Saturday, 1 April 2023

The Fall of Scientism and the Ascendent Science of Life

 I wrote this in Mike Donio's substack on The State of Science is dire


I found Edward Calabrese's documentation of the usurping philanthropic leverage of genetics-with particular regard to the establishing of LNT risk modelling and its role in setting Media hype that enabled regulatory capture to be protected against all subsequent evidences, to be an excellent overview of the ways in which science can err, or fall prey to bias, become protected against correction by insider hierarchy or peer pressure, as well being funded and 'guided' by philanthopathy seeking better controls against its own evaluation of risk - not those pertaining to living human beings or environments. While at first the subject may seem obscure, I see a backstory for the regulatory capture of our institutions and minds in a bent science promoting bio-insecurity, susceptibility and inherent weakness or defencelessness in a hostile pathological world.
So while at first this may not seem so - recognise the patterns and bear in mind Calabrese is painstaking to the whole story that in terms of story becomes more 'juicy' or dramatic and challenging in its findings and implications in the latter few interview segments (that I note are not shown or mentioned on the youtube channel).
The link is
And unless you actually like to corporate into and outro - it can be easily skipped.

Part of my interest in pointing this out is to encourage and expand pattern recognition rather than identifying in opinions or beliefs - be they 'right or wrong'. So that knowledge is part of a re-integrative process of consciousness rather than a 'better model' for predictive control. For when we recognise truth or resonance we are part of that - as opposed to seeking boosters for a sense of self-specialness - however well masked.

Switching completely I also mention a broad and wide 'fringe' of emerging paradigm in 'Electric Universe' as a source of thought, science.
The role of ionised or plasma interactions at all scales and involving all mediums is a connected appreciation of a Universe in which the physics support the bio-field that includes our psychic or felt awareness - the still point.

A sense of lack driven adaptation has driven science as invested technologism for marketised and weaponised gains - framed in the struggle for power or dominance that consolidates to our current paralysis or death spiral. However the ascendant spiral is only waiting on our energy and attention to uncover an already moving process of re-evaluation, re-alignment and reintegration.

Uncovering a true foundation by living from, instead of All the king’s horses and all the king’s men seeking to attain or get to. the 'new wine' doesn't work in the old paradigm, we need abide in the qualities of life as they find expression rather than rushing out to sell what we haven't truly received. the mind is like that - very quick to interject as if speaking for the whole or the true of you.

Thursday, 30 March 2023

The Forgotten INSide of Medicine

The Forgotten Side of Medicine

I have worked in the life insurance industry most of my career and have done a lot of field underwriting. SSRIs are prescribed like candy. No follow ups. No talk therapy. It is rather alarming. But a lot of people look for shortcuts because they don’t want to do the hard work. This applies to both medical professionals and patients, IMHO.

You've hit the nail on the head, and that is a large part of why I am trying to make people aware of this.


The proclivity to seek 'external' solutions for inner relational conflicts drives both the 'victims' and the 'quack' of the wish to gain status and captive revenue stream as the provider of solutions - protected and directed by regulatory capture and control.
The latter has become so disproportionate as to have become global regulatory capture of a broad spectrum dominance, over a captive population of groomed dependency.
The principle means of this in the usurping of medical service has been philanthropathy - not merely the more well known Rockefeller takeover of primary institutions to allopathic pharma based control systems, but the insider protection of dogma that the system runs on, namely the western bio-medical model, with regard to its almost exclusive focus on external causations for a classifiction of diseases assigned to its own bestiary of definitions, tests or biomarkers, interventions or treatment protocols, and further definition or framing of results as the development of disease, rather than disease of treatment.
Germ theory is recognisable dogma in that it runs as a protected or securitised narrative - along with it primary corollory; vaccinations.
Likewise cell theory - see Harold Hillman and Gilbert Ling.
Genetics is the tech that rules them all and in the darkness binds them, as it is the claim, and enforcement of a physical determinism wielded by elitist philanthropaths, as the capture of the defining of the underpinnings of life in such a way as to create and control predictive risk modelling set into media hype to drive the popular support or even demand for the 'treatments' and 'solutions' that the modelling and definitions are patently intended to deliver.
The mass mind is weaned from a family & community based self-sufficiency, to a corporately managed and groomed dependency on externally provided substitutions for life, for relational endeavour and growth of consciousness, so as to instead grow or adapt the unconsciousness of ever deeper abnegation of their living will, to a blind control system running a masked identity under promise to make you safe.

When inner conflicts are denied, evaded and masked over by investing in a panacea, the psychic elements of the issue have not gone away, but will manifest through the new arena without recognition, so as to set a pattern of masking defences and evasions that ripen to crisis of a fundamental decision; release the underlying beliefs that set the pattern of a self-evasion and open self-responsibility at the level of self-integrity that is within reach, or release the will to live as acquiescence to death in life and death instead of life.

