in response to the themes in:
The result of a split mind set in lack-driven needs is the masking overlay of a 'surface' mind set in unconsciousness of wholeness, or as a self-consciousness.
So we 'left' the knowing field of Soul awareness to gain a world 'cast out' of unconscious or masked and distanced conflicts driven to seek meaning, completeness or resolution in externalised terms. Initially symbollic as other, or not me, and increasing stabilising to the perception of a world held in common as an objective framework through which and in which to live under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men - that is imposed order on feared or perceived chaos. The loss of the Golden Age or Old Normal, was catastrophic both psychic & physically - for they are two facets of one that lies hidden to their split.
The first duty of the first Pharaoh was to restore or regain the Golden Age. Antiquity had no concept of progress. Regardless the technological artifice of megalithic works. All was brought forth from within.
The collective focus into the physical as a mask and boundary of possession, became that of being possessed or conditioned to identify in and with. The concept of a closed system is of physical limits and boundaries. Possession and control became the basis for fear of dispossession and loss of control. Thus the original sense of 'solution' to inner conflict, becomes the arena for the expression of the unhealed conflict. Collectivised guilt and conflict drives the illusion of progress in a game of compound debts set in narratives of psychic redistributions such as to limit and sacrifice to the maintaining of the mindset or system of 'control' against Disclosure to irrevocable guilts or conflicts set in terror that go back to the roots of the Separation experience or 'Fall'.
Our capacity to 'attack or betray' love is set in bodies by which 'separate' minds are 'saved' from what we have made of love, to hide the fragment that remains, and cast out the denial as if to get rid of it. A broken love set in a world stamped by a past made in fear of pain of loss.
That we invoke ingenuity to make home is that our homing signal is filtered and ruled by a 'mindset' of private and socially masking controls. Or through a glass darkly. Yet there IS no substitute for love, no matter what order of lockstepping is contracted under oaths set by terror to join in as a means to excommunicate fear of love, experienced as violation and attack on our collectivised self illusions.
All that we have made or co-created is real to us by the giving of belief to it as our 'answer' in promise of protection or gain, that only ratchets up a loss of awareness of freedom as responsibility within felt living, to conditional 'freedoms' of permission to move IF, WHEN or only as internalised defences allow.
All attempts to escape our entanglement within our own thinking (given power by reactions set in guilted or masked fear) further ratchet fragmentation in temporary and partial 'relief' or mitigation of disturbance that such thinking is invoked to 'make you safe' from.
To arrive at our starting place and know it for the first time, is a recognition of the power and nature of Creation. As you give, so shall you receive. As we accept to give and live from, so shall we meet. No matter what 'adjustment lenses' are invoked to assert or suffer 'my story'.
The insistence of asserting a 'knowing' set in a past that is not here now, is an active ignorance. From which we may persist reliving our fragment of the past over the relational field of knowing being that we could never leave, defile, break, wound, betray of merit rejection - but in image and concept taken in vain, or a mis-taken inheritance run off with as a means for getting from a father/motherless sense of lack. Where the very nature of life is for giving and receiving one meaning in infinitely rich and always new movement within one without a second. Timelessness is not when time ends, but when our use of time for diversion, obfuscation and delay is released to the revealing of the timeless through a 're-purposed' self, world and abilities or talents. True Inherence is radiance of fullness that gives of itself. The virtues or qualities of life are unselfconscious joy. Our attempts to get these for our 'self' possession and control are our own act of dispossession. and pointers to learn how to not get in our own way. But to trust and align in a way to embraces us as relationally whole. To undo the past in the presence that expands future potential from connected or felt being. This is not what our minds are trained to accept, see or allow. Nor can it be brought into such a mind/world but is misperceived and subverted to mask in as 'solutions' that protect the problem as managed conflict.
For without the 'conflict' the ego of denial and attack, masking in justified defence, has no role or function. It will then seek any and every way to restore its 'normal' so as to recharge the machine of getting for scarcity, pain and death made sacred by sacrifice. Tis a false god that promises to 'deliver' but locks the premises once false profits are followed to indebted slavery masking as permission to live-on the back of othered sacrifice we think to boost our lot against...
The God Idea holds Word or Idea as Creative in the Mind of One without a second.
For ideas do not leave the mind that holds them, and we do not create awareness of existing, but receive as freedom to extend the gift. Go forth and multiply is the nature of Idea as projection or extension of Mind without edge or limit, but that we hold through the giving and receiving of qualities given form of expression.
The use of projection to 'get rid of' a hate or horror, splits a mind to levels and compartments. To know not what it does. Unconsciousness as an 'answer' to fear of pain of loss. Abnegation of will, to a sense of life as conflict-overwhelm. Dispiriting retreat to an externalised 'responsibility' of systemic subjection under defences against uncovering you to yourself.
If you would rather be right than happy, then judgemental lockdown will see even the little that it hath, taken away, but assert 'happiness' in triumph of being proved right over life judged, denied and cast in sacrifice to dead thinking given priority.
