I wrote this in Mike Donio's substack on The State of Science is dire
I found Edward Calabrese's documentation of the usurping philanthropic leverage of genetics-with particular regard to the establishing of LNT risk modelling and its role in setting Media hype that enabled regulatory capture to be protected against all subsequent evidences, to be an excellent overview of the ways in which science can err, or fall prey to bias, become protected against correction by insider hierarchy or peer pressure, as well being funded and 'guided' by philanthopathy seeking better controls against its own evaluation of risk - not those pertaining to living human beings or environments. While at first the subject may seem obscure, I see a backstory for the regulatory capture of our institutions and minds in a bent science promoting bio-insecurity, susceptibility and inherent weakness or defencelessness in a hostile pathological world.
So while at first this may not seem so - recognise the patterns and bear in mind Calabrese is painstaking to the whole story that in terms of story becomes more 'juicy' or dramatic and challenging in its findings and implications in the latter few interview segments (that I note are not shown or mentioned on the youtube channel).
The link is
And unless you actually like to corporate into and outro - it can be easily skipped.
Part of my interest in pointing this out is to encourage and expand pattern recognition rather than identifying in opinions or beliefs - be they 'right or wrong'. So that knowledge is part of a re-integrative process of consciousness rather than a 'better model' for predictive control. For when we recognise truth or resonance we are part of that - as opposed to seeking boosters for a sense of self-specialness - however well masked.
Switching completely I also mention a broad and wide 'fringe' of emerging paradigm in 'Electric Universe' as a source of thought, science.
The role of ionised or plasma interactions at all scales and involving all mediums is a connected appreciation of a Universe in which the physics support the bio-field that includes our psychic or felt awareness - the still point.
A sense of lack driven adaptation has driven science as invested technologism for marketised and weaponised gains - framed in the struggle for power or dominance that consolidates to our current paralysis or death spiral. However the ascendant spiral is only waiting on our energy and attention to uncover an already moving process of re-evaluation, re-alignment and reintegration.
Uncovering a true foundation by living from, instead of All the king’s horses and all the king’s men seeking to attain or get to. the 'new wine' doesn't work in the old paradigm, we need abide in the qualities of life as they find expression rather than rushing out to sell what we haven't truly received. the mind is like that - very quick to interject as if speaking for the whole or the true of you.
I have worked in the life insurance industry most of my career and have done a lot of field underwriting. SSRIs are prescribed like candy. No follow ups. No talk therapy. It is rather alarming. But a lot of people look for shortcuts because they don’t want to do the hard work. This applies to both medical professionals and patients, IMHO.