When pain physical, mental and emotional is overwhelming, the ability to regain a grounded sense of one's being is blocked, so there is a time and place for suppression of symptoms within an active desire to heal. But healing has no (official) place in the western monopoly model. The ego (problem) is to be protected even unto sickness and death by treatment set in risk-models based on bent science. On false or partial definitions given exclusive priority, as the technologism of biology to a system it is now being fitted, conformed, sacrificed.
The hard work is hard because it is a real relationship that will meet the resistance of dogmatically invested identity in doctor and in patient.
Healing arises -as can be accepted - in the context of a real relationship.
Western biology suffers with science generally from overreaction against 'vitalism', psychism, religious and mythic cultural adaptations and spiritual integrity.
The blocked, denied and often demonised realm of our inner conscious experience and responsibility meets the 'devil' of a subjection to experience of powerlessness to chemical, & biotech controls set by 'caring' malice.

BUT - we are free to choose our own path and live our choices for our own reasons as our own experience. Even if such is choosing not to question societal defaults that lead into sickness and suffering. But while we can think, we have choice as to what we accept into our mind by acting from it. Even if a new habit takes persistence over time to release the old.

in response to the themes in:

What drives the Psyoperative Society?

 The conscious mind is the mother of all deceits - not least of which is to be-live you are victim to forces outside your control. That you are but an organism in a hostile environment. That you are what you think you are in a world that limits and denies at the same time as it beckons or promises.
Love is set treacherous when we want conflicted things according to conflicted beliefs given imaginative extension and emotional and physical reinforcement.
But this is not love. This is what we made of love as a result of seeking or grasping a special love, from a self set in image taken in vain - not because God is mocked - but because image and form cannot receive or return the love we give it or them, and so a futile search for a wholeness in pieces in place of our natural function of extending our presence of wholeness - of self-integrity.

What drives the self set for getting?
A victory or fulfilment of self-vindication runs the carrot.
While fear of self-disclosure to a lack of true validity runs the stick.
Together they wind up the toy of a self-specialness given power.
Together they wind the rack of suffering illegitimate impositions of adversary or oppression.

the Prodigal ran of with a mistaken inheritance - a Genie-lord in place of a true Genesis in Light that sees and knows itself verily Good or God of resonant coherence - without a second. Timeless within all that Is.
Bottoming out is the conditions in which we re-evaluate our beliefs as to our true nature for our experience of reality becomes intolerable - as was the prospect of looking at deeply defended, internalised beliefs set in life before we could self differentiate an articulate consciousness.

There are as many resets as people, but the idea of release of self-illusion is that or renewal in Spirit, not reset to New Game! the Game of polarised split and reactive identity is rooted in a god of vengeance given power as the righteous stamp over projected evils, that then covertly operate within the new era as the hidden pole of denial that frames the thought and subverts the hopes and dreams of becoming or fulfilments set in rules and filters of a life set over and against 'other'.

Perfect love casts out fear - in the sense of establishing conditions in which fear cannot be - and never has been. The idea that we should attain or achieve this is a deceit by which we are set in vain or futile failure. For love is our true Inherence - our truth and nature accepted by extension. As not more or less than our life as it is and as it embraces all that we are - far beyond the limits set for getting.

Control cannot substitute for love, but we can die trying, and we can die trying, and so on.
"New Game!"
Releasing control opens to fears, hates, rages, guilts, shames, powerlessness, despairs of self negation. All of these are rooted in beliefs and self-definitions that flock together like birds of a feather - for they are all masking self-evasions, or untruths chosen to limit feared truth.
Fear in whole truth is truly impossible, but what we make of truth by lie given power for survival in our terms is terrifying, and so we mask within whatever fragments can be salvaged from lost love to bolster a sense of normalised existence in the 'solidity' of what All the king’s horses and all the king’s men can put together again. And so we learn to 'see' and participate in a sense of thought or creation separate from its beholding. But as A Course in Miracles states as fundamental truth; "Thoughts do not leave the mind of the thinker" - to the ego of attempt to get rid of the hated and feared, this is not welcome or able to be heard. But to the desire to heal is the recognition we never truly left our Source - and so are in and of the Mind of Creation that is in no wise separate from the one love knows you now. Always now.
In this world love is believed sacrifice, because this world is the sacrifice of love for a specialness set apart. So perfect love is seen as total sacrifice. "But what about me?"
So fear of love invokes terror symbols by which to hedge against a re-cognition that restores a 'sleeping kingdom' to love and life that had been lost to a spiked hype-demic.
What is a true Principality but alignment with Sovereign Integral?
Watch out for Genies of a wish to be as you are not - for the image and form CAN be distorted to serve an un-whole-y purpose, and when the wind changes, your face will be set by what you thought to get, that now begets you in its image.
Love drives everything. But if I make a lens of conflicted fear and persist in it, a conflicted love will drive a phished identity. Within lies given power, love is but manipulative deceit. This is what we thought we made without love, but nothing we make is entirely without love and so what we release to love is redeemed to its original true nature as our true inheritance - shared in.
Just because we are made an offer in the Big Screen Projection of our world, does not mean we have to accept it. The work here is in demonstrating for ourselves that we want alignment to truth that heals, as we release the wish and support for lies made 'real'.
Renewal comes from the seed of our true harvest. The roots of life are timeless, and therefore now. Joy unlocks our natural genius to be the unfolding of who we are - as the moment at hand.

in response to

What Drives the Great Reset? A Conversation…