If opening to that we may be mistaken, is the spark of a willingness to question the reality or the beliefs that are setting our perception and range of response to our life.
To not insist on knowing allows a knowing field to guide, inform and transform our mind.
As this becomes a pathway of conscious choice we grow a new place from which to be, rather than 'new solutions' that mask as loving while concealing the fear of hate that is held to hurt and be hurt, that we hold onto as both survival and masked agenda of manipulation.
Progress is moving forward or unfolding of fruits to held purpose.
But a god of progress is set in the hatred of life now. As is, as we are. You could call it judgement, but its lovelessness is blind to truth - except it can leverage or use to boost its sale pitch.
The mind can wander in its own drift, to become its own mis-taken adversary or oppositional conflict. We learn by living our results to release what no longer serves who we are and accept to be now. This is not a linear progression for getting or getting rid of as an externalised pet project.
But of course our experience can and does serve a greater purpose that what we think alone, because there is no thinking alone and apart, no matter how many deny communication as contagion to be stamped out.
in response to the themes in this comment on 'science':
The mythic history of institutional science is well hidden, in the way that the mind ingeniously hides in backstory as predicate that frames its results to self-reinforce.
The myth of rational control - set over and apart form the life it predictively defines, is a house of cards that has to seek cover story by which to evade disclosure to false foundations or lack of substance in what are taken as such.
Technologism splits to 'what works' and leaves scientism to peddle the myth or story by which to feed and control its captive revenue stream.
Research is expert in finding a need for further research.
The giants (Newton was very active in self-seeking that readily denied his sources as well as stealing credit from rivals). Politics was and is the context in which human beings think, live and work - in its broader sense of recognition, support, funding, status or rank, possession and control.
A scientist to be honest must do his utmost to prove his conjecture or theory wrong.
As in Pollack's Forth Phase of Water (an excellent book for both content and the exposition of the process of its discoveries and implications).
So where is the control experiment to prove the 'cytopathic' effect is in fact an 'infection' by a 'virus' and not the result of starving (withholding foetal bovine serum) and poisoning (adding antibiotics to) an in virto 'cell culture' - WITHOUT the adding of the indeterminate soup assumed to contain 'viruses'.
"Experts Say" is become the mainstream sales pitch of the $cience™.
But within institutional science is the politics of power. Enders did not claim to have proved measles virus. His finding left many questions open. But after receiving a Nobel for unrelated work, his word took on a different status, and self-interest aligned to 'opportunism' given authority. This pattern is normal as the tension between institutional authority or establishment, and the freedom to question, explore and call anomaly out.
The messengers of truth's revealing are denied or killed by the 'tenant landlords' who take their own authority by possessing the means to enforce it.
The anti-psychic predicate of what science as technologism is thus 'whatever works' to serve identity complex founded on such a predicate.
It was not wrong to undo a split sense of vitalism from mechanism, but it is wrong to assume mechanism 'dead' matter in motion, as a result of dead thinking.
There IS no actual capacity to separate from the life you would study, but there is our capacity to create models of some facets to run as a short cut to trial and error, but then as a short-circuit to direct inspiration (which remains a vital part of the scientific 'discovery'). A autistic mindset cannot or will not feel its way. Selfism, in the sense of assuming or wishing autonomy, works a denial or downplaying of the field of relation to seem to predict and control our own image or model of reality - and migrate there!
What you give worth-ship to, you share and strengthen by sharing. This is cultural value, and can be assigned to false with-ness or mistaken or misguided perception-responses.
The accumulated 'body of knowledge' is as full of fraud and fallacy as the Banking system is full of toxic debt. But its collapse is its lack of true foundation - IT CANNOT REALLY WORK! - but seeming to work can be stretched out at great cost of sacrifice of living to prop up the dead. Technologism resorts to 'applied psychology' of the breakdown of the human mind to remake it as a tool of the system.
I realise I might seem to be having a go at you. I see a lot of value in what you wrote - but framed in a way that runs everything backwards.
Glory is in the felt quality of Behold I make all things new!
But your novel pops up as a resource to plunder, to suck dry and set in a glorious body of knowledge? Huh?
Science as a 'body of knowledge' worshipped as authority becomes self-boosting against correction. Of course this is unworkable, hence the denial of awareness as the groupthink by which to no longer be accountable to an underclass of slave-minds who can do all the science they want in the narratively framed focus provided and funded.
Science as legitimate and honest enquiry is integral to our capacity to question and recognise answer in kind.
And WHO told you you were naked? (Assigned to the Lord), is the movement of awareness to the questioning of a masking reality, or what we might now call masking beliefs, assumptions of mutually reinforcing definitions.
We use tools or become tooled by them. This calls for conscious discernment and discrimination, or else an identity asleep in such assumptions supports the tooling of living beings to programmed outcomes of unconscious bias - set in inner conflicts that are socially masked out.