the original identification that set fear as 'real', was taken in error?

You get an inflammation that can cascade to storm that exhausts your defences and delivers you from that which inspires, to an expiry date.

Beliefs run deeper than we think. It is not enough to think we do or don't believe - we will act from and perceive result as the actual measure of our active beliefs.